Official 2017 Star Wars - Light Side Half Marathon Weekend (Jan 12th - 15th, 2017)

Had a terrible experience at Steakhouse 55 post-race. Waited 45 minutes past our 10:30 reservation time for our table. Then waited 15 minutes for drinks. No apologies or even acknowledgement. It was ridiculous and I asked to speak to a manager for the first time in my life. I could go on and on about what a clustercuss it was. We were really looking forward to it and were so disappointed. At least give the hangry runners some water to drink! :mad:

Wow, that sounds terrible. We had a reservation there for Sunday morning but cancelled it weeks ago. I was second-guessing that but it sounds like we had a narrow escape!
Home! Halfway unpacked which is all I'm going to do today. Running clothes in the washer since they are smelly. Rest can wait until tomorrow.

I don't want to go back to work tomorrow but it is what it is!
Sorry, I was thinking more of the CM's along the course who maybe could also say things like "walkers on the right" as at least a token...

Wouldn't that be nice?

Oh well. I am not a real runner so it really doesn't affect me in the end.

I'm sure it has affected you. Even in my walking intervals I get stopped by walls of walkers. Or I'm passed aggressively on the right when there's really no room for it because of walkers to the left and runners wanting to get by. Even in my intervals, I'm often passing then being passed by the same people, and the ones that walk to the left are just irritating.

For those who were wondering about packet pick up the morning of the run....

I didn't go up and ask, but at the "Information" table/booth near the family reunion/bag check area, I definitely saw the binders they have out for packet pick up where you have to sign to get your bib. I know it's too late to help anyone with this run but it might be handy for future runs/participants.

Yep. Saw 'em. Chose to not vent to the rundisney peeps. What good will it do?

I can see how this puts RunDisney in a quandary, though.

Oh sure. But the level of uselessness of their email about it was stunning. Reminded me of the days when amazon had a very interesting outsourcing group that hadn't quite gotten up to speed on English, and instead of telling people what they actually had to do, (which could have easily been done with the premade blurbs) they would tell customers to "do the needful". OH yes, thanks for that- very specific and helpful. But in this case they used an obvious blurb about "in the past", with NOTHING about the future and nothing personalized to my question, and then thanking me for understanding. Understanding WHAT?

My sister was also having some intestinal distress in addition to some chafing and a sore ankle.

Regarding the chafing...I strongly suggest bodyglide.
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I promised a review of the Spectator Viewing Party, so here goes.

I picked up my stuff at the Expo, same area as the race bibs. I got a wristband, a plastic Mickey head clapper, a CHEARsquad button to write my runner's name on, and a light side button. I greatly disturbed the check-in lady because I refused to put the wristband on then and there (this was Thursday, and no way was I going to wear that wristband until Sunday morning). Only later did I realize that I was given no instructions on where to go or anything like that.

Sunday morning I walked with DH to the corral entrance, then I turned around and walked back to Disneyland. I got there soon after 5:30. I went to the first CM I saw by the gates (on the DTD side of the entrance) and luckily I was in the right place. But we could not just enter the park; we had to wait for a CM escort, which apparently I had just missed. So I stood there for a good 10 or 12 minutes or so. Other viewing party people arrived, and I asked if they had been given any directions regarding the package, but no one had. Some people were getting antsy because their runners were in the A group and they risked missing them, but the escort CM finally arrived and walked us under the bridge and across Town Square. Then he told us we could be anywhere along the west side of Main Street up to the corner, but not beyond (that was where the mile 4 sign was, I believe). It was not crowded; I had plenty of curb space to myself. We were only in place for about 5-7 minutes when the lead wheelchair racers and runners arrived. So if you're cheering on an elite runner, get to Disneyland before 5:30 so you get the first escort in.

After my DH passed by, I left Disneyland (no escort needed; just had to stay clear of runners) and went to ESPN Zone. Here they had several signs for the viewing party, directing us to the breakfast area and to the viewing area. The breakfast was a buffet of potatoes, scrambled eggs, three-pepper bacon, sausage patties, and pastries. Water, orange juice, and coffee were set up for self-serve, and the bar was available. They had the big center screen mostly focused on the finishing chute and the finish line, but occasionally cut away to cameras along the route. Those cameras were terrible, though--mostly unrecognizable blobs. I was able to stay there monitoring DH through the runDisney site until he was close, then I went to the finish-line viewing area.

The viewing area was couches and ottomans which actually were pretty comfortable, but not enough space on those until people started to drift off later. They did supplement with folding chairs. There was a coloring table for little kids, and some were in the area running off some energy.

