Canadian Buffoon's Disney With a Teen Vacation - 08/13 - The Wrap

I haven't read a thing yet! (Have to go out to a work do :rolleyes2) but I will read when I get home later! But I'm excited! :hyper:

Hi Lou! You're first on here!
:welcome: to the TR!

I read that first as you have to go work on your do... then re-read it to confirm you didn't say to go do a work out...
I got it eventually...

(Hmmm...that's a lot of buts...)


Something new

Something Blue.

And a new reason to do something other than what I ought to be doing.
So now to go back and start doing the wrong thing... ummm... I mean read your first chapter.

You can't go wrong there....
Well.... yeah... you can.... very, very, very wrong.

But :welcome: anyway Rob!

So excited to read all about it.

Hi! :welcome: to the TR!
Thanks for following over from that dead one back there.

This last trip I was also forced to slow down and (gasp) miss a few booked FPs in order to accommodate my DH and youngest DD.

Be honest... did it drive you completely insane?
Did it?
It did, didn't it.

I can't wait to see how you fared.

You'll be able to read all the dirty details...
Yay you've started!!!:cheer2:

I have!

:welcome: to the TR!

Funny how that works right? Lol!

I need to schedule fewer vacations so I can go on more!

My Favorite new phrase to tell Little Miss, "I'm helping you more by not helping you now. Figure it out yourself."

::yes:: Good for you.
It's so rewarding when you can let go and let them do things on their own.
Empower children, don't helicopter parent.

Easier said than done.

I'm evil that way.

Yeah its the type of thing I could see us doing. :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:

See??? You're just as bad as I am! :laughing:

:love: Awa and that made all the stress of figuring things out worth it I bet.

Yep! I couldn't wait until the next morning to tell Ruby when she woke up.

Yay for good communication skills leading to a successful trip!

It really did help.
But things weren't all chocolates and roses...
Hilarious! I would have started crying if my son asked to spend the whole day in the hotel room.

Oh, I was in too much shock to start crying.

I will admit to being a bad person and started scheming for a way to circumvent her plan.

Did I succeed? Did she?

You'll just have to wait and see, no?

:welcome: to the TR!

I'm guessing you at least got out for dinner?

I will answer that question.
Yes we had dinner.

Also I need to plan to not travel if the outcome is 5 trips!

Trust me, it works great!
Hmmm... we kind of had that similar conversation last winter and here I am with a quick visit planned to the World. I like this concept of not traveling. It seems like when you're not looking for a chance to go somewhere, it kind of falls in your lap.

I actually started thinking about planning something for next year....
I quickly put a stop to that! I actually want to go somewhere!

Not if I stop reading!!!!

Just out of curiosity, could you provide specific directions to your house...
I may need to drop by and say a few things.

You know... just in case.

Well, I like you. But you put an extra "u" in a word that doesn't need it. Well, I just can't look past that.

Crazy Canadians.

Uh, huh.

What's the first letter in the name of your country?

Hey! How did you know?

I never did turn off that camera I had installed....

I mean, just a lucky guess!!

Well that whole exchange blew up in your face spectacularly.

No kidding!
I really didn't know what to say!

Well, I think I might've said "Uh." but that's about it.

So, just a day in the life of pkondz, huh?

Nah, usually I'm just a run of the mill kind of jerk.
This one though was all the way up there.

If nothing else, I respect the will and hope both of you are exhibiting. :thumbsup2

We really wanted to go.


It's hard to just crush it. I know you were hoping and wishing for it just as much (if not more) than she was!


But I will be completely honest.
I think... No, I know Kay wanted it more.

1. Here's a kid who's sat by the sidelines while her big sister gets to see the world...
and finally it's her turn!
2. I had just been in February so the itch wasn't too bad yet.

Speak for yourself.

I did!

Hollywood. Enough said.

Ah. Yes. That does explain it.

Well played, dad. Well played.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Yikes! :eek: When was the last time you took her with you?

:laughing: No it wasn't that long ago.
(Although I remember it with great fondness.)

Well, I guess if you take into account that they charged your CC before you could pay the balance with cash last time. But wait a minute. I don't remember. What was the exchange rate doing then? Did that cost you money or save you money?

When they charged my CC back in February it cost me about 30 cents on the dollar.
I had cash that I'd purchased when the values were about at par.
This time, when they charged me right away, they saved me a few cents
(maybe 2 or 3?) on the dollar by doing it right away.

