If your not a Facebook person , why ?

I have Facebook and I hate it, but I keep it because of the kids activities—that’s how announcements and such go out. I rarely post anything anymore or even look at anything anymore since fb decided it knows best who I want to see in my feed. Plus no one out there really needs to know what I’m doing.
We have thousands of friends all over the world and Facebook is a great tool for keeping up with people. It's all what YOU make of it. If you think it's all conflict and drama as some people do, that is YOUR making. It really is all in your control.
I did it for about two months. My nephew works for Facebook and talked me into it. Two months was all I could take. I only friended family. I have a huge family and they are on this thing all. the. time. I got tired of the notifications. I’m sure you can turn them off notifications but I’m NOT tech savvy so I just shut it down. Honestly though it just isn’t my thing. I agree with low- key. I’m an off the grid kind of gal.
I don't do FB. Just don't think I'm interested in hearing that some random person I went to elementary school with went out and bought the most adorable shoes today.

And, yes that happens. My sister resisted for years joining FB, then someone talked her into it. She hadn't been signed up 10 minutes when she started getting "OMG, I can't believe you're finally here!" messages. And someone she hadn't been in contact with ever (from high school) was telling her "I'm walking out the door to go get hamburgers now".

Yeah, she lasted about 3 months and then quit.
I don’t do Facebook and even though I don’t have it, I HATE IT! I know this sounds dramatic but I SWEAR to you, this is true.

I can’t have a conversation with my MIL at all without her saying at least once, “ oh! I already know! I saw it on Facebook.”

She will ask me how my week is going. I say great I’m planning to see my sister this weekend.
“ oh! I already know! I saw it on Facebook. I saw Rebecca is planning to host your nephews birthday party for the whole family.”

It makes me furious. I cannot have a single conversation without it coming up.

For my in laws, it’s just gossip. I just miss the days when we could sit and have a real conversation. My FIL even asked me how I’m related to “ John” who was in the hospital. I said I have no idea what you’re talking about. He said “ your sisters daughter posted that so many people had called to ask if John could have visitors that she wAnted to let people know that he could not. So how are you related to John?” I said I’m not related to John. My sister’s daughter is but I am not.

Last week, I was telling my sister that someone whom she doesn’t know but who is someone we do, had died. She said, “ oh! I already know! I saw it on Facebook.”

I agree with most of the above, all the people I care about are close enough to keep in contact without Facebook, and honestly I am not a people person anyway so I really don't care that your kid got a B on his spelling test or what you had for breakfast this morning.
We have thousands of friends all over the world and Facebook is a great tool for keeping up with people. It's all what YOU make of it. If you think it's all conflict and drama as some people do, that is YOUR making. It really is all in your control.

I totally agree, its what YOU make of it, your page can be as open and public or as private as you want it to be.

I have only 40 friends on Facebook, the majority I have met in real life or have been connected to online for around 10 years. I only have a couple of family members and they are rarely on Facebook and I dont have anyone from my neighbourhood or local area, or current work colleagues, or any business contacts.For me its a way of keeping in contact with friends in other countries and timezones. I use Facebook like an online diary so I am very selective about the people I accept as friends. If you are a person who I would share the information with in real life over dinner or if we were flatmates then I will accept the friend request. Any else gets their friend request declined.

I dont see Facebook drama, I dont see the local neighborhood chatter and gossip, I dont get random friend requests from people I went to school with 20 years ago. My Facebook page is not searchable on Google, nor or is my friend list public. I dont use my photo as my profile or cover photo, I have a huge block list of people, both people I know and mutual friends who I dont want to know my business, all my photos and posts are accessible to friends only, I dont comment or post on public pages or groups. I have very limited information in my profile, only what is necessary. The only way to find me is to have a mutual friend or be a member of a private Facebook group I am also a member of.
I don't live close to family so it is nice to see pictures of the kids, but since they are all older teens and adults now I don't really go on to see them. I belong to some local groups so I check on those.
I rarely post anything, the last thing I did was last year. I really don't want or feel the need to share things with people.
I haven't been on it for over a year now and I don't miss it. Too many religious and political nutters out there.
:confused3 What am I missing? I look at DH's page every once in a while and there's nothing near as interesting as that; mostly only Tasty videos, "inspirational" memes and advertisements for local realtors!

I don't do facebook personally anymore. I was an early adopter about 12 years ago but gave it up pretty quickly because I really don't care what former classmates, 3rd cousins and acquaintances I made on vacation are doing. And I actively avoid anything my employees post on social media. So much there I'd rather not know...:eek:

Anybody I do care about I keep up with more directly. And as for posting anything about me or my own life? Never gonna happen.
I have it but haven't posted in a long time. I enjoy being a member of groups for the town I group up in etc for the old pictures. I rarely look at the feed because it's so annoying! Some people seem to post hourly plus the bragging makes me ill. Like no one else has a life, kids or goes on vacations. And the tributes are the worst. "Happy anniversary to my husband --I lovvveee you sooo much!!!!'. Just tell him! And I have unfriended or unfollowed people for posting all of their meals. YUCK. Our neighborhood site I like in case anything happens, but a lot of the moms are super annoying. People post to borrow shoes and clothing or asking for freebies or help "Is anyone available to come put down flooring at my house today? We also need the tools.".


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