17 nights at Royal Pacific and still didn`t want to leave

Giving up on PB for today......

On DH`s laptop to do this and maybe it needs to update something :confused3
i'll still be here when you get back.

don't you hate computer issues...........
it drives me nuts.

They really are themed ever so well and they are a lot of fun......I didn`t win today for some reason.....and it wasn`t because I wasn`t scoring :rolleyes1

We had a lot of fun playing the mini golf, but we soon headed back to the hotel to get showered and changed for tonight. We weren`t going far at all, just over to PBH for pizza at Sal`s.

We were a bit early to eat so we sat in the lounge for an hour or so which was really pleasant as it was nearly empty. Snacks tonight were chicken lasagne which we had a little taste of......it was ok but had loads of coriander (cilantro) in which none of us like........and the usual salads and veggies....It always looks so nice but we don`t like to ruin our appetites for dinner too much.

After a couple of glasses of wine we head out for the boat. We got chatting to a lovely couple from the UK who were doing the same as us.....heading to PB but they were just having a mooch around as they hadn`t seen it before, we told them they have to try Sal`s for pizza, it`s the only reason we go to the PB to be honest.

The first time we ever went....we got off the boat and was met by the most awful opera music ever....the woman screeching on the balcony........oh my goodness......if you like that kind of music I`m sure you would enjoy it.....but we nearly got back on the next boat!!!! Opera and Jazz are 2 types of music that I can`t take to at all :headache:

But we were here for pizza........Sal`s is just lovely......very simple but well done

It is never busy in here any time we have been, staff are always very friendly and helpful.....really nice atmosphere.

Kyle ordered a cheese pizza and we were going to share the BBQ chicken pizza......we didn`t have long to wait for them and the smell when they did arrive was amazing. They are bigger than they look in the picture, Kyle very rarely eats the crust.....so he would manage his pizza ok size wise, but the very strong smell of garlic made me surprised he loved it as he complains sometimes I use too much garlic when cooking. But he loved it and said it was the nicest pizza he ate all trip :thumbsup2

Our was the bigger size and it was gorgeous........apart from the crust which I don`t eat either....we demolished the lot!!!

Our other reason for going there too is the ice cream........it is very nice and we always seem to have room for it too. Kyle had chocolate, Tom had vanilla and I had Strawberry. Again they were all lovely........Kyle had demolished his before I could take a picture.

We sat for a little while I finished my glass of wine and watched the world go by. We had a little wander around the hotel again, it was so quiet but it is very pretty. We bought something from the gift shop and then headed back to get the boat......we nearly had the boat to ourselves and the capt radioed ahead to the RP boat to wait for us as we would only be a few minutes......that was so nice of him.

Sure enough the boat was waiting when we got there........we thanked both Captains as they didn`t need to do that, but it was nice to just hop on the waiting boat.

We went straight to our room as we were all shattered tonight. Tom bravely and tentatively broached the unpleasant subject of beginning to think about getting organised for our return journey...........I pretended I didn`t hear him and he pretended not to notice ::yes:: We all fell asleep very quickly despite wanting to watch a scary movie that was on tv.

Tomorrow night HHN again.......and I get to finally meet Vicki :hug:
All caught up, love the purple ipad cover. brookstone's can break the bank but lots of interesting stuff u can't find elsewhere.

disturbing to read the service issue @ TC. I'm still annoyed they cancelled our reservation less than 24 hr prior in October (private event - seimens convention even took over citiwalk:bitelip:). We're taking a break next visit in protest.;)

We enjoy Sals. It does get crowded at lunch time now & again. regardless, always such a long wait for the pizza, but to be expected i suppose, being fresh. We've taken to grabbing a sandwich which is also very good. how nice for the boat captain to have them hold the boat for you back to RP!
Nice update....as usual:thumbsup2

BBQ chicken pizza sounds good.... yet another place to add for our next trip & if they have gelato its a slam dunk.

