"I Only Run in Purple." - Anisum's Road PRs in 2018

Great training week. Good luck on your mock tri this weekend. Hope it goes well for you.
Week 7 (5/29 - 6/4):
Mon: 3 mi @ EA (15:02)
Tue: OFF
Wed: 5 mi @ EB (14:06)
Thu: OFF
Fri: 3 mi @ EB (14:06)
Sat: 5 mi @ LR (13:38)
Sun: Mock Tri! 400 yd swim, 9.25mi bike, 2 mi run

Monday: I got close to EA. I ran around 14:58 for the three miles. It was an afternoon run I did during the non-rainy patch between loads of laundry. Overall it was a pretty average run. Not much to say.

Wednesday: It was hot! The weather was around 80 degrees and most of the run was sunny. I really dreaded this run going into it because of how hot it was. In the end I brought along a hand held water bottle, my Dr. Cool headband, and suntan lotion and pushed through it. I had to stop at the end of every mile to wring out my headband to get it cold again which probably slowed me down (as did the heat) to a nice 14:18. I can assure you I was cursing @DopeyBadger's plan at this point.

Friday: Hot again. Luckily this time there were intermittent clouds so I didn't have to deal with the sun beating down on me the whole time. Also nice was the breeze which definitely cooled things off. I actually went a little fast here and ended up with a 13:50 pace. I also got the Brooks Glycerin 14s I had ordered off of JackRabbit on Monday as part of their sale. $54 dollars is the cheapest I've ever gotten them at though, the color wasn't my favorite since the gray will show a lot of dirt.

Saturday: Woke up and headed out for my run. Rain hadn't been forecasted for the morning but at 0.5mi there it was. I had to loop back around to the house and grab a Ziploc bag for my phone in case the rain got worse. The pocket of my running clothes will only provide so much protection from water. It turns out that was a good decision because from miles 2.5-4 and 5-5.5 it rained hard. When I was finishing the rain finally stopped (of course). I paced at 13:28.

Sunday: Mock Tri! I had asked my mentor (the local tri club I joined pairs new members with mentors to help them through their first tri) what to bring for transition and she provided me a good list. I packed my Wineglass Marathon Weekend olio bag (I only ran the half but it's part of the weekend so the bag was an acceptable purchase) with a shirt to throw on for the bike if it was cold, body glide, sunscreen, bike helmet, On Cloud sneakers (chosen for their bungees instead of laces), socks, an allen wrench, some skratch gummies, and sunglasses. The bag normally serves as my swim bag so it already had my full size towel, quick dry towel, 2x lycra caps, 2x silicone caps, and 2x goggles. When I swim I usually wear a lycra cap first and then a silicone cap because the silicon caps stick to my hair and occasionally give me headaches if I don't put on the lycra ones under them. This is something I learned on swim team growing up. Beyond that I had to remember my bike water bottle, bike, sports bra, tri suit (which I won at the tri-club's kick off meeting), and my garmin.

Of course with all of this I only forgot one thing. My Garmin. I decided against timing with my phone because I wasn't sure if my tri suit would dry fast enough to use it. Luckily my mom was going to be spectating (despite the fact that it was a training race and not a timed event) so I asked her to get my times as best she could. When we got there we lined our bikes up along the fence of the swim club we were using as home base and set out our transition stuff on a towel. They body marked us even though it wasn't timed just so they could keep track of who finished and who was still out on the course.

Then it was time to swim. I was in the first group, dubbed "sharks" because we were experienced and fairly quick swimmers. I say fairly quick because I was the third or fourth out of the water in 10 minutes for a 400 yd swim. It certainly isn't fast compared to what I saw when I was younger but it was good enough to give me some distance on the bike. My worst leg. I was passed fairly quickly by one woman and then made it almost to the turn around (shorter than the advertised 10 miles because of traffic concerns) before running into my mentor and her friend. They gave me some good advice on shifting gears and tackling rough hills of the course which was much needed given I had trained on mostly flat courses and was feeling it. They stuck with me for most of the way back and we had to stop once when a fly flew into my ear and wouldn't fly out. I ended up having to stick my finger in and pull it out. It was a nightmare that I will lose sleep over in the future. They eventually went ahead but I caught up to them on the run. When the bike ride started it was still in the mid 60s but by the time it ended wit was up in the 70s and sunny. It was a struggle because without my Garmin (or the ability to feel how fast I was moving on my jelly legs) I just plodded along hoping I was between 13:30 and 15:00. As it turns out I was at 13:00 pace but most of that was adrenaline. I did pass my mentor on the run (her weakest point) but was passed by some quick ladies who I managed to hold off on the bike leg. In the end I was done in less than an hour and a half which was good.

