Ever see anything totally shocking and unexpected on a cruise?

on a somber note...hate to bring this down, but curious as to how others would have handled it. We were on a cruise..that first hour you board and people are getting plates of food from the pizza place by the pool. I was sitting at a table watching my kids ride the Aquadunk or rather holding their shoes and such...when this pair of adorable, I mean Adorable sisters were struggling to carry their plates to their table...possibly 3 and 5 years old. WHY you would give a 3 year old a plate and have her walk all that distance is annoying...but the 3 year old's pizza slipped off the plate and fell flat on the cheese side. The horror that went across her eyes when this happened will forever be in my mind...I thought it odd until I heard the most abrasive/shouting/pretty much evil voice come towards her and grabbed her forcefully by the arm screaming at her, "What did you do that for?" Then a whole tirade. The 5 year old was trying to calm her sister and tell her it would be okay...every fiber (except one) in my body wanted to go and have a talk with the father...but that one fiber sensed that he was about to lose it and could get violent. So, I tried to get eye contact with the 3 year old and smiled at her reassuringly, that it's not a big deal...she's going to be okay...the father continued to run back and forth from the pizza place to the table and he was HOT...I hoped to see the mother so I could explain how her husband does not need to be near her children for the rest of the day...it still haunts me today to see a father on the first hour of the cruise being so incredibly evil and mean to two precious adorable children. Words can not describe his fury. :(

I've seen stuff like that too, more so in Disney World but it upsets me so badly. It's suppose to be a fun vacation why do people have to lose their temper at small people who can't defend themselves? Oh that makes me mad :mad:.
Definitely saw multiple waterspouts coming our of the same cloud in the Caribbean on one of our cruises. Pretty neat!
Bad parenting is everywhere, but sometimes the stress and exhaustion of a vacation amplifies it. We saw a lady slap her tween daughter across the face in line for Snow White at Disney World one time. Someone went to get a CM and we saw plain-clothes security come up. I was horrified. I wish I was the one to go get the CM, but honestly, I kind of just stood there staring in complete shock instead of reacting.
Kids get upset tummies and throw up all the time and it's not always virus related - nerves, excitement, new foods, too much food, overtired, motion of the ship, too much sun - it is more likely NOT to be virus related.

Not all kids are walking bags of germs - sheesh! :sad2:

Yes but... the signs posted by all the pools on the cruise clearly state not to use if you've experienced fever, diarrhea or vomiting. It doesn't state "Please don't use if you have experienced vomiting due to a virus". I hear what you are saying, but often times it's hard to tell what is happening exactly, if it's a virus or not. I have a small child too, and half the time when he has vomited I was guessing as to what was causing it. I think that at least waiting 24 hrs would have been better to make sure the child indeed was OK. That's just my opinion.
Just came across this thread and I've been laughing for the last ten minutes.
Wanted to add my "shocking" event.

Last year while ported in Nassau we had walked down to the straw market. We were traveling with my very Christian grandparents. My grandmother was walking ahead with my daughter (5 at the time) and my husband and I were a little further behind. I was browsing but keeping an eye on them at the same time. They stopped at a table and started looking at the items. I didn't think anything about it. I heard my daughter start begging my grandmother to buy the "item" which caught my attention. I looked that way and to my surprise and horror I see my 76 year old grandmother holding a GLASS PIPE. You know what kind I'm talking about.. I grabbed my husband and showed him. Of course, he found it hysterical. I approached to hear them exchanging prices. Trying not to make a scene I convinced my daughter that she didn't have enough money for it and to keep shopping. APPARENTLY, she had my grandma convinced that it was a "bubble blower" like Scuttle uses on The Little Mermaid. I never told her what it was.. I was just too horrified. :sad2:
on a somber note...hate to bring this down, but curious as to how others would have handled it. We were on a cruise..that first hour you board and people are getting plates of food from the pizza place by the pool. I was sitting at a table watching my kids ride the Aquadunk or rather holding their shoes and such...when this pair of adorable, I mean Adorable sisters were struggling to carry their plates to their table...possibly 3 and 5 years old. WHY you would give a 3 year old a plate and have her walk all that distance is annoying...but the 3 year old's pizza slipped off the plate and fell flat on the cheese side. The horror that went across her eyes when this happened will forever be in my mind...I thought it odd until I heard the most abrasive/shouting/pretty much evil voice come towards her and grabbed her forcefully by the arm screaming at her, "What did you do that for?" Then a whole tirade. The 5 year old was trying to calm her sister and tell her it would be okay...every fiber (except one) in my body wanted to go and have a talk with the father...but that one fiber sensed that he was about to lose it and could get violent. So, I tried to get eye contact with the 3 year old and smiled at her reassuringly, that it's not a big deal...she's going to be okay...the father continued to run back and forth from the pizza place to the table and he was HOT...I hoped to see the mother so I could explain how her husband does not need to be near her children for the rest of the day...it still haunts me today to see a father on the first hour of the cruise being so incredibly evil and mean to two precious adorable children. Words can not describe his fury. :(