Can't wait for the next partpopcorn::
All caught up, love the purple ipad cover. brookstone's can break the bank but lots of interesting stuff u can't find elsewhere.

disturbing to read the service issue @ TC. I'm still annoyed they cancelled our reservation less than 24 hr prior in October (private event - seimens convention even took over citiwalk:bitelip:). We're taking a break next visit in protest.;)

We enjoy Sals. It does get crowded at lunch time now & again. regardless, always such a long wait for the pizza, but to be expected i suppose, being fresh. We've taken to grabbing a sandwich which is also very good. how nice for the boat captain to have them hold the boat for you back to RP!

Lol.....I didn't look at the price of the cover in the store...............I just saw they had purple and said "mine" :rotfl:

Yep we were disappointed with not eating at TC again.......well I was......they just won't try it again............I like your protest ::yes:: that wasn't good cancelling you with such short notice!

You'll get there next time I'm sure :thumbsup2

Nice update....as usual:thumbsup2

BBQ chicken pizza sounds good.... yet another place to add for our next trip & if they have gelato its a slam dunk.

Can't wait for the next partpopcorn::

Thanks Vicki........it was gorgeous.....so fresh!

Next part up soon......hopefully if PB doesn't stop coming up as an unsafe site halfway through my report :furious:

Well going to try and finish this report quickly as it has gone on....just a bit!!!

We awoke so early this morning but we all had a reasonable sleep last night and felt ok this morning despite that heart sickening feeling we all had that we were soon going to be leaving. Try as we might it was starting to be at the forefront of all our thoughts. But today we were just going to have some more fun.

We went up for breakfast which was lovely as usual even if it was earlier than normal for us. We decided to go to IOA this morning, so we had a lovely walk there...avoiding all the joggers on the path this morning.........some are very intense aren't they!!

It was sunny but you could see the rain was coming so we made the most of it before it came on. We were first in the park.....1st time ever I think......and made our way around and did Hulk 3 or 4 times, Dr Doom....a lot then it rained but we just got wet. It was fun all the same. Park was very quiet

We headed around to do FJ which I decided to give it a miss today so I went and sat in the owlery and people watched for a while........thought about getting a butterbeer but one on my own is just too much. So when they came off we went straight on DD........again there was no-one there so we got on the front 4 times.......we do like the front best!! We sat and watched the fountain for 15 or 20 minutes.....he is so funny. I could sit here all day but the 2 of them last usually 10 minutes before wanting to do something else!!

By this time we were ready for lunch, so Confisco Grill it was today......it was a little busier than we thought it would be but it`s never full and we got seated immediately. Kyle ordered a cheese pizza.....surprise.....we ordered a pepperoni pizza to share but asked for chicken and jalapenos on it, she said no problem so we tucked into the pitta bread and jalapeno butter.....it was nice too......tried not to eat too much of it. Kyles pizza came first and looked nice.....our arrived with just pepperoni on it........we were about to ask her where the other toppings were when someone else brought over a side dish of cold chicken and a side dish filled with jalapenos????

She looked at it in amazement when we asked her to come over..........she said she would get it cooked fresh, but we said no it was ok just leave the jalapenos we would just eat them but take the chicken away. It was nice and we enjoyed it....didn`t take a pic of it though just the cheese pizza

We left the park after that and came back to use the pool for the afternoon. It was a lovely relaxing way to end the afternoon. The pool was not busy but there was enough people in it for there to be some atmosphere around it. We spent a couple of hours just wandering in and out of the water. Nice. I love the pool at the RP....it`s just right for us. We have gone to the other hotels to try the pools but didn`t like the HR pool at all. PB was nice but it was too quiet when we went.......so RP is the one we stick to now.

We eventually got up and went upstairs to shower and change for dinner and HHN. Tom managed to have a 20 minute sleep while I was getting changed....I think he could sleep during anything, he can fall asleep at the drop of a hat!!

So we headed up to the lounge and had a glass of wine each, Kyle had some water and some cheese....said he was a bit hungry for a change. The other offerings were rice and pork, veggies, salads and chips and dips. I did steal some cheese from Kyle as it looked so nice, but gain didn`t want to spoil our dinner, we were going to Nascar again.

