"I'm NOT a Princess, I'm Izzy!" - May '15 Land/Sea ~ Updated 6/4: Link to Disneyland TR!!!

I love that croc picture from a few updates ago. Talk about a hilarious angle.

Playgrounds are just as much a workout for a parent as they are for the kids! You just never know when the toddlers are going to decide to climb something crazy or jump off a too-high ledge. I'm fortunate that Landon is terrible with ladders, but I get my fair share of mini-heart attacks when he tries to go down big slides face first or jump down steps.

Writing guest comment cards can be weird at times. Sometimes, it's hard to describe how a Cast Member is just being a good employee. And then to have it read back to you...it might've sounded strange at the time but I'm sure he appreciated the effort. From what I've been told the team leaders read those positive comments out in team meetings so the CMs are recognized for their work in front of their peers.

Two Minnie meetings back to back! How fun! And yes, if both hands are being held then it's obvious you're supposed to be swung. That's toddler fact 101.
Adorable pictures from all the character meets. Sorry PP lost all your Goofy shots, though! How annoying...
Just realized you had a new Disney TR going, so I'm joining in! Better late than never, I guess. So hard to believe how big Izzy has gotten!!!
Sooooo close to that Garden Grill ADR I've been waiting for!!! Lol... :rotfl:
I'm trying to get there for you! Given the volume of pictures and videos we have, it might stretch over more than one update...we'll see.

Love the Minnie photos!!! Turned out great!
Thanks! They got some good ones!

Her Minnie love runs deep! Such cute pictures from this meet!
Thanks, it really does show how much she loves Minnie!

Naturally! I love that Minnie and Pluto played along!
It was so funny and I was surprised they did play along.

Ok, I just asked this over on my PTR so now I know! I think I'll be getting one in May when I upgrade to an AP. With the amount of character meals we do I think it will pay for it self easily!
I'm sure it will, between the size of your party and the character meals.:thumbsup2

Awesome! That's great that they were so accommodating!
I was very relieved that it wasn't an issue to them at all.

AW I love the Minnie meet - so sweet. BUT the pics of Izzy trying to get Minnie and Pluto to swing her are hilarious! Love that.
Thanks! I was just cracking up at the swinging, once I realized what she was doing. Even with their non-expressive faces, Minnie and Pluto both were clearly taken by surprise, but went along with it enough to keep Izzy happy. :goodvibes

Nice of you to fill out the comment card for the CM, though the other CM seemed a bit odd the way he was acting (and then reading it out loud??? WTH?).
It was so weird. I don't know if that was normal or not, though. I've seen others mention filling out comment cards in their reports, but nobody goes into the specifics. My guess is that most don't read them aloud, but I don't know. :confused3 Just uncomfortable, though.

glad you made it to spaceship earth fp (was there even a line?) and to dinner right on time with Soarin in there. Sounds like you weren't too far off on your timing at least!
I couldn't remember, so just asked Dug and he said there wasn't a line, so it was a useless FP+, but we also couldn't change it to anything else at that time, since we were booked up the rest of the night. And, yeah, we weren't too far off plan this day.

We ended up being bad about remembering to take these.
We were sort-of hit or miss. It kind-of depended on how the character interaction played out. On these, Izzy was happy to have us join her, but sometimes it was all her (and character friend).

Why else would two people hold your hands? :rotfl:

Is that where we were supposed to go! Oops! :rolleyes:
Yep, the PhotoPass area of the shop over across from Spaceship Earth. ::yes::


I would comment on the videos but my computer is acting up today and won't show them.
No worries!

Aww Izzy is so cute meeting Minnie! And how cute that the characters actually swung her, I would think they wouldn't be allowed to do that!
I was surprised they were allowed to do that too. I was wondering afterwards if they had to make a spontaneous call on this (without talking to each other) or if it is something they were trained/prepared for. :confused3 They definitely seemed to be caught off guard at first. But they did it and it was fun. :thumbsup2

That was nice of you to write out one of those cards for the CM! I always forget that you can do that, and there have been a lot of really awesome CM's that I've come in contact with that totally deserved one!
I've never done it before this, but I've seen others do so in TRs and had it in mind this time...and I was going to Guest Services anyway, so it was easy to just add that to my visit there. We've had a lot of great CMs on past trips and never did anything, so I know what you mean.

