I Want to Sell Tee-Tee to Other People!!! - July 2013 TR *UPDATE 4/29 pg. 73*

What a great day spent with the kiddos! Cute pictures - have you ever asked Joaquin why he makes a point of looking so goofy in pictures? His answer might be quotable!

YYYYAAAAYYYY!!! Congratulations you were post 1,000!!!!! I've never had a thread reach 1,000 posts before, this is exciting for me!

It was a really good day overall. We had a lot of fun.

I'll have to ask him on Saturday why he insists on looking so goofy in pictures, and I can relay his answer. :rotfl:

yep I just aim and shoot wherever...:rotfl2: Have no idea how i got that high score either.

Just stick with whatever you do, because obviously it works right?! :lmao:
We were still in Epcot, and were ready to make our way over to meet Duffy. The boys were super excited and honestly had wanted to meet Duffy for days already. The wait time was minimal, which really worked out in our favor.

For once....Joaquin appeared to be acting normal. He is clearly really interested in what Duffy is doing.

I think it is so cute that the boys are holding their Duffy's in the pictures too. It just makes it that much better.

This one is absolutely priceless. The boys are proudly showing off their Duffy's to Duffy, and he is clearly interested.

All in all, this meet was the best one of the whole trip. The boys were just enamored with Duffy. I was nervous at first that the boys wanted to meet him so bad, and that they would be like "meh" later. You know what I'm talking about, when kids do that kind of stuff. But thankfully, they loved him and he was a great meet and greet.

Of course, after we meet Duffy, what do we do? Well, we have to buy the Duffy's outfits. I had promised the boys that I would get each of them the outfit of their choice for Duffy. I had really been hoping that one of them would pick the Sully outfit. Well, after much deliberation what did they pick?

Seriously! And not intentionally either. I did not direct them to matching the bears at all. They individually picked them after walking around the store.

I also picked up some things for myself in the store. Beauty and the Beast vinyls? Don't mind if I do!

I was stoked that I got Lumiere. I danced a bit when I opened it. Yes, I opened it on a park bench. I had to see what I had.

Outfits put on each Duffy, it was time for us to move on. Where would we go?

The boys wanted to sit by themselves in the front, so we obliged.

Oh heyyyyyyy Figgie!

The boys liked the ride. They didn't like the part with the skunk smell, but I mean come one....who does?!

At that point, we had a decision to make. Dinnertime was approaching. I wanted the boys to relax for a little while, as it had been a long day so far. So, with no major plan in mind, we headed back to the Polynesian, where the car was still parked from our morning reservation.

While we were on the monorail back to the TTC, we discussed what we wanted to do for dinner. Eat at the Animal Kingdom Lodge at the Mara? Or at Captain Cook's at the Polynesian?

I mentioned eating at Kona if they didn't have much of a wait time. It was about 5:30pm at this point. We figured, why not, let's check it out.

When we got back, we checked at the podium right away. They were able to seat us right away. I think it was due to the fact that it was still early for the dinner crowd.

Once we were seated.....I ordered my Lapu Lapu.

Ommi and Joaquin were having a very serious conversion apparently.

Okay, not so serious.

The reason everyone goes to Kona. I mean come on. The bread?!

We had a silly boy on our hands that was up for anything.

Pop got the teriyaki steak.

Mom got the salmon.

I got an AWESOME coffee encrusted pork loin. OMG sooooooooo good. I highly recommend this to anyone. Just amazing.

Gavin opted for a cheeseburger and Joaquin got macaroni and cheese.

At this point...Gavin and I started to butt heads. A little background.

Gavin is a pain in the you know what when it comes to food. Jeni and Jason don't mess around. But he is so difficult when it comes to eating. Now yes, it's vacation. We'll cut him some slack. But here's his game.

When Gavin doesn't want to eat something, he will say that his stomach is hurting. It's his game. The problem with him doing this is that you never know when it's valid. However, most of the time you can totally tell when he's faking it. So Joaquin hammers his food. I'm talking all of it. He ate the carrots and celery that came before the meal and all of his macaroni and cheese.