I think with a few lake swims under my belt and some more training I'll be good to go. I just need to tackle hills on the bike more often.

Edit: I forgot to mention I'm going to be working a convention Thursday-Sunday. It usually ends in me being exhausted so I've been trying to figure out how to get runs in. I thought about doing Wednesday night and Thursday morning so I only have to worry getting one in since it will probably have to be on the treadmill (it's usually dark when I leave the convention center) or will involve waking my roommates twice or foregoing a shower since I will have to be at the convention center before they wake up due to my department. Decisions... decisions.

In non training related news. LOOK AT THE EARS I GOT.

They're from EverAfterByPatti on Etsy (not sure I can link here) and they're even more stunning in person. I got them for several reasons. 1. I don't have ears other than the Minnie ears from when I was a kid that no longer fit 2. I keep ending up at Disney, a place were wearing them is appropriate. 3. Tiana is my favorite princess and the ears are stunning. I can't wait to wear them on the Wonder next month. It's especially appropriate now that they have the new Tiana's Place on board. So excited. Patti has a ton of other ears I love but I can't justify owning more so I just went with the one. I bought my friend her Figment ears (link to image only) for her birthday though and they're also really amazing.
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Fantastic job on your Mock Tri!! A fly in your ear that won't come out is absolutely the stuff of nightmares. EEK!! I would have been going crazy and I'm sure passerbys would have thought I was having some kind of medical emergency. Good job to finish strong after that little event!

Those ears are beautiful!! :lovestruc
Congrats on your great tri this weekend- way to go!!

Also those ears are amazing! I am already looking her up on Etsy. Thanks!
Fantastic job on your Mock Tri!! A fly in your ear that won't come out is absolutely the stuff of nightmares. EEK!! I would have been going crazy and I'm sure passerbys would have thought I was having some kind of medical emergency. Good job to finish strong after that little event!

Those ears are beautiful!! :lovestruc
Thanks! All I could think about what this episode of Survivor where a girl was screaming because there was a bug deep in her eat and I was done. If it hadn't been an uncrowded country road I'm sure people would have thought me crazy.

Yes! I love them.

Congrats on your great tri this weekend- way to go!!

Also those ears are amazing! I am already looking her up on Etsy. Thanks!
Thank you!

Definitely do. They take about a month to arrive because she makes them as a side gig after her real job but they're well worth the wait.

Congrats!! And those really are gorgeous ears!!
Those ears are amazing. Your mock tri sounds like it was a great success and learning experience - congrats!
Catching up on your journal today! I had to comment on those ears! SO PRETTY! Are they heavy?
You know a Tiana + apron + plate of beignets would make a cute rundisney costume :scratchin
Catching up on your journal today! I had to comment on those ears! SO PRETTY! Are they heavy?
You know a Tiana + apron + plate of beignets would make a cute rundisney costume :scratchin
They're not too bad. Slightly heavier than official ears but they're a bit firmer with the stuffing. I love the idea. Sadly it's hard to eat beignets while running and if I'm carrying them during a run I have to eat them.
Week 8 (6/5 - 6/11):
Mon: 3 mi @ EA (15:02)
Tue: Open Water Swim!
Wed: 3 mi @ 12:05 + 2 @ CD (15:38)
Thu: OFF
Fri: 3 mi @ EB (14:06)
Sat: 4 mi @ LR (13:38) BLIND!
Sun: Off

Monday: 15:07. I was still tired from the mock tri but I finished my EA run which was an accomplishment given how badly I wanted to turn and go home.