Glad Garden Grill was so nice about you riding Soarin' first! That probably happens a lot!
I suppose it probably does happen pretty often. I'm glad they were so good about it!
Great pictures! :thumbsup2

Wow! Minnie moves fast!
She's a speedy mouse! ::yes::

Of course!

Yeah, kind of awkward. But very nice of you to take the time to fill one out for Brian!
The whole thing just was weirdly uncomfortable. I mean, the CM was nice, but almost, like, TOO nice. :confused3 It just made me want to run away. :rotfl:

Whew... I'm glad they were willing to work with you. This is what I absolutely hate about the whole FP+/ADR at months out thing. You plan and plan, yet once you're there the timing never works out the way it should. And by then it is too late to change anything. :faint: :eek: :headache:
Yep, when it goes wrong, you don't have the flexibility that you may have had otherwise. You feel obligated to stick with some of your original plans to keep the FP+ because it's too late to change it, despite it not making much sense anymore.

Those are some really cute pictures with Minnie - love the one where she is looking up at her in awe (and totally understand having two versions of it)
Thanks! I love that look too! And I just couldn't decide on the borders.

And man, Minnie is fast too! To get to the Visa meet and greet ahead of you like that! ;)
I actually addressed that with Izzy when we walked in and saw her...told her that Minnie was so excited to see her again that she came over here now. ::yes::

That's great that you met a wonderful CM - I can see that being awkward though "I want to submit a CM comment for a great CM! I mean, not you or anyone, someone totally different than you - but I have to give it this card to you that says how great another CM was - again, not you" :rotfl2:
Yep, that's exactly how it felt! :lmao: I was just feeling like he wanted a card too, but maybe that was just my imagination. :confused:

TIW really is wonderful - worked out so much better for us than a dining plan would as you can order what you want, how you want and save the money ... plus it saves on adult beverage which we may have consumer one or 20 of ;)
Yep, we really like it. We had that back during our 2010 Year of Disney too. Very worthwhile! :thumbsup2

Haha, so after all that you are back to the original 7:45 timeframe for Garden Grill - at least it is working out!
Haha, yep, pretty much! (well, we did a bit better, but not much)

Star struck, perhaps?
Definitely could have been.

Tough one. I like the stars one, but the other has the signature.
I know, who can decide? :confused3

Too cute.

:) Don't you just love a great CM interaction?
I do. And the thing with Brian is that he didn't do any single extraordinary thing, so he probably doesn't get recognized a lot, especially in that post. But he just embodied that welcoming spirit with guests that would have made Walt proud. And he was genuinely kind and helpful to everyone who came near.

I don't remember seeing that... but then I remembered that the only time I went in was to take a shortcut through to the Land.
And I believe it was just that one part of Inventions, so unless you were going to the Disney Visa meet, you probably wouldn't have been in there. It was eerie, though.

Well of course. That's what hands are for.

A cardinal sin, not to.
DIS requirement!

You'd both do quite well on a European trip then.
The last time we were there was 10 years ago for our honeymoon in Italy. And we both also speak just enough Italian to get by. :thumbsup2

Ugh. Yuck. No.
Yeah, just wanted to get away.

Wow! That's pretty nice of them!
It was!
I sit down if DS is in the sandbox, but if he's climbing anything I'm nearby too. Even on equipment he is usually proficient at, he has still once or twice slipped and fallen, once with his grandma it was a bad fall. I would rather be on the safe side.
Makes sense. Izzy never plays in the sand (or very seldom), so I didn't even consider that. She's such a climber. She just wants to climb up everything (and go down all the slides). Sorry he had a bad fall! So scary!

By the way, I just saw you had a TR and read it all - enjoyed it, thanks for posting! Did you ever make it back since then?

Wonderful character pictures. I love how Izzy is so good at interacting with them. It's adorable.
Thanks! She loves her character interactions, that's for sure!