I don't regret doing it, but not sure that I would do it again. It was nice to have the space and not have to fight crowds to see, but on the other hand, there's an energy to the crowds that was lessened in our more private area. The food was good and the best part was having a place to sit inside to wait for DH to get back (I realized leaving Disneyland that I was rather chilled). I was disappointed, though, that there was no cross-over between this viewing party and DH's Light Side Lounge VIP experience at ESPN on Sunday morning. It would be better if the runner and the spectator could be in the same place. (While he went off to eat his separate meal after he finished, I went back to the finish-line viewing area and enjoyed the couches until he was ready to go. I actually had a good time, but would have had a better time being able to celebrate his race with him.)

One final note. I was in the breakfast area from about 7 to 8. DH finished at 8:15 and we took pictures, etc., then he went to his Light Side Lounge breakfast at 9. When I was talking to another spectator at the viewing area between 9 and 9:30, he said that the breakfast items had already been pulled, not sure when. So even though the viewing party went until 10 or so, the food was not available the entire time.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for the review! I think being able to go inside the park to watch and then the "place to sit" during the running is what my sis will appreciate the most. As long as my POT for Tink went through correctly I should be in one of the front corrals (not sure which) so I'm hoping that mitigates the breakfast going early...but still they really should have it out longer for folks that maybe are waiting in the park for their people to run by later than others.

IF they ever let us register for this (the tink page still has no link!) then I think I will get it for my sis.
My fellow spectator who mentioned the food being gone was waiting for a slower runner (his daughter finished probably close to an hour after my DH) and he said they ate first thing so they wouldn't miss out.
I have done all the DL races multiple times but this one. I absolutely loved this course compared to the rest. And, yes, I like going through Angels Stadium, but I do not like the routes getting there and back for some reason.

Did anyone notice that the prices of the pins jumped from 15.99 at Avengers to 19.99 at Star Wars? When we were purchasing I told my husband I swear the price is higher. Yup, got home and compared the two. Just think of the extra money on those suckers! I think we are maxing out on buying merchandize. Also, we bought a thick pair of sweat bottoms at Avengers for 44.95. Star Wars they had a pair but very, very thin material, same price. Not complaining, just comparing. I have the choice whether to buy or not, I get it.
I just got back home last night and I had a fantastic time at the Star Wars Light Side Half Marathon. We drove down on Saturday and I went to the Expo on Saturday afternoon. There seemed to be plenty of official merchandise available, but I did not end up buying any. I did get a pair of the Space Mountain running shoes from New Balance though! I also met Jeff Galloway and he was great to talk to. On Sunday I had so much fun at the Half Marathon. It was my first HM, my first runDisney race, and my first time entering DCA! I really enjoyed the energy and atmosphere of the crowd while waiting in the corrals. Entering DCA for the first time into Carsland all lit up was a real "wow moment" for me. I loved running through both parks and I did not have any problems with course crowding at all (I was in corral D so perhaps that helped?). I stopped for one official character photo (R2D2 and C3PO) and then did a few other quick stops for selfies by park landmarks etc. I got some great PhotoPass photos during this part of the course too, and also at the finish line. I enjoyed the crowd support and bands and cheerleaders etc while running through the streets of Anaheim. And all the Star Wars cosplayers around miles 8 and 9 were fantastic. I was able to keep a steady pace throughout the race and finish feeling pretty good, which was my main goal for my first HM. I have to say it was the most fun I have ever had while running! We don't visit the Disney parks very often but I am already wondering how I can get back to run another one. We had 3 days enjoying the parks afterwards which was great fun, although with two small children we were all a bit tired by the end. BTW, it has been great reading everyone's race experiences here and I am so sorry to hear about all the people who got sick - that sounds awful!
I just got back home last night and I had a fantastic time at the Star Wars Light Side Half Marathon. We drove down on Saturday and I went to the Expo on Saturday afternoon. There seemed to be plenty of official merchandise available, but I did not end up buying any. I did get a pair of the Space Mountain running shoes from New Balance though! I also met Jeff Galloway and he was great to talk to. On Sunday I had so much fun at the Half Marathon. It was my first HM, my first runDisney race, and my first time entering DCA! I really enjoyed the energy and atmosphere of the crowd while waiting in the corrals. Entering DCA for the first time into Carsland all lit up was a real "wow moment" for me. I loved running through both parks and I did not have any problems with course crowding at all (I was in corral D so perhaps that helped?). I stopped for one official character photo (R2D2 and C3PO) and then did a few other quick stops for selfies by park landmarks etc. I got some great PhotoPass photos during this part of the course too, and also at the finish line. I enjoyed the crowd support and bands and cheerleaders etc while running through the streets of Anaheim. And all the Star Wars cosplayers around miles 8 and 9 were fantastic. I was able to keep a steady pace throughout the race and finish feeling pretty good, which was my main goal for my first HM. I have to say it was the most fun I have ever had while running! We don't visit the Disney parks very often but I am already wondering how I can get back to run another one. We had 3 days enjoying the parks afterwards which was great fun, although with two small children we were all a bit tired by the end. BTW, it has been great reading everyone's race experiences here and I am so sorry to hear about all the people who got sick - that sounds awful!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Disney! There are so many incredible things about the parks, history and the people who make the resort go each and every day that it's hard not to just sit there in awe. Try and get in the Dark Side now at WDW in April and get yourself a Kessel Run Medal!
Also, we bought a thick pair of sweat bottoms at Avengers for 44.95. Star Wars they had a pair but very, very thin material, same price.