We got the boat and were in Citywalk in a few minutes, Nascar was busy but we got seated immediately. We were over nearer the bar area tonight so we had the choice of about 8 screens to watch.....well they did......apart from Formula 1 I`m not a sports fan really. But it was entertaining to watch other people`s reactions to their team either winning or losing.

we ordered drinks first.......Tom ordered a beer, I ordered a HHN cocktail.....it looked lovely even with the flashing rims top and bottom on the glass.......Tom decided he wanted one too but forgot to cancel his beer so for some reason he ended up with 3 drinks :confused3

He actually drank them all........one was a strawberry lemonade though. The cocktail was incredibly strong so I only had the one!!! We ordered Kyle his Teriyaki Chicken with fries, I ordered Popcorn Shrimp, fries and coleslaw and Tom ordered the boogity Shrimp salad.......mine was nice but I wish I had ordered Tom`s salad ::yes:: They shared the chocolate dessert. Food was all beautiful and service was really really good. We had the same girl as the night before, she was nice.

We really enjoyed our meal and were so glad we had given Nascar another go, after having a not so great experience a few years before. But now we were heading in to HHN.

We are usually in the park and meet Todd for Stay and Scream, but he wasn't coming tonight, but we had arranged to meet up with Vicki (tink1957) and her son Trey. Vicki and I are long time PM buds.....so I was looking forward to meeting up with her finally.

We used the hotel guest entrance that macraven had told us about......as I said we are usually already in the park so don`t have to go through the regular queues to get in. The regular queue was quite long at this point, so it was nice to go through a separate entrance with no queue. We were in the park in minutes and went into the shop to get some stuff sent back to the room. I wasn`t confident we would ever see them as the girl in the shop had never done it before and wasn`t all that sure what to do.......we showed her the bits she missed before another employee was free to help her. We did get the items.

I had arranged to meet Vicki at the boulangerie at 8pm, so the boys headed off to do RRR while I got a chair and waited. While I was waiting a few zombies came by and I`m afraid I was so bored by them now they got no reaction from me at all.......sounds as if I didn`t enjoy HHN, I really did....just zombies do nothing for me at all and I was bored with too many zombie themes this year......but it was still a fun place to be, I love the atmosphere at HHN.....just need a new theme.

So it was dark by now and I was looking out for Vicki.....two women came and sat down near me I didn`t know at the time it was Kogo.......she had arranged with Vicki to meet up with us also.......a few minutes later I saw the lady herself......well I actually saw Trey first..........it was so nice to meet her!! We then all introduced ourselves to Kogo and her friend Carol and sat back down and chatted. Kogo wasn't staying long as they had plans but she very kindly gave us a Canadian penny and a little moose keyring......that was so thoughtfull......I still have them in my little treasures box. Tom and Kyle had come back at this point to join us, they had done RRR 3 times on the front row.

So after 20 minutes or so we said our goodbyes to Kogo and Carol and we sat for a little while longer chatting and I think we had some water before heading around to do Resident Evil again. It was much better tonight than the last time, I did enjoy it more. It was fun doing it with other people again too.....just missed Todd to grab on to tonight :wave2: I`m sure we did another house too.....maybe AWiL???? I forget now.

We did have fun just wandering around but we then headed to Rocky Horror show........It was good......so much fun........Kyle is always a bit bemused by this show........he has seen the movie and gets it.....but he`s not really a fan. We all enjoyed it though. When it finished my bum was so numb......those seats....well benches are awful. Quite a few people in front of us got up and left after a bit, not sure why.......so we could at least stretch our legs out which helped a bit with our comfort.

After that we were all a bit pooped......Vicki and Trey had been up late the previous night and we were just using up what was left of our energy, so we headed towards the exit......slowly though. Now that we had met up I didn`t want to leave them, but Kyle was feeling a bit funny.....I think tiredness really was catching up with us. So we got to the gates and were about to leave when Kyle remembered we had left some stuff in the lockers so had to head back. We then said our goodbyes. Vicki and Trey were really lovely and I wish we could have spent longer with them, but I know we`ll meet up next year and meantime we have the computer to keep in touch.

