Something About Nothing ... #12

Yay for 80 and sunny Carole!! Won't see that here for quite a while, but 14 days until Orlando!!

Mac-I understand about kitty medical bills! never understand why we can't count them as dependents on our tax return!!

Nice snitches Charade! I have zero talent for anything creative!
Just got the news from older DS that he's going to propose to his girlfriend. :cool1:She's moving with him to Miami when he starts school in August.
Love the snitches Charade, what a creative idea although those truffles wouldn't last long at my house

Thanks Tink. B is taking them to school today. It’s the last club meeting of the year and the students are encouraged to bring snacks. We tried to find something simple. I told B to bring home any leftovers although I don’t really expect there to be any.
Nice snitches Charade! I have zero talent for anything creative!
Just got the news from older DS that he's going to propose to his girlfriend. :cool1:She's moving with him to Miami when he starts school in August.

Thanks patty. I can’t take credit for it. I got the idea off an internet search.

Congrats to your son and DIL to be.
Woot and congrats to Patty!

She is soon to have a daughter

I do hope she is a fan of Orlando parks...
Such a great idea for a snack Charade. I'm sure none will be left over.

We had a 82 degree day last Saturday. Glad you are totally enjoying your 80 degree day Schumi. Must be time for some wine.

YaY, Patty will have a DIL. Congratulations to your son and fiancee. And wahoo, for the 14 day countdown.
Now what for dinner. Maybe Patty will send some food for all of us. Pasta for us? Maybe. Salad, as we have some lettuce that needs eating. Lunch was soup, so it's getting to be that hour when wanting chocolate or other nosh.

Day is dragging. So gray out, and the temp is falling.
Thanks guys! So excited for a daughter!!

Yep Mac- She is a Harry Potter lover!! and loves the Universal and Disney parks! She's a keeper!

Lynne-glad to share my lasagna with you guys!! thinking about a cup of soup- minestrone perhaps?
Exciting news Pattyw!

Yeah I get the long hair/wind thing-gusts of 40 MPH yesterday-started warm and got cooler as cold front blew through. Ever have your hair stand straight up when you go to get into car? And have to make sure it's all inside before closing door? Not that I have ever shut hair in door or anything :rotfl2:
Had to close the coop up too last night so ladies stayed warm-also wanted to check to see who was sitting with our hen who was autumn's buddy-turns out Diva chicken got the spot. Interesting observing other living creatures when something happens-Diva (Ellie) is not the one who'd I thought would be comforting her...DD lost it after dinner last night-the hens were all chirping at bottom of stairs wanting treats-obvious one is, in her words' "just gone". Her older sister tried to call her several times but middle didn't feel like talking.

Frost warning last night, warmer today and sunny and 60's tomorrow. Rearranged schedule so I'm off tomorrow-totally forgot that kids don't have school tomorrow (so I guess I can stop making fun of the district robo calls that remind parents of events like these :rolleyes1). Plus it is a friends birthday tomorrow and a bunch of us are surprising her with lunch at local restaurant/brewery. Told DH he may be on call to come take me home if we are starting "happy hour" at noon...but it is Rock n Ribs first night tomorrow night too. Private party for cook teams-we always get to go as we know several teams...

And in the ongoing saga of insurance-just found out that our (only) option on the exchange just added our old network of hospitals back so I do NOT have to change doctors or anything!! Now I don't need a new PCP referral-just waiting on call back for the referral to counselor/psychologist.

Finished with test tray lunch-lunch today was pasta primavera, corn, brussel sprouts, herb biscuit, spice cake and beverage. Couldn't eat it all- I am stuffed! The Cook at this home always seasons the food so well. Lots of happy residents with today's lunch. So back to work:faint: before food coma sets in.
Congratulations family member is lovely!!! Best wishes to both.........

Mac and that is unusual.......don’t think we’re ever warmer than you guys........

MonyK......have a lovely lunch tomorrow!! Sounds fabulous......I’m sure she’ll be delighted........

Just come in from garden........yes mac I did have sunscreen on know me well........but after sun went down we put the outside garden lights on and just chilled out......and I did some trip report and watched how bright Venus is in the sky tonight........

Decided to come in now as it is cooling down a bit.........

Having a Diet Pepsi now.........

Trying to decide whether to go out for the day tomorrow......we were planning to go to a large indoor’s supposed to be nice again........we could just sit in the garden all day.........:sunny: :scratchin
Hello Homies!

Tax season is over and I go back to working only on Thursday next week! :mickeyjum:goofy::donald:

Charade...I love the snitches. I have an idea for Christmas and grandsons. What kind of gold paper? I have 4 grandsons and one princess but all love Harry Potter.


