Hotel THREW Out Our Gifts

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We had a very similar incident at the same place about 1 1/2 years ago, except what happened with us is they threw out several boxes one of them included cables, case, extra battery in it for a camcorder plus some other items that we had purchased and we using while in the parks, It's not like they were left sitting beside a trash can either, they were in a Target bag sitting on top of our suitcase.

After a major headache and complaining we were compensated for the items but it was still a real pain and quite a ordeal to go through.

Seems like there is a bit of a track record
no, compensation is what I want but I do NOT appreciate being called a liar when I'm telling the truth. Yes the room was a mess. clothes and stuff strewn all over. That is why I did NOT want them in here.

ogler- HOW fast did they reimburse you/replace your stuff? And the clarion aka comfort inn lbv did this? Manager was supposed to come tonight at 8 and never showed. Going to call in the am and see what's going on? I want my stuff returned asap. They threw out several bags. We may not be tidy/neat people but with 5 kids who is? I usually do clean up almost daily though and I was going to call housekeeping when i could be present, as I've always done.
i totally agree with the OP. she called and said NO service.

we don't like housekeeping for this reason (as well as others).. they throw away my newspaper when I am not done with it yet. (Idon't care if it's a day old, or 2 weeks old!.. I haven't finished the crossword yet)

we save empty plastic pop bottles. I'll make a vodka and 7-up for hubby and me, and pour the
extra" 7-up in that empty bottle. or sunny-D bottles. so we have drinks to walk around the resort with. they throw those out. or numerous other examples.
and yes, I have had them some in while the DO Not DIsturb sign is on! AND Disturb me (wake me, etc.) to make sure I don't want to be disturbed!
Yes, It was the same hotel and what they ended up doing for us was a zero out of the cost of our stay. Very similar story to yours actually, they spoke to the housekeeper and she admitted throwing the bag and boxes away thinking they were "junk"

If your away on vacation it is kind of difficult to store everything in a safe, sure Id put a laptop, ipad, phone or camera in one if they were not being used but you also have some kind of assumption that certain things would remain safe in a room, who would put t-shirts in a safe anyway?
no, compensation is what I want but I do NOT appreciate being called a liar when I'm telling the truth. Yes the room was a mess. clothes and stuff strewn all over. That is why I did NOT want them in here.

ogler- HOW fast did they reimburse you/replace your stuff? And the clarion aka comfort inn lbv did this? Manager was supposed to come tonight at 8 and never showed. Going to call in the am and see what's going on? I want my stuff returned asap. They threw out several bags. We may not be tidy/neat people but with 5 kids who is? I usually do clean up almost daily though and I was going to call housekeeping when i could be present, as I've always done.
With 5 kids do you have more than one room? Perhaps this created some confusion with housekeeping.
I just hope the maid doesn't get into trouble for doing her job. If you put trash on top of merchandise, leave the bags on the floor & leave the room a disaster it really isn't the maids fault if she threw it out. It's not her job to go through bags with trash on top. It's not her fault either if they did not inform her not to clean the room & the do not disturb sign was not replaced.

I really am sorry this happened to you, I know I would be upset if my things were thrown out, but I would maybe re evaluate how I care for things that are important to me & worth money. Just saying. It sounds like you are very upset, maybe they are waiting to speak to you tomorrow when you have calmed down. Hope things get resolved.
I was at a the Marriott Burbank and had a piece of carrot cake in a container on the night stand waiting to be eaten. It sat there for a 1 1/2 day. I got back from a late night and was :cloud9: so looking forward to eating it. I walked in and noticed it was gone :scared1: The old Starbucks cup was there and other trash but the cake was gone. I called the front desk and said they would check into it. I get a know and it was housekeeping. We both looked at each other like what is she going to do it. I told her I had gotten it at the restaraunt downstairs. I just wanted my cake. She later came back with a new piece :cool1:. It was not $300 but expensive enough. Either the maid knew it was good or maybe she was helping my waistline :lmao:
A good hotel would make sure housekeeping knew not to go into the room. I'm sure there is some kind of system to let the housekeepers know if each room had some kind of request for their room. It seems to that the maid either did not pay attention to such request or managment there is very poor. In no way is it her fault for things being taken from her room. If she wants to go on vacation and not pick up right then she shouldn't have to. I really hope everything works out for you and you get your things back. Good Luck!!
I've never had this before. What do I do? How do I handle this? Will they replace the stuff? They asked the value and I said about $300. I don't want the cash per say, just the stuff we got for my kids. They're so upset.

I am not seeking extra cash or souvies. I just want our stuff returned, in it's original condition. Geeze!

no, compensation is what I want but I do NOT appreciate being called a liar when I'm telling the truth.

Sorry, when you kept saying that you didn't want the cash, I, mistakenly, assumed that you didn't want the cash.
Sorry, when you kept saying that you didn't want the cash, I, mistakenly, assumed that you didn't want the cash.

