Jess & Ben's Wishes Wedding 11/18/14 Sea Breeze Point/Backstage Prop Shop

Yay for a Disney update!! I totally agree with you about the swinging gondolas - we love thrill rides but DH and I both HATED them. We called it Mickey's Death Wheel instead of Mickey's Fun Wheel. Blegh.

That Ferris wheel is ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING in the swinging gondolas. I never felt like I had a fear of heights-- but in THAT ride?? I absolutely did! I kept thinking the gondola was just gonna swing right off and I would plunge to a horrifying death!

It's definitely a different vibe here than Disney World! Reading the times guide I see things here and there that only happen on weekends and things like that bring out the fundamental difference that this one is well populated by locals as well as tourists. Lots more Australians than I'm used to as well! We expected that though, it's a 13 hour flight from there versus the 19 (or more) it can take to get to Orlando! I was really impressed to find though that even though there is probably tons of regulars, we managed to get through the entire Twilight Zone video without anyone narrating along with it.

I agree they like to plan more stuff on the weekend which isn't always great I like to go during the week to beat crowds but sometimes go a Sunday for certain stuff! and that is so funny I didn't think how much closer that would be from Australia and I have never been able to ride Twilight without someone narrating (and usually off key always) so that is so nice to get the full effect! haha also love the picture with Donald he has always been a favorite of mine you are going to love Goofys Kitchen its so good! :cool1:
I'm sorry you didn't have many CMs acknowledge your buttons, but I have to tell you I find it really interesting, because we have had the exact opposite situation. We are locals to Disneyland and have APs so we go frequently. When we have worn buttons out here (and just observing others wearing the various buttons) we get tons more feedback/comments from CMs here than we do out in WDW by far. Hoping you are having an excellent day at Disneyland! Wish I were there rather than here at work! ;)
Okay, I'm up EARLY tomorrow to go you know where so I better try and make this relatively quick! So that can only mean - photo roundup! Heeee-haaaawwwwww.

So where I last left off, we'd spent an entire day at DCA. We did indeed follow that with an open til close at Disneyland Park! But first we had breakfast at Goofy's Kitchen bright at early at 7:10am. We really liked this one, at this early hour the place was so quiet and we got lots of character interaction in - particularly with Chip & Dale who were great fun as always. Also we could come and go from the buffet with ease. And.. MICKEY WAFFLES! We were so happy we did this.

Then it was on to Disneyland Park which was opening early for hotel guests. There we had our first ever meeting with Snow White right at the front entrance and because she didn't have a photopass person with her I suggested we do a selfie as I'd seen plenty of those around. Jess wasn't sure but when she saw it she loved it and we've been collecting character selfies ever since!


We spent the entire day at Disneyland, though we had a park hopper we were trying really hard to hit all the main attractions. We haven't gone over our maps but we think we did pretty well and didn't miss much even though the next few days were SO MUCH BUSIER than our first at DCA was.


Here's Jess wearing the identical outfit to what her Flower Girl & Mother of the Bride will be wearing. She couldn't help herself and had to get one too!

The following day was another long one. Quite probably our longest Disney day EVER. Again it started with an early breakfast buffet, this time it was Chip n Dale's Critter Breakfast at the Grand Californian!


Again we had a great time and the restaurant was very quiet due to the relatively early hour. It was fun meeting Meeko there and once again the food was too amazing to handle. We did have to get going though, we had an early tour booked and needed to get going just in case it was busy again like the day before (but this day was Halloween so it wasn't quite so bad this early).

The tour? Walk in Walt's Disneyland Footsteps! We arrived quite early for this one, easily the first ones there shortly after the park opened. We made out selections for the included lunch and waited around for the tour to begin. This was another thing I'm glad we did and there was one unique reason to add on top of all the great information our guide had (she had once worked on the Disneyland Carousel of Progress to give you an idea of how long she has been there) - Walt's apartment is currently being renovated and we weren't allowed in!! Yep, that doesn't sound like amazing news and we were momentarily disappointed until we were told the substitution was.... the Disneyland Dream Suite!

The tour took us all around Disneyland Park, we were allowed straight onto Peter Pan's Flight (handy because that permanently had the longest lines I saw all week) and also one other ride that is completely slipping my mind at the moment. We were told lots of stories about the park and Walt Disney himself, why things are the way they are today and what it was like at various points in the park's history. We were served lunch at the Jolly Holiday Bakery and then led into the Dream Suite to cap it all off. The Dream Suite is just amazing, so much Disney magic in every room and such a comforting and surprisingly quite vibe right in the middle of Disneyland Park. It was fun venturing out onto the balcony and seeing people below who were lining up for Pirates of the Caribbean seeing us and wondering how we got there.


