"Stop Your Snorin', Let's Get To Soarin'!" A Thanksgiving TR! New 10/19- X3!


Jul 21, 2012
Please stand clear of the moving doors! Por favor mantengase alejado de last puertas!

Alright, Guys! Looks like we're getting ready to head out. Please keep your hands, arms, feet, and legs in the vehicle at all times. Thank you!

Jambo everybody! My name's Emily and I'm going to be tour guide as I relive one of the most amazing trips of my life.
What made this trip so amazing, you ask?

You're just going to have to wait and see!!

Let's get this party started with introductions!
I'm Emily and I'm 17 and a junior in high school. After I graduate, I want to go to the University of Central Florida and work part-time for my boy, Mickey. Disney is my life and I've been going there since before I was born. Disney will always hold a special place in my heart. My favorite characters are Peter Pan and Gaston. I promise you, he's really nice once you get to know him, like I did. I'm a firm believer in Peter's philosophy of never growing up.

Prom pose!


Stacy is my idol! She blessed this trip on Twitter, which is why I think it was amazing.
I'm also a galactic hero, in case you were interested.

Next, we have my little sister, Amy.
Amy is 14 and a freshman. She loves Disney, but not as much as me. She is super smart and works really hard in school. She is my partner in crime in Disney and even kept up with my crazy-ness while sick! That's commitment, right there.


Some pics of the both of us!



Let's get to the parental units.
They started my addiction by taking me for the first time when they found out I was on the way and then when I was 5 weeks old as soon as the Christmas crowds were gone. (We used to live in Orlando!) They are huge Disney fans, but don't always show it when they decide to sleep in some days. Sleep in at Disney? What is that nonsense about?!






Our dates were November 21-26 and we stayed at the Dolphin. We're FL residents and live 3 hours away. We celebrated Thanksgiving, New Fantasyland, which is amazing, and my birthday, which was about a week before.

I believe that there's never enough hours in a day at Disney. I go completely commando at Disney and I think I wear my family out.
You be the judge. This was early afternoon on our first full day.

It's like going to Africa, but without all the Malaria shots.

You'll experience the kind of fantasy that will live with you for ever, ever after.

Top 7? That was like 107!

Hey there Emily

I really enjoyed your last report so am definitely in on this one. I love your energy for all things Disney. :cool1:

Have fun
Nice family pictures. Good to see Dad getting into the spirit with his pretty hat! pixiedust:

So sorry we missed Osborne Light Show this past year, but it will be amazing again this year after the wait. :santa:
Hey there Emily

I really enjoyed your last report so am definitely in on this one. I love your energy for all things Disney. :cool1:

Have fun
:welcome: Thank you! I love the fact that people here share my love and passion for Disney.
I'm here!!
:welcome: Thanks for coming, Sara!
Nice family pictures. Good to see Dad getting into the spirit with his pretty hat! pixiedust:

So sorry we missed Osborne Light Show this past year, but it will be amazing again this year after the wait. :santa:
:welcome: Thank you!
He got into the spirit a lot more this trip than last trip. I think last time it was that he was just there less than 2 weeks before and he had a big business trip to India coming up. Did you notice he's even wearing Amy's pin necklace? Very Disney! :goodvibes

As you know, the OL are amazing! I agree that it will be more special for you this year. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Count me in!! I can't wait to hear more. We are going in June but we are also going Thanksgiving week.
Count me in!! I can't wait to hear more. We are going in June but we are also going Thanksgiving week.
:welcome: I've been 5 times at Thanksgiving and will be glad to answer any questions for you about it! It's one of my favorite weeks to go! :goodvibes
Im so excited to get this TR started!

The trip started off with some drama. Surprise!

The weather predictions were estimating really cold weather. I've lived in Florida my whole life and am a complete wimp when it comes to cold weather. If its below 65, I don't like it. So Mother had to go running to the mall the night before to buy some new clothes, so I couldnt pack everything that I needed. She and Amy needed a few things, too. I couldn't go with her because I had too much hw, so I texted her pics of what I liked.