I assumed she meant that she needed to be reimbursed soon enough to replace what was gone, and that cash once she got home wouldn't help. :confused3

I have five kids as well, which is one of the reasons we hate staying in hotels and like Timeshare. With a Timeshare, no one comes in our unit until we're ready to leave. ;)
I assumed she meant that she needed to be reimbursed soon enough to replace what was gone, and that cash once she got home wouldn't help. :confused3

Fair enough.

The point remains though. Saying that "X is not good enough" is useless, unless you provide a specific and doable option.
I am so sorry this happened to you ! what a sucky thing to happen on vacation.

I'd like to make a few points :

It's generally not included in basic housekeeping for maids to look at/through shopping bags to verify they are garbage or goods. Unless they bags are stacked by the garbage can or resting on top of the can. Therefore the point is, the maids(s) had no place to be even messing with the bags. They could have placed them neatly in a stack after making the beds and if they truley were garbage, she would have/could have placed them by the garbage can and the maids would have gotten the hints they really were garbage.

Even though it is true b/s that most contracts state all they are providing is sleeping and bathing, once they either manager or staff has willing admitted they wrongly disposed of property, they should do the right thing and replace the items. What if they were items that could be purchased in the park only/ Are they going to reimburse her a park admission per park she visited to return to the park to re purchase the items ?
So sorry this happened to you. Unless you put these bags on top of or in the trash can, this should have never happened. I will definitely think twice about leaving stuff in bags out in the open. Good luck.
Seeing you say you have stayed there 4 times. I would think they would work with you even more. You chose a 4th visit for a reason, Most likly you like the Hotel. They will see that and should work something out.
A bag full of clothes (even baby clothes) would be heavy. IF there was a bag, or several, in the room, how could housekeeping mistake it for trash and throw it out. I am not buying this story. Sorry.

I would like to know how you are fitting 5 children and at least 1 adult into a room at a Clarion? I have 4 children and daily housekeeping in the 2 rooms that are required for our family of 6 is a must! I can't imagine the mess after a few days of no housekeeping/trash removal/fresh towels! Ew. That's no vacation. That sounds like misery!
Is it even legal to have 6 people in a room?
I imagine the place was so messy the maid was only trying to do you a favor
I didnt think about no fresh towels:eek:
I just hope the maid doesn't get into trouble for doing her job. If you put trash on top of merchandise, leave the bags on the floor & leave the room a disaster it really isn't the maids fault if she threw it out. It's not her job to go through bags with trash on top. It's not her fault either if they did not inform her not to clean the room & the do not disturb sign was not replaced.

I really am sorry this happened to you, I know I would be upset if my things were thrown out, but I would maybe re evaluate how I care for things that are important to me & worth money. Just saying. It sounds like you are very upset, maybe they are waiting to speak to you tomorrow when you have calmed down. Hope things get resolved.

this is so unfair. the op already admitted that the room was a mess.. and KNEW it would be, which was why she didn't want service. when you are bust at WDW, back and forth from parks, pool, eating, etc. it is no one's business if the room is a mite chaotic.
if something is in my room, it doesn't matter where it is. not everything can fit in the safe.

I am so sorry this happened to you ! what a sucky thing to happen on vacation.

I'd like to make a few points :

It's generally not included in basic housekeeping for maids to look at/through shopping bags to verify they are garbage or goods. Unless they bags are stacked by the garbage can or resting on top of the can. Therefore the point is, the maids(s) had no place to be even messing with the bags. They could have placed them neatly in a stack after making the beds and if they truley were garbage, she would have/could have placed them by the garbage can and the maids would have gotten the hints they really were garbage.

Even though it is true b/s that most contracts state all they are providing is sleeping and bathing, once they either manager or staff has willing admitted they wrongly disposed of property, they should do the right thing and replace the items. What if they were items that could be purchased in the park only/ Are they going to reimburse her a park admission per park she visited to return to the park to re purchase the items ?

I have cleaned other people's houses, and if I'm not sure something is garbage, I don't throw it out!

it seems to me this housekeeper was either not told or failed to notice that she was NOT to clean this room.

then// she walked into a room that looked like a mess (again.. so what? with a bunch of kids in the room, you can't straighten up every day. OP knew this, and chose to forgo housekeeping), and just started "chucking" things.
This is confusing. The OP has the room for how many days? The OP doesn't want housekeeping for the duration of her stay? Most hotels will enter that room to be sure that nothing improper is taking place. The hotel checks on more than sheets, trash and towels when they enter a room. Using five kids as an excuse that the room is trashed doesn't block the hotel from inspecting the room. Even though you "requested" no service, it is a request and the hotel is well within legal rights to enter the room.
This is confusing. The OP has the room for how many days? The OP doesn't want housekeeping for the duration of her stay? Most hotels will enter that room to be sure that nothing improper is taking place. The hotel checks on more than sheets, trash and towels when they enter a room. Using five kids as an excuse that the room is trashed doesn't block the hotel from inspecting the room. Even though you "requested" no service, it is a request and the hotel is well within legal rights to enter the room.

If you think this is confusing, you should read her other posts! I have to admit... if this is for real, I would LOVE to see how she does it :worship:
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