Canadian Buffoon's Solo Disney Vacation - Update 07/08! pp99 - Here today gone tomorrow

I just wanted to say that I've enjoyed reading your report. I stumbled on it about half way through, so I did not get involved in the "points" (great idea, by the way), but I've been quietly lurking ever since. Thanks for posting it!

Seems a little odd to say this now... but I'm going to anyway.

Glad you enjoyed the read.
There's still a little bit left to post.
And then I'll be posting a mini-TR on my trip to Toronto if you're interested.
Mmmm. Heading toward Germany now. I can taste that sausage now.

I had some at my folks place last night.
Then today, I was doing the shopping and while at Costco,
I picked up some Bison sausages.
We'll see how they taste... tomorrow I think.

You over shot your mark.... Noooo! Go back, go back! I need the points!

:laughing: Sorry!

I've done this quick service and really liked it, but I'm a big fish and chips fan.

And yet, you would deny me the pleasure?
You insist I go to Germany instead?


I hope you reminded him to wash up for dinner. You don't know where those wings have been.

I was polite and didn't comment.

Such a charming dining companion.

I've had worse.
Much worse.

Was it a nervous disorder? Did he need to be medicated?

Again, I was too polite to ask.
But he did seem pretty high strung.

And he's a good conversationalist, too. Hey, wait - he didn't being his own meal to the table? "Mine, mine." He's talking about yours? Back off, Bub!

I know! He was all demanding and stuff.
Honestly, I was a little put off.

Not that I want to cause him problems, but I would not have hurried my meal.

Oh, I didn't.
Sorry if I gave that impression.
I was finished and was just relaxing and scribbling down some notes.
I left when I was ready.
I might have sat a bit longer if the CM hadn't come by... but not much.

That is a sweet scene! This probably MADE this family's trip.


Some of us are. Oh, you're talking about Mary Poppins. Sorry.

No. I meant you too.

That wasn't me! It was Andy and Carrie! You should deduct points from both.


No place better to just wander and take it all in. This is what I love about the World Showcase.

::yes:: It really is.
Actually, all of Disney is I suppose.
But there's so much room there.

Every. Single. One.

Thanks! :goodvibes

Nooooooo. Go back and get that last little experience. IllumiNations! (It was my last chance for points this update.)

:laughing: You don't want me to see it for the spectacle... you just want the points!

You had the best luck with buses this trip. I'm guessing your guardian angel used to be a Disney bus driver.

I think so too.
I had (I think) two times where I waited 20 minutes at the end of the park day.
But every other time I waited less than 5 minutes.
It was awesome.

Oh, I'm sorry. Shall I deduct that point?

There must be some mistake. You have me in 6th place!

You saying you should be lower? 10th? 20th?

I can roll with this. I listen to Queen in the car


You're such a Canadian.

This is why we have never invaded Canada. "Come on in, won't you join us for supper" simply does not offer a challenge.

:rotfl: That's hilarious!
You just made it into the category of rare things I show/tell my DW.

You lost it earlier when you were making nervous jerky movements and dithering about getting on the bus.

Nope. I know exactly when I lost it.
In the room.
I felt the darn thing catch and knew immediately it had popped off.

I'm going to refine my guess on the never before seen picture.. It is on the outside wall on the 1st floor of a Jazz Inn building.


I found a good deal! (And I'm playing on it now)

Ah! I was wondering how you were multi-quoting.
"Is she borrowing someone's computer?"
Good priorities…
Small Mexicos can be quite tiring.

Don't be telling me how to exercise my priorities!....

Oh, wait. You didn't.


Wrong direction…
This does not bode well for my efforts at bonus question prognostication.


Obviously exhaustion and a lack of sustenance was having adverse effects on your navigational skills.

At least I stopped at the fence and didn't flip right over it and roll into the lake.
(Where I'd be devoured by brain eating amoebas.)

Yep… missed that one.

Sorry, dude.

At least you didn’t leave you table unattended. Critters adapt quickly.
I say this in action once at Castaway Cay. A group of folks all plopped their lunch trays down on a table and then collectively all left to go retrieve drinks and desert. The gulls descended on the impromptu feast with a ferocity that would sham a school of piranhas, and with the same visually appalling result.


I honestly don't get why people wouldn't figure that one out.
"Oh, look at the pretty seagulls. Do you think they'll touch our food?"