Yay for TIW! You managed to get it to pay for itself in one trip??? Impressive! I feel like it always takes me a second trip for that, but I don't crunch the numbers so I can never be sure. There are 5 of us this summer and we have 5 main ADRs, so it will definitely help out there!
Yeah, I had a spreadsheet with my ADRs and I plugged in prices/estimates (the buffets were easy) and it came out just enough ahead that I knew it would be worthwhile, especially if we had some drinks, etc. We did have 8 days, so that helped.

Isn't is great to meat a CM that you really click with? I love that. Even though it was awkward, I'm glad you filled out that card.
I'm glad we did too. It was nice to have just a good, solid, genuinely-Disney CM interaction.

Such cute pictures with Minnie! That is too funny that Izzy was trying to get Minnie and Pluto to swing her.
Thanks! I can't believe she tried that - but she made it happen. :rotfl:

I'm glad that you had such a great cast member experience that you wanted to recognize him. I think that is what makes Disney so special, is those special interactions. Weird about the other cast member reading it out loud, though.
Yeah, we've had so many great CM interactions over the years and never properly recognized them. But we've also had some not-so-good ones on recent trips, so it made this good one stand out even more. But the reading aloud was awkward.

I'm glad that Garden Grill was able to work with you so you could ride Soarin'!
Me too! They were very relaxed and understanding about it, so that was great.

I just joined and caught up! What an ambitious trip! I can't wait for more. Your daughter sounds adorable and so many times just like our little three-nager. The compromising and refusing to ride sounds just like our DD at DL right around 2 yo. She also had trouble looking at the camera for pictures and frequently looks away even when she knows what we are trying to do. She will only participate for selfies :sad2:
:welcome: Yep, they sound very similar! Darn threenagers! :rotfl2: There is so much drama and so many tears shed about ridiculous things lately. :headache:

We stayed at BWV a few years ago and while I wasn't all that excited initially I ended up loving it. Your pictures make me miss it.
Anyway, I can't wait to read more!
Same here! We weren't super excited about the resort itself, but we wanted to stay there for the location. But we did love it and would happily stay there again. We really liked everything about it.

Good start! Sorry about the tantrum in the airport bathroom, but I'm sure she felt a lot better in her shorts and t-shirt after she went outside #momknowsbest
Yep, she seemed pretty comfortable the rest of the day. And now she refuses to wear anything BUT shorts. :rotfl2:

The Boardwalk villa looks lovely! Would love to stay there one day!
Definitely try to stay there! We really enjoyed it!

Cronuts are overrated. I'm much rather have a croissant and a donut seperately. Hehe. :cutie:
Haha, I think I'm totally with you on that! :thumbsup2

What cute pictures with Ariel and at Character Spot! That's so cute she was swinging between Pluto and Minnie at the Visa Meet n Greet. One of my nieces loves to do that too (she's 2 as well).
Oh, cute, must be a 2 year old thing! The character meets are so much fun with a toddler!

Looks like you are having fun so far!! Izzy is getting independent. I remember traveling with Morgan at that age and clothes and the bathroom were such a chore. Family bathrooms were very few and far between trying to change her on a changing table was fun. I didn't fly with Morgan until she was about 11 so that was pretty easy.
Wow, you've been traveling with Morgan for a long time! Yeah, this age definitely has its challenges.

Now Izzy and the Dole Whip with Rum sounds like Morgan in the last 3 years. Thankfully next trip she will be 21!!
:lmao: So funny! I hope the next trip will be a treat for both of you!

You seem to have gotten a lot done in since about 2 pm at Epcot. Can't wait to hear more.
Definitely one of the more active "travel days" we've ever had.
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LOVE this Minnie pic - both borders!!

