This Is Us- Season two

Love Toby. Always have. It was so good to see William again. I wish they kept him around for another season. Love that Randall came around and let Deja's mom call Deja. I liked how they made us hate Deja's mom when she refused to see Deja. Then we saw that she really wasn't being a jerk, she is just in a tough situation. I wonder where they will take this story line.
:goodvibes Yep - go ahead Toby-haters, bring it!! Try to find one single thing he did in last night's episode that wasn't awesome! :thumbsup2
I am by no means a Toby hater, but there have been many times he has done things I don't like. Last night was NOT one of them. He had me in tears!
And yes, seeing William always makes me cry.
Kevin!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I thought Randall was really awful to Deja's mother. The girl is in foster care. He is getting way too attached to her. Yes it is a sad situation but that doesn't give him the right to threaten the mother with taking over custody of her. At least he did let her call her, although I would think she would be allowed to call without his permission.

I did like Toby last night. Last week I couldn't stand him when she wanted to go to yoga class & he didn't want to let her go. Do they have to be together 24/7? Seemed very controlling. An does anyone on this show have any friends? They always just seem to be with family or each other, the only friend is Miguel and he ends up part of the family.

Kevin was so awful to Sophie. She deserves so much better but yet I want them together.
I find it a little amusing that everyone is picking apart the home birth situation, and no one has mentioned the improbability of grandma being allowed in the nursery at the hospital (or the baby even being in the nursery) in 2008. Or maybe I'm wrong about where she was talking to baby Tess.

When my kids were born (1991-1999), they stayed in the room with me the entire time except when they went with their dad for the initial visit for stats/bath. Some babies did go to the nursery when the mother needed rest, but no one was allowed inside the nursery other than hospital staff. The baby could be taken from the nursery only by the parents with a proper hospital bracelet that matched the one on the baby's ankle or the baby was brought to the room by a nurse who checked bracelets. I don't know how NICU worked at the two hospitals that I delivered at, since I didn't need it.

I don't see any improbability with it. My kids were born in 2004/2007 and Grandma would have been allowed in. My youngest was NICU and Grandma was were a ton of other people.

I live in NYC suburbs, everyone has at least 2 cars. My parents only had 1 when I was little, but my mom didn’t know how to drive at first (she grew up in jersey City and her parents never had a car).

We are a family with 1 car...and I know of quite a few others. It works. Public transportation is good around here, so a lot of people rely on that.
I thought Randall was really awful to Deja's mother. The girl is in foster care. He is getting way too attached to her. Yes it is a sad situation but that doesn't give him the right to threaten the mother with taking over custody of her. At least he did let her call her, although I would think she would be allowed to call without his permission.

I did like Toby last night. Last week I couldn't stand him when she wanted to go to yoga class & he didn't want to let her go. Do they have to be together 24/7? Seemed very controlling. An does anyone on this show have any friends? They always just seem to be with family or each other, the only friend is Miguel and he ends up part of the family.

Kevin was so awful to Sophie. She deserves so much better but yet I want them together.

Not unless someone else was paying for the call. You call collect from prison, and it's pretty damn expensive (needless in my opinion, but that's another issue). So, Randall was agreeing to pay for the call. Deja could not do that on her own.
I thought Randall was really awful to Deja's mother...

Kevin was so awful to Sophie. She deserves so much better but yet I want them together.

I kind of understood where Randall's emotions were coming from. He was feeling very protective of Deja, and angry at anyone who hurt her. - I was actually way more mad at how he treated the social worker, who really had no power to make the mother see her child. With the mother, at least some of the decisions that led to Deja's situation probably were her fault (though I understand some were surely due to impossible circumstances!) I do think he listened to her speech, though, about things "breaking his way," and realized that.

And I'm exactly with you on the Kevin/Sophie thing! She does deserve better, but I so want him to be able to give that to her. I love them together in his good moments...if he would only let her bring that out in him!
So glad!!!

I love that Rebecca wrote to him, and that he had the sense to see that he might just be biased by his own experiences, and let someone else review the recommendations.

