Flying into Fall!! – WISH September Lifestyle/Weight Challenge

Oh no @piglet1979 I hope your ear feels better! Ear infections are noooo fun.

:bday: @HappyGrape

@Flossbolna I'm glad Michael and his house are okay. I can't imagine the nerves of going through all of that.
@glss1/2fll It's good that your brother seems prepared and confident to ride out the storm. How did everything go in his neck of the woods?

I'm working on getting my progress together so far. I'll check back in a bit when I've got it figured out.

ETA: I'm at 25% so far between my three goals. Hopefully it's actually a little higher but I won't weight myself until Wednesday so I don't have my weight progress to add in to that. I've done alright with exercise but I realized that I don't drink nearly enough water on the weekends so I need to be more intentional about that!
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Check-in for the first week: I'm doing well with increased water intake but somehow managed to not accomplish the other two goals... and they are really so simple... so I'll give myself 10%.

Late last week I noticed STARZ was having a free preview period, so over the weekend I binge watched 'Pillars of Earth' and 'Outlander'. I feel like I've been away for a very long time, hanging out in Medieval England and Jacobean Scotland. Every once in a while I'd flip over to the 24/7 news to check on Irma, but the coverage was so absurd I couldn't watch for long. I've read thru the 'riding-it-out' thread here on DIS and it sounds like those who chose to remain at WDW fared very well and the parks seem to be in pretty good shape. I hope we start to hear that others in her path are doing better than expected as well.

I didn't eat horribly over the weekend (due to being glued to the TV), but also didn't move very much (again, the TV thing). I'm not going to be doing grocery shopping this week, as I leave on Thursday, but I can still make good choices eating out. And I can still bring my breakfast tomorrow and Wednesday.

Hope we have a calmer week this week, take care everyone.
Late last week I noticed STARZ was having a free preview period, so over the weekend I binge watched 'Pillars of Earth' and 'Outlander'.

I LOVE Outlander and I'm so excited for season 3! I ended up being out watching my DH play softball until way past my bedtime last night so I missed the premier but I've got my schedule cleared tonight to watch it.
I LOVE Outlander and I'm so excited for season 3! I ended up being out watching my DH play softball until way past my bedtime last night so I missed the premier but I've got my schedule cleared tonight to watch it.

I totally skipped season two because the stuff with Black Jack was so intense during season one that I kind of got burned out. But over the weekend I got thru all 13 episodes of season two and by last night the first episode of season three was up so I watched it as well. Now I'm hooked and will probably sign up for STAZ again, so I can watch the rest of the season... which is the genius behind the free preview period. And I also need to study up on that time in history, or read more of the books as I only went thru the first and second one.
Checking in for the week with staying within 2 pounds plus though I know I am retaining fluid as my crocks are making leaving a pattern in my feet.
My brother is there and he says he'll be fine. His housing is new and it is certainly far from his first hurricane. He's prepared.

Have you heard from your brother and how he and his area fared in the hurricane?

I declined offer for a meal for my birthday next week.

I can't believe I read this and didn't take it in until I read @dolewhipdreams birthday wishes :oops: so ...... :bday: with a cake that you can completely enjoy :D

I just was too frazzled for the DIS over the weekend! Michael is ok, his house did not get much damage at all and miracously he never lost power

Well that is good new and I would have been frazzled too!
@HappyGrape A belated Happy Birthday to you!! I hope you had a great day without your special meal!! :bday:

@piglet1979 I hope your ear is better! It sounds like it might be an infection of the outer ear. I am prone to those and they are very painful!

I thought I would be back to normal yesterday... Not really so much. I am currently still feeling totally exhausted, can't concentrate, tired all the time. I now made an appointment at the doctor to get my blood work checked. I am wondering if I might not need an adjustment in my thyroid meds. Especially since I am so slow in losing weight at the moment as well.

At least things are moving a tiny bit at the moment in the right direction. It is just so difficult to keep up my exercise program with feeling so tired. At least I am still doing my runs, but I skipped quite a few DVD work outs. Need to take those up again asap in order to not lose the little bit of training effort that I have gained so far!
QOTD for 9/12:

A lot of people are afraid of flying, especially when we start thinking about things like hang gliders, hot air baloons and such. But most people are thrilled with the experience once they got over their initial fears! Do you have a story to share where you did something despite being afraid of it and then ended up loving it? Is there anything related to healthy living where you feel that fears keep you back?

And to make up for the lack of questions for the previous days, a bonus Disney question: Who is your favourite flying Disney character?
QOTD: Wow this is a tough question to think about... I generally err on the side of caution and tend not to do things I'm fearful of. Typically my biggest fear is that I'll get injured doing something. So I guess I need to take more risks! I do want to go bungee jumping when we go to New Zealand in a couple of years so that will require overcoming some fears. As far as healthy living my fears are wrapped up in the idea that food = enjoyment. So if I go out with friends or go to a party and I'm not able to eat the food there, then I won't enjoy myself. That's completely bogus but it still gets me sometimes.

