Towel baby Couple and teddy Bear lady

Wow really people how nasty can you get?
I myself had a real nice conversation with the Teddy Bear lady in the GF.
She is not nuts, a lunatic ,strange or frightening.She only comes to listen to the piano for sweet memories as her husband died last year.
She sits quite in a chair and bothers nobody in opposite to the parents that let there children scream, run amok, throw food over the floor or jump up and down the chairs in the lounge of the GF.
Last year her sister came over to this board to tell us about Lynn. She is no freak.
The real sad thing is that she knows she is the laughing stock on this board ,she told us herself, so please mods close this threat.

From what I've seen most people here are simply curious, that's pretty natural. If the mods had a problem with this thread they would have closed it long ago. Nobody means any harm here.
From what I've seen most people here are simply curious, that's pretty natural. If the mods had a problem with this thread they would have closed it long ago. Nobody means any harm here.

This is not about being curious its poking around in somebodies life.Curious is asking for pictures of characters not people that have a towel baby or just are sitting in the lobby.

Who knows maybe in the future you or me could get in a situation like this and would you or your family be thrilled to see you on the WWW as some freak?
Keeping these threads open and alive only means more hassle and harassment for these people.
This is not about being curious its poking around in somebodies life.Curious is asking for pictures of characters not people that have a towel baby or just are sitting in the lobby.

Who knows maybe in the future you or me could get in a situation like this and would you or your family be thrilled to see you on the WWW as some freak?
Keeping these threads open and alive only means more hassle and harassment for these people.

I don't think anyone here called them a freak, most just have a fascination. I, for one, am glad there are people like Mrs. Lynn and the Towel Baby couple in WDW. They add a character or should I say certain mistique. They may not ask to be well known, but if you are an occuring presence it's bound to happen. It's not a negative thing, it's just a "just is" circumstance.
This is not about being curious its poking around in somebodies life.Curious is asking for pictures of characters not people that have a towel baby or just are sitting in the lobby.

Who knows maybe in the future you or me could get in a situation like this and would you or your family be thrilled to see you on the WWW as some freak?
Keeping these threads open and alive only means more hassle and harassment for these people.

Nobody is going through their trash or checking to see if they've paid their taxes. You can't help but be curious when you see a person who is carrying a towel that they treat like a real live baby. It's bound to bring about some curiousity. The Grand Floridian is a very public place, whether this thread exists or not, this behavior is going to get noticed and people are going to ask questions.

I think knowing who they are and what their backstory is actually makes it less likely they will be approached or harassed. Without knowing, one might even think they were cast members and part of the "show." This thread is probably helpful in that respect. Ever think of that?
Nobody is going through their trash or checking to see if they've paid their taxes. You can't help but be curious when you see a person who is carrying a towel that they treat like a real live baby. It's bound to bring about some curiousity. The Grand Floridian is a very public place, whether this thread exists or not, this behavior is going to get noticed and people are going to ask questions.

I think knowing who they are and what their backstory is actually makes it less likely they will be approached or harassed. Without knowing, one might even think they were cast members and part of the "show." This thread is probably helpful in that respect. Ever think of that?

This threat only has 30,544 views and I,m even not talking about the threats the mods poofed about this subject.

30,544 people that know of these people nose around ,ask for pictures etc.
If this was not posted on a public board maybe a few people would notice them and that was it.
How sad must you be to ask for pictures of a "towel baby" that is probably the substitute for a real baby.
Maybe a substitute for a child that died who knows. But instead of leaving these people live there lives we try to get as much information as we can get and photos from there grief.
We all are just one step away from a car accident, lost of a loved one or illness that could change our lives also into grief and pain and maybe behavior that does not stroke with others.
And boy would we all love to be on a public board then were complete strangers from all over the world were giving comments on our behavior.
I agree with Bayou on this one. I have met a few of the people mentioned in this thread. It is a healthy curiousity for people to want to know. I like many others would love to know more but would shy away from asking them directly for fear of insulting them or causing a scene if they take my curiousity as an insult. I am a person who goes out of my way to make other guests more fun and memorable. I am in numerous other families photo albums, and scrap books. Sometimes in Naval uniform, Halloween costumes, Theme days at the World (Pirate and princess party) the obnoxious green hard hat with mickey ears, or the trips with several grown men drinking around the world. I know i digress but it is natural to wonder, and more socially acceptable to do it in the anaminity of the internet vice to their face. If I run into Teddy Bear lady I will most likely go and talk to her, not to take her picture, but to talk. Many older people have wonderfull stories to tell, and it seems as though she is there (thanks to the thread) because this is something that her and her departed husband enjoyed together. A little piece of what used to be. I am sure before his death people did not stay as far away from her as possible and treat her like a lepper. As far as "towel baby" family is concerned, I would be afraid of offending then to talk to them.
There was a lady in my city who did something similar..she had MR and she also had a little dog that she doted on. My dad was a fireman and his station was in her neighboorhood. He had told me that she had gone into the store and left the dog outside. Someone killed the dog while she was in there.
I really hate people sometimes. That's just disgusting. Actually, it's beyond words.:mad:
I believe the "Posse" part was added by the Orlando Sentinel. As far as terrence, he was in the first movie and is sort of tinks love intrest before Peter, or at least that is what my DD told me.:rotfl2:

I know this is a very old thread (well at least a yr old LOL) but the lady w/ the bears is still at the Grand. I saw her just before thanksgiving. I have noticed her before and wondered who she was. She just seems like she's listening to the music so i thought she might be related to the piano player and came along to hear him play.
Wow really people how nasty can you get?
I myself had a real nice conversation with the Teddy Bear lady in the GF.
She is not nuts, a lunatic ,strange or frightening.She only comes to listen to the piano for sweet memories as her husband died last year.
She sits quite in a chair and bothers nobody in opposite to the parents that let there children scream, run amok, throw food over the floor or jump up and down the chairs in the lounge of the GF.
Last year her sister came over to this board to tell us about Lynn. She is no freak.
The real sad thing is that she knows she is the laughing stock on this board ,she told us herself, so please mods close this threat.