“Up-speak” makes me nuts.

Is it because you don't like sentences that end with a question?

And you should have made it a true daily double while you were at it.

D'oh! Opportunity lost!

Disney Haggling?
I can see the entire marketing department breaking into uncontrollable seizures at the very thought.

Everything is negotiable.

I must be an honorary Canadian…
I’d have done the same. The number of times when being polite and doing what one ought to do has cost me dearly is nearly as unfathomable as the size of the national debt.

And I know the size of your national debt.
You must be a 'frican saint!!!

Actually I’m glad I missed that one.
Mary is so much better a character that that anime teddy bear with a mickey branded on his butt.

Yep. I must admit that I am not a Duffy fan.

Then it may also be short of snide commentary.

I know. This pains me. I typically don't like more photos than text in my TRs... but.
It was a short period of time.
I could only say so much.

Don’t you be touching my fancy, now… ya’ hear?


And I mistakenly gave that fact more relevance than it deserved.

You weren't the only one.

Never heard it put that way. :laughing:
I rather like it.

Really? It's funny how people hear different things on these boards.
And some things that you think are commonly known are obscure to others and vice versa.

Very nice collection of pictures by the way.
What are you favorite setting for those conditions?

Thanks and.... uh....
I honestly can't tell you.
Magic of digital.
I'll usually take a picture in auto and check the settings and resulting photo.
Then I'll open/close the aperture and/or lengthen/shorten the shutter speed.
For the night shots, I'll put the camera on Aperture priority
and close it way down to increase the depth of field
and then modify the shutter speed in manual to suit.

Two more points out the window.

You're batting 1000 here.

I’ve skipped it before…
But usually to try and catch just one more ride on Sorin’

I had had enough of rides by then.
I might... might have done TT one more time...
But didn't feel like that either.

Well, it couldn’t have been Superman…
Disney doesn’t currently own the rights to him.

Give 'em time...

I do believe I’ll have to be relying on the Fickle Finger of Fate… I mean…
fickle kindness of extra bonus points this time around.


Radar? Don’t tell me…
You mean I was all around the actual answer for unrelated reasons and yet didn’t pick up on it?

::yes:: I was yelling at the screen!
"I'm quoting MASH right back at you! It's right there! Slaking! Slaking!!!"

“I asked you not to tell me that!”

Sorry Max.

Short of a perfect final round and something ridiculous enough to be worth a 20 point bonus, I won’t be winning the illegal candy bar, but I’ve enjoyed playing along.

Glad you had fun with it! :)

Can’t say as I’ve encountered such a sound track on an evening Dis Bus either.
What other tunes showed up on that play list?

I can't remember! I noted that it was that one song.... then tuned out again.

“…and threw incomplete passes.”

now there’s a really obscure refferance…

Nope. Ya got me on that one.

Have you considered super glue?

I think that would be a good idea... except if you want to exchange/change them I suppose/

5 min
Looks like some sort’a “Break Glass in Case of Emergency” type of contraption.
Like this one…
Unfortunately I doubt it was housing Mickey Bars.
More likely a fire extinguisher and probably located at the resort.

(And I like the idea of emergency Mickey Bars...)
:wave:Just a quick shout out from lurking. Have spent the last two days ONLY reading your report. LOVED IT! I read your Hawaii and other trips too.

This solo trip report was awesome. Great photos, very interest shots with lots of details that makes it such a Disney thing. You accomplished a lot. Gives me hope we will be able to when we finally get back. Thought it was so cool that you went diving at Living Seas and got to spread pixie dust.

Found myself having burst of laughter come out many times :rotfl:( that's how my husband knew I was reading your report) You crack me up no matter where you post. I follow Steppesister current PTR, Read KatMark and Shan23877 past reports(Broke my heart not to be able to see anymore reports from them. :sad:I'll never see Food and wine or the 2 princess trip)

Thanks for the trip reportand for taking the time to do what you do here on the Dis. You're a little bit of pixie dust pixiedust: just being you.
I picked up some Bison sausages.
We'll see how they taste... tomorrow I think.

Ew. I didn't do Buffalo meat when I lived in the northwest and I don't do alligator now that I live in Louisiana.

And yet, you would deny me the pleasure?

You insist I go to Germany instead?

