very high anxiety, don't know what to do.


Feb 26, 2011
Hi, as the title says I have very high anxiety. I want to tell my story, sorry if its to long for some of you.

I was perfectly fine before 5/8/08, then I got into my first car accident. I was driving down the street someone ran a stop sign and hit the passenger side of the car. I was the only one in the car & I wasn't hurt, but I was terrified. My anxiety didn't start right after that, but it took me almost 5 or 6 months to drive again. Then my anxiety started, I kept thinking I was going to walk out the house and get hit by a car or just be sitting somewhere and just fall out and die. It was bad, eventually I got it out my head and it went away. I eventually drove again and then brought my own car. Then on 1/6/2011 I got into another accident, driving and a car cut me off to turn and we T-Boned, car was totaled. This time I was hurt, got rushed to the hospital and took xrays of my foot and yup it was broken. Splinted it and we went home.

When I went to the orthopedic (1/10/11) and sure enough he told me I have a very serious injury (when in the hospital they told me it was minor) and that I had to have surgery. At that point I was terrified. I was worried about going under anesthesia and not waking back up or having issues in the surgery room. Well 3 days later, 1/13/2011 I was having my surgery, everything went well, got 1 screw in my foot. I was fine after surgery, went under good and came out good. Let's fast forward this to 2wks later, my follow up appointment, everything was fine, I got a cast put on, but I had a killer migraine. My migraines are hereditary, my dad used to get them almost everyday. I thought it was because I was hungry, because I hadn't ate anything.

Well fast forward again, I ate and this headache was still there. It was quite painful. Then for the next 2 or 3 wks, can't remember how long, I had these sharp pains in my head and I was terrified. This is when the anxiety came back, I was in like a roller coaster of emotions. I was having these head pains, then I would worry about them and make it worse. I kept thinking in my head omg i have some type of terminal illness and i'm going to die. I went to the doctors and she gave me something for sinus infection, took it all, still having this pain, went back and told my doctor, she said nothing. It eventually went away, but every now and then I will get this pain in my head for about 5-10 seconds.

I get really scared because of this. I have a routine labwork my doctor wants me to get and I am terrified to do it because I think something is going to come back wrong.

I do have Acid Reflux, A high prolactin level and my endocrologist says i have PCOS, but isn't tell me much about it. I was thinking maybe these pains were withdrawl symptoms from the pain meds I was on after my surgery, I was on oxycodone.

I'm sorry I'm putting all my problems here. I don't know what else to do. My doctor gave me Xanax for anxiety, but I haven't taking any yet. I was going to take some this morning, but when looking at the side effects online, they scared me and made my anxiety worse. I don't want to live my life being afraid to do everything.

If you read it and replied thank you for your support
Hi. I am sorry you have had so much on your plate. I can relate so much to the headaches. Have you seen a neurologist? I would ask my GP for a referral.
I had horrible headaches for years, and did have a serious issue, not everything is however, but it might be a good idea to see a neuro and have that looked into.

I do not have the anxiety you have, so I honestly don't know what to say other than perhaps get everything looked into, and perhaps you would feel better knowing all is ok? My mother has had cancer 3 times, and every ache she has is sure it has returned. She sees a therapist for this, as it can consume her, and me ;)

Don't apologize please, you are more than welcome here anytime. We all have things we deal with on a regular basis, and this is a great group of people.
I am sorry you have had to deal with all these ongoing issues.:hug:

I agree with Mommasita that it is worth seeing a neurologist so that they can rule out more serious problems and maybe help you find some preventative medication that might help with the Migraines. I get migraines and take daily medication which does reduce the severity and frequency so that is something worth considering.

When talking with your doctor about the anxiety did he suggest talking to counsellor? It might be helpful to have someone to talk through these issues and perhaps they could give you some coping strategies to use when you feel anxious.

Please come here anytime you need some support, we are here to listen and give you a big :grouphug:

Take care
I also meant to say that a friend of mine that has anxiety now meditates daily after her doctor suggested that it might help.
She finds the meditation very calming and uses the breathing exercises when she starts to feel anxious throughout the day.

