This Is Us- Season two

I wanted to know why Beth doesn't have her own car? If she started having contractions why didn't Rebecca just drive her to the hospital?! This show is SO unrealistic. We keep watching but now call it the longest hour of the week.

Well the baby was coming fast and she didn't want the baby to be delivered in the car maybe, or thinking they have time for Randal to get back or heck we need help call an ambulance.

We really don't know if Beth has a car or not , plus Rebecca just got there maybe she doesn't know where the hospital is.

Could be anything , funny how everything in this show gets picked a part. I know that they want that too to try to solve all the

But there are things too I wonder why they did that , I would have done this...

EDIT>> Went back and watched it , like to watch it twice since I miss things the first time around. Rebecca said the roads were blocked for Halloween. Even Randal had to park on another street and run home.
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So it's been TEN years since Jack died. But on Miguel's Facebook message, he said EIGHT. Which means he was "around" for TWO years after Jack died.

Soooooo, anyone think he and Rebecca hooked up in some fashion after jacks death, she called it off, Miguel moved away, and now they rekindle??
I wanted to know why Beth doesn't have her own car? If she started having contractions why didn't Rebecca just drive her to the hospital?! This show is SO unrealistic. We keep watching but now call it the longest hour of the week.

I didn't know Beth didn't have a car. I must have missed that. They said the roads were closed for Halloween. Rebecca could not drive her because she took a plane to visit and Randall picked her up at the airport.
What else, what else? Oh yeah BOOto the Larson’s telling Randall about Kyle. Butt out!
:scratchin I was adopted as a newborn into a well-known family in a very, very small town. Everybody knew - they really couldn't not know. I remember as a kid several of my friends "spilling the beans" to me, although of course my dear parents had already told me.
I wanted to know why Beth doesn't have her own car? If she started having contractions why didn't Rebecca just drive her to the hospital?! This show is SO unrealistic. We keep watching but now call it the longest hour of the week.

Maybe they only had one car and Randall had it at the hardware store. Why would you assume every couple has 2 cars? :confused:
I wanted to know why Beth doesn't have her own car? If she started having contractions why didn't Rebecca just drive her to the hospital?! This show is SO unrealistic. We keep watching but now call it the longest hour of the week.

As others have said, the roads were blocked for Halloween. I think those who are getting bothered by these types of details though are missing the more important points. Beth was scared that Randall wouldn't be able to handle the birth of their first daughter and her fear grew much worse when she went into labor at home. Fear because of the situation of course, but even more so that Randall would have another break down and wouldn't be there for her. Rebecca insisted that Randall was strong and would come through for Beth, and that's exactly what happened. I thought this and the hardware store scene were both really important in terms of providing more background to the story and in showing character development.
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I find it a little amusing that everyone is picking apart the home birth situation, and no one has mentioned the improbability of grandma being allowed in the nursery at the hospital (or the baby even being in the nursery) in 2008. Or maybe I'm wrong about where she was talking to baby Tess.

I'm willing to let some details go for the sake of story when watching tv and movies, although I'm detail-oriented in the real world, but I know that it really bothers other people. I still love the show, particularly the back stories that give so much depth to the characters. Rebecca still annoys me. I find it difficult to like Kevin most of the time, though he does have his moments. I go back and forth on Kate. I like (but don't love) Miguel. I really like Jack but am not as big a fan as it seems most people are. I like Toby more than I did at the beginning. Randall, Beth, Tess, Annie, and William are my favorites. They all work so well all together. There are a couple of minor details that do bother me, but I just go along with the fantasy. :)
Well I could be wrong.

I just read it as he was talking about his route - yes, but when pushed about just running over to the Larson's - since they were right there hardly off route - well he had his own reason why he didn't want to go. Ie. They had made that comment to him earlier.

And I disagree that Randall would have absolutely said something right away if told earlier. Is it possible that he would have? Absolutely. Good on him, I was not that kind of child. Probably good on his parents if he just brought it all back immediately and not processed it all first.

Also, someone already mentioned that he said they talk too much. I simply thought that was code for "they tell me things" as in they really talk too much.

