Becky & Jason's Fairy Tale wedding 9/3/11 on Long Island - *complete*

Your bachelorette party sounds so fun! I LOVE the Melting Pot! (in fact went there tonight for a belated bday dinner!) You and your bridesmaids (and Martin) seemed to have so much fun! Can't wait to read more!
Becky!! Your bachelorette party looked like so much fun! Definitely my kind of evening! It's so great that Martin was able to come along ! I bet he had a blast!! And what a cutie! I bet your BM's didn't mind at all! :lmao:
I'm hoping that all of my girls will be able to do something together. It's hard now that I'm in Florida, and they are scattered all over the place. But if Martin can come all the way from Norway, then maybe my girls can get together somehow. Mind if I guilt trip them with that? :lmao: Can't wait for more updates!

Yes, feel free to use that as a guilt trip! I know I did with a few people! :rotfl:
But hopefully your girls can work at least something out. All of my friends were from all over the place too, but I still got three of them together to do something.
Your bachelorette party sounds so fun! I LOVE the Melting Pot! (in fact went there tonight for a belated bday dinner!) You and your bridesmaids (and Martin) seemed to have so much fun! Can't wait to read more!

Yes, I love the Melting Pot! DH and I try to go there every so often, and about once a year we do the full four course meal and stuff ourselves :cool1:
Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner

So let's just say that I didn't really need the stress that this day brought! The past few days had been fun but a little upsetting because I had a group of friends cancel on coming to the wedding. They were friends that I had studied abroad with (but from the states), and I haven't seen them in about two years. And they told me early on they were definitely coming to the wedding, it would be a great chance for a reunion, they were so excited, etc. And then one by one they all facebooked me and had some excuse or another (at least one person had the decency to call me). But moving on from that!

To begin this day I had a bridesmaid tea. I knew Linda wouldn't be there because they were driving up that morning, but Sarah was supposed to come and cancelled again. So once again, Martin joined us! And my parents, so it was a nice little lunch.


I also made a cake based on a tradition I had read about online - the charm cake. You bake a cake and then put charms with ribbons on them into the layers of the cake. At the tea or luncheon each bridesmaid pulls a ribbon out and whatever charm they get predicts their "fortune" - such as, a wedding ring means you'll be the next one to get married, a globe means you'll have the opportunity to travel the world, etc. It was fun! And it was a tasty cake too, strawberry cake with whipped cream icing!


Now, I was also excited about today because Jason would finally be coming. It's a three hour drive from where he is in PA to my house on Long Island. However, he also agreed to pick my brother up from college. So that should add an extra hour into his trip. But because he was also bringing his brothers and mom, he didn't want to make them sit an extra hour in the car and so he was going to drive up to the college, drive back home, and then drive to LI - basically making his trip a 5 hour trip instead of 4. This made no logical sense to me (someone would still be stuck in the car an extra hour, my brother, and Jason would have to drive for two extra hours), but whatever. He texted me around 8:30 am that morning to let me know that he was leaving.

Here's where things got a little messed up. He texted me again about an hour later to say there had been a huge accident on the turnpike, he was going back home to get his family, and they were all going to take a different route to get my brother and then leave directly from there. Fine, that should still put him at the college at around 11.

At 1:00 a get a call from my brother saying Jason hadn't shown up yet... and last my brother had been notified he had been told Jason would be there between 10 and 10:30. I was beyond angry - I had been asked to be updated on everything and I hadn't been informed, but WORSE is that they didn't bother to call my brother, who had been waiting to be picked up since 9:30 that morning? And he had missed two classes he could have attended because he thought they would be there any minute. I called Jason to find out what was going on and discovered that they decided to wait til 11 to leave because the turnpike should be cleared by then, and that they then had to make a "pit stop" on the one hour drive to the college.

They didn't get my brother til 1:30. The rehearsal was supposed to start at 5 pm, and it's a three hour drive - with no traffic. But we're talking about driving to Long Island on the Friday of Labor Day weekend. OF COURSE there will be traffic. Jason guaranteed me they would be on time. I said no way in hell. I have never been so mad at him in my life - not just for messing up the times, but mostly for not telling me what was going on. No one ever called me or texted that entire day to keep me updated, I had to reach out to them to know what was going on. Being that mad at your fiance is not what you want to be feeling the day before you marry them. It was awful.

But anyway, back on my end, we went to the salon for the afternoon to get our nails done and to get my hair styled for the rehearsal dinner. I had asked Martin whether he wanted to come, explained it would be rather boring and he could just stay at my house and watch TV or hang out with my dad. But no, no, he wanted to full experience! So he tagged along :lmao: Here we are chilling at the salon:


The pampering was nice but I was so stressed and nervous about that day that it wasn't very enjoyable. Still, I think I kept my cool pretty well. The rest of Jason's family, as well as his best man, had taken a different car and left earlier that morning, and I called them around 3 to see how it was going to hear they had hit a TON of traffic. Stress stress stress.