The "the force runs strong in my family" ones? Those are very in style right now, sort of hip hop type of sweats. Not the thick Champion warmup type sweats. :)

Did anyone else have the crazy-priced Kessel Run Rum drink at the expo? Loved that drink. :)
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it was pretty cool there was a small bar there. i guess it makes it easier for you to spend money at the expo! too bad i can't drink, otherwise, i would have definitely tried one.
Well, I had a very mixed half experience but this is still my favorite Disney race. The first 9 miles went well, making good time and feeling pretty good, too. Only stopped for one character photo in the park, but I also just like looking at the scenery. And the cosplayers are always my favorite part and I took my favorite pic of the race there. But about a mile after that, it went downhill. I felt horrible (felt like passing out or vomiting) and couldn't keep the pace I wanted. So, the last few miles were a slog and I felt awful crossing the line and ended up behind my PR by 8 seconds. So, this all combined into me being an emotional mess at the finish line.

But after a few days, I feel much better about the race. I did run close to my PR which is what I wanted to do and just need to figure out why the last miles were so bad (I struggled there last year too, though not as much) and how to make them better. I'll be back next year since I'm going for legacy.

Congrats to all the race participants! And I'm sorry to hear some of you got sick - that is awful.
it was pretty cool there was a small bar there. i guess it makes it easier for you to spend money at the expo!


By the time I got to the bar the money had been spent. :) DH and DS got to that weird body buffer booth and fell in love. That was an expensive 5 minute purchase. Made me happy to have that drink, though!

I never noticed bars at all, but then last Princess my cousin and I saw the pink ESPN/rundisney cups and I realized they were selling booze. Neither of us were brave enough to go for booze that early, but we managed to buy the cups on their own. So for this I halfway expected to see something like it.

But about a mile after that, it went downhill. I felt horrible (felt like passing out or vomiting) and couldn't keep the pace I wanted. So, the last few miles were a slog and I felt awful crossing the line and ended up behind my PR by 8 seconds. So, this all combined into me being an emotional mess at the finish line.

I'm so sorry. :(

By the time I got to that point it was warming up pretty good, and I was heating up (dressed too warmly b/c I wasn't thinking ahead of time, and was so worried about chafing from my non-running shirts that I was wearing over the tech layer I didn't think about a short sleeved shirt). Not sure if it was warm for you.

and just need to figure out why the last miles were so bad (I struggled there last year too, though not as much)

Maybe a nutrition/hydration thing? This time I forced myself to eat ALL of my sports beans through the Half, even though my teeth start to feel horrible when I do, and I drank water and even some (gross!!!!!) blue powerade on the course, and even though my feet were hurting pretty bad, the rest of me was OK.
Regarding the chafing...I strongly suggest bodyglide.

Yeah - she stopped at a med tent or two to reapply. It was more an issue of not testing the costume before the race. Cardinal rule: always do a test run! The shorts under the skirt were a little too short and she ended up with the dreaded chub rub. I always test my base layers and on race day use body glide anywhere I think there might be a possible issue.

I'm not sure what our next run might be. My sister may be off half marathons - she's thinking 10Ks are more her distance. I get it - she's a teacher and mom to two young kids (one with special needs) and it's hard to get the training in. But it's hard for me to justify the travel expense, etc., for "just" a 10K. Of course, we don't have to run together. She could do her 10k and I could do the Half. Or maybe I could suck it up and start doing the challenges!
I just got back home last night and I had a fantastic time at the Star Wars Light Side Half Marathon. We drove down on Saturday and I went to the Expo on Saturday afternoon. There seemed to be plenty of official merchandise available, but I did not end up buying any. I did get a pair of the Space Mountain running shoes from New Balance though! I also met Jeff Galloway and he was great to talk to. On Sunday I had so much fun at the Half Marathon. It was my first HM, my first runDisney race, and my first time entering DCA! I really enjoyed the energy and atmosphere of the crowd while waiting in the corrals. Entering DCA for the first time into Carsland all lit up was a real "wow moment" for me. I loved running through both parks and I did not have any problems with course crowding at all (I was in corral D so perhaps that helped?). I stopped for one official character photo (R2D2 and C3PO) and then did a few other quick stops for selfies by park landmarks etc. I got some great PhotoPass photos during this part of the course too, and also at the finish line. I enjoyed the crowd support and bands and cheerleaders etc while running through the streets of Anaheim. And all the Star Wars cosplayers around miles 8 and 9 were fantastic. I was able to keep a steady pace throughout the race and finish feeling pretty good, which was my main goal for my first HM. I have to say it was the most fun I have ever had while running! We don't visit the Disney parks very often but I am already wondering how I can get back to run another one. We had 3 days enjoying the parks afterwards which was great fun, although with two small children we were all a bit tired by the end. BTW, it has been great reading everyone's race experiences here and I am so sorry to hear about all the people who got sick - that sounds awful!