Just another idea that might be useful.
thank you.

I am very scared to do anything honestly. I just always think I'm going to hear the worst and that isn't helping the anxiety any more. I do believe that the symptoms would be much worse if it was what I thought it was. I don't even like to say what I think it is because then i'll think its going to come true.

I am really scared because some days i have good days and other days where I have a lot of pain. Like yesterday the whole day until I was in the bed, when my mind wonders a lot.

She didn't say if the head pain was due to the anxiety. I was kind of mad because when I told her the issues I was having she really didn't say anything about the head pains. She just said and your still having them? I told her on and off, she wrote it down and left it at that. She also didn't say if the anxiety had anything to do with it because I was asking her about it when we were walking out the door to leave.
I had horrible headaches for years, and did have a serious issue, not everything is however, but it might be a good idea to see a neuro and have that looked into.

What was the issue? If you don't mind me asking.
I did ask for a referral to a therapist, but when my head pain went away I didn't think about going anymore. Its like when i'm having a good day hanging with family and having fun, i have no pains, but when i'm by myself and my mind starts to wonder is when i get the pains. only like 10% of the time it comes on without me thinking about if i have a disease or sickness

I also think i have Hypochondria because i feel like I have every disease in the world. I hate living my life like this.

Hypochondria is a belief that physical symptoms are signs of a serious illness, even when there is no medical evidence to support the presence of an illness.
I did ask for a referral to a therapist, but when my head pain went away I didn't think about going anymore. Its like when i'm having a good day hanging with family and having fun, i have no pains, but when i'm by myself and my mind starts to wonder is when i get the pains. only like 10% of the time it comes on without me thinking about if i have a disease or sickness

I also think i have Hypochondria because i feel like I have every disease in the world. I hate living my life like this.

Hypochondria is a belief that physical symptoms are signs of a serious illness, even when there is no medical evidence to support the presence of an illness.

Honestly, I would go back to your doctor, make a long appointment and tell them how you are feeling.
Sometimes it helps to write down your thoughts and give that to the doctor then you could make a plan together to tackle the issues that are of concern to you.
If you don't feel you are getting the support or help you need from one doctor then I would look for someone else.

You should see a therapist that specializes in anxiety. It's poorly understood by many people and medical professionals alike. But there are treatments, both medical and non-medical, or a combination.

How old are you? I ask because treatment is different based on your age for various physiological reasons. Also, long term high anxiety can turn into an OCD, however, it is treatable to prevent that and a properly qualified professional can assist with that. You can learn coping strategies to employ instead of or in conjunction with medications. But, and I say this with compassion and my very best wishes for you... the place to learn them is from a qualified professional that sees you regularly, not on a Disney forum.

However, for what it's worth, I'll offer a cyber-hug, because I know about life with anxiety. It's not easy. But it's a mountain you *can* climb.
You should see a therapist that specializes in anxiety. It's poorly understood by many people and medical professionals alike. But there are treatments, both medical and non-medical, or a combination.

How old are you? I ask because treatment is different based on your age for various physiological reasons. Also, long term high anxiety can turn into an OCD, however, it is treatable to prevent that and a properly qualified professional can assist with that. You can learn coping strategies to employ instead of or in conjunction with medications. But, and I say this with compassion and my very best wishes for you... the place to learn them is from a qualified professional that sees you regularly, not on a Disney forum.

However, for what it's worth, I'll offer a cyber-hug, because I know about life with anxiety. It's not easy. But it's a mountain you *can* climb.

I'm 22. So kinda young to be living with this daily stress on my life. Thank you for the cyber hug i appreciate it. I have been healthy all my life, and I do believe I am still healthy, but its just every now and then I think what if this pain has something to do with something serious.