Jason's dad and best man tell me their arrival time will be just after 5 pm, so they'll just make it. But remember that they were at least an hour ahead of Jason, so there's no way he'll make it. So we start planning who can step in to learn the parts of the rehearsal and tell the others later on. But thank the Lord my dad contacts the church and the place where we are having the rehearsal dinner and gets everything pushed back an hour.

Jason's dad and family arrive around 5:15, so we basically have everyone except the Groom, his mom, my brother, and his brothers. Well, we're doing this rehearsal at 6 whether they show up or not. We get to the church, and by some miracle they get there around 6:10. I do feel bad that Jason was basically in the car driving through horrible traffic since 8:30 that morning, and I know that traffic happens and it can be really bad sometimes, but there's no excuse for not telling me what's going on, and not telling my brother what's going on. NOT ONCE did anyone call throughout that afternoon to give me updated arrival times, I had to keep pestering them even though I specifically asked to be updated. I am still quite upset by this, as Jason would not really own up to doing anything wrong, instead using the excuse that he asked his brother to text me updates and he just "must not have listened." Well, in my opinion you should have made sure that he was contacting me on something so important. But. It's done with now.

Anyway, this got really long so I'll detail the rehearsal and dinner in another post - I promise the rehearsal dinner actually went quite well and we had a good time!
Never a dull moment huh?! Craziness. And men always do things their own way and most of the times they aren't logical at all! hah. I have the same arguements with Dave alll the time!

Your friggn friend is just too cute! I wanna eat him up! Such a doll!! =] =]

I love the cake idea!! If I get to do a bridesmaid tea/luncheon I will be sure to try and do this myself!! Love Love Love it!!

I'm sorry you didn't get to enjoy your pampering... I already told my nail salon I'm bringing Mimosa's becuse I'm going to NEED them! haha.
I'm so sorry you had so much stress! It's funny (sort of :D) that even the perfect man can make the most obvious mistake and not really understand it. I really think it's true, you always love them, but sometimes dislike them! :)
Never a dull moment huh?! Craziness. And men always do things their own way and most of the times they aren't logical at all! hah. I have the same arguements with Dave alll the time!

Your friggn friend is just too cute! I wanna eat him up! Such a doll!! =] =]

I love the cake idea!! If I get to do a bridesmaid tea/luncheon I will be sure to try and do this myself!! Love Love Love it!!

I'm sorry you didn't get to enjoy your pampering... I already told my nail salon I'm bringing Mimosa's becuse I'm going to NEED them! haha.

Yeah haha, those men! :rolleyes: I definitely should have brought some wine or something that day because I needed it! Oh well, got to make up for it a little at the rehearsal dinner ;)

I'm so sorry you had so much stress! It's funny (sort of :D) that even the perfect man can make the most obvious mistake and not really understand it. I really think it's true, you always love them, but sometimes dislike them! :)

Thanks, and you put it perfectly! So true, I don't think he really understands what it meant to me or what he did, but at least it's in the past now!
Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner

Now that everyone was there, we finally started the rehearsal. This is a good time to mention that the only thing I really didn't like or was disappointed about concerning the wedding was the "wedding coordinator" provided by the church. They offered to have a woman coordinate stuff at the wedding the day of and at the rehearsal, so we said sure. She turned out to be really bossy and opinionated. She begins the rehearsal by teaching each male the "hesitation step" down the aisle. I didn't even realize what was going on at first, but once I did I had to interrupt to tell her that I didn't want to do a hesitation step, I just wanted them to walk down the aisle naturally. Thank goodness she agreed because she was taking a good five minutes per person just to teach them how to walk! Come on, we had a dinner to get to!

She was like that about everything. For instance, the pastor asks, "do you want to add the Lord's Prayer into the ceremony?" And before I can even say anything she immediately butts in, "Oh, you HAVE to have the Lord's Prayer!" Just stuff like that. I couldn't wait to get to...

the dinner!


This turned out the be really excellent. The place was walking distance from the church, and we had a private room so even though there was a band playing downstairs we couldn't even hear it. The food was delicious - I can't believe I didn't get a picture of the food! There was salmon, penne ala vodka, and beef, as well as side dishes and a chocolate cake for dessert.


My sister did at least get a picture of this. Yes, I chose a chocolate cake because I love chocolate cake! And we wouldn't really have any chocolate at the wedding the next day.

