My Name Is NOT Broccoli!

Sorry for the 'mass' replies as of late, but it's just been busy, and I am trying to keep up. I like to reply individually, but occasionally, it's either mass reply or no reply at all, so forgive me if I skipped you yesterday. I did read them all, and I will send Jarvis the good wishes and thoughts from our DIS friends.

Me too but " Just keep swimming" is on now. Lately that is all I listen too. It helps keep me in a better mood :)

I listen to Disney music regularly, and it really does make life nicer. :thumbsup2

uh oh! :rotfl:

That's a nice idea to do for Jill. Is your spring break this month? Ours is the second to last week of April since Easter falls so late this year.

Yes, our spring break is next week, but we have to go to school Monday to make up a snow day. This is the first year Jill and I have cheated up a few weeks on our trip, or else we would have been booked for next week. If we had been booked, I would have been among the masses of teachers who will be out. I wouldn't have changed my plans. We won't have enough subs Monday, so we'll be doubling classes and just babysitting that day. It's pointless, but it will count for a day, so whatever.

Congrats to Jarvis! That is so wonderful. It brightens my day when I find out someone is being baptized. I am glad you get to spend quality time with your family this weekend.
Boy, Jill's week sounds like mine. Raising two small children and having a career is a challenge. Luckily, my parents kept the kids this weekend. I got to do what I wanted on a rainy weekend. It is amazing how you forget how to relax. I just felt there was something missing all weekend.:rotfl:
Great idea about spring break. She will get a much needed break and you can have quality time with the girls.
My prayers are with Jill's friend. A pulmonary embolism is a very scary thing. I am glad she is better.
I am leaving on Friday!!! I cannot believe it. We are so excited.

We are excited for you. Too bad your boys couldn't have been with us on the fun Small World boat.

Jill's friend is home. I haven't heard anything else, so hopefully that is good news.

Congratulations to Jarvis. Is his mother well enough to travel to see his baptism? How is she doing? If you are able to take pictures, please ask him if you can post one. I feel like he is part of the "family" and would love to be able to witness this blessed occasion.

I haven't heard anything on his mom. I texted him yesterday. I don't know if she could travel, though. I'll know more later this week.

He knew he was with people that are as crazy about Disney as his DW. He does not understand it, but thankfully he goes along with it.

Nice guy. :goodvibes

I bet Jill would love the quiet time, and I know you would love to have those beautiful grandchildren with you. It is funny, sometimes, the things I do when the kids go to granny's. Things like cleaning out a closet uninterrupted is heaven to me. Ellie isn't ready to venture off over night yet, but maybe in the next 6 months or so.

Whatever works best for Jill, I'll do. I could go down there and keep them, but she still wouldn't have her quiet time at night, so it would probably be better if Brook and/or Bella were here.

:yay: For lots of home repairs!!

Sorry about your student. It must be so hard dealing with that all year.:hug:

That is why I love the Disney trips so much. Getting to spend time with all my boys (DH included). I just love that family time & when we are home everyone is going different ways so it is so nice to have that time together. As they are getting older I know we will not get to have that much time very often.

This has not been an easy year. A few of my kids have significant issues. You would be very surprised at a reality show of my class.

I love it when I can have all my kids together, and to have them all together in Disney World is just the best!

I had a perfect class until Christmas break....
it was almost like the Stepford children.
Then I got a new one.
Let's just say I have a bit of a challenge in my day now.

Nothing like you are going through though.
I don't know how you do it.

Have fun with your kids next week and I think keeping the girls over your Spring Break sounds like a great idea for you and Jill!

I have two girls who were controllable until Christmas, but they came back from the break with a vengeance.

:hug: Believe me I know how wearing it can be! It tells me you are a very caring teacher to do all that you did for him.

I try, and I do care, but it is still rough on some days. I feel so sorry for some of these kids, especially the drug babies, who have little hope for a normal life from the very beginning.

I assume that Trent is coming up to support Jarvis, what a good friend. How nice that you get to see him again so soon.

It was so much easier to say goodbye on our trip knowing we would be seeing him again soon. It's the first time we didn't cry!

Congratulations to Jarvis!