Yes. Would German sausage have been so bad? No. I am justified.

No. I meant you too.

You recognize perfection!

You don't want me to see it for the spectacle... you just want the points!

I am glad to see we understand each other, but also, you would have enjoyed the show. (And I didn't have a snowball's chance in... , you know, of getting any points on my bus wait guess if you didn't stay for Illuminations.)

Nope. I know exactly when I lost it.
In the room.
I felt the darn thing catch and knew immediately it had popped off.

So it popped off. Then it probably landed in the bedding.

Ah! I was wondering how you were multi-quoting.
"Is she borrowing someone's computer?"

I tried borrowing Ainsley's (the 7 year-old dgd) computer but I couldn't make it go anywhere except Netflix, and I tried for a couple of hours. She has the $200 Black Friday special.

Yep. I must admit that I am not a Duffy fan.

I really don't get it. Why is he even a Disney character? Did they just need one more?

I know. This pains me. I typically don't like more photos than text in my TRs... but.
It was a short period of time.

It wasn't a wordy chapter, but on the flipside, the pictures were great.
:wave:Just a quick shout out from lurking. Have spent the last two days ONLY reading your report. LOVED IT! I read your Hawaii and other trips too.

Well :wave: hi there right back atcha!
:welcome: to the TR! :goodvibes

You read the whole thing in two days?!?!?!?
Are you okay?
Do I need to call you a doctor???

Even I couldn't stomach that much of me.

This solo trip report was awesome. Great photos, very interest shots with lots of details that makes it such a Disney thing.

Thanks! :)

You accomplished a lot. Gives me hope we will be able to when we finally get back.

Is it just you and your DH going for the 25th?
Our 25th is this year, but I can't convince DW to go... anywhere!
She's more of a home body.
Hence the solo trip.

Thought it was so cool that you went diving at Living Seas and got to spread pixie dust.

That was an absolute blast!
I will 100% for sure be doing that again!
You're not allowed to bring anything in the tank
other than a bathing suit and dive watch.
But I sure wish I could bring a sign or something
for DISers who'd like to set up a surprise for their friends or family.

Found myself having burst of laughter come out many times :rotfl:( that's how my husband knew I was reading your report) You crack me up no matter where you post.

Yes. I have that affect on people.
They point at me, then they laugh.

I'm used to it now.

I follow Steppesister current PTR, Read KatMark and Shan23877 past reports

Looks like we travel in similar circles! :laughing:
Don't be a stranger! If you want (and only if you do)
say "Hi" from time to time! :)

Thanks for the trip report and for taking the time to do what you do here on the Dis. You're a little bit of pixie dust pixiedust: just being you.

Awwww..... Thanks! :goodvibes
Ew. I didn't do Buffalo meat when I lived in the northwest and I don't do alligator now that I live in Louisiana.

You should move to the coast now and not eat fish!


(I don't live anywhere near Louisiana, as you know...
but I've had alligator. Meh. Chewy.)

Yes. Would German sausage have been so bad? No. I am justified.

Well, I do love good German sausage, so... Yeah, I'll give you that one.
But I just had a craving for good fish & chips.
And I got 50% of what I wanted!

You recognize perfection!

No. Not always.
I'm not perfect.

I am glad to see we understand each other, but also, you would have enjoyed the show. (And I didn't have a snowball's chance in... , you know, of getting any points on my bus wait guess if you didn't stay for Illuminations.)

Yes ma'am. I'll try better next time, ma'am.

So it popped off. Then it probably landed in the bedding.

Might have. I looked, though. I looked everywhere!
It's like it went into the Twilight Zone.
Probably designed that way.

I really don't get it. Why is he even a Disney character? Did they just need one more?

"We need to make even more money!"
"But we're already raking it in!"
"Dangit! I said more!!"
"Yessir. Well... Teddy Bears sell pretty good, but..."
"I don't care! Get me a Teddy Bear!"

It wasn't a wordy chapter, but on the flipside, the pictures were great.

I was afraid that the trip was over and done. I didn't get any update email for over a month! Yikes! I enjoyed catching up. Still planning on going back in 2016? I didn't read all the comments. I'd still be reading. Been really busy at work, that's why I didn't notice the lack of emails.
Oh well, I have come a long way. I used to be in the bottom 3 on these things. At least I look like I am in the game

So no drink, no illuminations. Nice choice on the fish- at least the birds thought so.