It was just so nice to relax and talk to all of my friends and family, and just socialize. Jason was "pressured" to make a speech, and to be honest it was pretty rough as he's a thinker and really isn't good on his feet spur of the moment. So of course my brother then says he'll make a speech and pretty much shows him up :rotfl: But it was sweet. Here's my brother with our two little ring bearers, it was great to see them! As soon as they arrived my bad mood disappeared so much:


My sister taught them a "game" to play with Martin, where they thought of a random word and he told them how to say it in Norwegian. Well, every time they heard how to say "banana" or "apple" or whatever in Norwegian, they were just cracking up!! :lmao:

Here's the groom and his best man and groomsmen:


And here's me with the bridesmaids/MOH:


Yeah, someone's missing, if you count. Sarah left early... she did come to the rehearsal, right at 6. And she told me there that she might have to leave the dinner a little early. Well, she left after ten minutes - like, didn't even eat at all. And normally I wouldn't let it bother me. But not only did we pay for her to eat, I also was just really disappointed that she hadn't really been around at all for any of the wedding activities. I asked her about three times why exactly she had to leave so early and all she would do is skirt around it, saying "I have to get ready for tomorrow" and "I don't want to be too tired to drive home" (It was 7:15 when she left and she lives half an hour away). :confused3 I still don't know what was going on, but again I decided not to let it bother me once she left.

Another cool thing that happened at the rehearsal dinner was a present from Linda, Jason's cousin. We had all been in Florida together in June and I got her and her friend hooked on Vinylmations. So she presents us with this:


She decorated a vinyl with our names and the wedding date - and painted it in both of our favorite colors (mine is orange, Jason's is red). I thought this was so sweet!! :goodvibes
So, that Vinylmation is adorable! Love it!! =] =]

So glad you spoke up, I hate when people try and take charge.
Gah! Sorry I didn't comment on Rehearsal Day, Part 1. I would have been really irritated too. :( Boys can be SO stupid. You're really mature though for giving him a pass this time--- I don't know if I would have!

And your rehearsal dinner looked like a lot of fun--- and you look SO pretty in your dress! I *love* the top of it. :D It is annoying that the consultant was trying to be all take charge--- I hate that. It's YOUR wedding; if you wanted the gosh darn Our Father, you'd have the gosh darn Our Father! Geez louise.

I can't wait to hear more. :D :D :D
Just checking in sweetie - So glad the dinner went well (apart from the pain of a BM). The wedding co-ordinator sounds a real terror. So glad you put her in her place!!!
That choccie cake looks to die for!!!
Anxious to read the next installment!!
Hey Becky... So glad your rehearsal dinner went well and that the food was good. Sorry about the missing bridesmaid it would definitely irritate me!!! I can't wait to hear about how the wedding day went!!
So, that Vinylmation is adorable! Love it!! =] =]

So glad you spoke up, I hate when people try and take charge.

Yeah, though my girls were a lot more vocal about it than I was - I think they really didn't want to do that step! :rotfl:

Gah! Sorry I didn't comment on Rehearsal Day, Part 1. I would have been really irritated too. :( Boys can be SO stupid. You're really mature though for giving him a pass this time--- I don't know if I would have!

And your rehearsal dinner looked like a lot of fun--- and you look SO pretty in your dress! I *love* the top of it. :D It is annoying that the consultant was trying to be all take charge--- I hate that. It's YOUR wedding; if you wanted the gosh darn Our Father, you'd have the gosh darn Our Father! Geez louise.

I can't wait to hear more. :D :D :D

Yeah, it was something I probably wouldn't have normally given him a pass on, but I knew if I made a big deal out of it then it would ruin the next few days and I just couldn't let that happen!

Just checking in sweetie - So glad the dinner went well (apart from the pain of a BM). The wedding co-ordinator sounds a real terror. So glad you put her in her place!!!
That choccie cake looks to die for!!!
Anxious to read the next installment!!

Hey Becky... So glad your rehearsal dinner went well and that the food was good. Sorry about the missing bridesmaid it would definitely irritate me!!! I can't wait to hear about how the wedding day went!!

Thanks, I'm hoping to start updating on the wedding day tonight!
Ah so much fun! Your already ahead of me the wedding TR :cutie: I am so jealous of your bachelorette party, it looked like you all had so much fun and that bridesmaid tea why didn't I think of that? Such a cute idea. Sorry about your cancellations again, but hey it was there loss ;) Can't wait to hear about the big day!
Ah so much fun! Your already ahead of me the wedding TR :cutie: I am so jealous of your bachelorette party, it looked like you all had so much fun and that bridesmaid tea why didn't I think of that? Such a cute idea. Sorry about your cancellations again, but hey it was there loss ;) Can't wait to hear about the big day!