I've been to DCA many times and running through Cars Land gets me every time. I take it slow and just take it all in. Its always one of the highlights of the half for me!
I'm glad you had a great first (and not last!) runDisney experience!
Well, I had a very mixed half experience but this is still my favorite Disney race. The first 9 miles went well, making good time and feeling pretty good, too. Only stopped for one character photo in the park, but I also just like looking at the scenery. And the cosplayers are always my favorite part and I took my favorite pic of the race there. But about a mile after that, it went downhill. I felt horrible (felt like passing out or vomiting) and couldn't keep the pace I wanted. So, the last few miles were a slog and I felt awful crossing the line and ended up behind my PR by 8 seconds. So, this all combined into me being an emotional mess at the finish line.

But after a few days, I feel much better about the race. I did run close to my PR which is what I wanted to do and just need to figure out why the last miles were so bad (I struggled there last year too, though not as much) and how to make them better. I'll be back next year since I'm going for legacy.

Congrats to all the race participants! And I'm sorry to hear some of you got sick - that is awful.

You were close to your PR and thats great! I have to say I've experienced similar issues before the last few miles of a race and for me its always nutrition/fuel related. Usually lack there of. Maybe try some different (or more) fuel when training for your next half?

By the time I got to the bar the money had been spent. :) DH and DS got to that weird body buffer booth and fell in love. That was an expensive 5 minute purchase. Made me happy to have that drink, though!

I never noticed bars at all, but then last Princess my cousin and I saw the pink ESPN/rundisney cups and I realized they were selling booze. Neither of us were brave enough to go for booze that early, but we managed to buy the cups on their own. So for this I halfway expected to see something like it.

I'm so sorry. :(

By the time I got to that point it was warming up pretty good, and I was heating up (dressed too warmly b/c I wasn't thinking ahead of time, and was so worried about chafing from my non-running shirts that I was wearing over the tech layer I didn't think about a short sleeved shirt). Not sure if it was warm for you.

Maybe a nutrition/hydration thing? This time I forced myself to eat ALL of my sports beans through the Half, even though my teeth start to feel horrible when I do, and I drank water and even some (gross!!!!!) blue powerade on the course, and even though my feet were hurting pretty bad, the rest of me was OK.

You were close to your PR and thats great! I have to say I've experienced similar issues before the last few miles of a race and for me its always nutrition/fuel related. Usually lack there of. Maybe try some different (or more) fuel when training for your next half?

Yeah, I've been wondering if it's a nutrition thing. I drank water at every stop, as usual, so I don't think it was that. I did eat the Clif Shot at mile 8, so I thought at the time I was good on fuel. But I probably should have eaten something else... I think I get too stubborn about slowing down to eat sometimes.
I have to say, the key to rD races that I've found is to get into the very front or as close to the front as possible

So here's my problem with that. I did the 10K, and I average about 9:00/mi, so I was fair and I picked corral B because I knew I couldn't keep up with the 7 minute milers and didn't want to block the course. I guess I was the only one that wanted to be considerate because the first leg down Disneyland Drive was all about getting by people who had absolutely no business being in corral A/B. Like, what goes through your mind when you're 5'5'' pushing 250 lbs and picking corral A? You're creating congestion with your pace and putting people who were there as a reward for themselves and wanted to be competitive with their times at a disadvantage. I'm all for being respectful and inclusive. I lost 91 lbs and even at 182 lbs I knew I would be a hindrance for others up front so I placed myself farther back. Once we got into DCA it was smooth sailing but up until that point it was all about dodging people that couldn't keep up and I found that to be very frustrating as someone who really wanted to run. I finished at 00:58:59 but knew I could have shaved off around 4 minutes easily without having to deal with that. Aside from that, loved the races and had a great time at the expo and parks - just wish people would think of others :)


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