100 pounds to WDW!!! (comments welcome!!)

That is awesome. I know what you mean as when your weight gets lower it gets harder to lose it! For the amount of time you have I would say you can do it. Good Luck with this next week!!pixiedust:
Hi! :wave:

I'm Sheila and I never knew this section of the board was here! You are doing so well! So much of your first post really resonated with me. I gained so much weight when we went through our infertility struggles. 5 years, and 4 losses - including and ectopic. We finally had our daughter after our second round of IVF. (Thank God for our insurance!) Our daughter is 5 & 1/2 and now I am finally serious about losing this weight. have a great time in December - I know you will make it.
I have been reading your journal and just wanted you to know that you are doing great and I look forward to your updates!
That is awesome. I know what you mean as when your weight gets lower it gets harder to lose it! For the amount of time you have I would say you can do it. Good Luck with this next week!!pixiedust:
Thank you!!! Not sure I did that great this week. I guess we will see tomorrow!

Hi! :wave:

I'm Sheila and I never knew this section of the board was here! You are doing so well! So much of your first post really resonated with me. I gained so much weight when we went through our infertility struggles. 5 years, and 4 losses - including and ectopic. We finally had our daughter after our second round of IVF. (Thank God for our insurance!) Our daughter is 5 & 1/2 and now I am finally serious about losing this weight. have a great time in December - I know you will make it.
Thank you for sharing! I am so sorry for your losses but so happy for your daughter. :) Good luck on starting your journey! I think taking small maintainable steps is better than a drastic lifestyle change.

I have been reading your journal and just wanted you to know that you are doing great and I look forward to your updates!
Thank you!!! Happy to know I have followers and I'm not just talking to myself. :rotfl:

So my current 'update' will be all Disney so feel free to skip it if you don't want to read.

So the rumor is Free Dining and RO discounts come out next week for the dates of my 'reward' trip. I decided that once discounts came out I would book but just put the deposit down and not pay it off until I lost the weight.

That said I now need to decide 100% where I want to stay!!! I totally hate that I have to do the Disney Visa thing over the phone but I really dont want to wait until general public so I have the best chance of getting what I want.

So right now I'm trying to decide. We want to go the first week in December if there is a room only discount. Its been rumored no free dining that week but we didn't really want that anyway (however it would be the cheaper discount so we'd go for that). That said if there are NO discounts for the first week but they really do have free dining on the 3rd week, we will likely go with that because it would still save us money even though the price of the rooms go up.

The room only discounts are rumored to be awesome. Values up to 25%, mods up to 30% and deluxes up to 35%!!! With these rates my options just flew open. LOL DH immediately wants to stay deluxe when he hears this. I am very tempted to do so but I havent decided. Assuming best discount possible here are my 'top options' for room only discount for 6 nights:

Pop - $501 (standard room)

Conorodo - $985 (king room)

AKL - $1256 (standard view)

WL - $1511 for wooded view (standard is currently fully only $1274 if a standard opens up)

So the smart thing to do would to go to Pop. That's an amazing price. The indulgent thing to do would be to stay deluxe. I chose WL originally bc the price was so close to AKL but with standard not currently available online I don't want to get my hopes up for that. A wooded view isn't that much more but when you compare it to Pop it totally is. All of the other deluxes cost more. I even checked out the contemporary because if they actually had open rooms they wouldn't be much more.

DH thinks we should do Disney 'right' and to him 'right' = deluxe/expensive/no budget. He also has some delusion that we wont be going again for several years when I want to go again as soon as possible. :lmao: But to him staying some place nice and going less often is better than staying somewhere cheaper and going more often. He also thinks we are doing Christmastime trip just once so we should make it 'special'.

I think I should stick with my initial choice of Coranodo Springs. It was a compromise before and I think it should be again. Its in the middle of the road pricewise and it looks like a nice resort. DH loves mexican food and i like it too (don't love it but its cool). We stayed at AKL last time and while we loved it, I would love to try some place new. :)

So in the end I don't know what to do. DH makes good points about Christmas and if we really arent going to go for awhile.... :confused3 I kind of wish there was an opening at the contemporary in a standard room. Because if we're gonna go all out that is where i'd like to do it. :rolleyes1

Well I had better go get some sleep.

Hopefully I will have good news to report Saturday or Sunday!:yay:
Scale is still at 184.0 :P I will weigh in tomorrow just to be sure. ;)

Meanwhile talked DH out of deluxe last time we went we barely spent any time at the resort making the extra cost kind of worthless.