Either way, I think Disney just likes to prematurely charge your credit card. They can't wait to get their hands on your money.

Ya think???? :faint:

Although, and I've said this before, considering the enormous expense that is incurred by a visit to the Mouse,
I'm sure there are many, many people who overestimate their ability to pay and run short.
Disney's probably been shafted a lot in the past.

Just guessing, though.

Yeah, good luck with that.

You'll see in the chapters to come how well we fared.

Are you ok?

Really... I'm starting to worry about you.

You're only starting???

Yeah. That was pretty much exactly what my reaction looked like.

Hey, if you're going to be spending a whole day at the resort, you know this means you've got to upgrade to a deluxe, right? :rolleyes1

:laughing: Thank goodness you weren't around to explain that to her!

Well, I'm glad it seemed to help. I guess we might get an idea of how much it helped or how much worse it might have been had this conversation not happened as it goes.


Looking forward to the TR!

Thanks, Andy!
And :welcome: to it!
Note to self: stop traveling lke pkondz so I can travel more!!!

I know, right?
If you have something in the planning stages.... stop!

(And yes... I see your ticker... this applies to the next trip.)

Who are you calling OLD???

Certainly not you!!

This refers to that old guy over there.

Yeah... him.

Party capital of the US--no wonder she needed a nice trip!

Hey! Don't knock it. We got rootbeer and sausages... with sauerkraut.


I know... I know!!

Such a mean daddy making your DD cry (oh, wait that was a good cry)

<evil grin>

Best Homework, ever!!!!!

::yes:: It's why we're all here, right?

Good Luck. My DH is like your DD and I have to really work not to go crazy sometimes when we travel.

Ah. So you feel my pain, then.
This trip was very different from my last one, that's for sure!

Bwahhaahaaa! So much for ADR's and FP+ that were planned.

You think so, do you?
You'll see...

I wish you luck! I was blessed with two wonderful sons and no daughters--which I think was a good plan. I'm not sure I could handle teenage daughters!

True story.
We were told that having girls was easier in the beginning but harder later on.

We laughed.
We scoffed.

We had no idea...

Thanks for joining in on another Canadian Buffoon adventure! :welcome:
Ok yeah, I'm on my laptop now. Whaddaya want?
Where's an update?
Where's my prize?

How's Kay after the big trip? I still can't believe you didn't take me!
Are you doing a contest this time? And if you do am I eligible?
Wooo hooo made it on the first day

You did! Hi Betsey! :welcome: to the new TR!

*still reading the other one:sad2:*

It's not going anywhere for a while.
Feel free to comment (or not... no pressure) if you wish.
You know I'll always respond.

but thanks to Carrie I am in the loop right away. *she is giving me a fanny whooping on words with friends and mentioned your tr*


That was nice of her.

The mention... not the fanny whooping.

Know all about the traveling with the daughters and like yours mine are very different but hey that is what makes them fun.

::yes:: I will agree with that statement 100%

my son was always easy going also. so thanks for the new tr, and what are we guessing this time?

Boys are the best.

Honestly, I don't know yet... I know there's going to be a contest... but what, I haven't decided.
I wanted to get this thing going ASAP before Carrie killed me.

or are we doing recipes this time? lol *I still have those cookie recipes in a file and make quite a few of them during the holidays*

:laughing: Oh, you remember that do you?
That was fun.
Maybe a variation on that theme... hmmm....

looking forward to the next update:flower1:

Thanks Betsey! :)

So excited you started another tr.

Hi! :welcome: to the new TR! Thanks for following me over here!

Can't wait to read how your time with Kay goes.

All will be revealed... in time.

You are such a great dad to let her help plan!:love2:

Oh, yes.
I'm amazing, possibly the best husband and father on the planet.

Ask anyone.

Well, ask my kids...

just ask me, maybe.

I went to Disney with my parents in 8th grade and there was no way my mom would give up any control. I remember having to run to keep up with her.

:laughing: That's funny, because I went when I was just a bit older than that.
My sister and I used to watch Disney on TV so we had an idea, at least, of what to expect.
My parents had no clue. They just handed a book of tickets to my sister and I
and wandered about with lost looks on their faces.

So sneaky the way you told her, too bad you didn't have a hidden camera.

I actually considered that. But it would've been a dead giveaway.