Listen, I was wrong about another scene last week - so it's not like I'm putting any bets on me! popcorn::

I actually agree with you. Besides his anxiety about changing his route, he had serious dread about going to the Larson's. I think they told him at another time. When Rebecca finally sat down to talk with him, it finally came out. I don't think for a minute that the Larson's could have had that conversation with him on the front porch while handing out candy. They would have had to stand at the door, tell Randall "Hey, you're the miracle child..." and then gone into an explanation of how one triplet was "lost" and he took their place. Just not seeing that happen when he want to the door and Rebecca was waiting for him.
I actually agree with you. Besides his anxiety about changing his route, he had serious dread about going to the Larson's. I think they told him at another time. When Rebecca finally sat down to talk with him, it finally came out. I don't think for a minute that the Larson's could have had that conversation with him on the front porch while handing out candy. They would have had to stand at the door, tell Randall "Hey, you're the miracle child..." and then gone into an explanation of how one triplet was "lost" and he took their place. Just not seeing that happen when he want to the door and Rebecca was waiting for him.

Thanks Christine. :thumbsup2

Exactly what I thought. To the point that I wondered if he made his route to bypass their house.

I'm a FT caregiver. And it is hard enough to even write a coherent sentence or see any typos :drinking1, much less be totally confident of what I am seeing on a tv show these days. :goodvibes

I think my personality was very much like Randall, heck a lot of children are, in the sense where I would try to outsmart facing the truth/vulnerability of a difficult situation.
Maybe they only had one car and Randall had it at the hardware store. Why would you assume every couple has 2 cars? :confused:
I live in NYC suburbs, everyone has at least 2 cars. My parents only had 1 when I was little, but my mom didn’t know how to drive at first (she grew up in jersey City and her parents never had a car).
I find it a little amusing that everyone is picking apart the home birth situation, and no one has mentioned the improbability of grandma being allowed in the nursery at the hospital (or the baby even being in the nursery) in 2008. Or maybe I'm wrong about where she was talking to baby Tess.
. :)
Why would it be so strange for a grandma to be allowed in the nursery? Is that a newer thing? My son was in the NICU for 12 days and regular nursery for 2 more days and my MIL was allowed in there without us.
Why would it be so strange for a grandma to be allowed in the nursery? Is that a newer thing? My son was in the NICU for 12 days and regular nursery for 2 more days and my MIL was allowed in there without us.

When my kids were born (1991-1999), they stayed in the room with me the entire time except when they went with their dad for the initial visit for stats/bath. Some babies did go to the nursery when the mother needed rest, but no one was allowed inside the nursery other than hospital staff. The baby could be taken from the nursery only by the parents with a proper hospital bracelet that matched the one on the baby's ankle or the baby was brought to the room by a nurse who checked bracelets. I don't know how NICU worked at the two hospitals that I delivered at, since I didn't need it.
To me Jack is the heart of the whole show.

I have a hard time getting past his nasty greasy looking hair and his almost forcing his kids to like one another. Not being mean to one another is one thing but forcing closeness is over the top IMO.
Glad the Pearson family was given a new judge!

So glad!!!

I love that Rebecca wrote to him, and that he had the sense to see that he might just be biased by his own experiences, and let someone else review the recommendations.

I'm glad Toby encouraged Kate to have the big wedding. I loved him talking to Jack!

I knew Randall was going to show up at the door right then! - This show does such a good job showing how things make the most unexpected differences in life.

I am so mad at Kevin!! No, it wasn't the right time to propose to Sophie, but he shouldn't have broken up with her either! If he'd just come clean with her, she could help!
I love this show! I LOVE TOBY!!!!!!! For real he is just so awesome...talking to the urn/Jack. He knows Kate so well and that is cool! I don't even think my dh after 25 years knows me that well lol!!! Kevin is going down the toilet but I am sure he will rebound unless he really is a soulless shell of a man. Randall what's not to love about him??!!
I love this show! I LOVE TOBY!!!!!!! For real he is just so awesome...talking to the urn/Jack. He knows Kate so well and that is cool! I don't even think my dh after 25 years knows me that well lol!!! Kevin is going down the toilet but I am sure he will rebound unless he really is a soulless shell of a man. Randall what's not to love about him??!!
:goodvibes Yep - go ahead Toby-haters, bring it!! Try to find one single thing he did in last night's episode that wasn't awesome! :thumbsup2


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