So now CSR or Pop... :goodvibes
I booked our December vacation!!!! :hyper:

I know i know I haven't met my goal, but specials finally came out! I still have til October something to pay it off and lose the weight. :/

I am tempted to change my ticker to a trip countdown but I don't know if that will make me lose any motivation. I like to see what percentage I am but I don't think I can fit two tickers in my signature.

We went with POP after much debate. Price is what ultimately decided. Even with the specials CSR was 500 more than POP and we decided the first week of the month would be better traveling for us, so no free dining so Pop was definitely a better deal all around. Even if we had free dining the 3rd week at CSR it would still be nearly 500 more than the first week at Pop with the room only discount. Also I didn't really want to be tied to the dining plan. We will have ONE reservation. Our Candlelight package and that's it. We were going to do Le Cellier too but decided to hold off until next trip since we are paying out of pocket (original plan was to eat at 3 two TS restaurants simply because we didn't want to have reservations every day). I feel this way we will eat better. Not that we will be watching what we eat but why force ourselves to eat a QS and TS meal if we really aren't hungry? I hardly ever my dessert either. I would have much rather had a Mickey pretzel or something and that was when I was nearly 50 lbs heavier! My appetite is much less now I don't think I could eat that much at all. So the plan is to have some sort of breakfast food in the room. But then maybe have breakfast at the parks in way of a yummy pastry or something (cinnamon roll??) then ride rides...have a snack or two when we're hungry then have a QS dinner. Only variance from this is our candlelight dinner package which is actually for lunch. We do that for lunch then go to the processional and grab a QS meal (or snack) afterwards. Speaking of food one thing I am excited about Pop is they have ice cream and milkshakes! I LOVE ice cream!!! :rotfl:

Okay enough about food...weigh in is tomorrow. I'm not sure I lost again. I was okay on food but I haven't ramped up the exercise. I added squats in which the first day I did them i was like 'this is easy...i could do this all day...i dont need to do these' but then my butt hurt...bad...for 2 days. :crazy2: So yeah those are in my morning rotation now.

Hope everyone who is reading is doing well. Thanks for reading my rambles!
So happy to hear that you booked for Dec! That is awesome, I will be down there the second week but staying off site :sad2: . Squats are horrible in the beginning! For me they hurt my quads and once I do them I can not walk up or down stairs without looking very funny :rotfl2:. Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow!
So happy to hear that you booked for Dec! That is awesome, I will be down there the second week but staying off site :sad2: . Squats are horrible in the beginning! For me they hurt my quads and once I do them I can not walk up or down stairs without looking very funny :rotfl2:. Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow!
Thanks! Oh I know about stairs! Ugh! I work on the 3rd floor and I take the stairs everyday instead of the elevator. That is actually when I first 'felt' the consequences of my squats. Seems to be doing better now though. :)

Well I am officially plateaued. I am at EXACTLY 184.0 AGAIN. I weighed myself a few times during the week. One day i got in 183s and the next 184s so I wasn't sure what to expect. But I weighed myself yesterday morning and today and both days were exactly 184.0. If I had not gotten different weights during the week I'd think my scale was broken. Of course AF could arrive any day so maybe I am 'up' due to that? I don't know. I will likely be on AF next weekend so I won't weigh in. :(

DH asked me if I was going to lie to him if I didn't reach my goal weight by the 45 day mark (last chance to cancel without penalty). i told him no. So I have 74 days to lose my last 12 lbs. Seems like a long time but its really not, 10.5 weeks. That means I have to lose more than a pound a week for more than one week to make it. :sad1:

Usually I plateau in the 190s so I guess i should be grateful I didn't. 12 lbs is so close yet so far. Bah, why did i have to make my trip weight based? :p
I FINALLY broke my month long plateau!!!! The scale now reads 182.6!!! :woohoo:

That puts me a mere 10 pounds from my goal! Granted being on a plateau for so long set me back a bit but the scale is moving now. I got on the scale 3x this week and each day was less than the last one. Today was even less by .2 so I hope it keeps going down!

Since I realized it had been about a month since I did measurements I did those too. I was hoping they'd show greater progress since I had been stalled (building muscle that weighs more). But nothing that big.