Omg! My heart breaks for that little girl just hearing about it:sad1: That's horrible
A few sailings ago we were docked at Nassau. We finished our excursion fairly early and went back to the ship to hang out. Another cruise ship was docked on the other side of the pier parallel to our DCL ship. We had a verandah stateroom so we stood on the verandah to people watch. Most of the action was people walking up and down the pier, but we could see directly into a lot of the staterooms of the neighboring ship. That ship had large rectangular windows with rounded corners on the lower decks with no verandahs. It also seemed that there are beds pushed up against the windows. We could see a lot of people (mostly younger so it might have been Carnival) seemingly getting ready for dinner putting on dressy clothes. Most seemed to not care/know that the drapes were open and a ship full of people were about 60 feet away and could see straight in. And we could see everything. One room of note had a girl who seemed to notice her exhibitionist situation and started dancing in her birthday suit in front of the window on the bed with her female roommates similarly unclothed. Quite a show really. Not sure how many of us from the DCL ship got to see that show...
Yes but... the signs posted by all the pools on the cruise clearly state not to use if you've experienced fever, diarrhea or vomiting. It doesn't state "Please don't use if you have experienced vomiting due to a virus". I hear what you are saying, but often times it's hard to tell what is happening exactly, if it's a virus or not. I have a small child too, and half the time when he has vomited I was guessing as to what was causing it. I think that at least waiting 24 hrs would have been better to make sure the child indeed was OK. That's just my opinion.

I think like you. We had a day off from the parks and went over to the DVC to see about becoming a member. My niece vomited just before we went in to the sales centre. The CM's came and quickly cleaned it up and were not at all concerned. I made sure we didn't go in the pool later that day, just to be sure. I didn't want anyone else getting sick if it was the flu. She was totally fine afterwards and showed no symptoms after the one time of vomiting. With kids, you never know. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
One night on the MDR, at the table next to us the mother of the family had ordered steak and just as she began to eat the last bite her tween son said "you said you'd save me a bite!". She took it OUT of her mouth, out it back on the fork, and passed it over to her son. Yes it had already been chewed a little. I share food and drink with my son but not food that's already been in my mouth!! It was like something out of the kissing family sketch on SNL.

I'm sure this can all be debated on another thread, since like the whole breastfeeding thing a plethora of pages back it's starting to veer towards more serious ground...so back to the fun and crazy stories :hippie:

This one was also over a decade ago and I forget which port this was in, but we had to be tendered in. The waves were so bad that day! Once onshore, my dad noticed a large wave coming as us and quickly tried to hold onto his three daughters as we all got drenched. It was so bad my sister lost her flip flops right off her feet!