We weren't allowed many pictures inside, but here's a living area just inside the doors.

After the tour was all done we went on some more rides around Disneyland Park and then went back to the hotel to have a quick recharge in the jacuzzi and then put on our Halloween costumes. We had tickets for Halloween Night to Mickey's Halloween Party! This was a fun night, we did a lot of trick or treating and have SO MUCH CANDY now. We bought a tote bag the day before and it is at least 3/4 full of candy at the moment, just from the party! We also took this opportunity to go around Fantasyland which was very quiet and get on rides we'd missed like Snow White & Pinocchio which currently had no wait. We stayed right until midnight when the park closed, 17 hours after we left our room that morning.


We didn't end up getting our Halloween costumes in time with all the wedding madness so we repurposed old ones, adding a Disney touch to KISS costumes from two years ago when we were on the KISS Kruise.

Oh & I nearly forgot - we went to Blue Bayou for dinner on Halloween and loved it. Jess was SO happy. She'd wanted to go there for years so we booked it just as soon as we were able. We both had the Surf & Turf, we were given a waterside table and a free dessert to help us celebrate our upcoming wedding. It was just awesome.


Remember how I mentioned buttons? I actually had more than this by the end!

Saturday! This was to be another busy busy day, we had the morning/early afternoon in the parks to return to some favourite rides and also follow our recommendations to Cafe Orleans so we could try out the Monte Cristos. We got one of each which was probably a mistake because we could only get through about half of that but it was good that we got to try both, they were a little sweet for Jess' taste but I really enjoyed it. Especially - and unexpectedly - with the berry puree. This was to be the last thing we'd do at Disney in LA as we had tickets for that night's performance of Danny Elfman & the Hollywood Symphony performing songs from the films of Tim Burton.


Because I've always got to over-photograph everything: The legendary Monte Cristo.

We got a town car into LA for the show because there was no way either of us was willing to drive downtown. Jess even had a short nap in the car, so tired were we after the last few days. The show was fantastic, Danny Elfman (for anyone unsure; the composer on most of Tim Burton's films, including the Nightmare Before Christmas on which he is also Jack's singing voice) performed an extended suite of songs from Nightmare Before Christmas, including bringing out the original voice of Sally to sing Sally's Song. It was pretty special seeing all of this brought to life by a symphony and choir, they also played a suite of music from Tim Burton's Batman films which was a real thrill for me.


Caption probably not required. You already know they must be singing This Is Halloween.

And that was the end of our time in LA/Anaheim. On Sunday, one week after we arrived, we checked out and rented a brand-new convertible and drove to Las Vegas!


We spent about 6 hours on the drive, making plenty of stops along the way to explore places we saw and just take it easy. Being from Australia it gets a little nerve wracking sitting on the opposite side of the car, on the opposite side of the road, in freeway traffic reading measurements in the imperial system and driving a brand new car that wasn't mine. We survived though of course and arrived in Las Vegas just after sunset to check in to our hotel and have a quick explore of the gaming floor before we went to bed.


Yesterday Jess' parents arrived and met up with us in Vegas so we explored the Strip with them before Jess & I went to Tournament of Kings at Excalibur (which we really enjoyed, we've been saying "HUZZAH!" at each other at random ever since). And today? Spent just about all day long out touring the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon!


I'd expand on our Vegas experiences a little more but it is getting so late! We are up in 4 hours due to our early early flight to Orlando (via Dallas) and I'd better get to sleep! The short version is that we've been playing the slot machines a little here and there and the grand total has us down $12 which isn't bad considering how much/many we've played. Hoover Dam didn't interest me too greatly but it had been a long day and I was quite impressed with the Grand Canyon where we had just spent most of the morning.

Tomorrow we return to our laughing place for the first time in two years. We enjoyed Art of Animation back in April of last year but All-Star Movies has a special place in our hearts and tomorrow we check back in there and await our wedding guests who begin arriving on Saturday.

Yay for a Disney update!! I totally agree with you about the swinging gondolas - we love thrill rides but DH and I both HATED them. We called it Mickey's Death Wheel instead of Mickey's Fun Wheel. Blegh.