The original plan for D-day was to skip school and leave after breakfast, but my A.P Psych teacher had other plans. He made the unit exam 7th period the day before Thanksgiving. Who does that? And why are we in school the day before, anyway? Normally, I wouldn't mind making up a test, but for AP classes the makeup is all essay vs. all multiple choice. No thanks! After talking to his department head, he told me I could come before school and take the multiple choice version. I was so busy the day before that I didn't have time to study, so I woke up at 4 AM to study. I got to school at around 7 and was done with plenty of time to spare and I ended up getting an A. Yay!

Time to go to Disney. Or so I thought. I was walking to first period and I saw Amy going to her class. What are you doing here? We're leaving. Turns out Dad had a problem come up with work that he had to take care of, so Mom dropped Amy off at school. We went from leaving school at 8 to leaving at 10.

The day went by pretty quickly. We weren't doing anything in any of my classes, so I went to the library to type up an assignment that was due right when I got back.

Dad called at 10 and so I went to the bathroom to answer and then I got dismissed as soon as I came back. It probably seemed suspicious, but who cares its Disney time!!
Just kidding. We had to get gas and Dad stopped in the convenient store to buy the winning lottery ticket. He always asks for the winning ticket when there's a big jackpot and the CM has yet to give him one.

We came home and Mom was packing up the last minute things. We were all really excited, but we were all just talking and taking our sweet old time, even me as if we didn't have anything to do. I think we forgot that Mickey was waiting for us. I finally decided to throw about 2 dozen dinosaur chicken nuggets in the micro, we ate them, and were on the road at about 11:45. Our latest departure ever!

I read some of Anthem for school. It was pretty bad, not going to lie. Amy, being the good student that she is, took my phone and logged on to her AP Human textbook to study once she noticed me reading.
About three hours later, we began seeing signs with an ugly Oger encouraging us to be courageous! No thanks!

Ahh! Much better! We probably should have washed the car before we left. Whoops!

Dad got off the wrong exit, despite me telling him not to miss it for a good 10 minutes, so we went in through the DTD entrance.

DFSOBFKBF! Disney!!!! I was so happy to be back with purple road signs and pretty Disney buses. I looked at each one to see where it was going. I always do that in Disney, for some reason! I couldn't care less where the few buses my city has are going.

We pulled up to the Dolphin, I quickly hopped out of the car, possibly slipped a quick "I'm going to Daisy's Garden", but I think my fam knows by now, took a few pictures as I was walking, and went off to Daisy's Garden.



I used a little more effort for this picture, as I got on the ground to take it.

Stupid me forgot to put on my ears, so I had to make a little pit stop to put them on.

I almost bought this adorable pair of sequin ears a few times, but put it back every time! Next trip!

I died and went to heaven. After a while, I went to go join my fam at check-in. Amy received a baseball cap for getting straight As and could use it to get ice cream whenever she wanted.

We went up the room and I wasted no time putting on Stacy! I started freaking out when the New FL part came up and almost went to go catch the next bus to the MK, but I had plans for this day and would be at MK the next morning, so I managed to refrain.
Our view:
Straight out:

To the right:

We were right next to the triangle!
Oh I'm so glad you started yout TR. Love the way you write and think next time you have to do a paper you just copy a TR and hand it in. :-)
Oh I'm so glad you started yout TR. Love the way you write and think next time you have to do a paper you just copy a TR and hand it in. :-)

Thank you! That's a good idea, but I'm not sure how that would have worked for analysis of argument. :scratchin
A seventh period exam the day before Thanksgiving? Grinch! Glad you got to take it early. :thumbsup2

I am ready to see some 65 degree temps as highs! We're having too many 40's to suit me!

There is something very special about purple, red, and turquoise road signs. ::yes::

Free ice cream? I'm in! :woohoo: Who gave her the hat?