Yay for awesome CMs
It was really nice to chat with someone that truly embodied that Disney spirit.

well, yeah! o_O
Of course! ::yes::

Good to know! :thanks: I'm giving some thought to maybe trying for a quick long weekend with DS and my mom in October. (DH just started a new job this spring and doesn't have much leave, but he suggested maybe going to see my parents in Florida for my mom's bday in October) so I was thinking maybe doing Disney instead of going to their place on the Gulf. Being a Florida resident, my mom could get a TIW, but it's probably not worth it for such a quick trip, so I don't really know why I'm babbling, lol. :o
Can't hurt to run the numbers if you think you might be doing enough dining. But if it really is a quick trip, might not come out so well. It is good for a year, though, so keep that in mind if you might return.

Looking forward to reading about Garden Grill!
Hope to get that written up soon! It was quite the experience! :thumbsup2

Oh that video of her meeting Minnie is so cute. Her reaction after kissing Minnie's nose is adorable!
Thanks! She really adores Minnie! ::MinnieMo

I love that croc picture from a few updates ago. Talk about a hilarious angle.
Thanks! It turned out pretty funny. :rotfl2:

Playgrounds are just as much a workout for a parent as they are for the kids! You just never know when the toddlers are going to decide to climb something crazy or jump off a too-high ledge. I'm fortunate that Landon is terrible with ladders, but I get my fair share of mini-heart attacks when he tries to go down big slides face first or jump down steps.
Ugh, they can always find ways to make it dangerous. Just wait until he catches on to ladders...partially! Where he thinks he can do it, but really can't very well. :faint: Lots of spotting involved.

Writing guest comment cards can be weird at times. Sometimes, it's hard to describe how a Cast Member is just being a good employee. And then to have it read back to you...it might've sounded strange at the time but I'm sure he appreciated the effort. From what I've been told the team leaders read those positive comments out in team meetings so the CMs are recognized for their work in front of their peers.
Oh, that's good to know. Maybe that's why this guy read it aloud - to make sure it was legible/sensible. :confused3 Hope Brian enjoyed it.

Two Minnie meetings back to back! How fun! And yes, if both hands are being held then it's obvious you're supposed to be swung. That's toddler fact 101.
Adorable pictures from all the character meets. Sorry PP lost all your Goofy shots, though! How annoying...
Thanks, those meets were fun.

Just realized you had a new Disney TR going, so I'm joining in! Better late than never, I guess. So hard to believe how big Izzy has gotten!!!
:welcome: Ah, you're not really late - still on the first day. And you've got a few things of your own going on. :rolleyes1 I feel the same way about how big Paxton has gotten in your reports! I started following on his 1-year-old first trip and he's such a little boy now!
Makes sense. Izzy never plays in the sand (or very seldom), so I didn't even consider that. She's such a climber. She just wants to climb up everything (and go down all the slides). Sorry he had a bad fall! So scary!

By the way, I just saw you had a TR and read it all - enjoyed it, thanks for posting! Did you ever make it back since then?

Thanks! I found TRs so helpful when planning, especially families with toddlers like yours, that I wanted to contribute too. And yes, we're planning a Xmas trip this year! Still not sure if the schedule will work out because I'm going back to school and don't have my winter break dates yet, but hopefully we won't have to cancel it. Would be so nice to get a week off from the Northeast winter!
Thanks! I found TRs so helpful when planning, especially families with toddlers like yours, that I wanted to contribute too. And yes, we're planning a Xmas trip this year! Still not sure if the schedule will work out because I'm going back to school and don't have my winter break dates yet, but hopefully we won't have to cancel it. Would be so nice to get a week off from the Northeast winter!
Hope you can make the Christmas trip work! Always nice to go south during the winter!
Head-Smacking Good Fun

After securing the Garden Grill CM’s blessing, we headed down to Soarin’ to use my FP+ and get a Rider Swap for Dug to use later. A nice thing about Rider Swap tickets is that they are good for a 1-time-use any day for the rest of that month. :thumbsup2 So, if we had time after dinner, Dug could ride, otherwise he could save it for another day of our trip (which was the more likely plan, given the time). I was still holding onto my Test Track Rider Swap for another day too, as we didn’t have time to both ride this day.

