~ Aug 2013~ Sew what... We've gotta find a way back! Part I!!

You should try planning meals at MY house! I have an almost 13 year old who has become so picky I can't imagine how she is getting enough to eat...she is thinking of becoming vegetarian. Puts a big crimp on our meat and potatoes family! But we made it through both times her older sister did this, so we will make it through this one as well!

She was bullied pretty bad last year at school and she is very conscious of her weight now... so she has decided that NOTHING I make is what she wants to eat...I use to solve this by making her cook...now she makes bird food when she cooks! (oh...as far as her weight goes...she is a PREFECT size 6!)

Love Love LOVE your new head wear! Isn't her stuff the absolute best?!?!! Can't wait to see the rest!


I think planning meals at my house is bad enough... I don't think I could deal with picky eaters too - although V is very picky, but she has to eat what is served... but that has been our rule since forever... If she had it her way - she would eat beef Rib Eye steaks, Spaghetti (no tomatoes or mushrooms), pancakes and ice cream at every meal. :rotfl2:

I LOVE Jenny's work... I am sooo excited to wear it on our trip!!! I wish I could afford to have her make us more! I am VERY addicted!

Just a very brief post before I head out the door for work. Just found out that Kat is not in Okinawa - she never left Guam. Apparently, as they were loading her onto the plane, she suffered a setback from the underlying medical problem. She had a significant blood loss. She can't be moved on the medevac route until she is stable, so her Dad is in contact with the higher ups to see if they can move her on an emergency flight. The hospital in Guam, while good, does not have the neurological program that she needs. Prayers please! And again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is one special young lady!

Oh no! This is awful news. She continues to be in our prayers. Please keep us updated. (((Hugs)))

Tell them no one can get up from the table without planning at least one meal for the next week

Hmmm... Now there's an idea. :scratchin

I have 2 picky eaters. My girl eats almost nothing. Generally 3 bites and she is done. She still wears a kids size 10 on the bottom. Tops are a little difficult now that she is developing and I have yet to find a decent bra.

Honestly... Victoria's Secret... I know that sounds "bad" - but being (ahem) bigger on the top - I have found that (what used to be known as) their Body By Victoria bras are just the best. They are expensive - but it feels like you are wearing nothing... The straps stay in place, and they are very comfortable.

Otherwise - Gilly Hicks has good bras too... And a little bit more reasonably priced. Not sure if you have a Gilly Hicks near you? I don't like their "message" as it's very seductive (the same "type" as Hollister) but their clothes are good.

Oh T I'm sorry for the setbacks and the disappointment of course she has continued prayers I am glad you told us

D' Better plan longer time in every park you go to; you and the girls are going to be stopped every few minutes with questions about those wonderful headbands The characters are going to LOVE these you'll get some awesome pictures with their reactions

LOL - I hope we get some character love. :thumbsup2

I just wanted to share about the new flip-flops I bought at walmart yesterday. I'm not one to buy shoes at walmart generally because of my foot problems, but these shoes intrigued me! They are by Okabashi and were only $12. They have an arch support, are waterproof, are made in the USA, and are 100% recyclable.

I checked out their website okabashi dot com and was a bit impressed with their claims. I'm wearing them now, so we will see how that goes. Might be a less expensive option than other brands. The prices on line were a bit more than what I paid at walmart, but still not expensive.

I am headed out to this website right away... I want to see what these look like... I definately like the price! THanks for the tip Tess! I would love it if you'd review them again for me after a few weeks...

This morning when I woke up I was excited to go to work! Why??? because I was hoping to have a special delivery today (or that it was already here as I was in St. Louis yesterday)
It was here
LOVE IT, looks even better in person

I have been searching back thru this PTR for the photo with the felt danglers, finally found it on page 212. I would love to have some made to go on my bags! Was wondering if you could let me know who sells them?

Thanks again D~

I can't wait to see what you have in the making for the upcoming auction

PS: hope the AC on your car is covered by insurance!!!

YAY!!!!!!!!! SO glad you got it and you love it!

Well... Liz and Beth made the danglers for the bag... Not sure if that's something they are interested in doing? I can send them a message and ask. :thumbsup2

LOVE the big reveal...very cute.

I remember those days of trying to plan meals...UGH!