Sorry your trip is coming to an end, but I'm sure you have another coming soon!

I will say alarm at 4:30, up at 4:40.

10 min.

Part of a wall lamp?

Last edited:
So I'm the local Cleveland wildlife? HUMPH! See if I ever meet up with you again!
When are you coming back?

I think your alarm goes off at 6:01am and it takes 15 minutes to get through customs.
Were there any more questions? i cant remember.

Sorry if there are any errorss in this post. I am trying to type with four cats around me.
Your Epcot nighttime pictures are absolutely beautiful!!!

Thank you! :)

I was afraid that the trip was over and done. I didn't get any update email for over a month! Yikes!

I'm sorry, who is this?
I was wondering what happened to you!

I enjoyed catching up. Still planning on going back in 2016?

Well.... there's a story about that....
I think I'll post a little mini-real-life update.

I didn't read all the comments. I'd still be reading. Been really busy at work, that's why I didn't notice the lack of emails.

I get the comment on the comments.
Sometimes I get so bogged down,
I wonder if I'm going to have to drop TRs! Let alone read the comments.

Oh well, I have come a long way. I used to be in the bottom 3 on these things. At least I look like I am in the game

You're in the top 10! Not too shabby, lady.

So no drink, no illuminations.

One because I'm stupid.
Two because I was tired and had just seen it,
so didn't feel the necessity of seeing it again.

Nice choice on the fish- at least the birds thought so.

They weren't too impressed with me when I didn't leave them any scraps, though.

Sorry your trip is coming to an end, but I'm sure you have another coming soon!

Well..... Uh.... Mini update coming soon.

I will say alarm at 4:30, up at 4:40.

10 min.

Part of a wall lamp?


So I'm the local Cleveland wildlife? HUMPH! See if I ever meet up with you again!

Uh, oh. I've riled the natives.

When are you coming back?

I don't know whether to take that as
1. "Just kidding! I love you and want to see you again!" or;
2. "When are you coming so I can set up the ambush?"

I think your alarm goes off at 6:01am and it takes 15 minutes to get through customs.
Were there any more questions? i cant remember.

Three questions. Alarm, customs, picture identification.

Sorry if there are any errorss in this post. I am trying to type with four cats around me.

And they're not good spellers?
I made you a promise and I'm here to deliver!

I'm so glad that you went to the Yorkshire County Fish Shop. I do love their fish (the fries are "eh"...but then the best place to get fries at Disney is at the Plaza in the MK and everyone after that is way down the line in quality). You had quite an array of visitors for your dinner. Mine Mine Mine

Oh I got a tear in my eye when you told us of Mary Poppins and the father and son. I LOVE Disney magic.

What absolutely stunning pictures as you walked around World Showcase that evening. Although I am particulary fond of the ones of France and Germany, they are all outstanding.

Another reason to go drink around the world.

Wow...the guy turns out to be a Disney bus driver and he doesn't even know if he is in the right coral for the buses? That is a scary thought. I'd have been a bit leery getting on the bus myself. He sounds like the driver we had two years ago going back to Old Key West. The bus driver didn't have a clue and we ended up at Saratoga Springs, going through the whole resort, out the back door, around Downtown Disney and then finally to Old Key West. The worse bus ride we ever had.

And then he gets you to the resort and it's the wrong resort? He can't read English? How can he read the street signs? Very, very scary right there I tell you.

What a nice way to end your trip...a visit with a former DISer in Caitlin. That had to be a bright spot (especially after the bus ride).

I'm sorry you lost yet another thing from your Magic Band. :(

I'm going to say your alarm goes off at 4:45 a.m. that you get through customs in 10 minutes.

I leave Friday for nine days (at Disney), but I'll be back at some point for your next update (if it's up by then).

I don't wish to sound rude, but he really wasn't much of a conversationalist.
He just kept cocking his head back and forth and saying "Mine!"
To be honest, it got down right dull after a while.


Yeah, yeah.... No.

Shortly after the first fellow arrived, this guy showed up.


Oh jeez, Disney birds scare me...

THOSE EYES. They stare into your soul...

The CM declined the invitation to sit down.
I suspect it's because when I motioned to a chair,
the gull called out "Mine!"
and he didn't want to take someone else's spot.


