2010 Tri Thread

ok, there's no turning back now...i'm officially signed up for my first tri. of course i decide to dive in head first with an Olympic :lmao:

trying to figure out a good training plan that will get me across the finish line with embarrassing myself - but without giving up too much of my running base, either. the tri is july 8th, and i'm planning on running the nyc marathon on nov 6th - so i won't have too much time post-tri to rebuild my running base before hopping into marathon training. any suggestions?

Congrats on trying your first tri! I second what Duane's opinion. Also, just make sure to enjoy the process of getting ready and going through your first triathlon.

Duane - Yeah, the heat could be better for IMTX, but it could also be worse! :lmao: Good luck next weekend, I will be following you online (#2704).
That a way - jump right in. Here is a great site that has a lot of free plans. Take a look. http://www.beginnertriathlete.com/discussion/training/trainingplans-list.asp?l=0

Not sure the concern for NYC marathon. You'll have almost all of July, Aug, Sept, and most of October. Besides you won't be hurting your running base while getting ready for the tri. Yea, you'll replace a few runs but you won't stop running. You should be fine.

You'll do great!

thx! the reason why i'm nervous regarding the marathon training is I'm used to running 5-6 days/week leading up to marathon training and then of course during training. my tri is july 8th - so a 18 week marathon training program would start july 1st, and then a 16 week program would start the week after the tri. but hopefully you are right and switching out some of the runs for bike/swim won't be a big deal and i can hop into a good marathon program right after the tri

i've also made some pretty great gains in both endurance/speed this year because i've worked on increasing my weekly mileage...i guess i'm worried i will move backwards if i run less

obviously the answer is to win the lotto so i can quit my job and focus solely on training for all my endurance events and then traveling around the world for races :lmao:
i've also made some pretty great gains in both endurance/speed this year because i've worked on increasing my weekly mileage...i guess i'm worried i will move backwards if i run less
My personal experience is that my run has improved more during my tri training periods than my run training periods. I wouldn't worry about losing run-specific fitness as the overall tri training regimen should carry you through.
Duane, good luck at IMF!! :)

Richard....back for more...LOL....good luck! Now that you know what to expect, I predict a big PR for you!

I'm in for IM Canada next summer....because training in Texas in July sounds like a good idea? :sad2:
My personal experience is that my run has improved more during my tri training periods than my run training periods. I wouldn't worry about losing run-specific fitness as the overall tri training regimen should carry you through.

I totally agree with this. I'm always faster after a summer of cross training than I am after running all winter. I'm getting a bike trainer for the basement this winter, so hopefully, I can get some miles in on the bike.
Well, John beat me in saying it, but congratulations Duane!! I got to see you come across the line on the internet feed. WTG!!!
I also got to see (one of the many new friends I made during my Ironman training earlier this year) cross the finish line Chris Gause became the oldest female to finish IMFL (oldest female ever for IMFL I am told) in 16:45:40 as she wins the women's 70-74 age group.
Thanks everyone. It was a great race. I will write a report in the next few days but overall I was very pleased. Felt good at the end actually.

Awesome swim, what I thought was a terrible bike then a really good run (for me).

I did sign up for 2012 before I even raced. Glad I did as the race sold out within 20 minutes on line. We have about 15 people running IMFL next year so I thought what the heck. Wanted to do IMAZ but couldn't miss this opportunity. Besides I can drive there which makes it so much easier.

Last comment about the race: Gosh I hate the wind :)

Duane, again congratulations.

I just keep on telling myself that for us SW Fl. riders the wind is our mountain. The only problem is that we don't get to coast down at 50mph.
Is it too early to try to resurrect the thread for the spring? ;)

How's everyone's off season, or in my case "off season". I use the quotes as I have done 3 races so far in 2012, a half marathon, full marathon and 50 miler.

My tri race season picks up early with a 70.3 in Galveston on April 1, a local sprint on May 5 and then IMTX on May 19.

What is everybody out there is looking at for the year?
Is it too early to try to resurrect the thread for the spring? ;)

How's everyone's off season, or in my case "off season". I use the quotes as I have done 3 races so far in 2012, a half marathon, full marathon and 50 miler.

My tri race season picks up early with a 70.3 in Galveston on April 1, a local sprint on May 5 and then IMTX on May 19.

What is everybody out there is looking at for the year?

Holy Cow Richard. Three big races in one month. Impressive. But with IMTX looming you gotta put in the miles. No full marathons for me unless it follows 112 mi bike :)

I did a trail half marathon in January then have 5k and another half marathon within the next month. Late March I am going to do any Oly in Clermont, then Florida 70.3 in May.

Couple of sprints until Augusta 70.3 in September cumulating with IMFL in November.

keep posting and let me know how it is going.
A question for experienced triathletes....Could I compete with a combination breast stroke/flutter kick for the swim?

Wanted to start triathlon competition this year but restricted movement in right shoulder from arthritis and bone on bone is causing me to turn to Duathlon competition for now. Two weeks ago I completed a training 5K followed by a 60 mile bike then 13.1 miles so I'm ready for March yet I really want to Tri.

DW was a certified swim instructor so she will work with me but being almost 62yo I am wondering if I might wind up being too much underwater, so to speak!
A question for experienced triathletes....Could I compete with a combination breast stroke/flutter kick for the swim?

Wanted to start triathlon competition this year but restricted movement in right shoulder from arthritis and bone on bone is causing me to turn to Duathlon competition for now. Two weeks ago I completed a training 5K followed by a 60 mile bike then 13.1 miles so I'm ready for March yet I really want to Tri.

DW was a certified swim instructor so she will work with me but being almost 62yo I am wondering if I might wind up being too much underwater, so to speak!

No reason why you couldn't! There are no restrictions on type of swim stroke. Besides...the people you are swimming near would appreciate if you did a flutter kick with your breast stroke rather than a frog kick, which is sometimes dangerous in crowds. :thumbsup2

Richard...you are a beast! Congrats on your running!

As for me...I did part of the Goofy, but pulled out in the marathon at mile 8 due to a leg injury that was affecting my gait and I worried I would get another injury from compensating. It was the right thing to do, but oh so frustrating to not get my Goofy medal and now I have to go back next year.

Tri-wise...working on rebuilding my bike and swim base and easing into the running. Major races on tap will be New Orleans 70.3, Buffalo Springs 70.3, and Ironman Canada. Fitting in sprints and fun races where I can, still wanting to get out and travel and not do the same ol', same ol' from year to year.
I'm grounded. :sad1: My DH has placed my bike in the rafters is the garage so I can't reach it and has hidden my running shoes. I am allowed to swim as long as I don't kick with my left leg, push off the wall, or do flipturns. :rolleyes2


Happy training to everyone else! Make sure you post what you are doing so I can live vicariously through your workouts. :)


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