It is so much easier now that it is just the two of us (Andy is very seldom home at dinenr time). We have pizza one night, hot dogs on another, spaghetti one night and either grilled cheese or BLT sandwiches on the other. Our grocery shopping night (which is usually Thursday) we treat ourselves to Steak & Shake or Wendy's. I cook on the weekends when Mark doesn't have baseball.

Have a great holiday weekend.

I think that is the only thing I am looking forward to with the girls going off to college... Easy meals - and HELLO.... soooo much cheaper to eat out if we want to. :thumbsup2

I have some kind of fish on Mondays, something easy and fast to make on Tuesdays, some sort of soup on Wednesday (it can be fish soup or sausage soup, Thursday is fish again and Friday is pasta of some sort, Saturday I have different things every week and Sunday is meat.

So with that list as a base it's a little bit easier to find out what exactly I want to have for dinner.

The headbands of Toystory and Monster Inc looks is lovely I can understand why you are so excited.

I hope your grocery shopping goes well

We don't eat a lot of fish in our house... We can barely make it through Lent. But I would imagine that you have wonderful fresh fish near you... However - we do eat a lot of walleye in the summer at the lake... :scratchin

Thank you - I love the headbands... I know - that no matter how much I weigh - they will fit me... Same with my bags. :rotfl2:

OK just had to check in to say LOVE LOVe LOVE those accessories! How cute! Wish I had something like them for my solo trip next week. Great conversation starters I'm sure.

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Thanks!!! I am super excited about them!!! I cannot wait to wear them! :lovestruc I am trying to hard to resist ordering more! :scratchin


So, yesterday was grocery shopping day...

We decided to take BFF's car because my air conditioning isn't working. Sometimes this is problematic, because she doesn't have nearly the room in her car as I do in my Edge - but we cram it all in there and hope for the best.

We started off at Kohls, because we both had a bit of Kohls cash to spend - and we didn't want to forget about it (yet again)... I splurged and got myself a new outfit... Nothing fancy... A cute pair of orange shorts and a tank.

Then we went to Target (not the Target with the crabby cashier)... Did all my shopping... my cart was so full that things were toppeling off the top on my way to check out... Which doesn't mean much - honestly - because I am a horrible packer. :crowded:

I started off with a total of $236 and after coupons/discounts... I paid $132. So about a 40% savings. Not my best trip, but it was OK.

The grocery store was much worse - which I don't understand, because I didn't get much there, and what I did was cheap. I still need to go over my receipt and see if there was an error somewhere. But at the grocery store, my total was $86 and I paid $72. YIKES!

I came home - unloaded everything, put it all away... Then I painted my nails and headed straight back to town to get Alli (Josh worked late last night)... Victoria offered to make Dutch pancakes for dinner last night, so we had them with fresh strawberries and whipped cream... NUM!

Victoria wanted to watch Monster's Inc in the worst way - and who am I to refuse one of our favorite movies? So... She put it in and I promptly fell asleep. :laughing: I barely remember walking up the stairs to bed last night.

Today... The plan is... First of all - Alli is going to help me move all the furniture out of the kitchen and dining area so I can scrub floors... She is having friends over tonight and Suzi and Mo will be here next weekend... Besides that - it needs to be done.

After that - I plan to work in my sewing room for a few hours and finish up some strggler projects. :thumbsup2

I hope that all of you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, and those of you who have lost friends and family members in the service - or for any other reason - take comfort that we are all thinking of them and honoring them this weekend. :lovestruc

I am trying very hard to catch up, anyone got a clue what page or post # the pictures are with V in the cart ?? I missed that whole thing except everyone's reactions to it :lmao: I even tried a search on the thread with the word cart but came up with a LOT (D' you have any idea how many times you use that word ?? :p )
I am trying very hard to catch up, anyone got a clue what page or post # the pictures are with V in the cart ?? I missed that whole thing except everyone's reactions to it :lmao: I even tried a search on the thread with the word cart but came up with a LOT (D' you have any idea how many times you use that word ?? :p )

Here you go Ruthie... I had to search through my posts and figure which day I posted it, but here's the link to the post:


Here you go Ruthie... I had to search through my posts and figure which day I posted it, but here's the link to the post:



That was HYSTERICAL ! We have done a lot of crazy things growing up and with my own DDs but you 3 remind me of when I was a kid and I spent time with my BFF Laura and her family ...one time we all got thrown out of the local Italian Restaurant, BFF & I thought it would be funny to scare her Mom in the ladies room so we hid in a stall Laura took it further and stood on the toilet and planned to peek over the wall at scare her Mom Real funny until she came crashing down and ended up with on leg in the toilet water !!
The staff heard the screeching and yelling and laughing all the way outside Yup we were all thrown out :rotfl: ( her parents were so cool never got mad and we all laughed ourselves sick out to the car)

For years after we never went near the place & even when we had our own kids we would drive by and the standard line was "Think we can get in now?? " Too much fun !!

and you lady I think better face the fact that outside your house Mexican food is a thing of the past...not worth the pain :sad2:
Sounds like a great plan..

Please stop cleaning on our account told you we will wear blind folds if you'd feel better!!! Ha ha ha
My sweatshirt right now while sitting in doc office has dog hair.. no outfit is complete without it!!

I can't wait to see you and suzi!!! 5 days!!!
That was HYSTERICAL ! We have done a lot of crazy things growing up and with my own DDs but you 3 remind me of when I was a kid and I spent time with my BFF Laura and her family ...one time we all got thrown out of the local Italian Restaurant, BFF & I thought it would be funny to scare her Mom in the ladies room so we hid in a stall Laura took it further and stood on the toilet and planned to peek over the wall at scare her Mom Real funny until she came crashing down and ended up with on leg in the toilet water !!
The staff heard the screeching and yelling and laughing all the way outside Yup we were all thrown out :rotfl: ( her parents were so cool never got mad and we all laughed ourselves sick out to the car)

For years after we never went near the place & even when we had our own kids we would drive by and the standard line was "Think we can get in now?? " Too much fun !!

and you lady I think better face the fact that outside your house Mexican food is a thing of the past...not worth the pain :sad2:

Ruthie, that incedent sounds like something my mom, me, my aunt & cousing would have happen. Always the BEST memories when we were together.

I think planning meals at my house is bad enough... I don't think I could deal with picky eaters too - although V is very picky, but she has to eat what is served... but that has been our rule since forever... If she had it her way - she would eat beef Rib Eye steaks, Spaghetti (no tomatoes or mushrooms), pancakes and ice cream at every meal. :rotfl2:

YUMMY! We love bre-inner meals.

I think that is the only thing I am looking forward to with the girls going off to college... Easy meals - and HELLO.... soooo much cheaper to eat out if we want to. :thumbsup2

yup...we find 3 is much cheaper than 6 eating out. plus just ordering water instead of an adult beverage or soda brings the bill way down.


So, yesterday was grocery shopping day...

We decided to take BFF's car because my air conditioning isn't working. Sometimes this is problematic, because she doesn't have nearly the room in her car as I do in my Edge - but we cram it all in there and hope for the best.

We started off at Kohls, because we both had a bit of Kohls cash to spend - and we didn't want to forget about it (yet again)... I splurged and got myself a new outfit... Nothing fancy... A cute pair of orange shorts and a tank.

Then we went to Target (not the Target with the crabby cashier)... Did all my shopping... my cart was so full that things were toppeling off the top on my way to check out... Which doesn't mean much - honestly - because I am a horrible packer. :crowded:

I started off with a total of $236 and after coupons/discounts... I paid $132. So about a 40% savings. Not my best trip, but it was OK.

The grocery store was much worse - which I don't understand, because I didn't get much there, and what I did was cheap. I still need to go over my receipt and see if there was an error somewhere. But at the grocery store, my total was $86 and I paid $72. YIKES!

I came home - unloaded everything, put it all away... Then I painted my nails and headed straight back to town to get Alli (Josh worked late last night)... Victoria offered to make Dutch pancakes for dinner last night, so we had them with fresh strawberries and whipped cream... NUM!

Victoria wanted to watch Monster's Inc in the worst way - and who am I to refuse one of our favorite movies? So... She put it in and I promptly fell asleep. :laughing: I barely remember walking up the stairs to bed last night.