Down .5" = Waist and ribcage
Down .25" = calf and neck

I still owe myself (and DH) several disney gift cards. I need to get some. One of my 5# rewards to myself was going to be new tennis shoes for the trip. I got some sketcher go walk tennis shoes (type that lace up, the slip ons were just too ugly). I started wearing them on our daily walks to break them in but since they are so lightweight and thin I am worried about wearing them out. I need to read up on them.

Last weekend DH and I cleaned out the basement. It was sooo not fun but it was a ton of exercise and I found a jump rope! Woot! So I decided to try it the other night and it seemed like everyone was outside including a stupid neighbor's dog who barked everytime I did it. So I only did it a few minutes. I need to go do it again it was a great workout. I would do it as fast as possible until I needed to catch my breath.

The only thing I've done differently is we've been trying to walk a little further, I've been using 8# weights in the morning and I added some lower body exercises like squats, wall sit and lunges when I have time in the morning. I do combo arm/leg things and just hold the weights when i do the wall sit. So it doesn't take much more time. Just think of what I could do if I actually exercised more! :lmao:

I can do it!!!!

106 days til Disney!!! :goodvibes
DANG GIRL!!! You are sooo close to 170s!!!! Sooo stinking thrilled for you!!! It makes me want to weigh, but especially makes me want to STICK TO IT to join you in the 170s!!! :)
DANG GIRL!!! You are sooo close to 170s!!!! Sooo stinking thrilled for you!!! It makes me want to weigh, but especially makes me want to STICK TO IT to join you in the 170s!!! :)

Thank you!!! :goodvibes

Today...I am...shocked. I stepped on the scale to see 180.0... :faint: What??? I stepped on it again...and again...same weight. That means I lost 2.6 pounds in a single week. I have no idea what I did differently or if it was just a result of not having a big dinner last night. :woohoo:

Lets see I have been using 8 pound weights every day this week. My meal plan has been pretty much the same.

Breakfast has always been 100% whole wheat toast with 1 tablespoon of peanutbutter on it.

I've had a spinach salad for lunch 4 out of 5 days and a tuna fish salad sandwich on the other day. I always have baby carrots with my lunch. Spinach salad has cheese, bacon bits, tomatoes and strawberries (most days) one day I had left over chicken taco stuff for it and another day i had a hard boiled egg for it but past few days I've been out of that type of stuff so i just put in extra bacon bits. lol And I always have ranch dressing, i just use a little and dip my fork it in mainly and sorta mix it around the salad. lol

Dinner still varies last night I had pizza of all things but i was at a work function so I had two tiny pieces and was full (social anxiety kills my appetite). I had like 4 diet cokes too and I usually don't have that many especially at night. So maybe my metabolism was working extra. I've been waking up hungry the past few days but I see that as a good thing. That means I didn't eat that much. Last week I bought a gallon of milk bc DH wanted brinner for dinner (breakfast for dinner) and I was just going to get a half gallon but I decided to get a full gallon then buy some Captian Crunch cereal for 'dessert' on other days. I have only had one bowl so far! I am just not hungry for dessert anymore. I do sometimes want something sweet but as long as I have a sweet diet soda or crystal light that satisfies the craving and I'm simply not hungry for more. But yeah dinners haven't been that great diet wise but I'm definitely eating less.

Exercise wise I still do my morning exercises each day. Planks, supermans, wall sit (while holding weights), different weight exercises like lunge/bicep curls and squats/chest presses as well as plain ol tricep overhead thingys. Then after work we walk the dog. We have increased our length a little. DH wanted to walk more and while he hurts a lot afterwards he likes taking the longer walk. It's only 2 blocks and it doesnt even make me break a sweat (unless its stupid hot) but its good for DH. I know I need to be doing more and I have increased the morning exercises.

Only 6 pounds to not being obese anymore and only 8 pounds to reach my Disney goal!!! :hyper:

I need to go change my ticker.... :woohoo:
You are FABULOUS! I am in AWE!!!!!! :worship::worship:

Thanks Minnie!!

Sorry I've been MIA. Scale hasn't moved. Not really. Last Saturday it said 179 and I was in awe and stepped on again and it said 180, again 180 and again 180. Oh well it wasn't a gain. I didn't weigh in today. I forgot and I like to do it first thing. Hopefully I will remember tomorrow but I am not very hopeful. I stepped on the scale a few times this week and it was saying 181 and other not so good numbers. :P
Congrats on booking your trip, youre doing a great job on the weight loss! :thumbsup2
Thank you!!! :flower3:

So I didn't check in again last week because my weight went UP! It said 185 on Sunday! I was like what on earth!?! I figured no way it could be right. So i weighed myself every other day this week. Sure enough the weight steadily fell. I am back to EXACTLY 180.0...AGAIN! I guess that is better than 185.