Same cruise we were seated at a table with a family with kids of comparative ages who were already on their 12th cruise (this was our 1st). The father was a reproductive endocrinologist and told my parents that he could go back in and make sure the next child was a boy! It was the weirdest table discussion my family's ever had and we are not bashful in any sense of the word.
This past week a lady with a thong on and a big bum had a piece of plastic (looked like a juice box straw cover) stuck between her butt cheeks and was sticking out like a tail. She was prancing around and I was dying. Another lady at the pool deck had wet toilet paper all over her legs. She must have lined the seat and not realized it was going to stick to her wet butt.
:lmao:It always amazes me how unaware some people become once on vacation!

This one wasn't exactly shocking, but on one trip there was this asian girl who had the most elaborate costumes each night! They must've been cosplay or something, but our whole family enjoyed finding her each nigh because she always matched the characters!
This one was also over a decade ago and I forget which port this was in, but we had to be tendered in. The waves were so bad that day! Once onshore, my dad noticed a large wave coming as us and quickly tried to hold onto his three daughters as we all got drenched. It was so bad my sister lost her flip flops right off her feet!

Same cruise we were seated at a table with a family with kids of comparative ages who were already on their 12th cruise (this was our 1st). The father was a reproductive endocrinologist and told my parents that he could go back in and make sure the next child was a boy! It was the weirdest table discussion my family's ever had and we are not bashful in any sense of the word.

I don't want to know what he planned to do by "going back in."
Could be social anxiety, could be seizure-detecting, could be diabetic-related, could be hearing impaired... There are a variety of things people have service animals for. They have to have significant documentation to verify that the animal is indeed a service animal, so it's not like people just make up something on the fly to take their pet along.

And as for being surprised that the dog was allowed to come into the dining room, service animals are permitted wherever their person is when their person is there. That's why signs saying "no animals" have the "service dogs permitted" (or similar) disclaimer. Because of the ADA, the service animal cannot be denied entrance when accompanying their person.

Unfortunately, this is not true. No documentation is required. In fact businesses are only allowed to ask if an animal is a service animal. Truly unfortunate, is the fact that many people take advantage of this and will pretend that a pet is a required service animal. It makes it hard for the people who truly need them. I have one acquaintance that admits in private, that they bought the "Service Animal" vest on-line and use it to get their pet into restaurants etc. It disgusts me. It's sad that people with real needs are sometimes questioned about their needs because of the imposters. So, this is not to say that the person mentioned on here was one of the fakers, but it is possible. We have a disabled friend who needs a service dog and trains them and can spot a fake a mile away. He has seen and been frustrated by them on Disney Cruises (as well as other places).
I don't want to know what he planned to do by "going back in."
Lol. This is how my friend finally got his boy after 3 girls. I didn't ask the details. Just that they paid for the ability to select the sex of the child.

Or so I was told and they have $$$$ so I don't know. At first I didn't believe they could even do that but guess they can lol
When cruising Greece and Turkey in the summer of 2014 we were on a port adventure to Ephesus, which ended with something described as "a nice look at the manufacturing of Persian Carpets", that turned out to be an ordinary sales pitch to buy one or more multi-thousand dollar carpets. We left as soon as the doors were unlocked, but overheard several people on the ship who actually bought a carpet without needing one and regretting their purchase before we left port.
I've seen stuff like that too, more so in Disney World but it upsets me so badly. It's suppose to be a fun vacation why do people have to lose their temper at small people who can't defend themselves? Oh that makes me mad :mad:.
Well the definition of "fun" for many parental units is to push as much out the expensive vacation as possible. As both WDW and DCL vacations are not cheap. Unfortunately this definition is not recognized by the offspring, who much rather do some relaxing or run to a passing Princess instead of quickly doing the next two rides or getting as much food for your money as possible.
When cruising Greece and Turkey in the summer of 2014 we were on a port adventure to Ephesus, which ended with something described as "a nice look at the manufacturing of Persian Carpets", that turned out to be an ordinary sales pitch to buy one or more multi-thousand dollar carpets. We left as soon as the doors were unlocked, but overheard several people on the ship who actually bought a carpet without needing one and regretting their purchase before we left port.
They are a very hard sell but a firm NO works.


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