I hope Lynn/"The Teddy Bear Lady's" sister sees this note. I DON'T see her as a laughing stock - nor do I think most people on this board either. We were just curious - when you see something "out of the ordinary", you ask. There seems to be much good wishes & prayers being sent to Lynn - especially during the holiday season.
We all have our way of remembering the ones we lost who shared our love of Disney - this is just her way. Me ........ I try to eat a Mickey ice cream bar in the parks & try not to cry - it's what my mom loved the best on her 1 trip to MK. She raved about being in the sun, watching the people, & being able to enjoy her ice cream all at the same time. She thought it was the coolest thing that the ice cream was shaped like Mickey! Wish she got more trips but at least she had the one..... & it brought her so much happiness.
Wish I had seen this post earlier - I would have liked to have dropped her off another bear for her collection & wish her a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year when I was down there in November. Hope I have that honor next year.:goodvibes
I actually registered on here only to post my experience with Towel Baby... My names Jack, I was a character for 13 yrs at parks, I am very familiar with the towel baby. I worked mainly in crystal palace as eeyore and tigger. We got all sorts of celebrities and families of all sorts. Theres a couple who stay at Grand Floridian for usually an entire month of summer that have this towel with sunglasses and a mickey ears hat with "Jenn Jenn' on it. We are trained to treat everyone with 'magic' and respect,so odd as it is, we would hear Towel Baby was at say, at table 5 and get there to see a dark haired man with scruffy greesey hair full thick beard and his(I assumed wife tho I heard could be his sister) with plate in front of them all AND the towel baby. She ( the lady,brown hair roughly 40,as the guy) very polite, quiet, not wanting much attention would just say "hello eeyore/tigger " shake hands and let you be on your way, I was a greeter also for characters some days and got to interact with the man, very nice to speak with, I didn't have nerve to ask the obvious, but he had strong new york accent and seemed Normal. I worked at 1900 park fare at grand Floridian too and see them frequent there as well. So then couple yrs later(they are regulars like once or twice a year for a month) me and my wife at the time are in MK with our child in line at Snow Whites ride...I see Towel Baby family and record them in line... Somewhere in California where my now exwife lives is that tape of towel baby, I want to ask her to find it and I can youtube it maybe, its vhs tho and rough divorce so may be trashed yrs back, BUT YES THERE A MAN WOMAN AND TOWEL BABY 100% real, cast members know
We went to Disney this past Christmas. After eating at Chef Mickey's on Christmas Day, we took the monorail over to see the decorations at the Grand Floridian. By the elevator we saw this elderly woman who was wearing lots of makeup and had her belongings surrounding her. I couldn't help but stare as she seemed lonely. My husband thought she was old money and that her family was probably around somewhere and she was resting. I have not been able to get this woman out of my head ever since because she looked so alone and it was Christmas. Now I feel terrible after reading her story on here. I had never heard of a teddy bear woman. I wish I would have wished her a Merry Christmas. If I ever see her again, I am going to give her a teddy bear.
I've followed this thread for a few years - and I will say every time my family goes to the Grand Floridian, usually to have dinner, I do see the Teddy Bear Lady. She always comes when the jazz band is playing. Usually she sits quietly on one of the more secluded sofas in the lobby. She does seem to have a sad way about her. Many times I've been tempted to say hello, but ultimately come to the conclusion that if it were me I'd like to be left in peace.

My names Jack, I was a character for 13 yrs at parks, I am very familiar with the towel baby. I worked mainly in crystal palace as eeyore and tigger.

I'm honestly not trying to pick a fight here - but this really stood out as an odd comment. I have not myself worked in the parks, but I lived and went to college in Orlando for about 4 years and had (and still have) many good friends who work in the parks. One was a character actor who "was friends" (CMs are not allowed to say who they play) with Eeyore. But because of the different height requirements he would have never been able to "be friends" with Tigger. Yet you say you've done both... From my understanding Eeyore's "friends" can be no taller than 5'8" while Tigger's "friends" need to be at least 5'10". Sure that's only a 2 inch difference, but as far as costuming goes it's huge. :scratchin

I'm honestly not trying to pick a fight here - but this really stood out as an odd comment. I have not myself worked in the parks, but I lived and went to college in Orlando for about 4 years and had (and still have) many good friends who work in the parks. One was a character actor who "was friends" (CMs are not allowed to say who they play) with Eeyore. But because of the different height requirements he would have never been able to "be friends" with Tigger. Yet you say you've done both... From my understanding Eeyore's "friends" can be no taller than 5'8" while Tigger's "friends" need to be at least 5'10". Sure that's only a 2 inch difference, but as far as costuming goes it's huge. :scratchin

Not trying to continue a fight here, but Jack's legit. Can we stay on topic?
Not trying to continue a fight here, but Jack's legit. Can we stay on topic?

I'm so glad you think so. I disagree. Seems odd to me that "two" people who have all of 10 posts combined are getting so defensive when I pointed out a known fact. Hope you have a magical day! pixiedust:
I'm so glad you think so. I disagree. Seems odd to me that "two" people who have all of 10 posts combined are getting so defensive when I pointed out a known fact. Hope you have a magical day! pixiedust:

Funny how your friend's info is a known fact and others' experience isn't.


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