Official Glass Slipper Challenge Thread

I personally would skip the walk the day before the a long run. I find that building up the mileage slowly is much more helpful to me in preventing further injury. But YMMV. I know it's not the same, but you could consider switching the back-to-backs to short run days instead of a short walk-long run combo. I think that would still give you the experience of running on somewhat "tired" legs, and not bump up your overall mileage for the week too quickly.

Thanks, I'll try that. Right now I'm trying to just add a mile or two each weekend to max out at 10 before the race. Fully intend on just walking the 10K and taking it really easy the rest of that day. I tell you what, I am really going to appreciate these medals after the "challenge" training has been.
Hi Jenny--just read your trip report-- I see that you, like me, sometimes start trip reports and don't complete them lol. The one in my signature is the only one I actually finished! I'm a 30 year+ Air Force pilot's wife(he's retired now and so is his airplane, the C-141 lol) ) and this will be my first 10k and half--I've done a few 5ks. I'm very slow but, I hope to not get swept! I just started running in May and have lost 50 pounds over the last year and a half.

I did 9.5 miles today at an average 16.01 pace, so I'm hoping that at race pace I'll stay enough ahead of the balloon ladies to finish. I'm doing my back to backs as shorter runs -- 4 miles each, or 3 and 4, depending on the weather and my attitude that day. My goal is to hit 12 miles two weeks before the race and then scale back to 10 the week before.

I had to laugh about your shorts-- I bought a Sparkle skirt when I thought I was just doing the 10k, but since I added the 5k and half I'm not sure when I'll wear it. I know I should try it out first but I'll look like a fool running through my neighborhood in it, so I haven't yet. I'll try it for the 5k and see how it goes from there!
Hi Jenny--just read your trip report-- I see that you, like me, sometimes start trip reports and don't complete them lol. The one in my signature is the only one I actually finished! I'm a 30 year+ Air Force pilot's wife(he's retired now and so is his airplane, the C-141 lol) ) and this will be my first 10k and half--I've done a few 5ks. I'm very slow but, I hope to not get swept! I just started running in May and have lost 50 pounds over the last year and a half.

I did 9.5 miles today at an average 16.01 pace, so I'm hoping that at race pace I'll stay enough ahead of the balloon ladies to finish. I'm doing my back to backs as shorter runs -- 4 miles each, or 3 and 4, depending on the weather and my attitude that day. My goal is to hit 12 miles two weeks before the race and then scale back to 10 the week before.

I had to laugh about your shorts-- I bought a Sparkle skirt when I thought I was just doing the 10k, but since I added the 5k and half I'm not sure when I'll wear it. I know I should try it out first but I'll look like a fool running through my neighborhood in it, so I haven't yet. I'll try it for the 5k and see how it goes from there!

I fully thought I would finish it during my hubby's deployment. That hasn't happened yet. LOL I think he will be home before I do unless I seriously get cracking.

I expect to fully be a sight trial running in my race costumes. I'm sewing a full-on princess circle skirt for my 10K costume, and I've doctored up a Sparkle Light for my Half costume. I also have to embellish my hubby's race shirts for both races.
I posted this on the other board a well…

Just finished my "run rehearsal". I did a 5k Wednesday, 10k yesterday and 12 1/4 miles today. My legs seemed confused at times…sometimes feeling good and other tired. I thought about going the whole 13.1, but I ran out of water and 2 hours seemed a good place to stop.

Hope all your back to back run are going well!
I discovered today my neighborhood is too small for anything more than 5 mile runs- getting that last 1.2 miles in was the longest 1.2 miles in awhile and that its too cold for my florida lifestyle...

Run rehearsal #2…Yesterday 5K, today 10k and tomorrow 10-12 miles. I'll see how I feel. My last run was last Thursday and then I went to see my mom for a few day so after four days of no running, I decided to do my 3 runs this week back to back to back. We are almost there!
Run rehearsal #2…Yesterday 5K, today 10k and tomorrow 10-12 miles. I'll see how I feel. My last run was last Thursday and then I went to see my mom for a few day so after four days of no running, I decided to do my 3 runs this week back to back to back. We are almost there!

I'm starting mine today, just need to get motivated. LOL
I'm starting mine today, just need to get motivated. LOL

On a TM? I am just going to be happy to have a TM to run on…that's why I am unsure of tomorrow's distance. Are you leaving your 4 kiddos at home? My four are all in their 20's now, but my girls have run a couple of princess halfs with me..not this year, I am all by myself, but it should be fun.
On a TM? I am just going to be happy to have a TM to run on…that's why I am unsure of tomorrow's distance. Are you leaving your 4 kiddos at home? My four are all in their 20's now, but my girls have run a couple of princess halfs with me..not this year, I am all by myself, but it should be fun.

Sadly yes, on the TM. We got 5 inches of snow Monday and 6 more today. I'd love to run outside to get a more realistic pace but I'm lucky enough to have a nice machine at home. I just need to gather the energy to get down there. The fireplace is to enticing!