SO APPROPRIATE! Jess goes on tons of thrill rides, she loves them. She says this is the scariest thing she's ever ridden! I kinda feel proud that I did it based on that because I'm a big wuss when it comes to anything remotely scary but at the same time I'm certain I'm not getting on that again!

It's interesting you mention the cast members reaction's to buttons. Diana and I visit disneyland quite frequently and we have noticed there is more of a reaction from fellow guests than cast members. However, I have also noticed that the number of people wearing some kind of button is much higher at disneyland than WDW in my experience, so I wonder if it is an over saturation type thing and CMs just not noticing since so many people have them??? Also, the people working the park are very much more likely to be locals working a job than say people who have dreamed of working at Disney world/doing the college program. It is very interesting how the guest experience is so different between the two resorts as a result.

DCA is such a wonderful park. If you're into adult beverages, I highly recommend trying the Karl Strauss beer served in the park. It is a tasty local brew. Also, in Disneyland, try the monte cristo sandwich. It is a little bit of cheesy ooey gooey heaven. Enjoy your disneyland experience!!!!

I think that's a really good insight into the fundamental difference in guest experience. I guess I'll know for sure in a few days if I'm just remembering the good parts but I definitely agree that with so many people wearing the buttons it does seem to diminish the effect. And thanks for the Monte Cristo recommendation, I'm glad I didn't miss it!

The Ferris wheel at DCA is the most terrifying ride I've ever been on. Last time I went we road with 2 other adults and a little girl. All 4 of us adults were not liking it at all, but all kept our cool for the child who happened to love it. I'm pretty afraid of heights and the way that it swings back and forth is just too much for me!

IT'S SO SCARY! I was *okay* with the heights, even though I'm not great with them, and then it started SWINGING! Jess was in the early stages of an anxiety attack and I was just weighing up do I want to sit on her side and hopefully calm ourselves or at the very least have something to hang on to or do I want to stay where I'd put myself - right next to the motion sickness bags!

That Ferris wheel is ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING in the swinging gondolas. I never felt like I had a fear of heights-- but in THAT ride?? I absolutely did! I kept thinking the gondola was just gonna swing right off and I would plunge to a horrifying death!

I know right?! It's not enough that you're up higher than, as far as I could tell, anything else in the park. Nope, then they start swinging you and it's so hard to assure yourself that this is okay when you can't see what you're dangling from. Just the waiting to swing and wondering how bad the next one would be was so tense. Urgh!

I agree they like to plan more stuff on the weekend which isn't always great I like to go during the week to beat crowds but sometimes go a Sunday for certain stuff! and that is so funny I didn't think how much closer that would be from Australia and I have never been able to ride Twilight without someone narrating (and usually off key always) so that is so nice to get the full effect! haha also love the picture with Donald he has always been a favorite of mine you are going to love Goofys Kitchen its so good! :cool1:

We did ToT again and LA maintained its perfect record for me - noone made a PEEP! Not a sound! And we loved Goofy's Kitchen, any future visit to Disneyland - or even the LA area - will definitely include it. We've done Chef Mickey's in WDW and enjoyed this one so much more. We spent so much time interacting with the characters because it was nice and quiet and the food selection was so good that I was beyond full and hadn't even got to try everything I wanted yet! I kept saying to Jess we need to line her handbag with foil so we can fill it with all the amazing treats they had out and take them back to our room for later.

I'm sorry you didn't have many CMs acknowledge your buttons, but I have to tell you I find it really interesting, because we have had the exact opposite situation. We are locals to Disneyland and have APs so we go frequently. When we have worn buttons out here (and just observing others wearing the various buttons) we get tons more feedback/comments from CMs here than we do out in WDW by far. Hoping you are having an excellent day at Disneyland! Wish I were there rather than here at work! ;)

It'll be interesting to see if I notice a difference now that we are just about to return to WDW. There definitely seemed to be a lot of people getting around with buttons at the moment and we never had ours written on so I don't know if it was just the vagueness of ours (we did have a fellow guest wish us a happy birthday and a CM wish us happy anniversary), the amount we were wearing by the end - we had almost the full set minus some of the special event ones, Happy Anniversary and Family Reunion (we've got 'Just Married' but obviously aren't wearing that one yet). I love Disney's customer service, we even bought the 'Be Our Guest' book because I'm so interested in how they do what they do, so I'm sure there's factors involved in why we were left be a bit more than we are used to. By the end in any case we'd been wearing so many buttons for so long we were grateful to spend our last half day at the park with only two each! I've never felt so encumbered by badges before!
Ahhhh, such a great update!! I love all of your character photos, though of course I'm partial to Donald. :) (I also find it so annoying that WDW no longer has a place you can consistently meet him in his sailor suit, but I digress.) Your selfie collage is so cute.