I thought about measuring today but didn't. I think weighing every other day really kept me on track last week though so I may do it again.

I know what my issue is. I need to exercise more. With my new job I have been working over 9 hrs a day and I come home exhausted. We still walk the dog, then we eat dinner then seem to veg out the rest of the night. Sigh. I also come home STARVING each day because I don't have time to eat at work. I usually eat lunch but it takes me a few hours to get it and more than once I have not had time to eat lunch at all! My body is used to a morning snack, lunch, possibly afternoon snack at work. Not anymore!

Only 70 days til Disney!!! While I am super excited that only leaves 25 days to lose 8 lbs. I don't think its going to happen so i am conflicted. I am certain I can do it in the 70 days, but not so sure about the 25 days unless I have a big 'woosh' of 8 lbs like I had my 4 pound woosh last month. :confused3

Any thoughts?
Your body gets used to what you are doing if you are doing it for a while. What your body needs is a shock whether that is through diet or exercise. I unfortunately have hit the same place so I am going to start to run every morning again :scared: Once you change up your routine you will notice the weight begin to drop again. Good Luck!
It sounds to me like you might be under-eating, and it's possible that what you really need isn't LESS food but MORE. When was the last time you took a week off from "dieting"? Sometimes a good re-feed is what it takes to break through a stubborn plateau. Also, get off that darn scale for a week! I know that it's cliche and you have a very specific goal to hit, but all that thing can tell is a number. You step on that scale and it tells the force of gravity that is acting upon your body on earth; go to space and your weight problems are solved!

I hope that doesn't come across as anything other than encouragement to focus on physique, performance, and health rather than weight. If you feel good and look good, keep tweaking till reach your weight. But don't tweak to reach your weight at the expense of feeling good.

If you want some more specific information I would love to get a look at exactly what you eat every day (to calculate caloric intake) and exactly what you do every day (to calculate caloric expenditure).

Hope I can help!
Hi everyone! Thank you for the responses! My scale FINALLY moved!

178.6! Woohoo!!! I also did measurements and I'm down a half inch off everything except neck and arms!!

I am only 6 pounds or 5.7 pounds to goal (bc 172.9 will count lol)!

ALSO...I had to go shopping for some new fall clothes for work because all my stuff from last year was so big except a few sweaters that must have been form fitting before and now they are on the big side but look okay. I only planned on getting one or two new pairs of pants but I grabbed a size 12 just to see how close I was and much to my astonishment they fit!! So I got several other pairs of 12s and they all fit to!!! So I got 4 new pairs of pants. :rotfl:

So while my weight loss seems to be picking up again, my trip is up in the air. I have 5 days to decide too!

Last week we had our sewer back up....into our house! My husband was taking a shower upstairs and water came up out of the main floor bathroom and down the stairs and through the ceiling to the basement. Then in the basement it was apparently shooting out. The basement is partially finished and we took up the raised floor to see the drain and that had apparently been backing up for a long time because the subfloor had mold on it and screws were rusted down. The water had gotten under the vapor barrier. Anyway it ended up just being a huge root in our pipe but they had to come back twice because the first time they thought it was the pipe that moved. So that took a lot of money so we called our insurance company. Apparently the plumbing portion is considered 'normal wear and tear' on the house. However all the damage it caused is covered. Nothing of real value was ruined, but the floors and all that mold...they need to be replaced and cleaned properly, so if insurance covers that, it would be awesome but we still have to pay the deductible. The cost of the plumbing and deductible is exactly 1200. That is the EXACT cost of our room and ticket reservation at WDW. :( Could we do both and just put it on the credit card? Sure, but SHOULD we? Probably not. :sad1: So I have 5 days to decide.

Sigh. :sad2:
Sorry I've been MIA. You are doing fabuuuulousss! So excited for you!

So sorry about your baaement, but I heard from a financial manager that if there is one thing you SHOULD charge on a credit card, it's a yearly vacation. You need the time out, you need the reward, just go and have fun and reoax with your hubs! You work hard and you've earned your time out! :)


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