Wait! Where's your wedding ring? An Oct. 2013 Disneymoon TR Updated 5/7!

TALKING MICKEY! I'm not a character person, but I would love to meet talking Mickey so much!!

WOW, those pictures of Philharmagic! I want to look at them over and over again; they're astounding! And I love the saturation of color in them. Truly amazing pictures.

Talking Mickey was very cool. I just don't understand why he needs to blink. It just makes for some drunk Mickey photos.

To go back a little... I do have pics of Wishes from our FP+ vantage point.. granted not Franklin quality but Im sure you will get the point.. hahaha! Now i just need to figure out how to post them!

Fantastic update!!I was so excited to see your post on FB! You must be getting so excited for your solo trip!

I am so excited for my solo time at Disney. I have some really fun firsts planned for me!

I like your Soul Mate tee-shirts. They are perfect for the two of you. :)

Franklin's pictures of the Philharmonic make me want to go see it again. I've only been there once, nine years ago, and I don't remember the pictures looking that good. Franklin makes the show look really good.

Thank you! We made the shirts with iron-on transfers from Miss Morgan Designs.

Her stuff is fantastic and she can do custom designs if you need them.

Love the Soul Mate shirts-between those and your Bride and Groom ears you really do have some cute pictures together :thumbsup2

I never would have thought that you could get such great photos of Mickeys Philarmagic but as you say "Franklin knows best" and we should know better than to argue :lmao: lol

You are definitely giving me some ideas for new restaurants to try on my next trip! The Plaza meal looks yummy :thumbsup2

Cant wait for the next installment :goodvibes

Thanks! The Plaza is really yummy, it has my favorite fries in all of Disney World.

My DH was just saying when we retire if we moved to Orlando he wanted to be a talking Mickey! He can do so many of the voices and sounds just like them! Love your shirts too! I am looking for idea for our next trip for matching shirts for the 5 of us right now.

Our Disney retirement dreams include me writing for the Parks blog and Franklin being a Disney photographer! Can't wait to see the ideas you come up with for shirts!

Yay for talking Mickey! It's fun seeing what other people post to see just how many different kinds of conversations he can have with you.

Love that picture of Cinderella checking out your ring. :lovestruc

Oh my goodness, Franklin is so ridiculously talented! I'm sure DH is going to want to know how in the world he got those pictures of PhilharMagic. :rotfl:

Cindy was pretty taken with my ring. :goodvibes

Those Philharmagic photos are amazing! Franklin is so talented!

Could you actually carry on a conversation with the talking Mickey? I thought I'd heard his voice was recorded and was basic responses.

Very cute photos in your soulmates shirts!

Thanks! Mickey does have pretty set responses, but it seems like there are a fair number of them! Kristy is right, it's fun to hear what he's said to everyone else! Anyone else meet talking Mickey yet?

I would of wondered about someone taking pictures during Philharmagic. I'd make snide comments to myself about how they are obviously not going to come out.....boy, wow! That Ariel one is insane! I don't know how he did it!

Looking forward to your next chapter. So many places to get a scrumptious meal...hard to choose!

BTW, you and I now have about 40 days and counting!!:cool1:

Our trips are coming fast! So exciting! And I can't wait for you guys to read about the meal coming up, it is totally epic. :thumbsup2

Love the photos with Cindy checking out the ring! :lovestruc

And the Philharmagic shots are just awesome. I'm confused though. Isn't the 3-D image usually fuzzy without glasses on? Did Franklin make a special pair of glasses for his camera? ;)

Thanks! We had a lot of fun with Cinderella, she was one of the best princesses we've ever met!

I just keep picturing a little pair of 3-D glasses on Franklin's camera. :rotfl:

sounds like a nice morning - sleeping in and still making an ADR and meeting some major characters.

I would have been in the same position questioning the taking of pictures of a 3D show, but obviously Franklin knew what he was doing - especially love the ones with with Donald and Ariel reaching out ... almost look 3D!