I watch so little TV at home, but it does not take long to turn on Disney TV to add to the excitement of the arrival. :cool1:
YAY! An update! Thanks for keeping me busy during my lunch break! Love that pic of the tree from the floor! What a professional!
A seventh period exam the day before Thanksgiving? Grinch! Glad you got to take it early. :thumbsup2

I am ready to see some 65 degree temps as highs! We're having too many 40's to suit me!

There is something very special about purple, red, and turquoise road signs. ::yes::

Free ice cream? I'm in! :woohoo: Who gave her the hat?

I watch so little TV at home, but it does not take long to turn on Disney TV to add to the excitement of the arrival. :cool1:
Having the test the day before definitely was not cool, but I was glad to get it over with before the trip.

That was the weather we had this whole trip and I was freezing. We've had really warm weather lately, but I think it's going down to the 60s this weekend.

The front desk gave it to her for having straight As on her report card.

I watch one show in the winter and one in the summer. I'm addicted to "Once Upon A Time" right now. You might like it. It's Disney characters brought to real life and they interact with one another.

YAY! An update! Thanks for keeping me busy during my lunch break! Love that pic of the tree from the floor! What a professional!
I'm glad I could occupy you during your lunch. Thank you! I took it on my phone. I'm excited to go back with my new camera.
Sorry I've been MIA! I've had a lot of homework this marking period, including a 31 page paper, which took all of my DIS time for a good 8 weeks. Well, actually, 8 weeks is how long I had. I did it in the last two weeks. Needless to say, it felt good to finish it. I'm so glad the quarter ends this week and then it's finally Spring Break.
Commercial break over.
Let's get down to business..
You thought I was going to say "to defeat the Huns", didn't you?
Where I last left off we were checking out our room.

I unpacked and changed into shorts. I thought it was hot enough, but I didn't bother to turn on the Weather Channel because my pal, Stacy was on.

Once I touched the window, I realized it was about 50-60 degrees out and quickly changed back into my pants.

If I put my face on the window, I could see the Epcot ball. My camera doesn't have the same stretching abilities as me, so this was the best I got, but I promise you it was there.


We could see the tops of the buildings in the World Showcase!


It was too late to go to a themepark before dinner because we only had an hour until our ADR, but I wasn't just going to sit in the room. This is Disney World. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Mom and Dad got out new home organized and Amy and I went over to one of my favorite resorts, the Beach Club.


We thought it would be fun to jump across the water to save time versus walking to the left, so we did.



It was cold!!! I only had on a thin sweater and it was in the low 60s or upper 50s. Not ok for this Florida girl. I did my usuall jumping jacks to warm up. Haters gonna hate.




For some reason, I didn't get a picture of the outside of the Beach Club? Don't worry I got plenty on my morning walk a few days later!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I go back to December all the time. (Taylor Swift reference! I'm obsesses!!)


I promise you're not just seeing things and going crazy! People were actually swimmimg.






The carousel never gets old! So amazing!

I might be listening to Christmas Wishes! Judge me!

We looked around in the Marketplace and then left to get to our ADR at the Swan. I saw a boat at the dock that was going to DHS and I knew the next stop was the Swolphin, so we hopped on.

Frienship boats are so perfect!

Oh wait! I almost forgot to share a blonde moment of mine. Story time!
I was sitting backwards, but forgot, so when the boat was backing up, I said "Darn! We accidently got on the Epcot boat."


We got to the Swan a few minutes early, so we had some time to explore.

I modeled some Christmas merchandise. Your welcome.

We were eating at Garden Grove! We were called in and brought to our table. We noticed Pluto was only a few tables away, so we decided to say hello before going to rustle up some grub.
There weren't too many people around yet, so Mother insisted on getting every combination possible. I apologize in advance.







Mine! I like my corndog nuggets and mac and cheese! The CNs tasted just like Casey's! Yum! I want some now!



I only got three out of four. I think Mom got back after me and by then I was already stuffing my face.

Goofy came over, but we sent him away and asked him to come back because we were too busy stuffing our faces.

Amy and I went up for seconds, but noticed they were changing the deserts, so we decided to grab what we wanted for when we were ready.