Gavin orders the cheeseburger with a salad. Okay.....he picks at the salad. Rules in our house is you eat your vegetables before you're allowed to eat your main meal. He obliges and takes literally AN HOUR to eat the tiny salad. Seriously, it was like 2 pieces of lettuce.

Burger comes. He takes one bite. Plays around with it. Meantime, Joaquin's been done. I tell Gavin to eat his dinner. He takes another bite. Puts it down and plays with it.

I ask him what's wrong. He claims he's "full". From your two pieces of lettuce. Okay child.

I make a bargain with him. It's a mighty big bun on the burger. I tell him to remove the top bun if it's too much and eat 3/4 of the burger. He removes the top bun. Takes on more bite.

Now he says his stomach is hurting. I said "what do you think it making it hurt?" He says "I don't know. I think I ate too much dairy today...."

Okay...he had 1/2 a dole whip and nothing else dairy related. I'm not buying it child.

I say "okay, that's fine. If you're not feeling well, when we leave here we'll go back to the room and you can lay down. But no pool if your stomach is hurting."

He gives me a horrified face. Sits there for a minute. Says "oh, I feel better now!" Takes a teeny bite. Puts it down.

I told him that if he doesn't finish what I asked him, he's not getting dessert. Joaquin's little ice cream comes out and he starts to eat it. Gavin is looking at it longingly. Says "oh, maybe I'm feeling better..."

So, you go from "having too much dairy" to being able to eat a sundae. Not happening buster, I'm sorry. You do not get rewarded with dessert when you don't even make a dent in your food! I come from a family where dessert is reward, right? Am I wrong here? Sometimes I feel I'm alone in that area. But if the child does not eat enough food to give them nutrition from dinner, why would you reward them with dessert? :mic: I'm on my soapbox, sorry.

Then, the kicker is the server does what I don't think servers have the right to do. She looks at Gavin and says "oh honey, two more bites and then you can get dessert!"

Woman.....you do not know what contract I have with him! Don't give him false hope, because guess what? He's not getting dessert. Because these are my options:

1) Possibly, his stomach really does hurt. Giving him ice cream would not be wise.
2) If his stomach doesn't hurt, he's lying to me. You don't get rewarded for lying.
3) If you're lying and just simply not eating the food I told you to eat....you don't get dessert either!

I gave this server a look so full of daggers.......she just better be glad they were' real!

We had a stand off. Guess what? I won.

Jason later had a conversation with me that Gavin does that. He will push as far as he can to see if you bend.

He met his match. I don't bend.

Dinner over, we headed out. Gavin was wearing a long face all the way back to the resort. We get back to the room.

"My stomach feels sooooooo much better, so I'm gonna come swim!"

Me: Nope. No swimming. You said your stomach hurts, you didn't eat your dinner, that means you need to lay down.

Maybe some think I'm mean. But he was testing me like kiddos love to test. He thought I would be a pushover.

Funny note. The following morning, when Jeni had talked to him, he came to me and he apologized and said that he would do what I say in the future.

That's right kiddo. Always do what Tee-Tee says.

Regardless of the standoff that we had at the end of the day, we had tons of fun. Mom and I took Joaquin for a dip in the pool as promised, while Gavin when to bed with Poppy keeping watch. Jason and Jeni didn't come back to the room until like midnight. I tell you, when they get a free day, they take advantage of it!:lmao:

Up next: It's a Blizzard!!! No....wait....what?
DUFFY!!! I have so much love for that bear and will most likely be picking up one of my own. I just love that photo where the boys are showing their Duffys to Duffy, too cute!

That is awesome that they coincidentally picked out matching outfits!

I love the Beauty and the Beast Vinyls!! The stained glass on the ears is beautiful.