Bonus QOTD: I love Baymax from Big Hero 6! One of Disney's best movies, IMO.
Question of the day -- I am very boring and stay with in my comfort zone all most all the time. I would say my biggest one would be when i met my husband. I am a little shy when around people I don't know. When I go somewhere I am unsure of i have to have a friend or family with me and I am clued to their side. So I met my husband in our Economics class in college. I just started talking to him and then we went on a date about a week or so later. It was the Saturday after 9/11. It was very out of my character to do this. So now we have been together for 16 years and married for almost 13.

Tink might be my favorite. But that might be more sentimental as her movies came out when my daughter was young and i would sit and watch them with her. She loved Tink.


I went to the doctor yesterday and no infection but I do have fluid in my ears. This is nothing new as I have always had issues with fluid in my ears. I just went to the Minute Clinic (walk in clinic at a pharmacy that us Nurse Practitioners.) and they seemed very concerned about the ringing I have always had. They did a few weird tests and said i need to see and ENT. They did not tell me the outcome of the tests though. So I will make that appointment and see what they say.

I do feel better today but my ear is still hurting some. Just not as bad as yesterday. I am hoping to work tonight as I have gained a few ounces. No big deal just need to get moving.
@piglet1979 hope the ears keep improving!! But I think going to a specialist might be the smart thing to do. You don't want to get any lasting damage to your ears!
What a nightmare of a morning! I will back later to read & reply
My son will be in secondary school 2019. I found out that all school events as exams part of enrollment are the dates we have booked trip for DisneyWorld for my 40'th birthday and there is absolutely no way we can travel between mid August to the end of the year. My only options were late June and July. Heat rain crowds and more expensive. I was soo disappointed and the flight costs are going up daily. Disney cast members are busy after the weather related issues! After 1 hour calls to schools to collect dates and decide on time, 2 hours looking for flights, 1.5 hours on call with WDW I managed to change our booking. I had to pay 600 more than the original quote, but this is not too bad. We are going on 20th of June, long before my birthday but what can you do!

I am trying to calm myself down now!
QOTD: Overall I'm pretty conservative when it comes to daring-do physical type stuff. I think it might be due to a couple mishaps when I was young: at age three I fell thru an opening in a dock at the marina and almost drown and then when I was seven, I sat on a stump at the edge of a hiking trail that turned out to be rotten and it broke away and I tumbled down a steep decline. Those kinds of things tend to lead one towards less dangerous endeavors such as sewing and knitting. I will say for a long time I didn't like and didn't ride roller coasters, but Big Thunder Mountain changed that for me.

BONUS QUESTION: My two favorite characters are Tink and Chip and Tink is the one who flies, so I guess she wins. I did do a M&G with her last spring which was delightful...we chatted about how Pirates are dumb, and stinky. I've always liked her because she was sassy, and going back to the early girl characters she was the only one that seemed to me to have an actual personality.
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What a nightmare of a morning! I will back later to read & reply
My son will be in secondary school 2019. I found out that all school events as exams part of enrollment are the dates we have booked trip for DisneyWorld for my 40'th birthday and there is absolutely no way we can travel between mid August to the end of the year. My only options were late June and July. Heat rain crowds and more expensive. I was soo disappointed and the flight costs are going up daily. Disney cast members are busy after the weather related issues! After 1 hour calls to schools to collect dates and decide on time, 2 hours looking for flights, 1.5 hours on call with WDW I managed to change our booking. I had to pay 600 more than the original quote, but this is not too bad. We are going on 20th of June, long before my birthday but what can you do!

I am trying to calm myself down now!

So sorry that you are going to miss out on your birthday trip!! The advantage of June will be that the parks are in full summer mode with additional entertainment, long hours and such. My BF actually likes going there in early July as there is so much going on. Yes, there are crowds, but Easter and Christmas are far worse. And the additional entertainment is there to give you alternatives. Will you be there for July 4th? If so, there will be great fireworks on July 3rd and 4th!
QOTD for 9/12:

A lot of people are afraid of flying, especially when we start thinking about things like hang gliders, hot air baloons and such. But most people are thrilled with the experience once they got over their initial fears! Do you have a story to share where you did something despite being afraid of it and then ended up loving it? Is there anything related to healthy living where you feel that fears keep you back?

And to make up for the lack of questions for the previous days, a bonus Disney question: Who is your favourite flying Disney character?

I actually hate airports but I am not afraid of flying. It's the pre flight and sitting in same place for long time that is freaking me out. I need to start driving again, friend was in accident that I was not part of but stayed in the hospital a lot to help after the accident and I have not driven since. It was years ago. I have developed a fear of it and I want to deal with it before Christmas by booking few lessons

Re health - I don't know to be honest. I have been similar weight for one year, the longest for me for long time. I think sometimes after a vacation there is element of panic that the delicious food is over. It is not rational fear for sure, I eat really tasty food all the time - I don't eat any kale ever! Lol. But in the panic I crave bad food and I get dreadful feeling that something will be lost. It's silly and have no basis in reality

Peter Pan I think

I didn't' like DisneyLand Paris at all but gave WDW a go and loo how dis end up! Lol
So sorry that you are going to miss out on your birthday trip!! The advantage of June will be that the parks are in full summer mode with additional entertainment, long hours and such. My BF actually likes going there in early July as there is so much going on. Yes, there are crowds, but Easter and Christmas are far worse. And the additional entertainment is there to give you alternatives. Will you be there for July 4th? If so, there will be great fireworks on July 3rd and 4th!