After collecting our things we headed out the park and went to get a boat as there was one sitting. Kyle was looking a bit green now so we went straight to our room and were all in bed in minutes. Kyle was asleep before we even got changed.......I did take his picture as he looked so young sleeping......but he has forbidden me to post it.......so I won`t.

We didn`t put the tv on tonight in fact I don`t think we even said good night to each other. We were that tired.
It was so wonderful to finally meet you and your guys :hug: and so much fun hanging out together at HHN....I can't wait till next year. We should be able to spend more time together since we will be staying at RPR this time.

I'm with you on the zombies....too many this year. I miss the different characters as in previous years although the walking dead did get me a few times...they looked like anyone strolling down the street:scared1:

Thanks for the update...the teary part is coming soon...I hate to see it end as I look forward to reading along. You'll just have to start a new one soon.:thumbsup2
i love reading about homies meeting up.

sounds like you will be able to do a repeat of that again next year.

the shrimp salad looks like something i would order.

i'm gonna try it on the next trip.

tom looks so happy with his 3 drinks.
it's a great picture of him!
Hi! I just read your TR beginning to your most recent update. Not only did you convince me to switch out my WDW vaca to Universal but I made a few notes. I love WDW but my boys are now 14, 14 & 10. I think Universal might be the way to go. I enjoyed reading along... Can't wait for your next update
i love reading about homies meeting up.

sounds like you will be able to do a repeat of that again next year.

the shrimp salad looks like something i would order.

i'm gonna try it on the next trip.

tom looks so happy with his 3 drinks.
it's a great picture of him!

He does look happy doesn't he ;)

The salad was gorgeous.......you know when you really wish you had ordered it yourself?? That was me!!

Going to try and get this trippie finished this week.........:thumbsup2

Hi! I just read your TR beginning to your most recent update. Not only did you convince me to switch out my WDW vaca to Universal but I made a few notes. I love WDW but my boys are now 14, 14 & 10. I think Universal might be the way to go. I enjoyed reading along... Can't wait for your next update

Thank you so much............your boys will love Universal I'm sure :thumbsup2
FRIDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER (sorry no pics)

We all awoke this morning feeling very subdued and tired. Don`t think any of us really got a great sleep for one reason or another. I kept thinking how the trip was finally going to be over soon and that kept me awake despite feeling exhausted before we went to bed.

We got up and we were all noticeably quieter than usual. We took our time getting ready an headed up to get breakfast. We just had some fruit and toast then came back down to plan our day.

We had no parks planned today thankfully, although we had arranged to meet Todd tonight. We very reluctantly decide to cancel going to HHN tonight as we just felt a bit washed out.....so I sent him an email explaining we were all bit wooped......I was a bit gutted.....well a lot gutted as we love seeing Todd and had been so looking forward to seeing him tonight, but I made our apologies, annoyed we wouldn't be seeing him again this trip :sad1: :sad1:

So before we all fell asleep again we headed out to Wal-Mart to get some bits and say goodbye to our friend who works there. We were there in no time and got some bits, then when Roslyn was on her break we said our goodbyes to her too. She is such a lovey lady and we love seeing her every year, but she said she`ll still be there next year so we will see her then. Got some more household things to take home and we headed off to Bed Bath & Beyond......I love that store..........Bought some beautiful 1000 thread sheets.......they are gorgeous........a new garlic crusher, some tweezers and a couple more kitchen things.........I really should think about fitting stuff in suitcases when I shop.....but I don`t :confused3

We really took our time shopping in there today....well It`ll be a while till we get back........so after that we fancied some lunch a we hadn`t eaten a lot at breakfast.........Tom and I wanted to go to Ihop as we had loved our last meal there....Kyle wanted to go back to Denny`s which was practically next door so he won this time..........Don`t think I would go back again, much prefer Ihop.

Didn`t take any pictures as it was very underwhelming, I had a chicken salad which had seen better days, Tom had pancakes bacon and eggs and Kyle had a burger which again, was ok.

We headed back to the hotel after that, thought we had better start some packing. I also had a few thank you cards and gifts for some people in the hotel so I wanted to wrap them and write the cards out. I did that first then started to attempt the magic trip that was fitting everything in our cases so they were not over the weight limit. Got most of our stuff packed and left what we needed for the next couple of days.