All your meals look so good. I definitely want to try that bread, and that teriyaki steak.
I can't blame the boys I am also a huge Duffy fan! I bought a Duffy at the Disney Outlet Store yesterday and he was $5! I can't wait to dress him up :rotfl:

Those Duffy outfits are too cute!! I love that they ended up matching :goodvibes

Sooo jealous you got a Beauty and the Beast vinyl!! They were all sold out by the time I got there :sad2:

Good for you for not playing in to the game! Having been a Sunday School Teacher I know all about the games kids play to get out of doing things. It's good that you didn't back down.
Oh Duffy and the boys and their Duffys are so cute together! I love those pictures!
Ohhh I love the Lumiere vinyl, he's really neat.
Yummy dinner at Kona! I'm sorry to hear Gavin pushed, but good for you for pushing right back and standing firm. I'm with you there.
That waitress was way out of line! There's no way she should think she has any authority to make that kind of statement!
I have to shamefully admit to using the "my stomach hurts!" Myself -- but as an adult to cover up when I don't like someones cooking! :rotfl:
On the other hand, I'm so impressed with Joaquin, he sounds like a very good eater!

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Aww how can anyone not love Duffy. AND he clearly has special powers as the boys seemed completely in love with him to the point of no zaniness. Wonderful pictures.

Wow, I'm always impressed when someone gets a table without a ressie. Granted I've never tried, but I'm still impressed. Plus drink IN a fruit. I like that!

Good on you Dani for standing your ground with Gavin. Many if not most would have crumbled.
Girl, you and I are cut from the same cloth! That is exactly how I parented Shanleigh....if you don't follow thru you have lost all credibility! Good on you!
My sister is just as crazy about duffy! He really has caught on.
I will never understand why children don't want to eat…mealtime is my favorite time!
I was so proud of you for sticking to your guns with Gavin. I almost started laughing because you reminded me of myself so much with you guys when you were young.

As we were leaving to the car Gavin tells me he is feeling so much better..... I told him I was so glad to hear that. Thinking to myself "NO you are not going swimming kiddo"
This update makes me want a Duffy. This is new!

Not gonna lie, I'm glad you won the standoff. I love kids, but they really do think they can outsmart you and it's just not okay. Gotta teach them about authority early on. :lmao:
Aww I love the photos of the boys with Duffy :)

Good for you for sticking to your guns with Gavin, it's funny how many tummy aches get better when dessert arrives or others go swimming!
DUFFY!!! I have so much love for that bear and will most likely be picking up one of my own. I just love that photo where the boys are showing their Duffys to Duffy, too cute!

That is awesome that they coincidentally picked out matching outfits!

I love the Beauty and the Beast Vinyls!! The stained glass on the ears is beautiful.

All your meals look so good. I definitely want to try that bread, and that teriyaki steak.

Their having him made me want to get one too! He's so soft and cuddly. :goodvibes

I love those vinyls too! The problem with vinyls is that I just want them all!

You must go to Kona for dinner! That bread is to die for.

Melt-in-your-mouth tender and sooo good! It's not even 5 a.m., and this has me wanting a steak! :goodvibes

It so does, right?!

I can't blame the boys I am also a huge Duffy fan! I bought a Duffy at the Disney Outlet Store yesterday and he was $5! I can't wait to dress him up :rotfl:

Those Duffy outfits are too cute!! I love that they ended up matching :goodvibes

Sooo jealous you got a Beauty and the Beast vinyl!! They were all sold out by the time I got there :sad2:

Good for you for not playing in to the game! Having been a Sunday School Teacher I know all about the games kids play to get out of doing things. It's good that you didn't back down.

Wow, $5? That's awesome! I know, I want one to dress up too!

Awwww, they were sold out already? That stinks. I love new vinyl collections, but I have to limit myself, otherwise I'll just buy too many. I'm already running out of room. :rotfl:

I never play in to the kids games. Thankfully, Jason and Jeni are parents that don't either, so it definitely makes a difference. One thing I am is completely stubborn. When I don't want to back down....well look out. :rotfl:
Oh Duffy and the boys and their Duffys are so cute together! I love those pictures!
Ohhh I love the Lumiere vinyl, he's really neat.
Yummy dinner at Kona! I'm sorry to hear Gavin pushed, but good for you for pushing right back and standing firm. I'm with you there.
That waitress was way out of line! There's no way she should think she has any authority to make that kind of statement!
I have to shamefully admit to using the "my stomach hurts!" Myself -- but as an adult to cover up when I don't like someones cooking! :rotfl:
On the other hand, I'm so impressed with Joaquin, he sounds like a very good eater!

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Those pictures turned out perfect.