There was a new process in place to get the Rider Swap ticket (new to me, at least, since last time). Instead of giving it to us at the entrance like they used to, I was given a lanyard to carry down the queue and then give to the second CM, who would give me the Rider Swap ticket in exchange. Not entirely sure why they changed this, but worked fine for us (not all rides did it this way, though). I headed into the FP+ queue:

Dug and Izzy decided to go hop on Living with the Land, as it was a walk-on (and it's a great ride!)

Here’s what I carried down the queue with me:

It was very fast and I obtained a Rider Swap ticket and was standing here in no time:

I ended up in Row 3 and was next to a mother and son (maybe 8 or 9 years old?) from England who were riding for the first time. The boy asked me what the ride would be like and I told them it would feel like flying and to just soak in the smells and enjoy the vistas. :cloud9: They were wearing flip-flops and asked me if they should take them off. I told them it was probably a good idea (I never wear flip-flops, so I have no idea if it’s required or not) – I told them that Dug always likes to take his shoes off if he gets row 3, just to feel the breeze and give his feet a rest. ::yes:: They removed the shoes. We had a great flight and both mom and son really enjoyed it. :goodvibes Love seeing the first-timers experience Soarin’!

While we flew over California, Dug and Izzy floated through the greenhouses of Epcot:

This may have been my fastest Soarin’ experience ever, as I was off the ride and walking up to the exit of Living with the Land at 7:14pm, after having just entered the Soarin' queue a couple minutes before 7pm. The timing was also perfect, as a boat pulled up just after I arrived:

Did you see who was on it?

They disembarked and made their way over to meet me at the gate:

Dug needed to stop into the restroom quick, so Izzy and I amused ourselves in the gift shop for a few minutes :simba::

We then headed to Garden Grill, checked in, and were given our buzzer. Izzy was apparently already practicing her "Doc McIzzy" moves by using it to "check" my tummy :rotfl::

I am guessing we took Izzy to the bathroom while we waited. Pretty likely, as I feel like we took her every 30 minutes the whole trip. :faint: I doubt she actually went, though – she only actually used the facilities maybe 20% of the time. Good times. :rolleyes:

We were seated by 7:28pm, so not too bad, considering we’d gotten some bonus rides in before dinner. Still managed to be seated earlier than we would have been with our original 7:50pm ADR. :thumbsup2

Izzy was happy to see that Miles (from Tomorrowland!) was on the kids’ menu:

We were seated in a half-moon booth along the edge of the restaurant, which is what we’d requested. Nice and private for character meets and also has great views as the restaurant spins. I enjoyed seeing all the scenes again, as it wasn’t spinning on my last visit (June 2014). Great ambiance between the visuals and sounds from the ride below.

We hadn’t been seated for long at all when we spotted the characters coming. I was trying to take a picture of them here and this cracks me up because of Dug’s face :lmao::

Not sure what he’s looking at/thinking. :confused3 But, yeah, Pluto and Dale are back there. To keep things even, here’s a picture of me and Izzy doing weird things too :rotfl2::

Within minutes, Pluto was at our table and Izzy was happy to play with him pluto::

Fist bump:

Pluto’s heart was warmed when Izzy blew him a kiss :lovestruc:

And, of course, my video of the encounter:

(click to watch)

Just moments after that fun, Dale approached our table. This was the first of several top-notch Dale meets this trip. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 What can I say, he was Izzy’s special friend. :goodvibes He came in ready to play with her:

And eat her head :eek::

She was having a blast and laughing:

And some adorable video for your viewing pleasure:

(click to watch)

Up next was Chip, who was also a lot of fun and ready with the tickles:

They were having a good ol’ time too, until Izzy just got a little TOO excited and wiggly :scared:…and just smacked her head into the edge of the table! :headache: Poor thing! :sad2: I think Chip felt really bad, but Izzy was fine (this age, they semi-regularly slam their heads into things, it seems). Right after smacking her head (by that eye):

And like two seconds later:

Can’t suppress the fun for long. They were back to pointing out their facial features within moments of the incident:

Overall, a good meet. And, for your immense viewing pleasure (and discomfort :scared:), I have video of the whole thing! I do lose focus for a moment while making sure she’s okay from her head slam and it might make you wince, so be warned if you watch. But, knowing she’s totally okay, it’s kind-of funny:

(click to watch)

At the end of that video, she does a fair amount of screaming, then notices that Mickey is on his way. I captured this video after Chip left and Izzy is saying that Mickey is “not scary” – so maybe Chip was? :confused3 Might have been those big teeth? :rotfl: Here’s that brief clip:

(click to watch)

Up next: Farmer Mickey and about 14 more rounds of character meets! :faint: And we actually get food and eat dinner between the interactions! ::yes::
There was a new process in place to get the Rider Swap ticket (new to me, at least, since last time). Instead of giving it to us at the entrance like they used to, I was given a lanyard to carry down the queue and then give to the second CM, who would give me the Rider Swap ticket in exchange.

Different than how I remember Rider Swap in October! I wonder what the reason is for the change? :confused3

This may have been my fastest Soarin’ experience ever, as I was off the ride and walking up to the exit of Living with the Land at 7:14pm, after having just entered the Soarin' queue a couple minutes before 7pm.

Wow! That is really fast. Even with a FP+ it seems to be a slow moving ride. I'm glad you got to enjoy it and help a few first timers!

Dug needed to stop into the restroom quick, so Izzy and I amused ourselves in the gift shop for a few minutes :simba::

I remember playing with those same lions with Colin - I had plans to take him up to see the Circle of Life movie but it just didn't work out.

I am guessing we took Izzy to the bathroom while we waited. Pretty likely, as I feel like we took her every 30 minutes the whole trip. :faint: I doubt she actually went, though – she only actually used the facilities maybe 20% of the time. Good times. :rolleyes:

Potty training at Disney is an experience! Did she wear a pull up? Or just stay dry all day?

Fist bump:

Too cute!! :goodvibes

This and pretty much every shot with both Chip and Dale is just precious! :love: I'm glad she felt so comfortable with the characters! From watching the videos, it looks like she had so much fun with them!

Excited to read about her meet with Mickey! And the food too!
This may have been my fastest Soarin’ experience ever, as I was off the ride and walking up to the exit of Living with the Land at 7:14pm, after having just entered the Soarin' queue a couple minutes before 7pm. The timing was also perfect, as a boat pulled up just after I arrived:
Wow that was fast!

We then headed to Garden Grill, checked in, and were given our buzzer. Izzy was apparently already practicing her "Doc McIzzy" moves by using it to "check" my tummy :rotfl::

I am guessing we took Izzy to the bathroom while we waited. Pretty likely, as I feel like we took her every 30 minutes the whole trip. :faint: I doubt she actually went, though – she only actually used the facilities maybe 20% of the time. Good times. :rolleyes:
:rotfl: Ah the "fun" of Potty training.

We were seated by 7:28pm, so not too bad, considering we’d gotten some bonus rides in before dinner. Still managed to be seated earlier than we would have been with our original 7:50pm ADR. :thumbsup2

We hadn’t been seated for long at all when we spotted the characters coming. I was trying to take a picture of them here and this cracks me up because of Dug’s face :lmao::
:rotfl: That's a face that says exhaustion!

Just moments after that fun, Dale approached our table. This was the first of several top-notch Dale meets this trip. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 What can I say, he was Izzy’s special friend. :goodvibes He came in ready to play with her:

They were having a good ol’ time too, until Izzy just got a little TOO excited and wiggly :scared:…and just smacked her head into the edge of the table! :headache: Poor thing!
:rotfl: Oh no! Poor Izzy!

(this age, they semi-regularly slam their heads into things, it seems)

At the end of that video, she does a fair amount of screaming, then notices that Mickey is on his way. I captured this video after Chip left and Izzy is saying that Mickey is “not scary” – so maybe Chip was? :confused3
Didn't you have to tell her that earlier at Character Spot? Maybe she was just making that connection from earlier.
Because I know she is ok, that head-butt made me laugh! It was so loud!!
Cute interactions!

I have a feeling if we ever meet we will get along fantastically... Your inner voice is so on par with my thought process it's hilarious.. I just crack up at the way you tell your stories...

Anyway, this looks so great!!! I'm so excited!!