It was a lovely morning, very laid back. And then we got our park day started with that delicious lunch!

You'd think by now that I would have learned to not question Franklin's choices when it comes to photos. But...

So excited to have found this thread!

We are going to Disney in October for our first MNSSHP this year. It's our anniversary and his birthday is actually on Halloween so I thought it would be fun.

We had our first trip to Disney World in January and I really did not expect to love it as much as I did. The trip should have been a complete disaster. We both were really sick and ended up at urgent care after our flight! But we got some rest and were able to do more than I ever imagined and now I'm so ready to go back.

You're Hallowishes pictures are gorgeous! Just makes me even more certain that I want to be there to see it!

Thanks for sharing your awesome honeymoon experience!

What's your anniversary date? You will have so much fun on that trip! October is quite literally our favorite time of year to visit Disney. There is just so much to see and do!

That stinks that you both got sick on the January trip, but I'm so glad you were able to rally and salvage the trip!

If you end up having any MNSSHP or Food and Wine Festival planning questions, send them our way either here or on our Facebook page.

WOW! What an amazing trip report! I am subbing def! Can't wait to hear more!!

Thanks for joining in, we're glad to have you here!

I love your soul mate shirts! So perfect with your bride and groom ears too!

What a great morning with such fun meets!

And just WOW! What amazingly incredible shots of Philharmagic! How on earth?

Thank you!!! It was a fun string of M&Gs, great character interaction that day.

Mickey and Cinderella....great combo of meet n' greets!

Fun pics of the trolley show too --- its the little things like that show that make MK so special!

Love your t-shirts too!

Thanks!!! You're so right, Disney always gets the details right (even the smallest of them!). The trolley show is something that most people probably never knew existed until they visit MK for the first time. And yet, it's something we will stop and watch every time we're in the park. I love the music!

Why does Mickey talk? How is his voice?? Love the pictures with the princesses! :)

His voice is high, how Mickey's voice should be!

Wow, that is crazy that Franklin ended up getting those great photos during Philharmagic! I would have thought they wouldn't come out either. Does his camera have reverse 3D technology!? Haha!

:lmao: :rotfl::rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Thanks for sharing! Maybe I need to buy another filter! :thumbsup2 Sheesh, that's one thing the Disboards are bad for, at least for me. My wallet!

I know the feeling, Disney is an expensive habit. There's always something new to buy!
Welcome back friends! We last left off with quite the 3-D sing along at Mickey’s Philharmagic.

With the sorcerer's hat back in its rightful place upon Mickey’s head, we headed for a quick snack at Sleepy Hollow. A funnel cake for Missy and sugar with a side of funnel cake for Franklin.


With our bellies full, it was time for a trip into the willlllderrrrrnessss.


We had so much fun, we decided to go again!






With our thrill quota safely met, we wandered toward the hub. Here’s me with my favorite gal.


Then it was time for a little bridal photoshoot at the castle.




We even found a little friend.


It was time to make our way up Main Street, we had to get back to the resort to change for our BIG dinner plans.


There were a couple of love birds waiting for us back at Yacht Club.


We showered and changed and got all dressed up because it was time for something we’d both been waiting for for many years: Dinner at Victoria and Albert’s!!!!

We were seated in the main room.


They brought us each a glass of champagne to toast our new marriage.



We were given personalized menus.


Before the first course came, we took a quick look around.


We split the wine pairing. So instead of getting six-courses’ worth of wine for one person, we each got wine with three courses. It was perfect!

First up was a tuna-themed amuse bouche.


If you’ve never eaten here, there is a new bread and specialty butter for each course. The first was a crusty white roll and salted butter.


Franklin’s first course was Octopus “A La Plancha” with Black Garlic Aioli (you might recognize this dish if you watched “The Mauros Magical Disney Vacation” on the Food Network).


I started with the Petit Poussin with Violet Mustard and Crispy Skin.


For the next course, I had the Maine Diver Scallop with Cauliflower and Glace de Viande.