I think I will call my doctors office tomorrow.
I have anxiety. I was a child when it started, but it came to me differently. I worried about everything so much I had 4 ulcers at the age of 11 or 12. I got better when I met my DH at 15. I always have said he is like my drug (RX type drug.) He always calms me, makes me feel better. But recently I started having panic attacks, new for me. I was prescribed Prozak (which I have taken before for PPD) and it was really working. Then I thought I was better and could handle it and they started right back. I don't love the idea of needing a pill every day but it is so much better then having those awful attacks. For sure try the meds, they can't hurt and liekly will help.

As for the side effects, my doctor told me they have to list everything to cover their butts, the likelyhood of having any of them are sim to none. For me it was worth the risk and I ahve had no side effects at all, except for a better quality of life! :banana:
I have anxiety. I was a child when it started, but it came to me differently. I worried about everything so much I had 4 ulcers at the age of 11 or 12. I got better when I met my DH at 15. I always have said he is like my drug (RX type drug.) He always calms me, makes me feel better. But recently I started having panic attacks, new for me. I was prescribed Prozak (which I have taken before for PPD) and it was really working. Then I thought I was better and could handle it and they started right back. I don't love the idea of needing a pill every day but it is so much better then having those awful attacks. For sure try the meds, they can't hurt and liekly will help.

As for the side effects, my doctor told me they have to list everything to cover their butts, the likelyhood of having any of them are sim to none. For me it was worth the risk and I ahve had no side effects at all, except for a better quality of life! :banana:

Do you take your pills for anxiety every morning? Does it cause of one the side effects like dizziness or fatigue? I don't mind taking them every in the morning, its just when I return back to work (out of disability) I won't be able to take them if it causes me to get dizzy. I work with 3s and I would hate to have a dizzy spell around them.

Thank you for the great advice!
Do you take your pills for anxiety every morning? Does it cause of one the side effects like dizziness or fatigue? I don't mind taking them every in the morning, its just when I return back to work (out of disability) I won't be able to take them if it causes me to get dizzy. I work with 3s and I would hate to have a dizzy spell around them.

Thank you for the great advice!

It did in the very beginning make me a little dizzy. Not too bad, but for about a week it did. I actually take mine at night, but have taken them in the morning if I forgot the night before and I am fine. I am a preschool aide and have no worries taking them.
Also, I have a friend who had a bad car accident like 20 years ago. She never got over it, has awful anxiety over driving. She won't go on the freeway, never goes further then her comfort zone. I don't want to say it is too late for her, but I will say to you, do this for yourself, get the help you need be it meds or therapy or both. There is no reason to suffer. Trust me!!! You deserve to get better and you can with just a little guidance.
yeah I don't want to be afraid to drive, but I am. Every now and then I will get excited about getting a car, then I get scared and start to think what if I get a car and get into another accident and die this time? See how my mind gets thinking.

I have a nurse from my insurance company, when i spoke to her when I was having those head pains for 2 wks (my scalp was also sore to the touch during that time) she said the head pain could be anxiety headaches and that they are very hard to get rid off
I'm sorry, I don't know anything about those but try the meds, really. I know they can beso helpful. At the first one might not help but the next one might. Start them now before you go back to work to find the one that works for you and will help. I promise you will be happy you did. Good luck. PM me if you have any questions.
What was the issue? If you don't mind me asking.
It was a brain malformation, but went a lot more than the headaches. I don't mind you asking.
Honestly, I would go back to your doctor, make a long appointment and tell them how you are feeling.
Sometimes it helps to write down your thoughts and give that to the doctor then you could make a plan together to tackle the issues that are of concern to you.
If you don't feel you are getting the support or help you need from one doctor then I would look for someone else.


I think this is very sound advice. I changed neuro surgeon's because I did not feel the first was the right fit for me. I have to know EVERYTHING, bad or good, and well it did not gel with him. I also changed neuro's, and am quite happy now.

You really have to be comfortable, and at ease with your Dr., in order for he/she to better treat you.