We took the cards and gifts to the front desk and found who we were looking for. I would give the club lounge staff in the morning. Then the boys headed to the pool and to play pool while I went back to our room where my friend was calling me at 3pm. The room looked a little sad when I went in as the dreaded cases had been dragged out again, but I didn`t have time to dwell on it as my friend phoned on the button at 3.

We had an amazing chat, and I couldn`t believe when the boys came back and it was 5.30.....the time had passed so quickly, I couldn`t believe it. We could easily have chatted another 2 hours :goodvibes So we said our goodbyes on the phone and we all got showered, changed and headed up to the lounge for a drink before we went out. They had chicken mac and cheese again, blue cheese salad, dips and chips and cheese and crackers.........we didn`t have anything as we were headed to Longhorn again tonight.

We went the I4 as we were going to the one on Vineland again.......then we saw the traffic back up on our side of the road.......there had been an accident, thankfully it didn't look bad but we were down to one lane, but it didn't take long till we were there. We love this Longhorn, always have fantastic service and food is always amazing. It was really busy tonight and we had a 15 minute wait but it`s worth it.

Kyle had his usual chicken tenders, Tom had the Outlaw Ribeye mash and veg and I had Filet fries and veg.........it was gorgeous. I didn`t take any pictures at all tonight for some reason. We had no room for dessert but had planned to go to the pool for a while when we got back to the hotel and just chill, but when we looked out the door when we were leaving it was bouncing with rain and very windy...........well so much for that idea. Tom went and got the car so we wouldn`t be drowned and we headed back to the hotel. The I4 looked very congested again so we went Turkey Lake Road which was practically empty.

As it was raining and we were all quite tired, we did the unthinkable and just went to bed, hoping we would have a good nights sleep as tomorrow we do both parks in one day.
I have been really enjoying your TR!! :) It's always sad when it is time to go home though..

We all had a fantastic sleep last night.......probably the best one of the trip and we all awoke bright....but incredibly sad as this was our last full day. When you say you have 17 nights anywhere...it sounds such a long time, and it is, but inevitably it has to end sometime. But we do try and put it to the back of our minds so we can enjoy our day.

We head up for breakfast armed with our gifts for the staff in there as they have been so lovely to us over the days. There was 4 of them that have been exceptional so I was very glad to see it was them that were working today. We gave them their gifts and a thank you card and we had our breakfast. We were all quite hungry this morning so I had an iced doughnut and some fruit, both of them just had cereal and fruit...it was lovely and the lounge wasn`t busy so it was nice and relaxing. We took our time and then headed down to get our lanyards and sun cream. We also had a bag of coins that we were going to tip into the Mystic Fountain, loose change that we tipped in to a bag at the end of every day. It soon mounts up though as there was nearly $70 in the bag........we weren`t going to carry loose change that home with us and thought that was a good way of getting rid of it.

We wanted to go to IOA first so we had a lovely relaxing walk trying to take in every sight, smell, flower and tree as we walked. When we got to the security check the guard asked if we had moved in to the hotel......we looked at him and he said he had checked our bags a couple of times and the first time seemed like ages ago........we just laughed and said we were leaving tomorrow. He was very nice.

We got into IOA and went on all our usual rides.......we got lockers as we had that bag of money with us, but it wasn't an issue as the parks were quite quiet today so no real queues for anything. We went on the hulk 3 or 4 times and got the front twice, we really do prefer the front rows, it seems smoother somehow. Eventually we had to move on to Dr Doom and Spiderman which were amazing as usual.....lost count of Doom rides......yes it`s very short but that initial blast off is sooooo good........if you don`t pull the harness too tight you really come out of year seat.....a lot.........it`s a fantastic feeling and one that used to terrify me beyond belief.......They love teasing me with reminding me of our first trip in the distant past when we used to go to Disney, when I was scared to do Splash Mountain.....lol......it`s true.....I soon discovered a love of thrill rides and the thing I used to dread most......drops!!!!! They have always loved thrill rides so it was frustrating for them when I used to say I was too scared and they knew if I just did it once I would be hooked......and I was.

