Our little Mouseketeer 2nd trip Pre Trip Report :D TODAY!!!!!!! :D

I love the cake you are doing for Elsie she will love it, i thought i'd show you a photo of the cake my sister made for my birthday last year just before we went to Florida to celebrate my birhtday!!


the "flowerpot" part was just spong cake and then the Minnie on the top was made of fondant, which i have still got it was too cute to eat or throw away!!

your plans are coming on really well. i can't wait to go and buy a Duffy, he was everywhere in Florida but i just didn't know who he was unitl we came back and i read his story, now i can't wait to own my very own Duffy!! i love the photo's of Elsie in her Minnie outfit she looks so cute, you are going to get some amazing photos of your trip!
Lovely pics of your dd :goodvibes

Aw thank you she is very photogenic

Wow, love your practice Minnie cake - I always think baking cakes looks so much easier than it is. I've watched too many Cake Boss and Cake-Off episodes, ha ha!

That Rapunzel cake is really well done, and so elegant - I love it!

Yes me to I even searched youtube how to sheet ice thought it looked so easy HA I was so wrong lol!

I love the cake you are doing for Elsie she will love it, i thought i'd show you a photo of the cake my sister made for my birthday last year just before we went to Florida to celebrate my birhtday!!


the "flowerpot" part was just spong cake and then the Minnie on the top was made of fondant, which i have still got it was too cute to eat or throw away!!

your plans are coming on really well. i can't wait to go and buy a Duffy, he was everywhere in Florida but i just didn't know who he was unitl we came back and i read his story, now i can't wait to own my very own Duffy!! i love the photo's of Elsie in her Minnie outfit she looks so cute, you are going to get some amazing photos of your trip!

Wow that is such an amazing cake I really like the idea of making it in the shape of a Minnie Mouse hat I have a link to a Minnie Mouse party that has a similar cake!
Hope every one had a good weekend! Over too quickly again :sad1: I love having every one home from work and got too used to it over Christmas! Oh well Back to housework and watching lots of Disney DVD's with Elsie who can complain (about the later obviously)

Have a few more goodies to add to Elsie's collection:

A musical book she has a similar Tangled one so I know she will love this one


A picture of her hair grips and Snow White hair band and Hair clip these were christmas presents but will be coming with us


Also a little back pack I got from Asda I have filled with a few goodies, a surprise egg, a Belle phone, Ariel magic wand, some badge (Im not sure if you can take these in hand luggage) and a bouncy ball on top of a tube of sweets (She loves to rattle these I bought Dave a Cars one when we went to DLP in September and she loved it)


And some birthday badges


Princess badge


and Minnie Mouse badge


and this will all go in a Princess gift bag



I am assuming I wont be able to take a wrapped present through security so thats why I am planning on just putting it in the bag and giving it to her when we are waiting for the plane so she has some new toys to play with!

I love the Minnie Birthday Badge!! she is so lucky to have so much Disney stuff and it will help to pass the time on the flight - is there anythig in your house that isn't Disney LOL!!! i don't think we've got a room in the house that hasn't got something Disney in it!
I love the Minnie Birthday Badge!! she is so lucky to have so much Disney stuff and it will help to pass the time on the flight - is there anythig in your house that isn't Disney LOL!!! i don't think we've got a room in the house that hasn't got something Disney in it!

Ha lol actually when I see people's pictures on here of their houses at Christmas etc we hardly have any Disney! We do have a bit in most rooms ;) though! X
Love the additional purchases - you've done so well, its really impressive and she's going to be so excited!
Hi, great extra presents, can I ask where you got the minnie badge. I have a daughter who would love that.:goodvibes
Love the additional purchases - you've done so well, its really impressive and she's going to be so excited!

Aw thank you she has already tried to play with it all lol so hoping she will like it!

Sounds like a great trip - she's a very cute and lucky girl!

Thank you! Thanks for reading

Hi, great extra presents, can I ask where you got the minnie badge. I have a daughter who would love that.:goodvibes

It's from asda it was £2 I have seen them in sainsburys with ages on them but didn't have any one so I got these when I saw these as given up hope trying to find a Disney aged 1 badge!
I am an obsessed planner I can't help it! Before we booked this trip I was already planning it where to eat where to stay what park we would do on what day.

The last two nights I have had nightmares where I am frantically packing the morning we are leaving for Disney washing, ironing searching for everything whilst carrying Elsie under my arm!

I know you think I am crazy but by now the suitcase is normally out and I have started chucking things in it :rotfl: It sounds just as crazy to me but it is just the way I am lol!

So I am planning on starting this week so I dont wake up at 3am again in a cold sweat lol worrying if I have my tooth brush or if I have all of Elsie's costumes lol!