Ugh, so precious.

I spent the next little while just sashaying


You seriously take some of the best photos on the board! Love them ::yes::

I knew I wanted a night shot of Mission Space.
I waited a while for a clear shot,
but I actually like this one with people in it better.


I like the people in the shot too!

Another man approached the bus stop.
Oh, good. So I won't be standing here by myself.

I'm usually pretty happy when I'm alone,
heck sometimes I crave being alone.
But tonight, feeling a little down,
I didn't mind having some company.

The newcomer walked up to me,
and in a broken accent,
asked me if this was the bus to ASMu.
At least I think he asked me.
He had a strong accent... Japanese, maybe?
He might have been just confirming it.

Two minutes after I got to the stop, 8:17pm, the bus arrived.
The man had somehow managed to step in front of me
while we waited.
I didn't mind and it didn't matter since there was only two of us.

The bus pulled up, opened its doors and the man turned to me and said.
Uh... sure buddy. Get on the bus. I'm tired.
He started to step onto the bus and I began to follow.
He stopped. Turned around and again said.
Umm... okay? Maybe he wants to ask the driver if
this bus is absolutely going to ASMu?
He walked up to the driver and said a few words.
The driver got out of his seat and exited the bus.
And then he walked away.



The new "passenger" took off his jacket,
revealing a Disney bus driver uniform underneath
and promptly sat down in the driver's seat.
He then motioned me on board.

I won't lie when I tell you that I seriously considered
waiting for the next bus.

Oh my... You definitely just described a scene from a horror film / tv show..

TheLittleKatie - La Cantina - No - Donald - 12 minutes - 4 points


The following folks are awarded 2 points each for paying attention in school:
KathyM2, KatMark, Steppesister, BibbitybobityLu, afwdwfan, DonnaBeeGood,
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes, Sandy Mouse, jandlinz, TheLittleKatie, Gracefulskinny,
orangecats2, Ladyfish77, RGirl, lilpixiebabe101


TheLittleKatie - 1 point because I make her happy, 1 point for good recall, 2 points for salivation.

:laughing: yeeeesss

Brother. My alcohol intake was supposed to be higher than....
one small sake.

On your last night you definitely should've been drowning your sorrows! It's a sad sad time.

As I sat, sadly shaking my head at my failures,
I slowly began to acknowledge my surroundings.
Now, don't get me wrong, but...
Don't the busses usually play upbeat Disney songs
and/or elevator music?
Usually interspersed with safety and other messages?

Well, this bus was playing Queen.
"We Will Rock You" to be precise.
Odd, I thought... But.... yes!

A few minutes later, we were pulling into...
All Star Sports.
The bus driver turned the interior lights on and announced,
"All Star Music!"

Ok, I'm fairly sure this guy did NOT work for Walt Disney World... :rotfl:

"This is it." I thought. "We're off to the Everglades now."

I'd have been thinking the same..

We all exited, just to be safe.

PHEW! A small part of me thought you may be typing this up from the Everglades.

And there was Caitlin.
I was a little hesitant about talking to her,
I didn't want to disturb her if she was busy.
But she didn't seem to be and as soon as she saw me,
she came over and gave me a hug.

I have to tell you, that meant the world to me.
I guess deep down, like a lot of people, I'm a little insecure.
But her giving me that hug was all I needed to let me know
that she was happy to see me.

Aww :hug:

And at some point...
I caught my magic band on something.
I don't even remember what...

And Jack Skellington popped out of his socket and disappeared.

Noooo! I wanted to get some of these, but I thought "hmm, I bet they fall off easily.." this is such a shame. You'll have to go back to buy some new ones :thumbsup2 on that note, do you have any plans to return ?!

Bonus questions.
I could ask you several time related questions...
like what time does the bus come, or what time do I check out...
So I'll pick... what time does the alarm go off?

I have to clear customs upon arrival in Canada.
How long does that take?

No idea about these! Let's try 6am, and 10 minutes!

Are we supposed to guess what this is?! If so, it looks like a wall at the hotel, and maybe a fire alarm / extinguisher ...?!
I can still play the game? I came early enough to do something? Yay!

I say, got up at 3:10 am, 3 minutes in customs, and it's a light on the wall for the pic (for the win?).
Oh yeah, the pic! The metal thing is for breaking glass in case of fire. It's at your resort.

