Official Star Wars Weekends Thread Tips and Tricks 2015

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You're all getting sleepy... Sleepy... SLEEEPY... You're going to stop posting so that Ninja Mom can stop reading and get to bed. That's it... nothing to see here, these are not the posts you're looking for, move along... sleepy... sleepy...

Oh heck, who am I kidding. Star Wars weekends ARE HERE!! We can sleep when we are dead!

You are too funny! Every time I see your profile pic, I think of your Lance Bands! :) And, even though I walk everyday with my friend, Sonia, I read your Screenname as Son. I. Am. Too much Dr. Seuss for me!

Anyway, you be more than ready for SWW next year. You'll be at the top of the Roll Call listing!!!

You are not the first person to think it is son I am. I like the Dr Seuss reference though. I had never thought of it that way:) I was fairly uncreative and just went with a previous username I have had for work. I end up with too many usernames and start to forget what they are if I try to be creative.
It's wake up time for me here in the UK but am thinking of all the guinea pig DISsers getting up for the autographs lines, fp lines,rope drop and chewie run have a great time and can't wait to hear your thoughts on it all, just over 2 weeks until we're there
Have fun :jumping1:
Good Morning Everyone (on the east coast at least).

I've been a long time lurker on this thread and I cannot thank everyone enough for the valuable information! I know this comes as terrible timing as we all eagerly anticipate hearing our fellow fans exploits later today, however, I'm working the graveyard shift this weekend which gives me valuable time to get some parks plans in order. My family and I will be in attendance for the final weekend of SWW's.

Anyway, the real reason I am posting now...nearly 2am my time and only hours away from weekend 1's rope drop...really, it's a silly question;

What the hey is the STAR WARS: REBELS event? I'm pretty savvy at finding things on the internet, whether they want to be found or not, but I haven't had much luck finding the specifics about this event. Obviously it is a show, but is it merely a recap of the 1st season? The photo that goes with the event shows Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper...and the description indicates there may be characters in attendance. Is this also a meet n greet with the Rebels characters?

Sorry if I am behind the ball on this one and completely missed any discussion related to it.

Best wishes to all those charging into this first weekend! Just imagine that you are Bothan spies...your reports, for us, will roughly hold the same weight as that of the Death Star plans. May the Force be with you.
Good Morning Everyone (on the east coast at least).

I've been a long time lurker on this thread and I cannot thank everyone enough for the valuable information! I know this comes as terrible timing as we all eagerly anticipate hearing our fellow fans exploits later today, however, I'm working the graveyard shift this weekend which gives me valuable time to get some parks plans in order. My family and I will be in attendance for the final weekend of SWW's.

Anyway, the real reason I am posting now...nearly 2am my time and only hours away from weekend 1's rope drop...really, it's a silly question;

What the hey is the STAR WARS: REBELS event? I'm pretty savvy at finding things on the internet, whether they want to be found or not, but I haven't had much luck finding the specifics about this event. Obviously it is a show, but is it merely a recap of the 1st season? The photo that goes with the event shows Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper...and the description indicates there may be characters in attendance. Is this also a meet n greet with the Rebels characters?

Sorry if I am behind the ball on this one and completely missed any discussion related to it.

Best wishes to all those charging into this first weekend! Just imagine that you are Bothan spies...your reports, for us, will roughly hold the same weight as that of the Death Star plans. May the Force be with you.

I think from the bolded area you meant the 30 min show? if that is correct, there has been no indication yet that there are any characters at this show. What it is, is a 30 min recap of season one, which someone so graciously pointed out to me that its also on the disney xd website to watch(if you have cable just log in and you can watch it) If i was new to the show i dont think it wold have helped much to be honest, but still fun to watch. i know i can now show my sister, whos never seen rebels ad never will probably, i can show her this.

If you mean Rebel Hanger let me know. We wont know until tomorrow if the SWRebels will be out walking around or what, that was pretty tight lipped
What it is, is a 30 min recap of season one

Yep. That's the information for which I was looking.

I know of it. I think Disney XD ran it a bunch of times leading up to May 4th. I have not seen it, however, nor will I see it at HS. I would much rather just watch it online. Ha. Thanks. I really would like to actually watch the entire show as the small snippets I've caught seem real good. However, for some reason my daughter won't watch it with me. She watched all of the movies along with Clone Wars. She even named our cat Chopper, yet she won't watch Rebels. With Asohka returning, that may change...

I digress.

Thank you for the help.
Good Morning Everyone!
Hope all DISers there now have all their plans come thru without problems. :thumbsup2
Good Morning Dissers I am in line for Tyre Sircra aka Sabine from Rebels.. The longest line at this time is Amy's which is nearly to the boat dock, second is the merch line and third is ours/Sabine, 4th is Ashley.

Can't post pictures this morning, app hates me. But merch line is 15 past bag check and we are inside the bag check by a long while.
Anyone doing the 24 hour next weekend? Do they do that every May?

I arrive on Wednesday May 20th and plan to stay until May 24th. I will be doing the 24hr event Friday morning to lunchtime and then back early Saturday morning and then Star Wars Weekend after MK closes at 6am.

They have been doing the 24hr event the past couple of years. This will be my first year attending the event.
Good morning everyone! Welcome to Day one of Star Wars Weekends!!!

Please remember to be patient as many of the people who are gathering the info or answering questions about weekend one's event probably won't be able to post until after the weekend is over. If you find that your question got lost in the shuffle, try reposting it again on Monday or Tuesday!

May the force be with us!

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