Lumiere was one that I wanted! I was so glad that I got him, I didn't buy anymore of them! And now I regret it, because I should have. :rotfl:

I always stand firm with the boys. I mean, we're adults right? They need to understand that. LOL.

Joaquin is a pretty good eater, I have to say. He's going through a bit of a phase right now, which I think is normal. But under normal circumstances, he's all good.

Aww how can anyone not love Duffy. AND he clearly has special powers as the boys seemed completely in love with him to the point of no zaniness. Wonderful pictures.

Wow, I'm always impressed when someone gets a table without a ressie. Granted I've never tried, but I'm still impressed. Plus drink IN a fruit. I like that!

Good on you Dani for standing your ground with Gavin. Many if not most would have crumbled.

He does have special powers! No crazies in those pictures! I think the only time on the entire trip Joaquin was just normal.

I was stoked we got in without a ressie. I mean, that definitely wouldn't have happened at Ohana, but I would take Kona anyway.

Oh, I don't crumble. Ever. :rotfl2:

Girl, you and I are cut from the same cloth! That is exactly how I parented Shanleigh....if you don't follow thru you have lost all credibility! Good on you!

I am the way that my Mom was with us! For me, that's normal. I don't get other people that aren't like that.

Completely agree on the credibility. The second you back down on something that you say, they'll start to see the cracks, and then it's all over. :rotfl:
My sister is just as crazy about duffy! He really has caught on.
I will never understand why children don't want to eat…mealtime is my favorite time!

He really has caught on! I'm glad though, he's super cute.

Seriously, I don't get the not eating thing either. Eating is the best time of day!

I was so proud of you for sticking to your guns with Gavin. I almost started laughing because you reminded me of myself so much with you guys when you were young.

As we were leaving to the car Gavin tells me he is feeling so much better..... I told him I was so glad to hear that. Thinking to myself "NO you are not going swimming kiddo"

I'm sure I did remind you of you when we were younger. :lmao:

I remember when he did that! Because I had asked you what he said and I laughed when you told me.

This update makes me want a Duffy. This is new!

Not gonna lie, I'm glad you won the standoff. I love kids, but they really do think they can outsmart you and it's just not okay. Gotta teach them about authority early on. :lmao:

I think it makes anyone want a Duffy, because of the pure amount of joy they had in their face when they met him!

I'm glad I won the standoff too. I love my nephews to pieces, but they need to know that I'm the boss when they're with me.

Aww I love the photos of the boys with Duffy :)

Good for you for sticking to your guns with Gavin, it's funny how many tummy aches get better when dessert arrives or others go swimming!

Right?! Man, the tummy issues just abound. It's like littles know that if they say their stomach hurts, they'll get an automatic out. I think it's engrained in them. :lmao:
YYYYAAAAYYYY!!! Congratulations you were post 1,000!!!!! I've never had a thread reach 1,000 posts before, this is exciting for me!

I'm honored!

Seriously! And not intentionally either. I did not direct them to matching the bears at all. They individually picked them after walking around the store.
How funny!

The boys liked the ride. They didn't like the part with the skunk smell, but I mean come one....who does?!
Of all the smells they could blast at you, I never understood why they chose skunk...truly obnoxious.
I stumbled across your trip report today and read the thing all way through to your current update. Oh my goodness, I just love your family! :goodvibes It totally reminds me of our trips to Disney World and all the craziness that ensues.

It's always so funny how kids are just SO FULL and can't take another bite, but when dessert is brought up, they instantly feel better and can eat more. My kids try to pull that one all the time! Mama don't play that game ;)
I love the Duffy pics!

I love Duffy too. I'll need to buy one. Well I did buy the one with the key ring and put it in my Christmas tree hehe

Glad you did what you had to with Gavin. Children need boundaries. Otherwise they become hard teens. And I deal with the teens (I'm a high school teacher) and can totally see what kind of parents they have by their attitudes.
Just caught up on the last few posts. I think you might have the two best nephews in the world. They are just so cute! And applause, applause, applause for sticking to your word with Gavin. WAAAAAAY too many parents give in to their kids - I see it as a teacher, kids think they can get away with anything. Kids will never learn to be honest AND that you can't always get what you want with parents like that. Good for you!


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