Are there any other crazy packers out there or do you have any sort of routine of getting ready for your holidays?
Oh hun lol! I hate those nightmares...they're so real aren't they!? I have had dreams where I miss trains, or flights, or get somewhere and have forgotten the majority of my clothes, got down to the hotel swimming pool but don't have a swimming costume etc.

I don't tend to pack in advance, because 1) I loathe doing it, 2) Matthew is a complete nightmare at sneaking in to rooms and if he saw suitcases, he'd naturally think we were going right now.... and 3) we have a 3 bed house, so our spare room is where I'd have to keep it and my Dad is coming to stay just before we go, so that isn't an option. What I do, is make list after list after list. I have an Excel spreadsheet for every holiday and I just frantically write in it all the time lol. Just now I have a notebook next to the bed for those things I remember at 3am, lol, and then I transfer it to Excel the next morning.

Being organised and a good planner is a blessing and a curse, isn't it lol!

I think you're doing brilliantly, and Elsie is one lucky little lady!

Rachel xx
Oh hun lol! I hate those nightmares...they're so real aren't they!? I have had dreams where I miss trains, or flights, or get somewhere and have forgotten the majority of my clothes, got down to the hotel swimming pool but don't have a swimming costume etc.

I don't tend to pack in advance, because 1) I loathe doing it, 2) Matthew is a complete nightmare at sneaking in to rooms and if he saw suitcases, he'd naturally think we were going right now.... and 3) we have a 3 bed house, so our spare room is where I'd have to keep it and my Dad is coming to stay just before we go, so that isn't an option. What I do, is make list after list after list. I have an Excel spreadsheet for every holiday and I just frantically write in it all the time lol. Just now I have a notebook next to the bed for those things I remember at 3am, lol, and then I transfer it to Excel the next morning.

Being organised and a good planner is a blessing and a curse, isn't it lol!

I think you're doing brilliantly, and Elsie is one lucky little lady!

Rachel xx

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Another list maker I love it I am terrible but I like to have everything hand written down I hate writing a list on the computer I don't know why lol!
I have a Disney notebook and I list everything clothes, toiletries, where we are going to eat, what I want to try, things I need to get, things I need to do before I go lol! I am terrible!

Every night in bed I lie there thinking about it I am terrible! I am the same with everything though Christmas, Birthdays, you should of seen me when I was 8 months pregnant I had a list for everything! I have lists for my lists :rotfl:

Snap! I just read this to Garry and he rolled his eyes in the 'yep, that sounds like you rach' way lol!
add one more list maker :rotfl: I have a notebook and carry it around, because you never know when something pops into your head.

I plan every trip no matter where to we travel. I just love planing. It's part of a trip magic. DH says I'm nuts, but planing helps us get most of our trips.

It's from asda it was £2 I have seen them in sainsburys with ages on them but didn't have any one so I got these when I saw these as given up hope trying to find a Disney aged 1 badge!

Great, thanks I will have a look and see if they still have any:goodvibes
add one more list maker :rotfl: I have a notebook and carry it around, because you never know when something pops into your head.

I plan every trip no matter where to we travel. I just love planing. It's part of a trip magic. DH says I'm nuts, but planing helps us get most of our trips.

Me too I have a Disney list and a party list at the moment I cant help it! I love the face my phone has notes on it even though all the notes are a crazy mess and only make sense to me. lol!

Great, thanks I will have a look and see if they still have any:goodvibes

No problem x

I think I have finally made up my mind

March 5th We aren't due to arrive till 8.30/9pm so it will be straight to bed for us ready for a busy couple of days.

March 6th
Cafe Mickey 7/7:30
The plan for here is for Dave and I to have a starter each share a pizza then have Elsie's cake.

March 7th
Inventions 7:30/8

March 8th
Auberge de Cendrillon 1:00

I question it every time but this is it now! I worry it will be too late for Elsie as she got quiet upset last year when we were still at Cafe Mickey late last year but then I think we will go back for her to have a nap every day so she will be a bit more rested! So this is it I hope. No it is. I think :confused3 :rotfl:
Have 3 DLP trip lists on the go at the moment?
1. Characters we want to meet
2. Stuff to take
3. things to do

Have just found some cute hot water bottle shapped hand warmers - the gel kind that you reuse so have bought them. Now to find a warm dressing up dress for DD - any ideas?
Have 3 DLP trip lists on the go at the moment?
1. Characters we want to meet
2. Stuff to take
3. things to do

Have just found some cute hot water bottle shapped hand warmers - the gel kind that you reuse so have bought them. Now to find a warm dressing up dress for DD - any ideas?

How old is DD as the Disney Store now do fleeced lined dresses. Seems like a good idea they start at 2-3 they have cinderella and sleeping beauty.


I also have list like that I think my list is turning in to a book though!


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