Our happily ever after Disneymoon TRIP REPORT - Sept/Oct 2015 (Travel Day)


DIS Veteran
Feb 24, 2012
After waking up a couple of times during the early morning, it was finally time to get up. It was 6:30am, I was excited...and I had the sniffles...uh oh! I left Karl in bed, jumped in the shower and started to put my war paint on ready for the long day ahead. It felt like I had loads of time. I woke Karl up, we had a cup of tea with Karl's parents and before I knew it, BAM! It was 8:30 and we needed to leave.

The airport and wait for the flight was a breeze. We parked the car, checked in at the Thomson Premium desk (always feel a bit special doing this), then it was off to Frankie and Benny's for breakfast. I had scrambled egg on an English muffin and Karl had a breakfast bagel. I also stopped off at Boots to pick up a pack of tissues and some cold and flu tablets to try and shift these sniffles. There's nothing worse than being on a long flight and having a runny nose!

It got to 10:45 and it was time to board our Dreamliner. I have never been on one of these before and I have to say we were very impressed. I think it also helped because we were in Premium seating so we had LOADS of room.

The cabin was lovely, we had pre flight drinks, pillows, travel packs, headphones, blankets and a little menu to pick out meals. Was pretty awesome!

The Cabin Crew started to come round with drinks when one of the Crew came over to us and bought over this...

Karl had ordered Champagne as a surprise to start our Honeymoon off in style. :lovestruc God, I love that man so much. I have to say, I got emotional at this point; we were drinking Champagne on our way to Walt Disney World. I couldn't have been any happier.

The flight went without any issues. We had lovely food:

I had salad to start...

and a thai green curry for my main with cheese and biscuits and passionfruit mousse...

I watched a couple of films (can't remember what and I didn't seem to write it down either) and we then had afternoon tea a little later (which I forgot to take a picture of). I'll show you then view instead...

Then we heard what we had all been waiting for; we were coming in to land...YAAAAAAAAAY! :cool1:

We got through the airport and into our hire car before you could say "Disney World". Straight through customs as first off the plane, bags came off straight away, ticket collection from the Thomson office was a breeze and before we knew it we were sat in our car, setting up our Sat Nav ready to go.

It was lovely seeing all the familiar sights on the way to the hotel. We were so excited to be there and even more excited when we had entered Disney property and saw our hotel for the first time. It's HUGE!!! We parked the car, got our cases out and breathed a sigh of relief; we were home. :cloud9:

We got to reception and I sat down with the cases whilst Karl checked us in. He was gone for AGES as it seemed The Swan were having some problems getting everyone checked in. Apparently, they are having a lot of rooms renovated and were finding it hard to get rooms for everyone. We didn't have any problem however and Karl came back with our room key, 'Happily Ever After' badges and a big smile on his face.

The room we had was lovely. It was one of the newly renovated rooms and was very modern. We had a balcony too and a great view of one of the pools and also The Dolphin.

We unpacked our cases, got changed and decided to have a wander around the hotel. It was about 5pm when we got there (although our bodies thought it was 10pm) so we were wanting to keep ourselves awake. First stop was the hotel shop to pick up our Magic Bands.

Karl got an awesome Jack Skellington one and mine was an amazing Haunted Mansion one. This was the one I had been wanting for ages so I was REALLY happy to get it. :yay:

Once our bands had been set up for us and everything was linked, we went over to The Dolphin to get some food in The Fountain. The walk over to The Dolphin is pretty impressive. The trees were all lit up and it looked beautiful.

The Fountain is pretty much burgers and hotdogs etc but that was fine for us having not long arrived. I had a pulled pork burger which was great and Karl had a hotdog. We also found it highly amusing that our server was also called Karl. We got treated very well that night!

After finishing up, we decided we would go stretch out legs a little after all that food and headed over to Disney's Boardwalk. We were rather excited about seeing this at we had read a lot about it and it was somewhere we had never been before.

It looked so pretty all lit up. There were lots of people around and we couldn't really get in anywhere to have a drink so we decided to head back to the room and chill out ready for our first park; Magic Kingdom. We were home!

Up next: Magic Kingdom
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Dreamliner premium looks fab :)

It really was. We had so much room, the food was great and it was so comfortable. I think it's the best plane I've ever been on. They also had huge windows and a 'light wave' which matched the colour it was outside and changed the lighting in the cabin to be that colour.


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