Today... The plan is... First of all - Alli is going to help me move all the furniture out of the kitchen and dining area so I can scrub floors... She is having friends over tonight and Suzi and Mo will be here next weekend... Besides that - it needs to be done.

After that - I plan to work in my sewing room for a few hours and finish up some strggler projects. :thumbsup2

I hope that all of you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, and those of you who have lost friends and family members in the service - or for any other reason - take comfort that we are all thinking of them and honoring them this weekend. :lovestruc


I love Kohs bucks. I scored great clothes for our last November trip. Online, off season, discount coupon & Kohls bucks. I think I paid something like $32 out of pocket for about $180 worth of clothes!

My youngest asked to watch Monsters Inc last night too. She had a really tough day. All she wanted was to cuddle up with me. We have nicknamed her Boo since she was born. I think watching Boo helped. She informed me she still laughs like Boo sometimes.
Hope you slept through the night D, and are caught up on your ZZZ's.

I too want to wish everyone a peace filled weekend. To those that serve & their families....THANK YOU. All who have experienced life altering injuries...THANK YOU. You are part of all the GOOD in this nature. Sincere Thanks.
And as you said D~ to all of us who grieve the loss of someone regardless of how they passed. My prayer is you too feel peace & are comforted.
I love the monsters inc. ears and the headbands. Those will be so fun to wear in the parks.

I pretty much have a different disney outfit for Jonah to wear each day we're there. He might even have to change outfits after his afternoon nap so he can wear them all. :) We have a little mike wazowski onesie and a sulley onesie as well.

I have to share:



I have to agree with you on disliking meal planning. I absolutely hate it. I caved a few months ago and signed up for a meal planning service for a few months and will just recycle the plans for the rest of the year.
LOVE the big reveal...very cute.

I remember those days of trying to plan meals...UGH!

It is so much easier now that it is just the two of us (Andy is very seldom home at dinenr time). We have pizza one night, hot dogs on another, spaghetti one night and either grilled cheese or BLT sandwiches on the other. Our grocery shopping night (which is usually Thursday) we treat ourselves to Steak & Shake or Wendy's. I cook on the weekends when Mark doesn't have baseball.

Have a great holiday weekend.

Your menu sounds about like ours: with DH and I on such wonky schedules, we usually get something easy to fix for the weekdays and then one of us will make something bigger for a weekend day.

Very cool headbands. I especially like the Jesse fascinator type. I must have a weird shaped head because, even when I was a kid, the headbands would poke me at the temples and I'd end up with a horrible headache by the end of the school day.

Have a great rest of the weekend. I'm actually off tomorrow and plan on resting and returning some pants that I bought without looking at the size...they're two sizes too big.

I Hope everyone has a blessed, safe, and happy Memorial Day; and thank you to all of those who have, or or still serving.
D, you are welcome to scrub my floors next if you would like. I just realized that after this weekend, my house won't be cleaned for 3 weeks because I will be out of town! :scared1:

Your mini Dis trip is getting so close.
We're home!!!! That's both a great thing and a bad thing all in one!! We had such a great time that Sarah actually cried yesterday when it was time to get off the boat!! She told us she wanted to live there forever and ever. When asked why she said because they have Fruit Loops!! That's my daughter for you! They all loved the kids club (well maybe not so much James but he did have fun when he wasn't crying from what I could see and from what they told me.) Now to decide for our next vacation do we do another cruise or do we do Disneyland. I'd love to do a Disney Cruise but right now for us it's out of the budget unless I give up all vacations which is just too hard for me to do. That's our family time which is very important to me to have while the kids are young.

Here's a couple pictures from the day we got on the ship. We seemed to have left the camera in the room more often than we brought it out so I didn't take too many pictures. Need to get my DH to get those off the camera so I can see exactly what we did take.

My little family of 5.

My family and my parent's.

Oh and guess what!!!

Jeremy lost his first tooth yesterday!!!!

