I need Disney Therapy. Are you coming or not?.... Nov/Dec 11 pre trip report

This day last year I went to Seaworld!
Fave pics and stuff:

I was so happy when I saw this guy again. I got my picture with him when I was ten and hadn't seen him since!

Luv the dolphins:

New character dude:

I was so happy after years of searching to find underwater viewing for the killer whales:

And my fave pic was my artsy pic:
I love the Shamu character! I am so excited to go to Discovery Cove and swim with the dolphins! The artsy picture is beautiful!

Hope you are having a great Tuesday!
I love the Shamu character! I am so excited to go to Discovery Cove and swim with the dolphins! The artsy picture is beautiful!

Hope you are having a great Tuesday!

I can't wait to see the new part of Discovery Cove and try out a hammock :)

The artsy pic turned out nice. I wasn't trying for an artsy pic I was just taking a pic of the fountain yoke and that's how it came out I liked it!

I'm off work today and sick again.. I got a cold last month and it went away for like three weeks and is now back again!
oh and peoples are saying SNOW is coming back next month.. This makes me happy! I like snow. I just hope when it comes to time to go to Mickey's house there isn't snow like last year as the airports over here closed down with the snow :scared1: I think I would cry ALOT if that happened.... now if they want to close the airport around the time I'm due to go home i have no problem with that...

Oh yeah and I got my first lot of dollars today :goodvibes
Oh so happy today! Went back to dance class still confused as to what class I should be in but the dance teach sorted it all since he came more prepared because he knew what we were able for so basically those of us that didn't brave the advanced class again were given the exact same step as those intermediate dancers that did brave the dance class and it was all good! He spent loads of time working with us and went down the line one by one on the parts we got stuck on. I'm so happy to be back at dancing even though right now my left foot does not agree with this happiness! :goodvibes

Oh and 64 days til Mickey's house!
This Day last year we went to Animal Kingdom and Epcot!

Fave pics:
Simba came out to see us:


This is prob one of my fave pics from the trip:

and my first Mickey ice-cream sandwich yoke:

Then in Epcot I finally convinced Momma that we hadn't seen the parks properly before:
This day last year was another "rest" day. We tend to use our "rest" days in Florida as shopping at outlets days for two reasons...
1: we love to shop
2: I can't do the sit by the pool all day thing anymore. I can sit by pool for maybe an hour or two and after that I want to do something else and see things. I just can't sit still on holidays. Sitting still is wasting time on holidays for me especially in Florida:rotfl:

Anyways since it was shopping day not alot of pics but I did get pics of International drive that I thought were cool with the lights. I esp love the chips on the side of McDonalds.



Also my this day last year had me a little confused today because in Ireland it's "Arthur's day" (made up day to promote guiness/"celebrate" Arthur Guiness's birthday!) So I knew I was in DHS on Arthur's day last year and thought I was a day late with on this days but dates on pics say other wise so I guess Mr. Guiness's birthday changes every year as it seems it must be on a Thursday! :goodvibes
Sorry that you are not feeling well again...we have to get you well for your trip! :sick:

The Mickey ice cream sandwich looks so yummy...I can't wait to have one! I sure hope we get to see Simba on our Safari!

So glad I get to relive last year with you! Thanks for sharing your pictures! I really do not have any rest days scheduled, most are pretty planned out...and we will rest once the mission is accomplished for the day. :rotfl:
Sorry that you are not feeling well again...we have to get you well for your trip! :sick:

The Mickey ice cream sandwich looks so yummy...I can't wait to have one! I sure hope we get to see Simba on our Safari!

So glad I get to relive last year with you! Thanks for sharing your pictures! I really do not have any rest days scheduled, most are pretty planned out...and we will rest once the mission is accomplished for the day. :rotfl:

This trip will make me feel better :) I was in Lanzarote or somewhere like that before and got really really bad cold when I was there lost my voice and all but still went swimming with Sealions that trip so I don't think even sickness will keep me from Mickey's house :goodvibes It would be nice not to have a cold or anything else though for it :)

I didn't find out til after that it's apparently a rare sight to see Simba out and awake so I guess we got lucky :)