Were are the fireworks for 4th of July, in MK?
Were are the fireworks for 4th of July, in MK?

Also Epcot and usually also special fireworks at DHS. For many years this was the only day this park had fireworks. I think MK has the full perimeter for July 4, like for the Halloween and Christmas Party. So, you want to do MK one evening, Epcot the other. For MK you could get a dining reservation at the Poly and watch from there. I can ask Michael for the best strategy and come back to you with what he recommends!
Do you have a story to share where you did something despite being afraid of it and then ended up loving it?

Similar to Oneanne I am afraid of rollercoasters and heights - On my very first trip to DL in my early 20s I absolutely refused to go on BTMRR - this time around with the kids I braved it and went on with the boys and LOVED it rode it several times - now DD is a little like me and for most of our 2014 trip she refused to ride it - then on our last day we managed to get her on the Gadget Go Coaster first and she was ok with that so we quickly moved her over to BTMRR - she LOVED it - problem was she wanted to ride again and we just did no have the time as we had a car booked to transfer to Hollywood! So needless to say whenever we return (and honestly it is looking like around 5ish years away for my 50th) we will all be lining up for BTMRR.

Is there anything related to healthy living where you feel that fears keep you back?

I get held back from activity by fear of injury, death, panic attach - I know that sounds dramatic but I get anxiety really bad at times related to the idea of something happening to me (kid related - it kicked in after I had DS16) - so while I know it is good for me I really struggle with it at times. It also doesn't help that I have always been a little 'delicate' lets say with physical exertion especially if it is in the hotter months. In my 20s I decided I was going to start swimming laps - after getting out of the pool (and I had not done all that many laps) I had a splitting headache and almost blacked out. I am currently undergoing some Cardiac testing to check on a heart murmur that was discovered in my early 20s - so far all is good and am hoping that by getting the all clear this will help with my confidence to get active.

Who is your favourite flying Disney character?

Sooo hard - but I love Dumbo - and we had so much fun on that ride it was DDs favourite.

I went to the doctor yesterday and no infection but I do have fluid in my ears. This is nothing new as I have always had issues with fluid in my ears. I just went to the Minute Clinic (walk in clinic at a pharmacy that us Nurse Practitioners.) and they seemed very concerned about the ringing I have always had. They did a few weird tests and said i need to see and ENT. They did not tell me the outcome of the tests though. So I will make that appointment and see what they say.

The Minute Clinic sounds like a great idea - wish we had those here. Good luck with your follow up with the ENT.

My son will be in secondary school 2019. I found out that all school events as exams part of enrollment are the dates we have booked trip for DisneyWorld for my 40'th birthday and there is absolutely no way we can travel between mid August to the end of the year. My only options were late June and July. Heat rain crowds and more expensive. I was soo disappointed and the flight costs are going up daily. Disney cast members are busy after the weather related issues! After 1 hour calls to schools to collect dates and decide on time, 2 hours looking for flights, 1.5 hours on call with WDW I managed to change our booking. I had to pay 600 more than the original quote, but this is not too bad. We are going on 20th of June, long before my birthday but what can you do!

Sorry you won't get to be there for your Birthday! School gets tricker as they get older with time off during school terms. Good luck with planning your altered trip.

Overall I'm pretty conservative when it comes to daring-do physical type stuff. I think it might be due to a couple mishaps when I was young: at age three I fell thru an opening in a dock at the marina and almost drown and then when I was seven, I sat on a stump at the edge of a hiking trail that turned out to be rotten and it broke away and I tumbled down a steep decline. Those kinds of things tend to lead one towards less dangerous endeavors such as sewing and knitting. I will say for a long time I didn't like and didn't ride roller coasters, but Big Thunder Mountain changed that for me.

Wow you certainly did have a few mishaps as a child - no wonder you are a little wary of being adventurous! Speaking of sewing and knitting is your planned trip to Nashville still on? I know you said you were going to wait to see where Hurricane Irma ended up weather wise.

I need to start driving again, friend was in accident that I was not part of but stayed in the hospital a lot to help after the accident and I have not driven since. It was years ago. I have developed a fear of it and I want to deal with it before Christmas by booking few lessons

Good luck with those lessons and getting back to driving. DS16 is struggling with learning to drive and feeling anxious about it all at the moment - I have told him to get some driving lessons in this school break - as clearly just driving with me is not working completely - this was the driving school car will be smaller and will have the dual controls which may help him get his confidence up a bit more.
Wow you certainly did have a few mishaps as a child - no wonder you are a little wary of being adventurous! Speaking of sewing and knitting is your planned trip to Nashville still on? I know you said you were going to wait to see where Hurricane Irma ended up weather wise.

Yes, still going... I haven't been able to find a current map of where the remnants of Irma are, but the Nashville weather forecast is warm and rain free for the time I'll be there. With the airports opening up today, air traffic should be well on its way to sorting itself out by the time I fly Thursday.


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