Chip & Dale always seem to be a pretty good m&g, love them! Especially the photo of the eating izzys head!!lol!!!

About 14 more rounds, eh?! Looking forward to it!
Glad everything worked out in the end and you got to Garden Grill no time and got a great table!

Totally laughed out lout at that picture. Dug looks like he is thinking "Dogs can only see motion right? If I stay perfectly still maybe Pluto won't notice me!" :rotfl:

Aw, sounds like super cute meets with Dale and Chip! And Aw, about Izzy banging her head - it is true how quickly they bounce back though
Izzy is a trooper! She takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin' !

On our recent trip to WDW, it was DS's first time on Soarin' and he was very apprehensive. A wonderful CM read his anxiety and gave him a great pep talk before our flight. After the ride was over, she sought us out to see how he liked it -- and of course he loved it; so she gave us a paper fastpass on the spot, valid for 3 people, to ride again anytime during the month of June. It was really extra special, and it made all of our days :)
A nice thing about Rider Swap tickets is that they are good for a 1-time-use any day for the rest of that month.

Huh. Did not know that.

We had a great flight and both mom and son really enjoyed it. :goodvibes Love seeing the first-timers experience Soarin’!


The timing was also perfect, as a boat pulled up just after I arrived:

Nice! Was Dug surprised to see you there so soon?

Izzy and I amused ourselves in the gift shop for a few minutes :simba::

Did she go home with that stuffy?

Izzy was apparently already practicing her "Doc McIzzy" moves by using it to "check" my tummy :rotfl:


I am guessing we took Izzy to the bathroom while we waited. Pretty likely, as I feel like we took her every 30 minutes the whole trip. :faint:

Yowzers. It's a wonder you got anything done at all!

I doubt she actually went, though – she only actually used the facilities maybe 20% of the time. Good times. :rolleyes:


I was trying to take a picture of them here and this cracks me up because of Dug’s face :lmao::

"As God as my witness. I will get through this day."

Fist bump:


And eat her head :eek::


They were having a good ol’ time too, until Izzy just got a little TOO excited and wiggly :scared:…and just smacked her head into the edge of the table! :headache: Poor thing! :sad2: I think Chip felt really bad, but Izzy was fine (this age, they semi-regularly slam their heads into things, it seems). Right after smacking her head (by that eye):

Ouch! That sounded bad, but I guess with the rounded table edge it wasn't as bad as it could've been.

And we actually get food and eat dinner between the interactions! ::yes::

No way! Congrats! :laughing:
I can't believe how quickly you were on and off Soarin'! That timing worked out perfectly!

I'm glad you got one of those booths at Garden Grill. I still can't believe how private that makes the whole dining experience. It really is unlike any other restaurant I've ever been to.

Great character meets for Izzy - she was really enjoying herself! I'm glad she didn't get hurt.
Head-Smacking Good Fun

uh oh...:sad2: (glad she's okay, and knowing that, it is kind of funny!)

This may have been my fastest Soarin’ experience ever, as I was off the ride and walking up to the exit of Living with the Land at 7:14pm, after having just entered the Soarin' queue a couple minutes before 7pm. The timing was also perfect, as a boat pulled up just after I arrived:

what great timing!!:worship:

We were seated by 7:28pm, so not too bad, considering we’d gotten some bonus rides in before dinner. Still managed to be seated earlier than we would have been with our original 7:50pm ADR. :thumbsup2

Nope, not too bad and still a good thing that you'd been able to change the reservation

Such great pics! What wonderful character interactions - and more to come! Yay!!
Isn't it amazing how a head smack is no big deal when Disney characters are involved?! lol Sounds like something Paxton would do, although the same head smack at home would result in theatrics probably.

The pics of Izzy with the characters are just adorable!
Those videos are just cuteness overload! Izzy is having too much fun, but I bet that head smack was not very comfortable!

I have to admit - I still don't entirely understand how the ride swap works. I guess I don't have to worry about it until I have grandkids.

Glad you got to sit next to a couple newbies on Soarin. It's always great to see people's reactions the first time!

Love LWTL.


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