So while I was sitting here watching M*A*S*H*

Did I ever tell you how much I like you?
You have excellent taste in TV shows.

I started pondering about ponzie and his trip. did he get that carrot cake cookie on this trip? how about that Grey Goose slushie? did he and Kay go on Soarin' *aprostrophe trademarked of course*, we know he rode rrc but what else???? hhmmmmm

Hmmmm..... guess you'll just have to wait and see!

Hello, strange person I have never met in my entire life!

Well hello lovely young lady that I have not ever met!

This trip report looks great!

Thanks, Courtney! :goodvibes

I'm especially excited to hear about your Magic Kingdom day for no particular reason whatsoever!!!

I wonder why! That's so random!

Thanks so, so much for taking the time to drop by!
I know how busy you are and it's really, really appreciated! :goodvibes

And :welcome: to the TR!

Yes did they or didn't they do IASSW while rockin out to AC DC or some other non earworm band?

Well, I can disclose that we did not ride IASW while listening to ACDC.
(Who does that??? :rolleyes1)

I'm settling in for this one.

Hey! New person!
:welcome: to the TR!

Be warned, though. People on this thread are a little crazy.
Well... some of the people on this thread are crazy...

Okay, I'm crazy.... but it's all good since I can't suddenly show up on your doorstep.

Wait... I kinda did that with a couple of my readers... uh...

Well, you're all the way across the pond, so it's at least unlikely that I'll do that,
so you should be fairly safe.

Pretty safe.

Sure. Let's go with that.

(Hey! Look! I just lost another reader! :lmao:)

Seriously, welcome and I hope you have a fun time here! :)
The only question here is: Just which one of you actually said it.

Oh, it was definitely me.
Most definitely.

What on earth were you thinking when you came up with that notion in the first place?
(though… it seems to have paid rather extraordinary benefits)

Don't knock it! It works!

From that example I’d say you were a whole one of them

Thank you for sticking to whole numbers,
I aren't smart enough for those fractious thingies.

your readers would never let you get away with that one.

You know me that well already, huh?
Plus I was busy watching that little flag going up for a while.

Another one! <<Swat!!>> now, how do those pesky critters keep getting in here?

My theory is that we've actually had a nuclear war and the only thing that survived were the roaches and crickets.
They then evolved (or mutated... the jury's still out) and recreated us as they remembered us.
Because they get maximum pleasure out of sneaking into a house, hiding and then driving us nuts.

If I were to believe your press, you’d be glad if I even had ‘em open.


Fbbbttt… I have to look at me in the mirror; pictures with you in them are trivial.

When you're right, you're right.


Well lookie there…
We’ve already goaded you into something and got you to do all the goading while we were at it.

This is a self-goading TR.
The self-loathing comes later on in the chapter.

That’ll do Ponzie… That’ll do.

Who ever thought that a pig could herd like that?

Well of course, that’s Kay’s job.

Oh. My. God.

You have no idea how prophetic those words are.

I missed hearing about that one… Details?

Not much to tell.
We drove down, stopped at the border. Stopped at Grand Forks so she could shop a bit.
Stopped and spent the night in Fargo.
Ate at a couple of fun restaurants, Space Alien Cafe and the Wurst Bier Hall.
The last is actually a pub, but it serves all kinds of sausage (I think we each had boar)
and a dish she loves called Spaetzle (German noodles with gravy).
It also had the best Rootbeer on tap that I think I've ever had.
After that we didn't have much to do, until she said she wanted to see the zoo.
She loves animals, so we did and had a lot of fun at their little zoo.
Then we drove back. Done!

No soup for you… errr… I mean ice cream.
Yeah, aspiration and reality don’t always congeal in just the right way, do they?

Nope. Not very often.

Really? That’s verrrrry innnn-teres-ting.

I was so shocked. I almost fell over.

Ahhhh… quite the realist, there.

She definitely is that.
I kinda hope she'll go into law later in life... and I'm also a little afraid that she'll go into law later in life.
I don't know if humanity would survive the process.

Look at you… getting all rhymie again.

:laughing: Missed that one!

Not too shabby.
Certainly beats any and every possible deal available for flying out of Charlotte.

Oh, pish. You can practically walk to Disney from where you are!

I remember hearing that story…
It was quit the nail biter.

Which one of the many, many times where I'm stupid are you referring to?