Your costumes looked great, too. I've never been to Disneyland and your TR is really making me want to go! :) I also think you typically get more CM attention if you only wear a single set of buttons, depending on what it is. When I wore my "DisBride" button in October, I mostly just got people asking what it meant. Haha!
Yay updates!! Sounds like you are having big fun!!!

Better you then me when it comes to the Farris Wheel. Though thanks for letting me know it made you nausous. Now I have a fully legit excuse for avoiding it if we ever get out that way. :rotfl:
New update, yay!
You two look so happy and man, I'm so envy you got into the Dreamcastle Suite (I mean it's nearly impossible for anyone outside the US).
And please tell Jess that I absolutly love that Minnie skirt - I'm really looking forward to the bridesmaids and flower girls look!

Waiting for more updates!
I am so glad you enjoyed Goofy's Kitchen it is a favorite of mine Mickey waffles yum!! that makes me hungry :goodvibes and that is a genius idea to line a handbag with foil lol I always want the food after we leave and the Port Orleans restaurant in Pirates is so good we have only been once before but it was a real treat glad you enjoyed that your trip is looking so amazing so far I absolutely love the pic of you and Jess looking out at the grand canyon so beautiful :thumbsup2 if you don't mind me asking what kind of camera do you use?? I want to get a new camera before our wedding and your picture quality is so amazing!

Can't wait for another update this is one of the best TRS and its live time so that's even more awesome popcorn::

So happy to read updates! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying your time seeing the sights and really taking all the moments in. I really need to get back to DL soon. Carsland was just getting ready to open the last time I was there and now I feel a serious draw to Anaheim....
So given the time I'm posting this, you and Jess must be at WDW by now, in which case I offer you the biggest of WELCOME HOMEs!!! (Can't help it ;) ) It just seems that much closer now that you're in FL!
Right! Lets see how brief I can make this! We're HOME! Not home home, but coming to you live from the Mighty Ducks wing of Disney's All-Star Movies Resort! I'm SO happy to be back here, we stayed two years ago over in Dalmatians and that was the trip on which I proposed, so it's a really special place to us.

But I should report on how we got here! Due to the lateness of the hour I'm gonna forego uploading photos this evening and try and be concise. I'm terrible at that though, I was trying that last night as well and it was still just before midnight when I got to sleep. And my alarm went off at the positively unholy time of 2:45am. I'm guessing on this board however that's no big deal - half of you have done it already and many more are looking towards the day it happens to you! We scrambled our things together, checked out of our hotel at 3:30am (which being Vegas was still hopping) and got a cab over to the airport, checking in for our flight just after 4. We upgraded to first class as well, we have two suitcases each and knew we'd have to pay extra for our domestic flight from Vegas to Orlando (we traveled via Dallas) so why not go the little bit extra and upgrade to first class for the first leg of the trip. We've had luggage go missing between LA & Orlando before so having ours checked priority was a big deal - especially when this time they contain various parts of our wedding day! I'm pleased to report that everything is here, my suit, Jess' dress, our programs, vendor gifts, artificial floral items, bridesmaid dresses, groomsman suits. Everything survived!

By the time we arrived in Orlando it was almost 4pm and as we usually transfer via Delta but this time traveled on American we got ourselves completely turned around looking for the Magical Express. We just assumed we were in Terminal B as per usual and walked allllllll the way past all the rental car desks to find absolutely nothing where we thought Disney should be. They moved it?! Nope, we just got a little bit excited and assumed we knew everything. We got there in the end with some directions from staff and got checked in just after sunset.

Not that check-in went entirely smoothly! We're an unusual case where we don't actually want an upgrade. We picked out the Mighty Ducks rooms for ourselves and our guests and specifically requested it repeatedly but we were lucky enough to have been upgraded to Toy Story. All of our guests except Jess' parents! Well we downgraded ourselves back to Mighty Ducks, ended up on the ground floor and I guess we'll see whereabouts our guests end up but in the end, we're here. I'm pretty zen about it, we have a room at All-Stars, it has a lovely view of the... carpark which will come in handy tomorrow morning when we pick up our car! Jess is tired and stressed and actually suffering something similar to jet lag after the long day, little sleep and turbulent flight (the seat belt sign didn't turn off on either flight, the entire 5+ hours).