Franklin had the Yellowtail Snapper with Yellow Tomato Bouillon and Almonds.


Next, came black truffle bread accompanied by black truffle butter. It was the greatest bread/butter combo I’ve ever had.


For the next course, I had the Veal Napoleon with Chanterelle Mushrooms.


Franklin had the Palmetto Farms Quail with Serrano Ham and Figs.


With that course came a simply exquisite 2008 Syrah.


The next bread was a whole grain accompanied by a peppercorn butter.


For our main courses, I had the Roasted Duck with Fennel and Leeks, A La Orange, while Franklin had the Niman Ranch Lamb with Squash Ragout, Gnocci and Red Pepper Sauce.



Next came a beyond-delicious cheese course.


And instead of coffee, Franklin and I both wanted hot tea. So they brought out this ridiculously cool brewer.








The tea I had was to die for (and luckily I found it online, so I could have it at home!). It was called the Mad Hatter’s Tea -- "This velvety combination of bright and flowery Ceylon with passion fruit, pomegranate, and vanilla has become a favourite blend of those with an appreciation for fruity palates."

Franklin had the Cassis tea -- "An exceptionally aromatic tea with a rich black currant flavor."


Vanilla bean creme brulee was Franklin’s dessert choice.


I had the Grand Marnier souffle and it was divine.



Along with the check, they brought out some candies and a rose for me.



People were starting to arrive for the later dinner seating. So I knew we probably needed to skedaddle. But I wasn’t done with my tea and I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving any behind, so I asked if they had any to-go coffee cups.


Totally embarrassing, but totally worth it. I love that tea!

We headed out to that gorgeous lobby to enjoy the sights and sounds. I grabbed a seat to finish my tea and listen to the jazz band play my favorite Disney tunes. Franklin, of course, photographed every inch of the lobby.








We left the resort just as Wishes started in the distance. We took a cab back to Yacht Club because we had to pack. I couldn’t believe the Disneymoon portion of our honeymoon was coming to an end! But don't worry, we're not done yet! :thumbsup2
I knew it! Totally was guessing V&A when you described as epic! Looks a-maz-ing! And totally epic!
Whoa, that place looks AMAZING! I so want one of those tea brewers! Looks like a great place to celebrate your honeymoon :)
Thanks for the wonderful compliments everyone! And yes, I would throw weird looks a someone trying to take pictures of Philharmagic, too. Without special techniques, photos taken here will be blurry. :3dglasses


Twist my arm. :rotfl2: By popular request, here's how to take photos of Philharmagic (or any other 3D show). Rachel is sort of on the right track with the "reverse 3D technology". I'm going to get a bit technical, but I'll try to explain it so everyone can understand. So bare with me.

Shooting any movie can be tricky. The frame rate for a movie is usually 24 or 30 frames per second. Simply stated, a movie is just a bunch of pictures shown really fast, 30 pictures every second. That means the shutter speed on the camera must be set around 1/30 of a second. Any slower, multiple frames may be captured and the photo will be blurry. Any faster, you may only get a partial frame and some of the image will appear blacked-out.

Removing the 3D effect is done with a polarizing filter. You may be familiar with this filter because I use it on my outdoor photos. It makes the sky a deep blue and the grass a saturated green. The filter also reduces glare and reflections off of water, glass and other glossy surfaces.

Without circular polarizer

With circular polarizer, notice the water.

What does this have to do with 3D movies? Without 3D glasses both eyes are seeing two images at the same time. That's why the screen appears blurry. The 3D glasses are actually two polarizing filters. One lens is rotated 90 degrees from the other so that each eye sees a different image. You perceive that as depth.

The camera only needs to see one of those images. Using the polarizing filter I mentioned above, place it on your lens. Look through the camera and rotate the filter until you see one image, then take the picture.