We worked our way around the park slowly, again just taking everything in....sights sounds smells all of it. Universal parks are like a very pleasant assault on your senses......from the smells of cinnabon the sounds of the Hulk whooshing around your ears and the colors of everything as you walk from one gently defined area to another. One minute Betty Boop and Popeye are overwhelming your vision to the next you are transported into the Jurassic area. Sublime divisions of senses..........we adore these parks.

We wandered around to JP, deciding to give Dudley a miss today, love this ride but you get totally drenched beyond belief so JP it is. We did this a few times and didn`t get too wet....just a bit windswept........we sadly left this ride and headed to HP. It is usually a bit busier here and today was no exception. We did FJ once using single rider as we were not getting any ride pics this year....we have so many already so not sitting together didn`t matter to us. We came off this and went to Duelling Dragons, I only did this once but they wanted to ride numerous times so after I did one side I headed off to the mystic Fountain.

There was no-one around, the fountain was snoring very gently so I went to the back of it and tipped the stream of coins into the back of it and went and sat towards the back of it to wait for them coming off the ride. As I was sat I heard Kyle cheering as the ride went past at one point.....it was funny being able to distinguish him from all the other people but I could easily hear him. I sat for a while longer just enjoying the sit down and watching people....I wandered over to the fountain to take some pics when it came to life.........I nearly jumped out of my skin when it spoke to me........I was also praying it didn`t turn on the whole sprinkler system....I would get soaked....you feel a bit silly talking to a fountain....lol........but he said to me he saw what I did.......I immediately felt guilty and thought what the heck did I do........he said thank you for your donation for the kids.........well, what do you say......so I said you`re welcome.......he asked where I was from and I always say Scotland.......he started to sing Flower Of Scotland........now that song makes me cry at the best of times....so today wasn`t a good day to hear it as I could cry at the drop of a hat, but at that Tom and Kyle appeared as he asked if I liked the bagpipes.....I said I hated them which I do, and he said yeah he wasn`t a fan either.........after that we said our goodbyes to the Fountain and I had been saved form an embarrassing show of emotion!! For now.

We headed round to Mythos again for lunch now. We had enjoyed our visits to Mythos this trip so one last one today for this year. We were seated immediately although it seemed very busy, we must have been lucky

Tom ordered the philly cheesesteak pizza, which was delicious

I had the Pad Thai, which was nice, but I have to say the Confisco Grill Pad Thai was much much nicer than this one.

Kyle had his usual cheese pizza, which he really enjoyed.....wouldn`t even share a bit!!!

We did enjoy our lunch but wished we had gone to Confisco Grill again, we seem to prefer that to Mythos........

We headed out the park now, but at the last minute thought we would do the Hulk one last time........as we walked past Confisco`s I heard someone call my name.......it`s always a surprise to hear your name shouted over there and when I turned it was Vicki and Trey........we were delighted to see them again, so unexpected to bump into someone you know.......we spoke for a bit.....they were heading off to do water rides.......I kinda wished we were joining them but we were headed to the Studios for the afternoon, so we said goodbye...again and headed out of IOA......

I could feel the tears coming now, so deep breath and sunglasses on and we marched to the Studios.......well, we kinda wandered slowly....it was hot!

We were at the Studios in no time at all. They are so close together so it`s so convenient to go between them when you feel like it. We went straight to DM, I can`t remember how long the normal queue was, but it looked long......we got straight on with EP and each and every time we use it we thank our lucky stars we have it and are very grateful for it. We did this 3 times, then went to The Mummy and went on about 5 or 6 times. They wanted to do TF, so I sat outside on the steps and waited. I don`t like TF as much as Spiderman, so I wasn`t fussed on doing it again.....it is good I`m just not a fan. In no time at all they were out. It was getting later on in the afternoon by now so we wandered around what is to be HP2 and took some pictures......it really does look amazing, but will change the Studios beyond anything it ever was.......which is good for Universal but as I said in an earlier day....I miss the days of 07/08 when it was so quiet. Won`t see those days again.

