YOU'LL DO IT AND YOU'LL LIKE IT!!!-My quest to get him to love wdw (A Dec PTR)


Jul 14, 2014
I have a confession to make....

I'm a serial trip report non-finisher. Don't get me wrong, I start off with good intentions. I make lots of detailed notes during my trips. I keep them safe. I figure out the funny anecdotes to highlight in my report. I remember the important quotes. When I get back I start writing the day to day events in MS Word. I may even go as far as to start posting them on this or other forums.

And then....


I get side tracked and never return and my trip reports fall into the WDW Trip Report abyss until lots of time passes and I want to relive my trip. Only I can't BECAUSE I NEVER FINISHED!

Well not this time folks! This time I am making a commitment to myself and all you fine members of this board who also find joy in reading about complete strangers' vacations.


I have been to WDW several times, but you see this time is different. This time is special. This time I am taking the love of my life for his first trip to WDW :lovestruc. We will be headed there in early December 2014 and we will celebrate not only my birthday but also our 4 year anniversary.

He doesn't know it yet but he will grow to love anything Disney as much as I do. He may hate rides now but when I'm done with him he will LOVE them, oh yes he will! And I want this momentous occasion to be documented so years from now we can look back and read about how he refused to go on anything that spinned, or left the ground, or went over 10mph and laugh cause now he can't get enough of RNR or TOT. Yes, that is my plan!!! <insert evil laugh here>


Soooo, I'm starting this PRE-trip report as practice I guess. For a little motivation you could say.

Are you with me?


The Birth of a Disney Vacation
Of Course There is Drama (Coming Soon)
Decisions Indecision (Coming Soon)

So I guess I should do a little introduction. My name is Julee. I grew up going to Disneyland. Each year my Grandparents would take my sister and I to Las Vegas (for them) and to Disneyland (for us). My memories of the park details are pretty spotty but I do remember being so happy to be spending this special time with my Grandparents.

My sister and I started to grow up of course and our yearly trips eventually came to an end. Years later both of my Grandparents passed away :sad:. I thought about Disney once in a while and I enjoyed the movies but it wasn't until 1997 when I returned to Disneyland as an adult that my obsession began.

Upon entering the park it just took one glace at that castle to make me burst into tears. I missed my Grandparents so much and this was the very place that we shared so many wonderful memories. I was hooked. Every aspect of that park reminded me of them.

A few years later I decided to pay a visit to the other coast and make my first visit to WDW. That was 2000. OH.MY.GOD. It was Disneyland on steroids! Yeah it wasn't where I spent time with my Grandparents but it was wonderful!

So now I try to go to either DL or WDW every few years. I am a planning addict. As an Excel junkie, I make a spreadsheet for each trip that systematically help me to determine my best course of action. I'm kind of a freak when it comes to planning. It pretty much consumes my life. I must explore every option. Read every message board. Consider all scenarios. It's sad really but if anyone can relate I know you guys can!

This is me…


Going with me on this trip will be my boyfriend of 4 years (as of October), Al. This will be Al's first trip as an adult. He went once as a kid but the only thing he remembers about it is being terrified of Haunted Mansion because his family told him it was Mickey's house, which it clearly is not. :rotfl:

This is Al and me…


A year ago Al and I bought our first home in the suburbs of Chicago. We live with our 2 dogs, 3 cats, and temporarily Al's 23 year old son. As I mentioned in my first post, Al is not a fan of rides. He says he isn't "scared" but that he doesn't like the way they make him feel. I took him to our local Six Flags a few years back for his "Disney Training" and I got him on a kiddie coaster and let me tell you, the look I saw on his face was fear! :scared1:

With that said Al is up for anything else. He is so much fun and is more than willing to run around the park in mouse ears with me. We just gotta work on that ride thing.

I'm in. My husband likes Disney, but believes that there are many other vacation spots also. It's an odd belief, but I love him to the moon anyway. I can't wait to read Al's story of conversion.
I can usually only stay away from Disney (either WDW or DL) for a few years. I am constantly getting the itch to go. My last Disney vacation was in 2010 with my best friend for my birthday right after Al and I started dating. I was also there in 2012 but that was for work and I had minimal park time.

On my actual 38th birthday at La Hacienda (December 4th, 2010)


Allow me to get personal for a minute. I have always wanted kids. One of my dreams has always been taking my child to Disney and exposing them to the world I love so much, but unfortunately it doesn't look like that is going to work out for me. The next best thing is taking the man I love and experiencing it through his eyes. Disney is such a huge part of me that I want to bond over it with him and experience it together. As I mentioned previously we just bought a house so we have spent the last few years saving. Therefore we haven't gone on a real vacation together. So not only will this be a Disney first it will be a vacation first! I can't even explain it really. Let's just say this trip together is very special to me in more ways than one.

Back in February the marketing geniuses at Disney decided they haven't had any of my money for a while so they sent me some PIN codes to entice me to forget about all of the credit card bills I have racked up with new house stuff.


It worked.


I called my favorite Disney travel agent (Wendy at Magical Journeys) and asked her to price out a trip for us in September.

I chose September for four reasons:
1. low crowds
2. cheaper prices
3. close to our anniversary (October 23)
4. MNSSHP and Halloween decorations!

We both love Halloween and keep talking about going on a vacation for our anniversary. Perfect!

Just play along for now that my trip report title and signature doesn't mention December.

When I got the quote it turned out that with the room discount we could stay deluxe at Animal Kingdom Lodge for only a few hundred more than my favorite moderate (CBR)! I have never stayed Deluxe for an actual vacation before and AKL is at the top of my list. AND I would actually get to make my ADRs at the 180-day mark, also which I have never been able to do before. SOLD!

I told Al I was booking us and he was game. He of course moaned about that whole ride thing but I assured him that the rides at WDW are nothing like those at Six Flags (I'm looking at you RNR, EE, TOT) and that he would be just fine. I don’t think he believed me. :confused3

And just like that we were booked for mid-September!!! Jiminy Cricket I’m going to Walt Disney World!!!

But of course it wouldn't be that easy (stay tuned)….

I'm in. My husband likes Disney, but believes that there are many other vacation spots also. It's an odd belief, but I love him to the moon anyway. I can't wait to read Al's story of conversion.

Yay! My first reader! How exciting! Welcome! Yes I keep trying to tell myself that there are other places to visit too but I haven't convinced myself yet. I told Al our next trip could be to Los Angeles since he has never been to California. Of course we can't possibly go to LA without visiting Disneyland since it's so close right? See how I'm workin' that? ;)
I'm in. You are absolutely correct...if you come to LA, you NEED to spend time at Disneyland AND CA Adventure.

I too converted my DH...he now brings up going more than I do.:rolleyes1

We stayed AK Kidani in early Dec and loved it.
He doesn't know it yet but he will grow to love anything Disney as much as I do. He may hate rides now but when I'm done with him he will LOVE them, oh yes he will! And I want this momentous occasion to be documented so years from now we can look back and read about how he refused to go on anything that spinned, or left the ground, or went over 10mph and laugh cause now he can't get enough of RNR or TOT. Yes, that is my plan!!! <insert evil laugh here>


I can't help but grin at this. I, too, am on a mission to try and get my partner to love Disney, though I don't think the trip I have planned for October is quite tooled to do it for my DH. Maybe just to lay the groundwork...

Also your trip report has lots of silliness in it already, so consider me subscribed. :thumbsup2
Hi! I am so following along. I have a reluctant significant other too. I can't wait to read more!


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