Thanks Vicki!! Someday the Fab 5 will all have to get together and have some sort of "bachelorette party" with all of us, even though by that point we probably won't all be bachelorettes anymore! But it would be fun! ;)
The Wedding Day - Getting Ready!

First of all, I never expected to be as nervous for my wedding as I was. It had nothing to do with actually getting married so much as just knowing all those people would be watching us! And hoping nothing major would go wrong. I couldn't sleep at all that night so I called my MOH and we had a nice long phone chat and she made me feel a lot better. I got maybe 4 hours of sleep, falling asleep around 3 am and then waking up by 7.

First thing I did was log on to the computer to get good seats on the airplane for the honeymoon! Then it was time to go to the salon. Linda's parents were kind enough to drive Martin from the hotel with them, though when he heard we were all meeting at the salon his reaction was, "the salon? Again??" :rotfl: Haha, I guess the three hours we had spent there the day before was enough for him...

So first off I got my make up done. I had never met with the makeup artist or did a trial or anything, but I just explained that I wanted something that looked really natural. She totally got it and did a fantastic job!



Then it was on to hair! All of the girls got their hair done that morning (except Sarah), so it was fun having them all there.

You'd think I'd be able to relax for one morning, but of course no one can do anything without me! So I still have to deal with everyone texting me - groomsmen asking when they needed to be at the church, my brother asking where the rings were, my dad asking about aisle runners - even though of course this was all stuff I'd told them about multiple times before... notice it's all the men ;)


Look at my curls! Unfortunately they didn't stay quite so curly for the whole day, but it still looked pretty good:


Then it was back to the house for "lunch." Lunch for me being a slice of toast that I don't even think I ate all of. I really felt like I was going to vomit that whole morning! The next hour or so felt like I was just waiting for stuff to happen. Sarah was the only one that wasn't with us, she was going to come over by 12 but didn't show up til around 1:30 - in case you hadn't noticed, this was kind of a trend this whole weekend. She was there for everything she needed to be there for, but it was really the bare minimum. But at least she was there.

The flowers arrived exactly at 1:30, just like they were supposed to! One thing I didn't have to worry about! :woohoo: And I was absolutely thrilled when I saw my bouquet:


It was exactly what I had wanted. The girls' flowers all looked great too:



Around 1:15 I started getting texts from the photographer saying she was in traffic. After what had happened with Jason the day before I was immediately ready to panic. Long Island traffic can be bad. She was scheduled to be here at 2 and she said she left an hour and 40 minutes early, but now it was getting cut close. Thank goodness my dad knew that she could use the HOV lane since it was a Saturday - if you don't know what that is it's a special lane that you can only drive in if you have more than one person in the car or if you drive a hybrid (it's to promote carpooling and the environment). But the rules don't apply on the weekends. However, most people don't know that so they don't use it anyway. Well, she was able to get in that lane and said it was moving really well - she arrived at 1:59! I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if that lane wasn't there!

So once she's there I start getting into my dress and all. Here's some shots of that:







All of my bridesmaids were a big help, even my honorary "bridesmaid", Martin :rotfl2: We were so excited to see him this day because he had told us the day before he was going to be wearing his "National Costume" of Norway. We had no idea what to expect, though you know what Americans think of when they think of costumes! It was actually a rather nice suit that is apparently what they traditionally wear to weddings:


We did make him leave the room when I was actually changing though!

My cat Bob also had to be at least around the action. He hung out on the bed while we were all getting ready:


At one point my earring that I was trying to put on fell out of my hands and went way under the dresser. We were trying to get it out so my sister ran downstairs to find a broom or something. However, when she returned we'd already retrieved it - she was so disappointed she didn't get to save the day:


To be continued! :goodvibes
So even though I've seen all of these pictures already due to my incessant facebook stalking :rolleyes1, I LOVE hearing the story behind the pictures!

*I'm sorry you were so stressed/nervous all morning! And OMG boys are so useless sometimes, huh?!?
*Your flowers are GORGEOUS
*That picture of your sister in her nice dress, with the broom, and a sad face is adorable. You should print it out and give it to her for Christmas or something; I love it.
*If I weren't an almost-married-woman, I would have SUCH a crush on Martin! :lmao:
Lovely photos sweetie!!! Looking forward to seeing the rest. I agree with Jackie about Martin (and that is from an old married, newly renewed lady ;))!!
Wow, you're so lucky about the make up thing, I'd totally be freaking out the entire time if I didn't have a trial ahead of time.. and it's family doing my makeup! ha.

I love all of the pictures. Especially the one of your sister with the broom/swiffer! Tooo cute!!!

Can't wait to read more.

You really were gorgeous on your wedding day!!
I just finished reading your PJ, and I've made it just in time to see all your plans being put into action! Your wedding photos are lovely so far, you look very beautiful! I can't wait to see and read more!


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