We went on MIB, then went on ET which inexplicably set me off in tears today.......my son gave me a hug at this point which made me feel better......then I felt bad because I knew they weren`t looking forward to going home either.....but they didn`t cry over it!!

So for the last time we headed out of the park, passing a waving Scooby and Shaggy........I know I said we weren`t going to be doing any character pics this year as we really do have loads, but I can`t resist Scooby. So we got our pics taken but I just look as if Ive been crying in them all....so won`t post them....lol. We went through the gates and I didn`t cry at all here......yay.....so we wandered back to the hotel to get showered and changed. We just walked today, even though our feet were hurting a bit, it was just nice.

After we got changed, we went down to say our goodbyes to someone we had missed yesterday. Thankfully we caught him and could thank him and say our goodbyes personally.

We went up to he lounge to pass an hour before we headed out for dinner. We had decided on Nascar again as we had enjoyed it so much. We both had a couple of glasses of wine and sat and chatted to the lovely staff before setting off. It was such a lovely night....and our feet had recovered so we decided to walk. Citywalk was quite busy as it was still a HHN and a Saturday. It is such a fun atmosphere here. Anyway we got seated immediately and ordered our drinks, I had some kind of cocktail and Tom had a beer, Kyle had his usual strawberry daiquiri

Kyle ordered his usual.....yes he is a creature of habit......Teriyaki Chicken fries and veg......we had to order him another as he went to use the pepper and the whole pepperpot emptied into his dinner........I should have taken a picture of that........but they brought another out as quickly as possible.....it looked gorgeous

I decided to order what Tom said was his dish........Boogity Shrimp

He ordered a Beef salad dish, can`t remember the name but it was lovely too

After we had finished eating, we waited a while before ordering dessert for them........it`s such a nice place to sit and have a drink and relax. But after a bit Kyle wanted dessert so they each ordered a chocolate dish....they enjoyed it last time and said it was even better tonight.

So very reluctantly we left Nascar and had a wander around Citywalk one last time and took in the lights and sounds. We bought some last minute stuff from Margaritaville........Tom wouldn`t let me buy the blender though......said we had no more room.......he was right actually. So after we had done our last minute shopping we headed back to the hotel and finish our packing as we head to Downtown Disney where Virgin have their check in and bag drop to save us carrying our luggage about all day. Very handy as our flight is not till evening time.

So a quite sombre walk back to the hotel. We have one drink in the bar and then head up. Pack and into bed just before midnight. Not looking forward to tomorrow.

I did like this sign when I saw it. Very apt for Universal.


It had arrived, the day we all dreaded beyond belief.

We awoke at 6.30am as we had set the alarm. Got showered and dressed and got the last bits packed up. Made sure we packed everything that couldn`t go in hand luggage, and headed off to Downtown Disney to check in and get rid of the cases. We left our laptops and things that would be with us as hand luggage, no need to take them this morning.

We were there just before it opened so were second in the queue. We got the seats we wanted, all together with Extra leg room........and we were set. Headed back to hotel, no rush as we had a late check out, but we stopped by our room anyway to drop off our passport and stuff in the safe.

When we opened the door there were 2 housekeepers looking a bit bewildered and putting our electricals all together.......now we had a late check out, but there must have been a mix up and they thought we had gone without our stuff. They had phoned security to come and get our stuff for safekeeping as they weren`t sure what had happened to us that we had left so much. Security arrived and realised they weren't needed........we thanked them for taking care of the stuff though.

Headed up for breakfast and really took our time his morning and said our goodbyes to some of our favourite staff in the lounge. They said the same as us, it had seemed such a long visit but couldn`t believe it was over.

We spent the rest of the morning by the pool and very sadly went up o get changed before checking out. We would still be able to use the lounge if needed but we thought we might head to the Mall to pass some time. We were going to go to Jake`s for lunch but they weren`t ready after the character breakfast then we decided yes we would got the Mall at Millenia for some lunch, we went back to the lounge.........said our final goodbyes and headed down in the lift. I was doing ok here.

As we headed through the lobby towards the main doors......that`s when it hit me like a sledgehammer........wow those tears flowed and I just couldn`t stop........seeing the elephants in the middle, the beautiful ambience of the lobby and one of the staff members waving......I was a blubbing mess and not ashamed to say it.