Hugs and prayers for you tonight.:grouphug:
Hi, as the title says I have very high anxiety. I want to tell my story, sorry if its to long for some of you.

I was perfectly fine before 5/8/08, then I got into my first car accident. I was driving down the street someone ran a stop sign and hit the passenger side of the car. I was the only one in the car & I wasn't hurt, but I was terrified. My anxiety didn't start right after that, but it took me almost 5 or 6 months to drive again. Then my anxiety started, I kept thinking I was going to walk out the house and get hit by a car or just be sitting somewhere and just fall out and die. It was bad, eventually I got it out my head and it went away. I eventually drove again and then brought my own car. Then on 1/6/2011 I got into another accident, driving and a car cut me off to turn and we T-Boned, car was totaled. This time I was hurt, got rushed to the hospital and took xrays of my foot and yup it was broken. Splinted it and we went home.

When I went to the orthopedic (1/10/11) and sure enough he told me I have a very serious injury (when in the hospital they told me it was minor) and that I had to have surgery. At that point I was terrified. I was worried about going under anesthesia and not waking back up or having issues in the surgery room. Well 3 days later, 1/13/2011 I was having my surgery, everything went well, got 1 screw in my foot. I was fine after surgery, went under good and came out good. Let's fast forward this to 2wks later, my follow up appointment, everything was fine, I got a cast put on, but I had a killer migraine. My migraines are hereditary, my dad used to get them almost everyday. I thought it was because I was hungry, because I hadn't ate anything.

Well fast forward again, I ate and this headache was still there. It was quite painful. Then for the next 2 or 3 wks, can't remember how long, I had these sharp pains in my head and I was terrified. This is when the anxiety came back, I was in like a roller coaster of emotions. I was having these head pains, then I would worry about them and make it worse. I kept thinking in my head omg i have some type of terminal illness and i'm going to die. I went to the doctors and she gave me something for sinus infection, took it all, still having this pain, went back and told my doctor, she said nothing. It eventually went away, but every now and then I will get this pain in my head for about 5-10 seconds.

I get really scared because of this. I have a routine labwork my doctor wants me to get and I am terrified to do it because I think something is going to come back wrong.

I do have Acid Reflux, A high prolactin level and my endocrologist says i have PCOS, but isn't tell me much about it. I was thinking maybe these pains were withdrawl symptoms from the pain meds I was on after my surgery, I was on oxycodone.

I'm sorry I'm putting all my problems here. I don't know what else to do. My doctor gave me Xanax for anxiety, but I haven't taking any yet. I was going to take some this morning, but when looking at the side effects online, they scared me and made my anxiety worse. I don't want to live my life being afraid to do everything.

If you read it and replied thank you for your support

Just stop worrying. I think you are having that headache because you are thinking too much. Just relax and pray so that you will not need to worry too much about the worse things that might happen to you.
I'm 22. So kinda young to be living with this daily stress on my life. Thank you for the cyber hug i appreciate it. I have been healthy all my life, and I do believe I am still healthy, but its just every now and then I think what if this pain has something to do with something serious.

I think I will call my doctors office tomorrow.

22 is not young for it, it often starts in early teens or earlier. The good news is, at 22, your cognitive skills are fully developed (unlike a 12 year old) and therefore you can bring them to bear in combination with any meds you use to help yourself. But you need to be trained in those methods.

Your doc should be able to give you a referral to a psychiatrist that deals specifically with anxiety disorders. But understand this -- just because I'm talking about a psychiatrist, doesn't mean it's "all in your head" or it's "not real". Because what you will learn is that this is about nerochemicals, that is, the chemicals in your brain. The key factor here is, that you (like any adult) are capable of making changes to those chemicals by your thoughts and actions, as well as with medications. Anyone who refuses to take meds, or, refuses to take cognitive actions in combination with the meds, is leaving half of their tools on the floor. If you don't know the cognitive methods, because you haven't been referred to the right person, or, if you see a psychiatrist but refuse to take the meds out of fear, you are making it much harder to make forward progress.


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