Yayy for being able to get several things done on your house! :yay:

I am SO excited about getting some things done to the house. I am going by to order the new stove today, and that alone will make a big difference in my kitchen. The guy at church who is doing the work knows people who have leftover remnants, etc., so he is going to be able to get some linoleum for the bathroom floor, he thinks, for just the labor. I'll let you know for sure what I get to do, but it is looking promising to get more than one thing done with my income tax refund, and I am thrilled. This house is embarrassing.
Blessings to Jarvis! What wonderful news! :goodvibes

I wasn't baptized until my late 20's....and then the blessings just poured in...and Lexi was an extra special gift from God that year! :cloud9:

It's great that you will be able to see Trent this weekend and have all your kids together.

I hope you can get to spend some time with the "girls" on your spring break, sounds like it could be alot of fun.
An excellent idea for all of you! :hug:

Yeah! for the new stove and the other things coming together...I'm sure your home isn't as bad as you make it sound.

Guess where I'm going tonight....:yay:....can't wait for a snowcone!

I am SO excited about gettin some things done to the house. I am going by to order the new stove today, and that alone will make a big difference in my kitchen. The guy at church who is doing the work knows people who have leftover remnants, etc., so he is going to be able to get some linoleum for the bathroom floor, he thinks, for just the labor. I'll let you know for sure what I get to do, but it is looking promising to get more than one things done with my income tax refund, and I am thrilled. This house is embarrassing.

:thumbsup2 I'm so happy that you're getting to do more than you deserve it!! Tax return time is my favorite time of the year...Chris and I were able to put a nice chunk of change into our "wedding fund" this year...
Guess where I'm going tonight....:yay:....can't wait for a snowcone!


Good for you! That will be a nice dose of Disney magic. :wizard:
I don't think one is coming near us any time soon. I do plan to go see African Cats, though, and that will be awesome, I'm sure. Maybe we could have an Animal Kingdom day to go along with that. Too bad our Rainforest Cafe is gone. That would have bee perfect!

:thumbsup2 I'm so happy that you're getting to do more than you deserve it!! Tax return time is my favorite time of the year...Chris and I were able to put a nice chunk of change into our "wedding fund" this year...

Yeah, I know people say not to work it out where you get money back, but I would have blown it, not saved it, so it works for me.
Morning, friends!

Snowing here in Iowa, but this should be our last winter storm of the season. Here's hoping!!

I've been feeling icky this week but am going to work anyway. I hope i start to feel better today. :). But I'm listening to DIS radio at work
and that helps!! :)
Yeah, I know people say not to work it out where you get money back, but I would have blown it, not saved it, so it works for me.

I've said that for years, but since interest rates tanked it doesn't seem to matter much anymore!

Hard to believe just a few years ago you could get up to 5% now you're lucky to get 1% :sad2:
Just checking in from home today. Blake is sick and I stayed home with him. He says his tummy hurts and he is vomiting. I think it is just a stomach virus. I am freaking out since it is so close to our trip. I guess we will take nausea meds with us. Jason said we may get very familiar with the bathroom of the GF. :rotfl: I hope not.
I was going to see patients this afternoon, but he is not a lot better. I told him Mommy was staying home and he gave me a weak smile. It melted my heart.
Is Jill's town safe? Just heard of a tornado touchdown in AL (not sure where in AL) and want to make sure it wasn't close to her.
Is Jill's town safe? Just heard of a tornado touchdown in AL (not sure where in AL) and want to make sure it wasn't close to her.

We are fine. We had really bad wind and rain and storms all last night and this morning but the afternoon has brightened up. I am cleaning the house while Brooklynn rests in my bed and watches a movie. A paper airplane hit her in the eye today and cut her eyeball.
We are fine. We had really bad wind and rain and storms all last night and this morning but the afternoon has brightened up. I am cleaning the house while Brooklynn rests in my bed and watches a movie. A paper airplane hit her in the eye today and cut her eyeball.

Poor Brooklyn!!:headache:I hope she's ok! Poor girl...I'm glad your weather is clearing up! I saw a little blip about the tornadoes on the weather channel this morning...we got freezing rain!:rolleyes:

Hooray for a new stove MeMom! :) What else are you having done around your house?
Congrats to Jarvis...that is wonderful news! :goodvibes

Hugs to you for the situation with your student. :hug: I know it must be wearing on you, but you are probably the best person for the job, with as caring as you are!