But that's not all! A circular polarizing filter reduces the amount of light by 2 stops. It means that the filter acts like sunglasses for your camera. :cool2: On top of that, the theater is very dark. Most cameras will find it difficult to focus when it is this dark. So, focus first, put the filter on, then rotate it to see one image. The other exposure settings need to be adjusted for the darkness too. The shutter speed was already set at 1/30, so my aperture needed to be wide open at f/2 and my ISO set to 3200. The photos still came out very dark and I had to do a lot of editing to brighten it.

If I were to shoot it again, I would use my new lens, shoot at f/1.4 and ISO 6400. For most cameras, you will be maxing out your dark settings. This is haunted mansion dark, caused by the use of a dark filter in a dim environment. So, this will not work for point-and-shoot or cell phone cameras.

Good luck to those who try it! :thumbsup2

Franklin, thank you SO much for that run-down. I had no idea a CP would do the trick. I'll have to play with this sometime. Although my T2i at 6400 ISO won't be pretty, it will still be fun to play with.

Loving the photos. All of them. Just amazing work.
Our anniversary date is October 25!

We some how missed Philharmagic on our trip and after seeing your pictures from it I have to go see it!! Looks awesome.

I really wasn't sure if F&W would be of intrest to us (I guess I just haven't done enough reading on it) but after reading a few trip reports it is something I'm looking forward to now.

Victoria & Albert's looks AWESOME! And that tea thing looks so cool. I wish I drank tea just so I could get it.

Thanks for adding the link to your facebook page that's really nice.

Your trip looked awesome can't wait for the next update. I'm going to have to go back and read your previous TRs!
wow, your V&A pictures put ours to shame :rotfl: We had a number of the same courses - especially among the early courses. Everything was so amazing!

"So instead of getting six-courses’ worth of wine for one person, we each got wine with three courses. It was perfect!" .... ok, so next to you we must look like alcoholics as we each got the wine pairings, plus a bottle of champagne to start :rotfl2:

We had gotten coffee there and they use a very similar contraption to brew the coffee at your table - very cool, and amazing coffee! Glad you enjoyed your tea though!

Glad you enjoyed your night out - definitely a wonderful experience!
I enjoyed reading about your fun meets with Talking Mickey and the princesses. You really had some great interactions on this trip.

:worship: on the Philharmagic pictures. Just blown away!

Love the Big Thunder pictures and your castle photo shoot.

I'll come back soon to read about your fantastic meal at V&A.
Love the BTM shots!
So that's what Victoria and Albert's looks like on the inside. No Honeymoon is complete with a fabulous meal to celebrate! Can food be described as gorgeous? Cause that is what the food there looks like!:love:
Wow! Victoria and Albert's looks divine! What a great way to end the Disney portion of your honeymoon! :) (and I think this is the first time I've ever heard you be so enthusiastic about a wine!)
I :love: food porn and this is about as good as it gets!

What amazing pictures of an incredible sounding meal.

That was a super idea to split the wine flight. It sounds like the amount was perfect.

The tea also sounds delicious and the brewer was really interesting. I hope the waiter poured your cup for you- I would have NO idea to get the tea out of there.

Sorry to hear that the Disney portion of your trip is wrapping up, but I look forward to reading about Aruba.

I finally read the entire TR and it was a wonderful one again. You're writing background lends very well to trip reports! Then when I got towards the end I thought "Man I never get on the DIS anymore, but I wanna know when they're going again so I can read the next TR!" and sure enough, I see your Facebook page promo! So excited!

You both look so wonderful at your wedding. I am so envious you live in DC, it's one of my favourite vacations I've ever taken! :thumbsup2 A very late Congrats from me!
Fantastic update per usual!! Is there anywhere else on property that one could buy a cup of that tea or only at VA?


This photo is so adorable!! :groom::bride:

Like everyone else, I looked at those Philharmagic photos over and over! Amazing!!!:3dglasses
And Franklins knowledge on how to take the photos and see only one image was very interesting!

Your Victoria and Albert meal looked so lovely! I want to try that truffle bread and butter! YUM!

Loving the report.


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