I told my little prodigy that she needed to try the corndog nuggets, but she put them on the same plate as her deserts.
Nice try, Kid.

Are we even related?!


I wasn't really in a sweets mood tonight, so that made more room for mac and cheese and corn dog nuggets. I was officially on vacation.





Photobucket gave up on me for the night, so I can leave on a cliff hanger!

I went to the bathroom and when I came back, I had a surprise waiting for me!
Love the matching sweaters! You and your sister are so cute!
And you know I love Garden Grove- I really wish I was there right now instead of eating my sandwich at work! UGH!
Joining in ! :wave2:

Cute family. :goodvibes
Love the matching sweaters ;)

Can't wait to read more ! :banana:
Aw, thank you and thanks for joining in!:goodvibes
Hope to have more up soon! I'm on Spring Break now.
Love the matching sweaters! You and your sister are so cute!
And you know I love Garden Grove- I really wish I was there right now instead of eating my sandwich at work! UGH!
Thank you!
I always wish I'm eating disney food at school and I never am. At least I get free icecream at work. :cool1:
Sorry for my DIS Hiatus! The last few months have been crazy busy with school! I’m finally done and can enjoy my last summer before college! (I hope to start at UCF next summer.) Hopefully I can finish this TR before I go to Disney in around 7 weeks!

I last left off at Garden Grove. Goofy came over to say hello! He was really precious!

I don't even know!

Mom sent me to the bathroom to wash up and when I came back into the restaurant, Goofy grabbed my hand and escorted me to my table where I had a surprise waiting for me! It was so sweet and really made my day!

We then paid and walked back over to the Dolphin! Oh my gosh! It was SO cold and all I had on was a little sweater. So, what did I do, you ask? I BOOKED it over to the Dolphin and I am not exactly what you would call a runner. 

I got back to the room fast and put on more layers before the rest of the gang came up!

Come on, it’s time to go to Hollywood Studios!! I had been in Disney for 4 hours and hadn’t stepped foot in a park yet! Something is seriously wrong with that! 

But of course, they moved SO slow!! I was about to leave without them for Fantasmic AKA THE GREATEST SHOW EVER!!!! 

They all had to use the bathroom, when they just passed by public bathrooms downstairs and then change their clothes, all in a snail’s pace, I must add. 

Then Dad decided he wanted to go to bed! At 7:30 in Disney? O.k, whatever moves your monorail. 

We finally walked out the door at 7:34 when Fantasmic started at 8. 

When we got down to the dock, the DHS boat was pulling away! Ugh, I was so mad!!

We waited a few minutes and then I was about to say we should go to Epcot instead, but then I saw the light coming from the direction of the Yacht and Beach, which means it was going to DHS! Yay! The boat arrived with 19 minutes to spare! I was so happy! 

We pulled up to the dock and I booked it into the park! T minus 4 minutes! I walked with passion over to the theater and I got there with a minute to spare! Yay! Fantasmic! How I love they. 

It was more amazing than I even remembered and the ending gave me goosebumps!
Sorry for the terrible quality of the pics! I got a bridge DSLR since this trip, so now I need to go back to Fantamic, right?

We then did some browsing while the park cleared out a little and also I needed some time to recover before the next amazing thing!

I'm really behind on this show, but it's one of my faves! I recommend it to anyone who loves Disney.

The Osbourne lights! Oh my gosh! These are just the greatest! We spent half an hour in just looking at them in awe! They’re so magical!

Then Mom and Amy decided they wanted to go back, I was going to stay, but Mom made me go back bc she didn't want me get sick! I had been up since 4 without a nap!! The magic of Disney at its finest.

We shopped and slowly made our way out of the park and I traded for a Wilderness Lodge pin because I knew I'd be there the next day!
I was just in awe over Disney! I felt so happy to be back and I was in amazement that such a wonderful place could really exist!

Coming up: Thanksgiving!

I really love the lights festival over at DHS but haven't been there in awhile at X-Mas time .. I miss it !

Looks like you had a great night (despite the cold) ! :thumbsup2


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