Kiddos are coming with me. They are doing the 5k with me and I'm on my own for the rest. I was supposed to come alone but the 3 youngest ended up with vacation that week (if they don't take days back). DS17 will miss 3 days of school but I started prepping his teachers months ago. He'd love to run with me but it was a little cost prohibitive.
Sadly yes, on the TM. We got 5 inches of snow Monday and 6 more today. I'd love to run outside to get a more realistic pace but I'm lucky enough to have a nice machine at home. I just need to gather the energy to get down there. The fireplace is to enticing! Kiddos are coming with me. They are doing the 5k with me and I'm on my own for the rest. I was supposed to come alone but the 3 youngest ended up with vacation that week (if they don't take days back). DS17 will miss 3 days of school but I started prepping his teachers months ago. He'd love to run with me but it was a little cost prohibitive.
I have been on the treadmill the past couple of days, due to the need for running before dawn. Also, it is raining again, and I just wasn't ready for wet and freezing again after my half last weekend!
Is anyone else out there feeling unprepared for this? :confused3

I was doing really well with the training but then business travel and other life events got in the way and my longest run has only been 10miles and that was yesterday. I finished it but boy am I sore today. It was very COLD and the roads were snow/slush covered and by the end I could barely lift my legs... I hope it was the cold and extra difficulty running in snow and not my conditioning.

I don't even have a costume for either the 10k or the Half. I was really excited about being Jesse for at least one of them but just don't have the time or the shopping options to pull that together.

I leave on Tuesday again for another business trip to Seattle then Portland and then that will take me straight to Orlando on Friday the 21st with no home time in between so this will be as good as it gets at this point. Maybe the Expo will have some cute accessories I can try out even though I know I shouldn't be trying something new on race day :confused3
Is anyone else out there feeling unprepared for this? :confused3

I was doing really well with the training but then business travel and other life events got in the way and my longest run has only been 10miles and that was yesterday. I finished it but boy am I sore today. It was very COLD and the roads were snow/slush covered and by the end I could barely lift my legs... I hope it was the cold and extra difficulty running in snow and not my conditioning.

I don't even have a costume for either the 10k or the Half. I was really excited about being Jesse for at least one of them but just don't have the time or the shopping options to pull that together.

I leave on Tuesday again for another business trip to Seattle then Portland and then that will take me straight to Orlando on Friday the 21st with no home time in between so this will be as good as it gets at this point. Maybe the Expo will have some cute accessories I can try out even though I know I shouldn't be trying something new on race day :confused3

don't fret. been there done that.

i think it would be best for you to take the 10k slow, and conserve your energy for the half. 10 miles is good for your training. i've only done up to 9.5 in my training for this race, and that's the longest i will do.

i know the "don't try something new on race day" holds true for a lot of things and people, but for me, i bought a sparkle skirt at the expo and wore it to the half and had no issues. even if you're not pulling off jessie, you can still find something cute to wear at the expo.

cheer up, princess. we're almost there princess:
Is anyone else out there feeling unprepared for this? :confused3 I was doing really well with the training but then business travel and other life events got in the way and my longest run has only been 10miles and that was yesterday. I finished it but boy am I sore today. It was very COLD and the roads were snow/slush covered and by the end I could barely lift my legs... I hope it was the cold and extra difficulty running in snow and not my conditioning. I don't even have a costume for either the 10k or the Half. I was really excited about being Jesse for at least one of them but just don't have the time or the shopping options to pull that together. I leave on Tuesday again for another business trip to Seattle then Portland and then that will take me straight to Orlando on Friday the 21st with no home time in between so this will be as good as it gets at this point. Maybe the Expo will have some cute accessories I can try out even though I know I shouldn't be trying something new on race day :confused3

I have read repeatedly that 10 miles is enough for training and the atmosphere will get you through the final 3. I am banking on this. I am underprepared/undertrained due to injury and just planning on finishing happy at this point. There will be thousands of us cheering each other on and I really think that's going to make a huge difference. I did my last long run a week ago and finished feeling just like you described, in the cold, trudging along with heavy legs. I also had to end at 10 miles out of a planned 12 due to severe pain. But as disappointed as I was I then imagined feeling the same in Disney, with the totally different atmosphere of encouragement as opposed to being alone on the road with nothing but bewildered looks from drivers going by;). I really do believe it will be totally different. Spend some time visualizing yourself running/walking down Main Street, or whatever part of the courses you are most looking forward to. I think about MK for the half and the boardwalk for the 10k. I love running on the boardwalk in the early morning when everyone is sleeping, but I've never done a race before, so that is what I am psyched for:). Focus on finishing and celebrating the accomplishment. You are ready!
I have read repeatedly that 10 miles is enough for training and the atmosphere will get you through the final 3. I am banking on this. I am underprepared/undertrained due to injury and just planning on finishing happy at this point. There will be thousands of us cheering each other on and I really think that's going to make a huge difference. I did my last long run a week ago and finished feeling just like you described, in the cold, trudging along with heavy legs. I also had to end at 10 miles out of a planned 12 due to severe pain. But as disappointed as I was I then imagined feeling the same in Disney, with the totally different atmosphere of encouragement as opposed to being alone on the road with nothing but bewildered looks from drivers going by;). I really do believe it will be totally different. Spend some time visualizing yourself running/walking down Main Street, or whatever part of the courses you are most looking forward to. I think about MK for the half and the boardwalk for the 10k. I love running on the boardwalk in the early morning when everyone is sleeping, but I've never done a race before, so that is what I am psyched for:). Focus on finishing and celebrating the accomplishment. You are ready!