Poor Brooklyn!!! I hope she's ok! :eek:
Hello every one.....just trying to catch my breath. The week before vacay and then the time away had me pages and pages behind! But I am back to reality today!:flower3:
Hope Brooklyn is ok...I saw you post that on FB and thought....OUCH!!!! Hope she gets better fast!!!
Oh and I need to ask if you doing the trip report here or are you starting a new thread? You've probably already told us :upsidedow but I am quite Dory-like so I need a reminder!
Hello every one.....just trying to catch my breath. The week before vacay and then the time away had me pages and pages behind! But I am back to reality today!:flower3:
Hope Brooklyn is ok...I saw you post that on FB and thought....OUCH!!!! Hope she gets better fast!!!
Oh and I need to ask if you doing the trip report here or are you starting a new thread? You've probably already told us :upsidedow but I am quite Dory-like so I need a reminder!

It will be a new thread. I had planned on starting tonight but Brooklynn's eye drama has required my attention all afternoon.
We are fine. We had really bad wind and rain and storms all last night and this morning but the afternoon has brightened up. I am cleaning the house while Brooklynn rests in my bed and watches a movie. A paper airplane hit her in the eye today and cut her eyeball.

Poor Brooklynn! :hug: I hope she feels better!

I'm still doing the happy dance about my RIC acceptance letter! That was my first choice :) I only applied to one other school(University of Rhode Island) and haven't heard back yet, but it doesn't matter if I get in or not. I'm definitely going to RIC! It's a smaller school, in a nicer area, and it's a 20 minute drive as opposed to a 50+ minute drive to URI. I've been to the URI campus a few times but not RIC. We're gonna go check it out this weekend!
Oh my goodness...poor little Brooklynn.
That must have hurt, I hope she will be okay. :hug:

I'm glad her Mommy was right there at the school to get to her quickly.

Just got home from Disney on Ice and it was so much fun!

It was nice to see Mickey, Tinkerbell and all the other characters.

Great to hear some favorite songs too!

Made me homesick for WDW!

Lexi and I had the Flounder and Stitch rainbow snow cones, my DMom got a blue snowcone in a glowing glass. (will be my new water glass at work) ;)

We snacked on a bucket of popcorn.

We enjoyed looking at all the merchandise and we came home with a program, a coloring book, Mickey in his holiday clothes and an Ariel glow wand thing that sings.

When we came out of the show it looked like a mini blizzard outside....there could be a possible snow day tomorrow....:eek:

Driving home was very sloooow...:rotfl:

Good night all, I will definitely have sweet Disney dreams tonight! :tink:
Morning, friends!

Snowing here in Iowa, but this should be our last winter storm of the season. Here's hoping!!

I've been feeling icky this week but am going to work anyway. I hope i start to feel better today. . But I'm listening to DIS radio at work
and that helps!!

I hope this is your last snow. We had about 15 inches this year. I know some of you get that in one snowfall, but that is a lot for us! Tennesseans were thrilled with the first few inches, but after a while, we were ready to be done with snow.

Yes, DIS Radio helps any day be better! :cool1:

I've said that for years, but since interest rates tanked it doesn't seem to matter much anymore!

Hard to believe just a few years ago you could get up to 5% now you're lucky to get 1%

I'm just glad I got enough back to do a couple of things to/for the house. It's beginning to look like something Chevy Chase's country cousins from the Vacation movies would live in. :upsidedow

Just checking in from home today. Blake is sick and I stayed home with him. He says his tummy hurts and he is vomiting. I think it is just a stomach virus. I am freaking out since it is so close to our trip. I guess we will take nausea meds with us. Jason said we may get very familiar with the bathroom of the GF. I hope not.
I was going to see patients this afternoon, but he is not a lot better. I told him Mommy was staying home and he gave me a weak smile. It melted my heart.

I hope everyone is healthy when you leave and stays healthy the whole trip!
I bet it did melt your heart when he managed a smile. I hope you guys have the most awesome time!

Is Jill's town safe? Just heard of a tornado touchdown in AL (not sure where in AL) and want to make sure it wasn't close to her.

Safe and sound, except for wayward airplanes. ;)

We are fine. We had really bad wind and rain and storms all last night and this morning but the afternoon has brightened up. I am cleaning the house while Brooklynn rests in my bed and watches a movie. A paper airplane hit her in the eye today and cut her eyeball.