Lord, I miss Watterson

I know. And it was so sudden too! It was so great and then... poof! No more Calvin and Hobbes.

‘To’ you…
or ‘at’ you?

I'm sorry, is there a difference?

No good ever comes of it.

Ya got that right.

With much thanks to Ruby


What dad ever does?

I usually don't even have to pretend!

Cruel… absolutely diabolical… I like it!

I really should have rubbed my hands together and uttered an "Mwahaha"
before going in the house to complete the picture.

It’s one of the infinitesimally few perks to be derived from that there parenting job.

Yep. I truly believe my main goal as a parent is to embarrass my kid.
And teasing them relentlessly is a close second.

Made your youngest happy…
You’ll pay dearly for it, but you still done good.

And that's what it's all about, right there. No?

A small price…
(no not really, it’s actually going to be tough, but worth it. Right?)

Sure. Let's see if I remember that later on in the middle of the trip, okay?

A fairly normal reaction for the Dis addicted individual.
And I R one, so I can make that call.


And this actually does not surprise me.

Why do you say that?
Just curious.

Are you looking at me? Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up? Did you bring me here? Did you start up this here TR? And you ask me that now? I don't think so… You're stuck with me for the duration, so sit down! (and get to writing)

Sheesh! The demands already!
Gotta do some shout-outs first, then catch up on a few TRs...
then I'll start writing!
What? I'm coming in at the beginning of a pkondz TR? Impossible! I just found out about you Tuesday!

Yes you are! It's brand-spanking, new!
But now you've got me reallllllll curious.
You found out about me? What does that even mean?
From where? Who?

Oh, wait...
I didn't think the RCMP in BC knew about me...
All the other provinces, sure... but BC too?


Yay! I'm along for the ride!

Yes you are! And :welcome: to the TR!

Also I'm saying hello from BC!

I saw that I had another fellow Canuck along. :wave:
Nice to have you here! (eh!)

Really looking forward to reading this.

Mikey! So glad you came by! :welcome: to the nut house!

I could really use a laugh right now. Got let go from my job yesterday so I have plenty of time to follow along now while I search for a new job.

Oh, no!!
And after you just finished moving too!
What happened? (share or don't share... whichever you feel more comfortable. Send me a PM if you like.)
Is Lady H still safe with her job?
How are you guys doing????

Following along.

An awesome start but I wouldn't expect any less from you ::yes::

Hey! It's my little lurker! :welcome: to the TR Snow!
And thanks for the kind words! :)
joining in from the start this time! can't wait for the laugh.

Hi chookie! I remember you, you showed up right at the tail end of the last TR.
Nice to see you over here at the start!
:welcome: to the new TR! Hope I don't disappoint!

Ok yeah, I'm on my laptop now. Whaddaya want?
Where's an update?
Where's my prize?

:laughing: Carrie, you kill me!
And your prize is in the mail. I sent you the tracking number in a PM,
so you tell me where it is!

How's Kay after the big trip? I still can't believe you didn't take me!

Kay's good. Settling back into school now. Gonna be a very busy year for her this year.
And I still don't understand why you didn't come down!
I told you there was room for you, but nooooooooo....

Are you doing a contest this time? And if you do am I eligible?

Yes and Yes.

I agree with Carrie I mean your fans are patiently waiting for an update...
is it here yet?

Oh, no! Not you too!
Patience! Patience!

Seriously, I can't post too quickly.
I got in trouble from quite a few readers on my first TR for posting too quickly.
Learned my lesson, I did.

I am in for this TR .......!

Ah! Another late joiner on the last TR but early on this one.
Welcome back! And :welcome: to the TR!
Okay! I think I'm all caught up on the shout-outs.
Please, if I missed someone, it's because I'm dense as a block of wood
not because I'm ignoring you.
Just copy and paste this handy phrase and you will receive prompt attention and my sincere apology.

Hey stupid! You missed my post and didn't do a shout-out! You're rude and crass, now get to it!

That should work.
I just noticed you haven't updated your sig!

Whoops! Thanks!
Funny thing is, when I posted the update, I thought about it, but was too tired to do it then...
and then it slipped my mind completely.
Road trips, for Kay, are just another form of torture.

OMG, what is wrong with the child? ;)


I still have to finish your Toronto TR. I'm so behind, I just might have been on some choo choo train. :rolleyes1
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