Van update: I got my van back today!!!! They fixed it while we were out of town and was able to take a credit card over the phone so they could put the keys in it overnight until I could get there today. They were closed today so I'm glad they were able to work with me. It was nice to have a rental van but it's always nice to have your own vehicle back. I talked to my claims adjuster today and they told me they have talked to the other driver but part way through his statement he decided he didn't want to say anymore and said he'd talk to his insurance company and would call them back. He still hasn't called them back. My insurance company hasn't talked to his insurance company yet and the guy I talked to today seemed surprised no one from my company has called the other guy's insurance company. So he was going to get right on that. So I'm still in a standstill on who they are considering is at fault. But I did find out what I need to do to replace my car seats so we are going out tomorrow to do that. So thankful my insurance company is being very helpful in getting everything fixed and taken care of for me. I guess that's the good thing about having a very reputable company (I've had cheap insurance in the past when dealing with an accident and they dragged their feet with everything!!! Thank goodness I can afford better insurance now!!)

Loved the newest bag!!!

Great headbands!! So cute!!!
That was HYSTERICAL ! We have done a lot of crazy things growing up and with my own DDs but you 3 remind me of when I was a kid and I spent time with my BFF Laura and her family ...one time we all got thrown out of the local Italian Restaurant, BFF & I thought it would be funny to scare her Mom in the ladies room so we hid in a stall Laura took it further and stood on the toilet and planned to peek over the wall at scare her Mom Real funny until she came crashing down and ended up with on leg in the toilet water !!
The staff heard the screeching and yelling and laughing all the way outside Yup we were all thrown out :rotfl: ( her parents were so cool never got mad and we all laughed ourselves sick out to the car)

For years after we never went near the place & even when we had our own kids we would drive by and the standard line was "Think we can get in now?? " Too much fun !!

ROFL... I wonder if you can get in yet? Hopefully we aren't that crazy... I am a bit worried about when Suzi and Mo are here next weekend though. :laughing:

and you lady I think better face the fact that outside your house Mexican food is a thing of the past...not worth the pain

Yah - so very sad about this - I love Mexican!!

Sounds like a great plan..

Please stop cleaning on our account told you we will wear blind folds if you'd feel better!!! Ha ha ha
My sweatshirt right now while sitting in doc office has dog hair.. no outfit is complete without it!!

I can't wait to see you and suzi!!! 5 days!!!

Not worried about the dog hair at all... I left a lot of that so you would feel comfortable. :thumbsup2 I was just worried about the general mess everywhere... All I have left to do is clean and vaccuum the stairs, sweep and dust mop the upstairs hallway, and do a bit of organizing in my sewing room.

The girls' rooms are always messy - but that's their area, and I am not cleaning it for them. And the office door will be barricaded shut. LOL

Good enough for me... We do live here - after all. :thumbsup2

Ruthie, that incedent sounds like something my mom, me, my aunt & cousing would have happen. Always the BEST memories when we were together.

I love Kohs bucks. I scored great clothes for our last November trip. Online, off season, discount coupon & Kohls bucks. I think I paid something like $32 out of pocket for about $180 worth of clothes!

That is awesome! I just love Kohls in general - however - I was having issues spending my Kohls cash the other day, so I am done shopping there for a while. When I can't find something to buy when it's free - then I don't really need it - ya know?

[My youngest asked to watch Monsters Inc last night too. She had a really tough day. All she wanted was to cuddle up with me. We have nicknamed her Boo since she was born. I think watching Boo helped. She informed me she still laughs like Boo sometimes.
Hope you slept through the night D, and are caught up on your ZZZ's.

We used to call V Boo too... I did sleep well, thank you... And last night too. :thumbsup2

[I too want to wish everyone a peace filled weekend. To those that serve & their families....THANK YOU. All who have experienced life altering injuries...THANK YOU. You are part of all the GOOD in this nature. Sincere Thanks.
And as you said D~ to all of us who grieve the loss of someone regardless of how they passed. My prayer is you too feel peace & are comforted.

I couldn't have said this better myself.

I love the monsters inc. ears and the headbands. Those will be so fun to wear in the parks.

I pretty much have a different disney outfit for Jonah to wear each day we're there. He might even have to change outfits after his afternoon nap so he can wear them all. :) We have a little mike wazowski onesie and a sulley onesie as well.

I have to share:


OMG!!! Jonah will be soooo adorable!!! As if he isn't already - but how sweet - little MI outfits!!! :lovestruc

I have to agree with you on disliking meal planning. I absolutely hate it. I caved a few months ago and signed up for a meal planning service for a few months and will just recycle the plans for the rest of the year.