See, if you had never had kids, you would probably never had said the phrase 'An airplane hit her in the eye'. Motherhood is pretty fun stuff. :goodvibes

Oh no! Poor little thing, I bet that really hurts! Hope she's okay.

Jill said it was very red, and you can see where it cut. I hope after a good night's sleep and no salty tears for a while, it will be much better.

Poor Brooklyn!!:headache:I hope she's ok! Poor girl...I'm glad your weather is clearing up! I saw a little blip about the tornadoes on the weather channel this morning...we got freezing rain!

Hooray for a new stove MeMom! What else are you having done around your house?

No freezing rain - please!!! March is always iffy for us. It can be nice, or it can be annoying.

A new dryer. :thumbsup2 I've been running the clothes through twice jsut to air dry them and then hanging them all over the house to finish. That dryer lasted a long time, though, so as with my AC unit, I can't complain.
I hope to get a new tub surround, and if things work out for the guy to get some flooring from a friend, I might even get a new kitchen floor. Any one of those things are exciting, but the thought of several things is more than I can comprehend right now. I'll have to see it to believe it! :laughing:

OUCH!!! Hope she feels better soon.

Poor baby. Jill said she was okay and watching TV yesterday evening, and then all of the sudden she started crying. I don't know if maybe she accidentally rubbed it or something. I hope it's feeling a lot better this morning.

Congrats to Jarvis...that is wonderful news!

Hugs to you for the situation with your student. I know it must be wearing on you, but you are probably the best person for the job, with as caring as you are!

Poor Brooklyn!!! I hope she's ok!

They tend to give me these kids because they know I am not going to send them to the office every day. I try to work things out in the room when possible. I have one who had been choking others lately, though, so when he does that, he's gotta go, or someone is going to get really hurt. Two of the kids are being S-teamed for hopefully different settings for next year, but we still have to muddle through a lot fo testing and paperwork this year.

Feel better soon Brooklynn. I wonder if you are watching a Disney movie.

I hope she and I get to spend some time together next week watching Disney movies. :love:

Hello every one.....just trying to catch my breath. The week before vacay and then the time away had me pages and pages behind! But I am back to reality today!
Hope Brooklyn is ok...I saw you post that on FB and thought....OUCH!!!! Hope she gets better fast!!!
Oh and I need to ask if you doing the trip report here or are you starting a new thread? You've probably already told us but I am quite Dory-like so I need a reminder![/SIZE]

Yep, a new report - as soon as Jill gets a chance to do an intro.

Yep, a new report - as soon as Jill gets a chance to do an intro.
Just in case you forgot already. ;)

Poor Brooklynn! I hope she feels better!

I'm still doing the happy dance about my RIC acceptance letter! That was my first choice I only applied to one other school(University of Rhode Island) and haven't heard back yet, but it doesn't matter if I get in or not. I'm definitely going to RIC! It's a smaller school, in a nicer area, and it's a 20 minute drive as opposed to a 50+ minute drive to URI. I've been to the URI campus a few times but not RIC. We're gonna go check it out this weekend!

I am glad that you got what you wanted. It will be nice just to have the short commute.

I was cringing when I read about that on Facebook...poor Brooklynn!

Broken teeth, jabbed eye - she's an unlucky girl sometimes.

Oh my goodness...poor little Brooklynn.
That must have hurt, I hope she will be okay.

I'm glad her Mommy was right there at the school to get to her quickly.

Just got home from Disney on Ice and it was so much fun!

It was nice to see Mickey, Tinkerbell and all the other characters.

Great to hear some favorite songs too!

Made me homesick for WDW!

Lexi and I had the Flounder and Stitch rainbow snow cones, my DMom got a blue snowcone in a glowing glass. (will be my new water glass at work)

We snacked on a bucket of popcorn.

We enjoyed looking at all the merchandise and we came home with a program, a coloring book, Mickey in his holiday clothes and an Ariel glow wand thing that sings.

When we came out of the show it looked like a mini blizzard outside....there could be a possible snow day tomorrow....

Driving home was very sloooow...:

Good night all, I will definitely have sweet Disney dreams tonight!

Hooray for Disney on Ice, Disney dreams, and getting home safely! :dance3:


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