Rest days are a waste to me really but Momma can't handle parks everyday so we go shopping.. Plus like the price difference in clothes and that over in U.S. compared to here is like :scared1: eg: Tommy Hilfiger jeans. I got one for 19.99 dollars over there last year. If I was to buy the same jeans here in Ireland it would cost anything from 174 dollars to 250 dollars approx.
Same with Gap hoodies i got one last tiem for 24.99 dollars. In Ireland same hoodie cost approx 68 dollars so we go to outlets on our "rest" days and stock up on designer clothes :)
I dont' blame you for doing your shopping here. It seems the prices are crazy over there. I know some people who shop here online with the sales and have it all sent to a friend or family member here in the us and then that person ships to them whereever occasionally. they say it still is cheaper than buying most things overseas. I've only purchased from 2 overseas clothing companies- Next Direct and Boden. While the prices are a bit higher than here if you dont' catch them on sale, at least they offer free/ cheap shippign regularly.
I love your seaworld and ak pics. i really need to go to see world. i want to, but i dont want to take the time out from Disney.
I dont' blame you for doing your shopping here. It seems the prices are crazy over there. I know some people who shop here online with the sales and have it all sent to a friend or family member here in the us and then that person ships to them whereever occasionally. they say it still is cheaper than buying most things overseas. I've only purchased from 2 overseas clothing companies- Next Direct and Boden. While the prices are a bit higher than here if you dont' catch them on sale, at least they offer free/ cheap shippign regularly.
I love your seaworld and ak pics. i really need to go to see world. i want to, but i dont want to take the time out from Disney.

I know it's so hard not to go to Disney but then I love Shamu and the dolphins and I loved WWOHP as well so I always go to the other parks. Plus we travel so far to get to Orlando it's nice to go see all the parks when we're there.

Clothes prices are crazy on the designer clothes and shoes though definately compared to U.S. even with currency conversions and everything. That thing I was saying bout Tommy Hilfiger prices for example converting it to euro what I paid in U.S. was like about 12-15 euro for the jeans which is really really good over here same jeans would be 129-179 euro! It's crazy! Skecthers (spelling?) opened a shop in Ireland this year but like what I paid approx 12 euro for in Orlando last year were like 65 euro over here. Same in Disney store. Characters that are working out about 15 euro from U.S are 30 euro over here! it makes me sad because I want them all but not for the prices over here lol! May just go to Florida with an empty suitcase!
I know it's so hard not to go to Disney but then I love Shamu and the dolphins and I loved WWOHP as well so I always go to the other parks. Plus we travel so far to get to Orlando it's nice to go see all the parks when we're there.

I have to agree...why not visit everywhere you can....each place has great things to see and do!

I like the idea of an empty suitcase, how fun would it be to wear new clothes every day and shop for them every day! :woohoo:
This time last year we were in Hollywood studios.
Fave pics and things:
I found Sorcerer Mickey mouse. He's my favourite Mickey Mouse. I was happy:

I had my first Mickey Bar:

I tried twice to see Eeyore and Tigger two of my fave characters and got turned away by cm's both times so I snapped this instead

I had my first ADR experience:

and prob one of my favourite things from that day was after the Block Party Bash parade some of the CM's were going around handing out the balls from the end of the parade to kids that were around the place. I was sat near the hat at a wall having a rest and eating my Mickey bar it was a hot day so we were trying to cool off. I saw the CM throwing the balls at kids and said to my momma in a kiddie voice messing BALL MAMMY BALL!!! and the CM threw one at me :) I was so happy because Block Party bash was soon to be extinct at that time and I had been given a free souvenir of it :rotfl: I took a pic of everything I bought at the end of each day last year though I never posted them but if you notice between Marie's legs you'll see my Block Party Bash ball:

as always there's more pics and stories from the day in my last trip report linked in my sig :)

One more question for this years trip. I was wondering if any of you very talented people with Disney font on your computers might be able to do me a favour and take pic below and in the red letter Mickey has write "You and invited to Pick a Pearl in Japan" for me please and thank you in advance if anyone can help :)
I am liking my ticker more and more everyday. For one only 2 months left and number two look how far Mickey has travelled!

I said to one of the guys in work today this day last year I was in Magic Kingdom and this time two months from now I'll be on a plane on the way back to Magic Kingdom.. actually this time two months from now I should be in Florida hopefully!

So yeah fave pics and things from this day last year:
attempting to get an artsy main street pic

Met Push for ths first time-hilarious!

It poured rain like monsoon style for the parade but it was the best parade ever because of the rain!

We of course had to say goodbye to Toontown fair that day :(
Some of my fave pics:


attempting to be artsy in Mickey's summer house:

Day time castle

Night time castle

It looks good all the time I :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc the castle!

I have a few video clips I'll post as well when I get time to upload them and as always more pics and stories in last years trip report linked in sig :)
I need a Mickey Bar NOW! Isn't it fun to see how much the ticker has moved? It has gone by really fast...at least the summer flew by! Your pictures are making me want to take a trip to see WDW at Halloween time! The decorations look so fun!

I am so excited, PUSH does still exist. Now we are going to have to keep a look out for him!