That's a good idea - wish I could have done something similar when the girls were little, it would have helped out so much!

Your menu sounds about like ours: with DH and I on such wonky schedules, we usually get something easy to fix for the weekdays and then one of us will make something bigger for a weekend day.

Very cool headbands. I especially like the Jesse fascinator type. I must have a weird shaped head because, even when I was a kid, the headbands would poke me at the temples and I'd end up with a horrible headache by the end of the school day.

Thanks! I love them too. These headbands are awesome - I was surprised that they didn't hurt at all.

Have a great rest of the weekend. I'm actually off tomorrow and plan on resting and returning some pants that I bought without looking at the size...they're two sizes too big.

I Hope everyone has a blessed, safe, and happy Memorial Day; and thank you to all of those who have, or or still serving.

Enjoy your day off and have a good weekend! :thumbsup2

D, you are welcome to scrub my floors next if you would like. I just realized that after this weekend, my house won't be cleaned for 3 weeks because I will be out of town!

Your mini Dis trip is getting so close.

Yah - I barely scrub my own floors Kathy... LOL I hate doing it - especially now - when I know we are going to rip it all up... I was getting a little ornery yesterday because I kept thinking about that... Yet - I knew it needed to be done.

We're home!!!! That's both a great thing and a bad thing all in one!! We had such a great time that Sarah actually cried yesterday when it was time to get off the boat!! She told us she wanted to live there forever and ever. When asked why she said because they have Fruit Loops!! That's my daughter for you! They all loved the kids club (well maybe not so much James but he did have fun when he wasn't crying from what I could see and from what they told me.) Now to decide for our next vacation do we do another cruise or do we do Disneyland. I'd love to do a Disney Cruise but right now for us it's out of the budget unless I give up all vacations which is just too hard for me to do. That's our family time which is very important to me to have while the kids are young.

Here's a couple pictures from the day we got on the ship. We seemed to have left the camera in the room more often than we brought it out so I didn't take too many pictures. Need to get my DH to get those off the camera so I can see exactly what we did take.

My little family of 5.

My family and my parent's.

Welcome home!!! I love the pictures! It looks like (and sounds like) you had a wonderful time... It's always good when the kids dont' want to come home. :thumbsup2

Oh and guess what!!!

Jeremy lost his first tooth yesterday!!!!

Yay!!! Congratulations Jeremy!! I hope the toothfairy didn't forget to come...

On a side note... When Allison lost her first tooth - it became a money making scheme for her... She started forcing all of he teeth out... Eventually she didn't have any teeth left to get $$ for. :confused3 :rotfl2: She gave up on the $$ making venture very quickly... I think I have a picture here somewhere... (she would be so mad if she knew I shared this - LOL)


Van update: I got my van back today!!!! They fixed it while we were out of town and was able to take a credit card over the phone so they could put the keys in it overnight until I could get there today. They were closed today so I'm glad they were able to work with me. It was nice to have a rental van but it's always nice to have your own vehicle back. I talked to my claims adjuster today and they told me they have talked to the other driver but part way through his statement he decided he didn't want to say anymore and said he'd talk to his insurance company and would call them back. He still hasn't called them back. My insurance company hasn't talked to his insurance company yet and the guy I talked to today seemed surprised no one from my company has called the other guy's insurance company. So he was going to get right on that. So I'm still in a standstill on who they are considering is at fault. But I did find out what I need to do to replace my car seats so we are going out tomorrow to do that. So thankful my insurance company is being very helpful in getting everything fixed and taken care of for me. I guess that's the good thing about having a very reputable company (I've had cheap insurance in the past when dealing with an accident and they dragged their feet with everything!!! Thank goodness I can afford better insurance now!!)

We've been very lucky and have had the same car insurance/home owners insurance for well over a decade... I remember having 2 really crappy insurance companies when we were first married... Then we realized we qualified for USAA - we are very lucky.

I hope you are able to get everything figured out and done sooner rather than later. And have fun shopping for new car seats... Make sure the old ones are destroyed, so no one digs them out to use them again... One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone buys a car seat at a garage sale... Sooo unsafe!

Loved the newest bag!!!

Great headbands!! So cute!!!