I agree!

Before anyone gets mad at me for saying this, read the rest of my post. I've gone up to 11 for each of my 3 halfs that I've done for Disney races. Only my first did the "atmosphere" take me the last few. I'm not saying you have to train past 10. I'm only saying don't underestimate the power of your own resolve and ability to dig deep and not give up. And I'm putting a call out to all of the princesses out there to keep an eye out for other struggling princesses - we need to encourage each other, especially in the last few miles. For me, miles 10-13 are especially hard because that's past the two hour mark and my body just seems to get really tired! I really appreciated the fellow runners who chatted and volunteers and my one last shot blok and my go-to music to get me through them, even when I go into the race well trained and uninjured. Remember that running distance is more than preparing your body physically but also mentally and developing strategies to not give up!

You CAN do this! And when all else fails, remember coach's motto: "the relentless pursuit of forward momentum."
I have read repeatedly that 10 miles is enough for training and the atmosphere will get you through the final 3. I am banking on this. I am underprepared/undertrained due to injury and just planning on finishing happy at this point. There will be thousands of us cheering each other on and I really think that's going to make a huge difference. I did my last long run a week ago and finished feeling just like you described, in the cold, trudging along with heavy legs. I also had to end at 10 miles out of a planned 12 due to severe pain. But as disappointed as I was I then imagined feeling the same in Disney, with the totally different atmosphere of encouragement as opposed to being alone on the road with nothing but bewildered looks from drivers going by;). I really do believe it will be totally different. Spend some time visualizing yourself running/walking down Main Street, or whatever part of the courses you are most looking forward to. I think about MK for the half and the boardwalk for the 10k. I love running on the boardwalk in the early morning when everyone is sleeping, but I've never done a race before, so that is what I am psyched for:). Focus on finishing and celebrating the accomplishment. You are ready!

Ten miles is just fine! I have never trained further then that before a half. Yes miles 10-13 are tough, but it's supposed to be tough! That 3.1 miles of suckiness is what makes you feel like a bada$$ when you cross the finish line. You got it!
Is anyone else out there feeling unprepared for this? :confused3 I was doing really well with the training but then business travel and other life events got in the way and my longest run has only been 10miles and that was yesterday. I finished it but boy am I sore today. It was very COLD and the roads were snow/slush covered and by the end I could barely lift my legs... I hope it was the cold and extra difficulty running in snow and not my conditioning. I don't even have a costume for either the 10k or the Half. I was really excited about being Jesse for at least one of them but just don't have the time or the shopping options to pull that together. I leave on Tuesday again for another business trip to Seattle then Portland and then that will take me straight to Orlando on Friday the 21st with no home time in between so this will be as good as it gets at this point. Maybe the Expo will have some cute accessories I can try out even though I know I shouldn't be trying something new on race day :confused3

I did the 10k and 1/2 at Tink was crazy worried about how I was going to do for the half. I will tell you that I felt really good for the 1/2. Almost like I had a nice warm up before it. I usually always cramp up in my shins my first mile of a half and that time I didn't. I'm thinking the running the day before had a lot to do with it.

As far as costumes, don't worry too much about this. I'm playing it super easy. This time I'm playing it super easy and just doing for the 5k black tights, red shirt and my Mickey Mouse ears that say my mantra "Dig Deep" on the back. 10k- black tights, a tutu I had from princess 2 years ago and a pink shirt. 1/2- purple tights and purple top. Easy easy!
I will be the third or fourth person to agree that 10-11 miles is sufficient. I did my first half at Princess in 2012. I followed the training schedule to a tee and I can tell you I suffered from over training!!! If you did 10 then that's enough. These next two weeks I am going to focus on proper rest and nutrition. As far as an outfit, they are fun, cute, even entertaining but necessary to have a good time I think not!! The only thing that are necessary are my CWX pants!! Trust your training thus far and get ready to get ready at this point.
Heading out for my last long run this afternoon. Battled my way back from injury and have a goal of 10 today. Breaking it up -- kiddo in the jogger, bringing the dog with us for the first 2 out and 2 back, letting her stretch her legs from being in the jogger, bathroom break, refuel, and then just me and kiddo heading back out for the last 6. Wish us luck!
+1 10 is plenty! I did my final 10 today, after 5 yesterday and 2.5 Friday, and had a pretty awful run... but wasn't bothered at all because I know the adrenaline, excitement and taper will make the extra 3.1 fly by!


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