Sure wish I could help with the pick a pearl...have you tried the DISdesigns board? I did not have much luck there, but maybe you will.
I need a Mickey Bar NOW! Isn't it fun to see how much the ticker has moved? It has gone by really fast...at least the summer flew by! Your pictures are making me want to take a trip to see WDW at Halloween time! The decorations look so fun!
I preferred the Mickey ice cream sandwich thing but wanted to try the Mickey Bar as well. Weather was HOT HOT HOT so it was a good excuse as well! I know it's great to watch that ticker moving :) MNSSHP was brilliant and Magic Kingdom was great done up for Halloween. I loved how they even did up Mickey and Minnie's houses for Halloween so cute.

I am so excited, PUSH does still exist. Now we are going to have to keep a look out for him!
PUSH was the funniest thing ever! Definately one of highlights of last years trip. I had heard about him being in Tomorrowland but never saw him before then before the parade in Magic Kingdom we were sitting in front of castle and PUSH came out to amuse people and was defo the funniest. He was trying to get people to do hula hooping and then people were trying to take pics with him and he kept saying I don't know why people want to take pictures of me I'm only an ordinary trash can! so funny!

Sure wish I could help with the pick a pearl...have you tried the DISdesigns board? I did not have much luck there, but maybe you will.
Ah sure if nobody can do it I'll just write it in but just thought it would be nice to put it in Disney font and I can't write like that
I just woohooed because ticker says 1 month (and so many weeks and day but bleh to them) :)

I have many random thoughts. I work mostly on a check-out in a supermarket and while I'm scanning things if i'm not having conversation with a customer I tend to have alot of random thoughts there I dunno why! :confused3 Today's random thought was OMG when am I going to put up the Christmas tree :rotfl: One of the talk show programmes on telly over here have what's called the "Late Late Toy Show" every year usually last friday in November or there abouts it basically shows off the hot toys for Christmas and usually I put up the Christmas tree while watching that. But that's probably going to be on the day after we fly so that means either put up the Christmas tree early or late. We won't be back until the 9th and this is to late for me to put up christmas tree in my head :rotfl:plus i thought it might be nice to have the tree up to add our disney christmassy stuff to when we get back... Soooo pack and then on 23rd when can't sleep due to excitement over mickey's house put up xmas tree it's a plan :)
Yes I do think to much!

And on this day last year we had our most random Disney day.
Only thing planned was a breakfast with character...
Breakfast was at O'Hana and my main reason... scrap that only reason for going:

plus I had my first Mickey Waffles.. for this pic I was messing. I bit the ear off mickey put the jam on and then told Momma I made Mickey's ear bleed :littleangel: Yes I am easily amused:

Poly was very pretty and I loved the Tiki's

Afterwards I had my first visit to Downtown Disney
World of Disney is HUGE:

We then went to Epcot where I had the biggest achievement of our trip last year... in two hours I met seven characters and did a sprint around the world (see last years trip report.) I tookt his pic in Japan thought they were pretty:

and random I posted a video of the Epcot fountains I took last year. I was trying to get where the water was cutting off in the air but of course it stopped doing that the minute I turned the camera on.
I can't wait to have a Mickey waffle! I have the recipe...a friend has a mickey waffle maker that I am going to borrow and make Mickey Waffles on Mickey's birthday for the kids in November....but I can't wait for a Mickey waffle in WDW. That is the first thing I am going to eat on our official first day in the most magicial place in the world!
I have never had a Mickey waffle. Guess sometime I will have to try one. I just put too much syrup on waffles or pancakes, that I add too many calories and don't really taste the waffle or pancake. I guess I just like syrup!!!
I have never had a Mickey waffle. Guess sometime I will have to try one. I just put too much syrup on waffles or pancakes, that I add too many calories and don't really taste the waffle or pancake. I guess I just like syrup!!!

They are so good..just because they are Mickey!

Emma, love the new pics! Hope you are feeling better!
I can't wait to have a Mickey waffle! I have the recipe...a friend has a mickey waffle maker that I am going to borrow and make Mickey Waffles on Mickey's birthday for the kids in November....but I can't wait for a Mickey waffle in WDW. That is the first thing I am going to eat on our official first day in the most magicial place in the world!

So cool bout the Mickey Waffles for Mickey's Birthday! I want a Mickey Waffle maker.

I have never had a Mickey waffle. Guess sometime I will have to try one. I just put too much syrup on waffles or pancakes, that I add too many calories and don't really taste the waffle or pancake. I guess I just like syrup!!!
I couldn't go to Disney and not try Mickey Waffle with everyone talking about them! I heard there's chocolate ones as well so want one of those now :)

They are so good..just because they are Mickey!

Emma, love the new pics! Hope you are feeling better!
I always feel bad eating Mickey's face but they are yummy!

Thanks re the pics! I like Pictures :)

I still have a cold that is lingering although not as bad as it was and other than that things are getting there very slowly. Starting college next week and looking forward to it!


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