Worst Ride Experience..I lost it on Mission Space

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I went on MS for the first time two years ago. It went well, but leading up to it my sister had warned me absolutely not to go on it, but DH wanted to and I figured it would be fine. We decided to do Orange...well disney does not help the situation by throwing up giant warning signs every 10 feet going to the ride. That is what freaked me out the most. I dont have claustrophobia or anything, I was worried about the motion sickness, but the ride was fun and I didn't think that bad.

My horrible experience is from when I was a child...about 10 years old and we went on Alien Encounter. God am I glad that ride is gone. I was with my cousin (also 10), my sister (8) and my aunt and uncle. I spent the ENTIRE time digging my nails into my cousins arm with my head buried on his shoulder screaming bloody murder. Most traumatic thing ever. I was hesitant to even go on Stitch's Great Escape because I was worried it might be anything like that. Now I don't go on Stitch because that gross burp smell they blow in your face makes me want to vomit.
I have to admit that I'm a little nervous this year. I've ridden MS every trip since it's opened and never had a problem. But this summer, we were in Baltimore and went inside a WW2 submarine and I started to get panicky halfway thru the sub. A few weeks after that, I had a little of the same feelings when I had to get into the 3rd row of my Highlander... So, of course now I'm wondering if I've triggered something and going to be a mess. (My mom has full blown claustrophobia to the point where she will walk up many sets of staircases before ever stepping foot into an elevator, and even has to take a relaxer before getting on a plane.)
If you did trigger something (like I did) always carry a bottle of water with you and a pack of mints. Knowing I have water to sip and mints to suck on helps to keep me calm.
Mission Space bothered me and I've refused to try it again. We rode orange which was a silly decision on my part because not only did the ride make me queasy but I have mild claustrophobia too. I just tried to stay as calm as possible and was beyond glad to get off that thing.

I also have issues with the Tower of Terror. I like the effects and queue but I can't stand falling. I just hang on and close my eyes until that part is done.
After my one and only ride ever on Mission Space, I asked the guy in the gift shop if they had any "I Barfed on Mars" TShirts.
Mission Space is one thing at Disney that I have never ridden because of these horror stories.

My panic on a ride was also at King's Island. It was in the water park - it was an enclosed, tube slide where 2 of them were entertwined around each other going down. I went down and the water kept going over my face and I was in out and out panic mode by the time I got to the bottom.
I foolishly went on Mission Space enough though I get both motion sickness and claustrophobia. I figured that I could always close my eyes to deal with the claustrophobia. What I didn't know was that there would be a screen that would come forward and you had to pay attention to push buttons. And I was in the third seat stuck between two big men. I was as close to having a panic attack as I have ever been. All I could do is chant "Disney will let me out of here soon" and pray the ride would end soon. I will never go on that ride again.
For me it is a ride I lovingly refer to as Mickey's Fun Wheel of Death at DL's California Adventure. I am not a fan of ferris wheels in general, something about the combo of the height and the swinging motion. On this particular ride you get in a steel cage that is suspended to the wheel on a track so that as the ferris wheel moves the cage slides along the track and swings.

Unless things have changed since the last time I was there (which I'll concede is possible since I haven't been there in 10 years), there are cages that are stationary.
Hmm, no, I think I underestimated how bad it is. I have no desire to try it again and I assure you I will live the rest of my days not regretting never riding it again. :) I wish I were one of those selfie-takers who enjoyed the ride. Me, I have a terrible fear of heights, the dark, falling, elevators ... lol ... so, not a good ride for me.
well, at least you can say you did it once.
I practically lived at King's Island as a teenager-the Racers were rough no matter which direction they were going. Haven't been there in MANY years now.
Annual passes there every year when I lived there! We called the Racers the Backcrackers. lol
I foolishly went on Mission Space enough though I get both motion sickness and claustrophobia. I figured that I could always close my eyes to deal with the claustrophobia. What I didn't know was that there would be a screen that would come forward and you had to pay attention to push buttons. And I was in the third seat stuck between two big men. I was as close to having a panic attack as I have ever been. All I could do is chant "Disney will let me out of here soon" and pray the ride would end soon. I will never go on that ride again.

Even if you don't push the buttons at all, the ride program will still automatically push them for you, and congratulate you on doing such a good job.
Summit Plummet is 10x worse that MS. Sheer physical panic. Then excitement. Then a memory maker picture.
Just came back and Misson Space (Orange) was by far the most terrifying ride experience I've ever had anywhere. I am a roller coaster/ride enthusiast, and I can say without hesitation, for me, Kingda Ka (the tallest roller coaster on Earth) was much less intense than Mission Space (Orange). I had only been on the Green one previously... what a mistake!
I've enjoyed reading all of your responses but it's made me now 100% certain that I'll likely never take a risk on MS!

Anyway I've had a few of these experiences, I can get a bit worked up on certain rides. I reckon my worst experience (I'm ashamed to say) was Space Mountain... I know it's a fairly tame ride for a lot of people but after riding that I think I learnt that I do not enjoy coasters that are in the dark. See I love BTM and have never been scared on that, and thinking it over SM isn't really much scarier than that in terms of the track and the speed/drops, but the darkness seems to make everything else feel worse.

Anyway I don't know how or why it happened exactly but I was super excited to ride it, and we had a fastpass so we was only queueing for maybe 5-10 minutes, but as we were about to get on it I started feeling nervous but pushed on and told myself I'd enjoy it... Well after about 30 seconds on it I was in a full flown panic attack, screaming, shouting, practically pulling my hair out - desperately trying to do anything to distract myself from it. And then when I got off i found myself feeling so, so terribly nauseous, I don't know if it was the motion (which would be strange as the Harry Potter ride in universal didn't make me feel ill, neither did star tours or anything like that) or if it was just my panic/me getting myself worked up, or perhaps just a combination of all of the above but I genuinely thought I was gonna vomit for a good 45 minutes after. I had to pace slowly in the gift shop afterwards to try and calm myself down and ease the nausea, but it took close to an hour for me to feel okay again.

It's a real shame though as most people seem to love the ride, and I'd love to try it again when we next go but I'd just be terrified that a similar thing would happen again! Bit embarrassing that out of all of the scary situations I'm picking a ride like SM... but there you go!

An honourable mention also has to go to the Simpsons ride at Universal. I can be quite claustrophobic at times but in most rides on our last holiday I'd been okay, but on that ride we sat on the very back row and I felt awfully crammed in, that combined with the absolutely huge tv screen that appeared and was very dizzying just made me full on panic throughout the entire thing!! It's good that I can look back and laugh at it now though :)
I never was claustrophobic earlier in my life. I found out recently that I am now while trying to get an MRI. Last trip on Mission Space, which I had ridden several times before with no problem, when the door closed and the panel moved in, I felt the panic. This time the mission didn't start immediately, so we sat there for a few minutes while I tried to talk with my kids and stop thinking about the small space. Fun. Another couple of minutes and I might have been yelling to get out. Once it starts, I'm fine.
I don't have problems with roller coasters, I love M:S, but there is not enough money in the world to make me go down on Summit Plummet or ride Mickey's fun wheel of terror. Summit Plummet just looks terrifying(don't like heights) and I've seen video of people riding the Mickey wheel of death at DL and I already don't like ferris wheels so that one is never going to happen.
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