However, we got out the hotel in one piece knowing we would be back next year.....that helps when I leave. But one final glance back and we get the car and head to the mall. Somewhere between the hotel and the Mall I get it together......once I`ve left I`m normally ok. Tom and Kyle both ask if I`m ok, and I am really, it`s just we don`t want to leave.

It`s not so bad only having hand luggage to mooch around with so when we get to the Mall we head straight for a late lunch......plane food is not good so we eat now rather than later. We have firehouse sub and it is delicious but I never feel like taking pics our last day....so different from the childlike enthusiasm we have at the beginning of the trip to snap away at everything. But we enjoy our food and Kyle has a final fudge cake from CF and we have ice cream from Haagen Daaz......lovely.

We head off now as I`m forbidden from buying anything......I`m sure I could squeeze something else in.........but I`m ordered out and we wait for our car. It is a very depressing 20 minute drive to the airport, but soon enough we are at the car drop off.......and heading across the road to the airport. We take a last lungful of American air.....which unfortunately is as a bus passes....so not pleasant.........and we are inside.

We spend some time wandering around the shops before going through Security checks and on the monorail for the journey of doom. Once through we head to duty free and get some last minute stuff, alcohol and perfume normally. Then head down to wait for our flight.

We do take a pic of the plane every year, we are boarded on time as usual and before we know where we are we are taking off and heading home once more. I have a silent....ish sniffle to myself as I see Orlando stretched out behind us. We all try to get comfy at this point and settle into the flight. It`s a shorter flight home, around seven and a half hours usually but it took us 8 this time. We all slept which was good so didn`t feel too bad when we landed.

We had to wait for a while as our luggage is always last off for some reason, but soon we are in the café having Tea and Toast........I only drink coffee in the US but when we get back a good strong cup of tea is the first thing we want. We walk through the skywalk to get to the hotel, get our car and drive the 3+ hours or so it takes to get home. it`s a shock when we walk outside in the UK for the first time in nearly 3 weeks.....it`s so cold.....that's when I know we`re home. It`s cold.

So that is our trip for this year. We loved every second of it whether it be in the beautiful RPR with everything it has to offer and the wonderful staff they have that are always so welcoming and friendly. The proximity to the theme parks are amazing, so handy for coming back and relaxing during the middle of the day. You are so looked after in this hotel.

Or in the Universal parks themselves. They are so much fun and we never tire of being in them and enjoy every minute we spend on either rides, shows, restaurants or just soaking up the atmosphere in both parks.

Meeting up with friends, old and new is always a highlight. Todd and Vicki, we had so much fun with you guys......can`t wait to next year :hug:

Short but sweet meet up with Kogo was a nice surprise too, really nice girl who is fun to be around :)

We love the time we spend together as a family, in normal life everyone is usually so busy, so we really appreciate our time as a family just having fun. People ask if we ever row on holiday, as we spend so much time together. Well we honestly don`t when we are there....it`s so relaxing and we cherish every second. But we don`t really argue at home either, maybe we`re lucky.

Before we left we sorted our trip for September this year........ 18 nights at the wonderful Royal Pacific resort. We just don`t want to stay anywhere else when we are in Orlando. It has everything we look for, or could want in a hotel. It feels like home and we miss it when we're not there.

So until next time thank you for reading along with this report, I really hope you enjoyed it, and Thank you for the lovely comments, I appreciate it :goodvibes
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An awesome report, start to finish :thumbsup2 . I thoroughly enjoyed every entry.

It nice to hear someone else has a good cry on departure day. Here I thought I was the only one!
An awesome report, start to finish :thumbsup2 . I thoroughly enjoyed every entry.

It nice to hear someone else has a good cry on departure day. Here I thought I was the only one!

Thank you Gina......really glad you enjoyed it.

Every year without fail I have a little mini meltdown.......they usually say they can spot it coming........I'm quite obvious when I'm upset :laughing:

Thanks for the lovely comments too :goodvibes
Carole...great finish to a great report! The next trip can't get here soon enough!


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