Yeah, cats dont slpell too good.

I guess I kinda love you.
I made you a promise and I'm here to deliver!

Yes you are! I didn't want to push,
since I know you're leaving soon and have enough on your mind, I'm sure.

I'm so glad that you went to the Yorkshire County Fish Shop. I do love their fish (the fries are "eh"...but then the best place to get fries at Disney is at the Plaza in the MK and everyone after that is way down the line in quality). You had quite an array of visitors for your dinner. Mine Mine Mine

Yep. Fish good, fries... meh.
I've noted your comment re: fries at the Plaza on my to do list.

I kept chuckling as more and more "guests" kept showing up!

Oh I got a tear in my eye when you told us of Mary Poppins and the father and son. I LOVE Disney magic.

It was such a great, spontaneous little moment.
And if I hadn't been stopped, I would've completely missed it.

What absolutely stunning pictures as you walked around World Showcase that evening. Although I am particulary fond of the ones of France and Germany, they are all outstanding.

Thanks! :)
I think my favourite is the last one of Germany.

Another reason to go drink around the world.


Wow...the guy turns out to be a Disney bus driver and he doesn't even know if he is in the right coral for the buses? That is a scary thought. I'd have been a bit leery getting on the bus myself. He sounds like the driver we had two years ago going back to Old Key West. The bus driver didn't have a clue and we ended up at Saratoga Springs, going through the whole resort, out the back door, around Downtown Disney and then finally to Old Key West. The worse bus ride we ever had.

That's... weird! At least my guy got us to the right resort eventually!

And then he gets you to the resort and it's the wrong resort? He can't read English? How can he read the street signs? Very, very scary right there I tell you.

This just in! Man impersonates Disney driver and steals bus! Drives routes, but not well!

What a nice way to end your trip...a visit with a former DISer in Caitlin. That had to be a bright spot (especially after the bus ride).

"Former DISer" Do you know something that I don't? Did she leave too?
That would explain why their TR hasn't been updated for a while.

I'm sorry you lost yet another thing from your Magic Band. :(

Ah, well.... Easy come, easy go.
Next time I'll buy smaller ones that won't get snagged and pulled off.
Or maybe, just not buy any.
But they're so hard to resist!
Who doesn't want to personalize their Magic Band?

I'm going to say your alarm goes off at 4:45 a.m. that you get through customs in 10 minutes.


I leave Friday for nine days (at Disney), but I'll be back at some point for your next update (if it's up by then).

It might be. The photos are done, since there's only a few.
I'm torn between updating too fast and not fast enough!
Oh jeez, Disney birds scare me...

That one kept saying "Mine! Mine!"...
But every now and then, he'd get this sort of "croaking" voice.
Then he'd say "Katiiiieee... Katiiiieeee..."
Don't know why.


THOSE EYES. They stare into your soul...

And those bills are to pluck them out.

Ugh, so precious.


pfffttt. Amateur. I should give her lessons.

You seriously take some of the best photos on the board! Love them ::yes::

Wow! Thanks! Quite the compliment!

Oh my... You definitely just described a scene from a horror film / tv show..

Perhaps I'll write one after this TR.
You can be the protagonist.

On your last night you definitely should've been drowning your sorrows! It's a sad sad time.

Yeah. I totally failed there.

Ok, I'm fairly sure this guy did NOT work for Walt Disney World... :rotfl:

That would explain why after we got off the bus,
all these guys in kevlar jackets and automatic rifles stormed the bus.

I thought it was just a drill.

PHEW! A small part of me thought you may be typing this up from the Everglades.

I tried.

No WiFi.

It was such a nice way to finish up the trip.

Noooo! I wanted to get some of these, but I thought "hmm, I bet they fall off easily.." this is such a shame. You'll have to go back to buy some new ones :thumbsup2 on that note, do you have any plans to return ?!

Well... they do and they don't.
The first two that I lost... I kind of thought I would lose them.
They were way too big.
I just knew they'd get snagged on something.
But when I lost Jack (and a small part of me died) I was surprised.
But I really snagged him good.
If I hadn't been rushing around, I don't think he would've come off.

No idea about these! Let's try 6am, and 10 minutes!

Are we supposed to guess what this is?! If so, it looks like a wall at the hotel, and maybe a fire alarm / extinguisher ...?!



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