Tired etc though we may be, we ventured over to Epcot by virtue of the fact that it was open until 11pm tonight for Extra Magic Hours because we had Annual Pass vouchers to exchange. We are Walt Disney World Annual Pass Holders! I'm so happy. Living in Australia that is such an abstract notion, an annual pass to the Most Magical Place on Earth. But we've got them. There was one more special milestone too, we told the Guest Services Cast Member that we were here for our wedding (hence the vouchers) and he was the very first to issue Jess something in her new name - her Tables in Wonderland card officially refers to her as Jessica Paul.

Okay! That'll do for now! I didn't really take many pictures today due to the low light in the times we were actually in public places but I'll try and see what I can find tomorrow if I get a moment in the evening. Tonight I've kept myself busy moving in to our room, unpacking our clothes into drawers and setting our buttons, hats, nametags and other nicknacks around the room so our Housekeeper realises we're fun-loving and builds us a nice towel animal (we love those). But now it's 1am and I'm up at 5:30 to go get ready for the day, we have breakfast at the resort with Jess' parents, then we pick up our rental car, drive into Orlando for Jess' hair & makeup trial with Patricia LaJeune and hit Wal-Mart for some essentials like laundry powder, water, cereal, ranch (we love ranch) and some baskets for the gifts we're giving our planner, sales consultant and photographers. Also other housekeeping things like setting up our Memory Maker and later on we have a dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table. Big day! See ya real soon!

Ahhhh, such a great update!! I love all of your character photos, though of course I'm partial to Donald. :) (I also find it so annoying that WDW no longer has a place you can consistently meet him in his sailor suit, but I digress.) Your selfie collage is so cute.

Your costumes looked great, too. I've never been to Disneyland and your TR is really making me want to go! :) I also think you typically get more CM attention if you only wear a single set of buttons, depending on what it is. When I wore my "DisBride" button in October, I mostly just got people asking what it meant. Haha!

Yes! It's so hard to find the traditional Donald Duck! We were so excited to see him, we love that duck. We definitely got into the Disneyland swing of things over the few days we were there, it felt pretty different in comparison to begin with but once we got to know the place (we've spent so long at WDW in the last two years it's like a second home) we really enjoyed it. WDW is always going to be the park we discovered together and will house some unbeatable memories but I know we can't wait to return to LA/Anaheim again hopefully soon! Good point about the buttons, Jess was asking me earlier which buttons we should get here and technically we're due for the full set but it kinda detracts from the true reason we're here and CMs are gonna have a hard time keeping up with that!

Yay updates!! Sounds like you are having big fun!!!

Better you then me when it comes to the Farris Wheel. Though thanks for letting me know it made you nausous. Now I have a fully legit excuse for avoiding it if we ever get out that way. :rotfl:

haha It is definitely a legit excuse! Just point out the motion sickness bags located right by one of the seats - something I haven't noticed anywhere else - and that's all the evidence you need that it's a LOT wilder than it looks from the ground. Not that I got to watch it of course, Jess drags me around the parks at a pretty steady fast pace, she's forever turning around to find me taking a picture of something and I get hurried up. I think she figures if she just walks me onto things then I'll just go ahead and do it and maybe it wont be so bad. Sometimes it still is (and sometimes the ride turns out to be nothing, but I don't like to let on!).

New update, yay!
You two look so happy and man, I'm so envy you got into the Dreamcastle Suite (I mean it's nearly impossible for anyone outside the US).
And please tell Jess that I absolutly love that Minnie skirt - I'm really looking forward to the bridesmaids and flower girls look!

We were so lucky! When the tour was leaving, our guide asked everyone if they'd been informed we wouldn't be seeing Walt's apartment and there was one couple who'd missed that news and were visibly disappointed (as were we all initially). But then they were told where we'd be going instead and they were SO EXCITED. It was such an amazing opportunity and it also means next time we're in Anaheim we can just do the tour again and visit Walt's apartment then, win/win. I will! Jess loves wearing her 'spotty dresses' around the parks, there's always so many compliments and the characters really love interacting with her when she's dressed up like Minnie, it really adds to the magic.

