A DISers Book Club!

I love this thread! Thank you.

I'm currently reading The Book of Three by Lloyd Alexander in preparation for watching The Black Cauldron. I try to alternate fiction and non-fiction and will be following this thread closely for recommendations.

The last book I read was Black Plants by Paul Bonine and next up is Mousejunkies by Bill Burke.
This poor thread .. ever since the book club its been abandoned ... I just wanted to mention a few books I put away ... One that will scare the crap out of most people "One Second After" a realistic apocalyptic view of a pending disaster by William R. Forstchen and a couple of horror by Steven Siegler Infected / Contagious . I also ran into this which makes me want to read the book Pete had recommended a while ago. http://www.reelzchannel.com/movie/2...nk&utm_campaign=Player-Referral-External-Site
I really like non-fiction too. Right now I'm reading "Fatal Analysis." It's about a psychologist who is working with someone who he thinks is a serial killer.
I think, though, that you could give some fiction a chance. For instance, historical fiction has a lot of non-fiction qualities. It gives a lot of factual information, but adds it to a fictional story. You can still learn a lot that way.

I'm going to agree with you part-way in that yes there is good fiction out there. But I'll pass on historical fiction. I figure why not just read a true account?
I'm currently reading Okinawa about the last major battle of WW2 and just finished The Big Lie which was about the HP fiasco (pre-texting, spying on board members).
Now for my not-so-guilty-pleasure: I love the Perry Mason mysteries by Gardner.

and also - I am currently reading Cast Member Confidential by Chris Mitchell

Im curious to see what its like behind the scenes!
Pride & Prejudice is one of my all time favorite novels. I've been curious about Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I've been hesitant for two reasons though: I didn't want a spoof to ruin such a great tale and the author used way too many conjunctions in the title. :laughing:
Has anyone read any of the Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson ???
Someone told me about the series today and I wondering if any Disers were a fan ???
I have! Loved the first one and so did my students. I haven't read the others though.
Currently I am reading "The Book of Night With Moon". It's by Diane Duane, and is about wizardly cats who run the worldgates, practically doors to another world. It's about 350 pages, and is a good one for those who love fiction, wizardry, heartbreak, and friendship all in one book. First though, you might want to read an earlier book of hers, "So You Want To Be A Wizard", along the same lines but with people. It's a bit easier to understand than the Book of Night With Moon, and gives an Intro to the series, but both are books that don't let you put them down.:wizard:pixiedust::cat:
Has anyone read any of the Kingdom Keepers by Ridley Pearson ???
Someone told me about the series today and I wondering if any Disers were a fan ???

Hi Melissa,
I have read all 4 books and loved all of them. Of course, it matters that I am a huge disney fan so I might be a little bias. It is written as a "youth reader" type of book, but so was the Harry Potter series.

I believe any Disney fan will enjoy this series. Enjoy reading them.
Hello Everyone! I am new to this book club thread and I am super excited about it :) Every time I go into the bookstore it's so hard to decide what to read.. Hoping this will give me some ideas...:banana:
Currently I'm working my way through my new favorite book series: a Song of Ice and Fire. (see my sn and pic :D ) im over halfway through feast for crows and loving it :goodvibes
Currently I'm working my way through my new favorite book series: a Song of Ice and Fire. (see my sn and pic :D ) im over halfway through feast for crows and loving it :goodvibes

Hey i'd love to get this club resurected. I'm always looking for a good book and find the hardest part is selecting one. Which is why i usually choose long books in a series.

I am a sci fi/fantasy fan but for some reason never liked lord of the rings (books or movies) and have yet to try this series out. I loved the wheel of time series by Robert Jordon and see that he actually endorsed this series.

But if you could Arya, i'd love it if you would sell me this book. What makes it good? What makes you love it? i want to get psyched up and starting reading it. I really have a hard time starting a new book :).
I'm not Arya (although she KICKS BUTT!!!! Ammmiright AryaForQueen???) ;)
but I hope I can sell you on these books.....I'm gonna "geek" out a bit here.....

I adore this series. I am NOT a sci/fi fan. DH tried to get me to read the Robert Jordan books and after three, I found I'd rather poke myself in the eye with something sharp than read one more word.

So The Song of Ice and Fire series was a hard sell at first. But you will be HOOKED from the beginning.

One thing I love about these books is how Martin structures them. Each chapter is a different character's POV. You see the same events through different "eyes" and it proves that no one is "good" or "evil". It is an AMAZING character study....The structure also provides for some amazing cliff hangers that keep those pages turning!

Another thing I love is how fully realized Martin's fantasy world is. It's "fantasy" without being "alien". In fact, the "fantasy" doesn't really begin until the very end of the first book. There's just a realism about them that I enjoy. Probably one reason I hated the Jordan books.

Now, they will frustrate you. There's major plot twists and I don't think I'm giving away anything when I say that Martin has no problem killing off major characters. We're lucky that we can read all 5 books back to back but when my husband was reading them first, there were major time lapses between their releases and he said it drove him NUTS waiting to see what happened next. There's also a fear among the fanboys that Martin will abandon the series (he's done it before with other series) and not finish them.

I could go on and and on about them but I won't. READ THEM. You won't regret it! And then watch Game of Thrones on HBO! Season 2 starts on April !!!!

Dinklage RULES!!!
I've been catching up on Janet Evanovich's novels as of lately. I've always been a big fan, but haven't gotten all the way to the last book released. I'm almost done with Book #10 and have been laughing out loud all the way. Great writer and series! I also bought Wicked Appetite which is more of a fantasy novel and am excited to try that.
I've read the Wheel of Time series too and loved it. Well, read as much as I could. As far as I know it was never finished and then he died. :confused3

I'm now reading The Vault of Walt which I borrowed from the Amazon library on the Kindle.
I've read the Wheel of Time series too and loved it. Well, read as much as I could. As far as I know it was never finished and then he died. :confused3

I'm now reading The Vault of Walt which I borrowed from the Amazon library on the Kindle.

Yep i too stopped reading at around book 10 or so. Robert Jordon has passed on, however, he knew he was going to pass so he made extensive notes and passed it on to a writer he trusted to finish the series. I believe there is still one more book left to write so i'm going to wait until they are all done. I started to go crazy waiting for each subsequent book to be released.

Alright Jpeca i'm going to give the series a try. Now the hard part will be finding a copy at the library :)
Since I work in a bookstore, I REALLY have to make sure I don't spend my whole paycheck there. :) Anyhoo, I am currently reading Ms. Peregrine's School for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. I started this book yesterday and I am almost finished with it (only 100 pages to go!). I recently finished reading Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom by A.C. Crispin. This book was very good and gave me a different perspective about Jack Sparrow's beginnings. I know both of these books are teen books, but they are both good. Last month I read In The Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson. This was a great novel about a family during the beginning of WWII (1939). I love Erik Larson's writing style. I can go on and on, but these are a few books I have recently read and enjoyed. Just from reading this board, I have a few more books on my wish list for my Nook!
I've been catching up on Janet Evanovich's novels as of lately. I've always been a big fan, but haven't gotten all the way to the last book released. I'm almost done with Book #10 and have been laughing out loud all the way. Great writer and series! I also bought Wicked Appetite which is more of a fantasy novel and am excited to try that.

I am loving this series and have been laughing out loud too! I can't remember the last time I did this!! I am almost finished with book 2 and already have #3 on my Nook. Have you read any of her others?


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