Tuesday: My first open water swim! Many people using wet suits. I don't have one so I just swam in my bathing suit. The water wasn't bad it was the cool air when you got out. I did three loops around the ~1/4mi course.

Wednesday: So, I wasn't able to stick to the plan for this one. My dad's family decided to inform us they were coming for a visit after like seven years out of the blue. That combined with the need to hit up the local running store for my Global Running Day swag bag led me to hitting 3 miles at home at a 13:02 pace, then one mile with the local running group at a 10:52 pace before turning around and switching to a 15:18 pace on the way back to my car. I also did yoga! I'm definitely out of practice after having a few weeks off.

Friday: On Thursday I left to staff a convention and was staying at a hotel. I managed to do three and change on the treadmill because my Garmin and treadmill didn't match up.

Saturday: Once the con started I only got four hours of sleep each night. I wasn't able to take any of those precious hours to run so I missed my blind. I'm thinking I should probably turn one of my runs into a blind at some point this week to make up for it.

Spoilers: I'm still catching up on sleep so I also took yesterday off since I couldn't keep my eyes open. Running will resume tomorrow.
Also, another thought. Does anyone else struggle with getting runs in during the summer? I'm going on vacation at the end of June and the end of July and I'm wondering how that will affect my training. I'm going to get my runs in whenever possible, I just don't want to make myself crazy while trying to do so.
I definitely skipped a run during our trip to WDW and moved another one to accommodate my travel day. Otherwise, I switched to early morning runs in order to keep everything else from getting in the way. I'm out and back before the rest of my family is awake, usually. My husband can't bring himself to wake up that early, so between visitors and scheduling conflicts, he's been having a harder time getting his runs in.
Also, another thought. Does anyone else struggle with getting runs in during the summer? I'm going on vacation at the end of June and the end of July and I'm wondering how that will affect my training. I'm going to get my runs in whenever possible, I just don't want to make myself crazy while trying to do so.

I just wanted to chime in with some advice. If you find yourself having to completely skip a run (which happens, so no worries) make sure you choose the Wednesday (CV/Tempo) workout to be the one to be skipped. Thus, if the week drops from 4 days to 3 days, you should drop the hard one not one of the easy ones. It seems counter-intuitive but it's because missing an easy day unbalances the schedule to much harder. Whereas missing a hard day, just means you don't reap the benefits of the training week. In one case, injury risk goes up and in the other it does not. At the end of the day. making it to the starting line healthy is much more important than if you were fully trained. If you only miss a few hard days here and there, it'll be a blip in the big picture scheme of an entire training plan. I will say my thought process on this is against the grain, but I think it's the safer long term choice. Hope this helps!

I definitely skipped a run during our trip to WDW and moved another one to accommodate my travel day. Otherwise, I switched to early morning runs in order to keep everything else from getting in the way. I'm out and back before the rest of my family is awake, usually. My husband can't bring himself to wake up that early, so between visitors and scheduling conflicts, he's been having a harder time getting his runs in.

I just sent the same message to @MoanasPapa! :D
I definitely skipped a run during our trip to WDW and moved another one to accommodate my travel day. Otherwise, I switched to early morning runs in order to keep everything else from getting in the way. I'm out and back before the rest of my family is awake, usually. My husband can't bring himself to wake up that early, so between visitors and scheduling conflicts, he's been having a harder time getting his runs in.
Yes, early runs are going to be my thing when it decides to stay in the 90s with high humidity. My fear is definitely running in a region I don't know (my June trip) rather than running laps around the Wonder in July. Hopefully @MoanasPapa can get back in the swing of things post vacation.
I just wanted to chime in with some advice. If you find yourself having to completely skip a run (which happens, so no worries) make sure you choose the Wednesday (CV/Tempo) workout to be the one to be skipped. Thus, if the week drops from 4 days to 3 days, you should drop the hard one not one of the easy ones. It seems counter-intuitive but it's because missing an easy day unbalances the schedule to much harder. Whereas missing a hard day, just means you don't reap the benefits of the training week. In one case, injury risk goes up and in the other it does not. At the end of the day. making it to the starting line healthy is much more important than if you were fully trained. If you only miss a few hard days here and there, it'll be a blip in the big picture scheme of an entire training plan. I will say my thought process on this is against the grain, but I think it's the safer long term choice. Hope this helps!
What I'm hearing is only 3 miles @ EA today or 4 @ LR to make up for my missed blind :O It definitely makes sense in that pushing hard after several days off is more likely to result in injury and injury is more likely to result in not running at all.
Week 9 (6/12 - 6/18):
Mon: 3 mi @ EA (15:02)
Tue: Off
Wed: 2 mi (WU/CD) + 1 Mi (Tempo) + 2 mi (WU/CD)
Thu: OFF
Fri: 4.5 mi @ EB (14:06)
Sat: 6 mi @ LR (13:38)
Sun: Off