I am so glad you enjoyed Goofy's Kitchen it is a favorite of mine Mickey waffles yum!! that makes me hungry :goodvibes and that is a genius idea to line a handbag with foil lol I always want the food after we leave and the Port Orleans restaurant in Pirates is so good we have only been once before but it was a real treat glad you enjoyed that your trip is looking so amazing so far I absolutely love the pic of you and Jess looking out at the grand canyon so beautiful :thumbsup2 if you don't mind me asking what kind of camera do you use?? I want to get a new camera before our wedding and your picture quality is so amazing!

Can't wait for another update this is one of the best TRS and its live time so that's even more awesome popcorn::

Thanks Melissa! Right now I'm typing this while Jess sleeps and Must-Do Disney plays in the background. I could change the channel but nothing says I'm staying at Disney right now like Stacey on repeat.

Our pictures are coming from a variety of cameras but the better of the three (by a long, long, long way) is a Canon 5D Mark III. I asked Nate Root about this camera when we were looking at what model we should buy and it turns out that's what he shoots with and couldn't speak highly enough about it. It's not cheap (ours with the 70-200mm lens cost over $6,500AUD) but it's about as high quality a DSLR as there is on the market. I can even be walking along behind Jess, quickly snapping pictures of things without stopping and the sensor is so lightning fast I don't end up finding much blur afterward. We're planning on filming our wedding ceremony on it as well which should make amazing footage if it all goes well (which will be hard because it won't be manned!). Our more portable digital camera is a Canon Powershot SX 260 which is a couple of years old now and has since been replaced by newer models but it has a 20x optical zoom which is just awesome when you're traveling. The Monte Cristo picture was on that one and it creates so much depth largely by using the zoom close up. Phone cameras can do some amazing stuff these days but I love a good zoom lens (hence the massive one on our good camera - it's nearly impossible to take a portrait of someone unless you run a good 10 feet away from them at the very least).

So happy to read updates! I'm so glad you guys are enjoying your time seeing the sights and really taking all the moments in. I really need to get back to DL soon. Carsland was just getting ready to open the last time I was there and now I feel a serious draw to Anaheim....

We loved Cars Land! Jess had never seen it before and she really loves Cars so being there when they turned on the lights was so special and memorable. And DL is so unique, I could really appreciate later on how different it is from WDW and how smart that is on their part. We had a great time of year too, some reasonable crowds, including a super quiet Tuesday - plus we got a big event in the form of Halloween. On my first stop over in LA I was really really not impressed at all. We mainly stopped in Hollywood and it was way too aggressively touristy for my liking but the last week has really turned me around and I can't wait to go back!

So given the time I'm posting this, you and Jess must be at WDW by now, in which case I offer you the biggest of WELCOME HOMEs!!! (Can't help it ;) ) It just seems that much closer now that you're in FL!

Yes! As you well know, now that we're here it's really happening. And thank you! We're so happy to be here, it really does feel like home. I was unpacking tonight in a way no different to what I'll do when I get back to Australia, I knew exactly where things went and had fun decorating with my new trinkets. I'm looking around at sights and seeing in my head the photos we've taken at those spots in our last trips and I'm just so happy. We spent so long looking forward to this time and now it's here. I know you know what that feeling is like (well, the whole rollercoaster) and I'm so grateful to have people like you sharing their experiences and their enthusiasm and adding a whole new layer of excitement onto it all. I must say I'm a little jealous though at how thorough your TR is! You remember things so well, I can't get the same detail and my trip is literally occurring right now! In any case though, you've been very inspiring all through the last 10 months or so and I'm glad to have you along for the ride as I go through these next few weeks.
Awww Ben! This is why I love this community so much :goodvibes

Don't worry my TRs tend to dwindle towards the end (when I forget things!)
What a great PJ, found this yesterday and spent lots of time reading...finally caught up...can't wait for the rest......congrats...:)
My do you have some energy! Make sure to get in some rest or you are going to crash before you get to the big day!:rotfl:

:yay::woohoo::banana::cheer2: Yay for having things printed in the new name. It always seems so much more real when that happens.

I wonder what it is about you internationals and your love of Ranch dressing. My British relatives love it as well.

Glad to hear that you made it to the east coast with everything in tact and safe.
Thank you for the tips on the cameras i am definitely going to look into that!! Can't wait for updates only two more days until your wedding!!! :yay::dance3:

Yay it's your wedding day!! Congrats! Hope it is completely magical and amazing :)
HAPPY WEDDING DAY!!! I wish all the best for you and Jess and hope you have the most magical of days!!
It's finally here your WEDDING DAY!!!!! Congratulations I hope you guys have the best day I have loved following your pj and cant wait to hear all about your big day! :yay:


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