I'm glad Toby encouraged Kate to have the big wedding. I loved him talking to Jack!

I knew Randall was going to show up at the door right then! - This show does such a good job showing how things make the most unexpected differences in life.

I am so mad at Kevin!! No, it wasn't the right time to propose to Sophie, but he shouldn't have broken up with her either! If he'd just come clean with her, she could help!

Yes, all of this.

And . . .

I especially loved that we saw more of William's story. I wonder if he was hoping to overdose and spare himself a prolonged, painful illness or if he just figured why not do this again since my time is short anyway?

Perhaps Randall and Beth will be the connections that Deja's mother needs in order to embrace a different life. I could see them being an excellent support system for her.

Is Kevin a soulless shell because he hasn't properly dealt with Jack's death, or has he always been that way?

I really loved this episode, but it definitely leaves me wanting more. Good for the show, I suppose, because I will keep watching, but agonizing for me since I can't just binge watch to receive all the answers at once.
Why wasn't Rebecca's name even a thought when Kate and Toby wanted to tell Kevin/Toby's mom about the baby?
She knew Toby's mom wasn't go to be accepting right away and still wanted to call her but never mentioned her mom??
Yes, all of this.

And . . .

Is Kevin a soulless shell because he hasn't properly dealt with Jack's death, or has he always been that way?

I really loved this episode, but it definitely leaves me wanting more. Good for the show, I suppose, because I will keep watching, but agonizing for me since I can't just binge watch to receive all the answers at once.

Kevin has always been self-centered, but there are flashes of compassion in him, like when he paid a kid to hold hands with Kate in the haunted house.

I agree that he doesn't deserve Sophie at this point and time. She had been mean to Kate when they were growing up, but Sophie outgrew that. It isn't too late for Kevin to change. Hopefully Sophie can help him get off the drugs. He wouldn't be the first to clean up his act to win the love of a good woman.
What a great episode. I hate to see Kevin spiraling out of control. I hate that he has broken Sophie's heart for a second time.

The proposal was great. I love to see how much Toby loves Kate - he just wants whatever she wants and I love that about him.

I'm glad they showed some of the story when Randall was a baby. I felt like they had made it seem like they just took Randall home from the hospital and he was theirs. Kind of glorifying how easy adoption is. I'm glad to see the scenes with the Social Worker and going before the judge.

The City Hall Clerk, I thought, stole the show. I just loved him.
Toby still annoys me. Kate already proposed and he said yes. Why did Toby have to propose again? Seems like he has control issues.
Toby still annoys me. Kate already proposed and he said yes. Why did Toby have to propose again? Seems like he has control issues.

I think he felt deep down that she really wanted a wedding. She was sacrificing the wedding to do a quick marriage for Toby. Toby's mom would not approve of Kate being pregnant without being married. Toby knew his mom would be disappointed so Kate offered to go get married so when they told his mom about the baby, they would be a married couple, and not just two people living in sin having a baby out of wedlock.

He knew Kate was "all talk" when she was saying, "oh good, I won't have to go dress shopping," and "It's soooo better this way, think of the money we will save." Toby knows her well enough to know that she was doing this for him and to please his mother. So he proposed so that they could do it the traditional way. Plan a wedding and have family and friends join them etc. Instead of rushing to the court house and doing a quickie wedding to appease his mother. I think they both showed how much they love each other and are wiling to sacrifice their own happiness for the other one.
No, Alice Knight-Buffay ( Frank jr.'s wife) from Friends. She was a home ex teacher, the best teacher ever according to Frank. And Frank was the best student ever, according to Alice.


She is Kitty, and that other person never happened.
Such a great episode. The short scene with the two judges made me sigh. It was too perfect. The writers on the show are incredible.

I thought the same thing. William was there at the same time as Rebecca and Jack, both in court for very different reasons, both with judges who seemed to love their jobs and wanted to the right thing. That scene was amazing.
I don’t know how I feel about last nights episode..I’m still mulling it over.


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