This week was a hot mess and I did not successfully follow my training plan. Instead I did the following.

Wednesday: Yoga

Thursday: My 4mi blind from last week. This was planned for Wednesday afternoon but I delayed it because of the heat and because I didn't have to be in work as early on Thursday. This was only slightly faster than intended.

Friday: The run on the plan. I was worried about making it into work on time so I went too fast. :(

Sunday: Storms on Saturday led me to do the planned run Sunday instead.

For this coming week my plan is to get all of the planned runs in but not necessarily in the scheduled order given my flight leaves Friday. Once I'm on vacation I probably won't update too much until after the 4th of July and runs may not make it to GarminConnect or Strava if Tapiriik doesn't sync or my Runkeeper app doesn't sync with the website.
All right, I'm back. Part of being back means running again so let me give you a quick intro on what happened after I left.

Week 10 (6/19-6/25) - I was so close to getting all my runs in. I was so confident I would that I did my Wednesday run. Sadly, I overslept and missed my opportunity for Saturday's run.
Week 11 (6/26-7/2) - I got one run in. I thought I might have time to run more but the itinerary was pretty packed. I can only hope my next vacation is more successful.

I also missed at least one day of running this week so we will see if I can make it up.

In more exciting news:
We're going to be staying at Coronado Springs with the legendary 22 person hot tub.


*We're also waitlisted for DVC so it may change.

I've never stayed at Coronado so this is both a downgrade (from my childhood at Beach Club and Boardwalk) and an upgrade (from my stays in All Stars as an adult) and no matter where we end up I'm very excited. Booking that aspect makes it more real, you know?

We're leaving on Wednesday so we have two days before ADRs. Our current plans for ADRs are very simple. GET. OHANA. SUNDAY. NIGHT. This is a very key plan because I want a Lapu Lapu and the ability to eat all the delicious foods. If anyone has recommendations for what would add to our dining experience let me know.

Also exciting:
MORE SHOES!!! (I should have named my journal how many more shoes can I buy)

Since it was the 4th of July the shoes sales were abound. I still needed at least one more pair of Glycerins for this training cycle but I ended up getting two pairs. This brings my unworn shoes to 5 (4 Glycerins, 1 Wave Sky). One of those pairs will be opened soon because it's almost time for more rotations.

Final Exciting News:
Disney movie catch up.

During my long flights I got to watch two Disney movies I hadn't gotten to see in theatres (among other films).

The first was Moana. Except not exactly? It was called Vaiana. It was the same movie. Same voice acting as the U.S. release but Vaiana instead since it was on a European airline. This will serve to confuse me in the future. So thanks Disney.

The second movie was the live action Beauty and the Beast which was good. Beauty and the Beast songs never really get stuck in my head so you can be sure it was Moana songs I was singing all trip.
Hotel booking is SO EXCITING! I'm excited for you! Have never stayed at Coronado but their pool looks pretty amazing from pics that I've seen online.

Aaaaaaand now I've got that dang coconuts song stuck in my head.

Btw the live action B&tB songs break my brain a little bit because I'm so used to the cartoon versions. Guess I just have to watch it more :)


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