Thank you - on both accounts. :thumbsup2


Yesterday... Well - I did no sewing at all. :confused3

Alli started off cleaning the livingroom... Once she was done with that, she helped me move all of the furniture out of the kitchen/diningroom and into the living room - so I could scrub floors - Alli went around ahead of me, and scrubbed all the baseboard and heat vents - which was very helpful. I have not done any spring cleaning this year - so I was over due for this anyways... I've been dreading this for a while now - and I keep putting it off, because I know we are going to rip it out really soon to start the remodel... I was actually thinking we'd be started by now, but we are not. Oh well... Kitchen/diningroom is clean... All I have left to do is clean and vaccuum the staircase, sweep and dust mop the upstairs hallway, and organize my sewing room... Oh, and I should do windows while I am at it...

Today, I plan to spend some time in my sewing room - finishing up those half done projects on my counter. Then around lunch time, I have to run Alli's friends home (she had a sleep over last night)... Then home again to spend some time with the family. :thumbsup2

Nothing too exciting here...


Trip stuff (in light of Kathy's post being locked yesterday, I figure I better add some trip planning stuff in here...)

I am really getting anxious to begin working on some of our custom bags... I have so many ideas, and so much drawn out. :lovestruc And now that our headbands are filtering in... well - It just makes it all the more exciting for me! :thumbsup2

Stay tuned... I have a couple of our Mini-Planner days to post.


I have 2 ADRs for this day... I still have not decided which one I am keeping - or if we are going to do both?

I guess I never posted my latest (and official) Day 1 - I just checked... So, here's that too today. :thumbsup2


Remember, I have 2 ADRs this day... LTT will be cancelled if we can make it to our LTT ADR scheduled on our arrival day.​

How great that you got help from Alli to clean. Sounds like you two got a lot of cleaning done yesterday. I have to say that the school breads in Norway doesn't look that good. The real thing is much nicer.

I have the recipe for school bread if you would like to try it at home :)
D~ loving your plans, your trip is getting so close :cool1:
D-I've just gotten caught up. I got a nasty cold after my trip. Folks at work are saying it hangs on for 2-4 weeks. I'm at two weeks now and really exhausted. I feel tons better but still not 100% yet. DH & kids are at his sister's today so I'm being a slug in the hopes of beating this thing. Getting caught up here was prefect for my quiet day!

Love your ginger bread house bag! Loved the hot pink zipper! I once had tea at the GF on a November trip and we had a front row seat to watching the chef putting the chimney on. It was quite a site. One of my travel companions went up to him with a plastic fork and asked for a sample.:scared1: the chef graciously got us each a roof shingle cookie. The chef was one who has been on Disney travel shows.

Tell V she looked stunning for her dance! And adorable in the shopping cart.:laughing:

The sandals you posted looked comfy but since I don't have plantar fasciitis I don't know that they would work for me. I have a tough time finding sandals that don't rub my scars the wrong way. I can wear croc flip flops for a while but not all day.

pixiedust:Good luck with your AC. I think I mentioned we needed to do that for my DHs car but I had forgotten we already did last August before we left it with the friend who was picking us up at the airport. Thankfully it is still working this year.

Your trip plans look great. I need to work on that. The only ADR I have made is CP same time as you. Now that Lizzy & Joe eat like adults table service meals get pretty pricey. I think we might take advantage of the kitchen in the villas and eat a few meals in on this trip. DH says he doesn't want to cook on vacation but I find eating out every meal gets old. I think a few easy meals in the villa will be more relaxing.

Love your headbands!!! I'm sure they will be perfect with what you are making! Can't wait to see it all together. I'm sure you'll get it all done.
I love your little mini daily planner...especially since I'm in it. :lmao::lmao::lmao: Seriously, I love them.
MrsDrewsky - those little Monster's Inc outfits are soooo cute. I love that Sulley hat!!!

ladylyons - Glad you got your van back and are getting new car seats. I hope the insurance gets figured out soon. The cruise pictures are great, sounds like a great trip. I don't blame your daughter, I would cry too.

D~ I peeked at your post and those headbands are absolutely gorgeous. V is going to be so popular in the parks. Your planning pages looks great. The addition of the snacks to try and Dismeets are genius. :thumbsup2


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