Everyone...I had a post procedure checkup today. I have 50% improvement. I may not need an ECV for my next visit. My problem is worse than I feared but I have chosen not to have spinal fusion surgery at this time. Working with my injections, pain killers and PT.
Congrats to patty's son and to patty on the new family member.

Yay for the end of tax season for agavegirl and good news about the ECV...hope you heal quickly.

I finally got around to cutting the grass today I need a cold beverage and some of patty's lasagna.

Maybe I'll make that box of red lobster cheese biscuits for dinner....
I have 50% improvement. I may not need an ECV for my next visit. My problem is worse than I feared but I have chosen not to have spinal fusion surgery at this time. Working with my injections, pain killers and PT.
Sounds like mostly good news? Hopefully the plan you have going will continue to help you heal quickly!
Does catching up on the DIS equate to a good bedtime story?

Just had to share the one thing that I accomplished today...I booked our flights for our September trip :yay::woohoo:

I finally found a time and price we could live with so I got on my phone and realized that I could only book on SW full site since I was paying with a gift took awhile since I was on my phone but I got it done:cool1:

Now they just need to release the ROF tickets for HHN and we'll be all set.

Mac...I did get a few loads of laundry done but not much else...was going to cut the grass but thought better of it.

No idea the app wouldn’t take a GC. Congrats on snagging a great rate!

Everything crossed they continue with the current tix structure.

Morning. Somber morning as our hen died last night. She was our middle kids pet and she is taking it hard- been struggling this year already- have a referral to see a psychologist in a few weeks (long story why couldn't be earlier -yay to messed up gov run websites when you buy insurance on the marketplace /sarcasm off now).

Hope the wedding dress can be sold TinyD.
And hope those ailing with stones (kidney and gall) get those buggers out painlessly!

Hope you feel better Schumi. Our weird extremes in weather has most of us sniffling, no fevers thankfully.

Mac- I've had unproductive days like that. Sometimes it's nice to chill, but frustrating when you look back lol.

Yay to flights being booked. DH and I booked our return flights for may (when we go to drop DD off for second program)- on Allegiant. Week before the news on them came out. But it's the only direct flight into our town (without having to drive 2-4 hours). And other flights on major carrier would cost 3 x as much and take 3-4x as long. We've never had issues (knock wood).

And tea- my oldest loves loves tea. Has quite a collection and has her favorites from various tea houses in different states. She found one by her college in Arkansas that she will bring a book on nice days and just chill for a couple hours and drink a pot or two of tea!

At least we don't have snow in forecast this week?

RIP sweet Autumn

So sorry to read. Hope your middle bounds back quickly.

Slow morning at work today. It’s amazing how having one therapist on vacation changes the whole dynamic of the office.

Agavegirl - I hadn’t heard about the IRS crash. I’m thankful we had our taxes submitted weeks ago.

Macraven - Yes, kidney stones. It’s what sent me to the hospital last Sunday. This one hasn’t been as bad as the last time. The last one involved infections, stints, and a couple of overnight stays in the hospital.

Schumi - Hope you are better today.

Lynne - No pain since I left the hospital.

MonyK - I am so sorry to hear about the hen. Hugs to your daughter.
Sadly, getting in to see a psychologist or therapist can be difficult even when you have standard insurance. My boss is usually completely booked at least 3-4 months out.

Almost time to go see the doctor.

Ouch, sounds miserable.

Tree house
( sorry autocorrect driving me nuts and trying to edit on the iPhone is frustrating so you are treehouse when I post from the phone)

The only way I can get to bed by midnight is by taking ambien or melatonin
If I don’t then I fall asleep maybe 2:30-3:00 am

But still up early as the cats scream until they are fed

Since Mr Mac no longer works, he has managed to stay up to 11:30 some nights
But lately he watches the 10:00 news on one channel if he wants an earlier night
The later news is an nbc network and better
Other one is a local station and just okay

We lived in cst all our lives until
We moved to GA which is est

Have to say the weather here suits us
No snow and that’s all it took for us to decide to move south

Treehouse works for me too, no autocorrect

Let it be said lol Treehouse

Good morning all!! Well, this morning is cold and 33- but the weatherman has promised us that once we get through today, we can throw the snow shovels away! (for a little while) We will get 5 straight days of sun and temps in the 50s and 60s. Spring hasn't forgotten about us after all!!

I think we're going out for lasagna later. We have a local Italian restaurant that has specials each day-very inexpensive but VERY GOOD!! Today is $6.99 lasagna day- HUGE portion! Have to not eat a lot until then!!

Mac- I'm with you! can't they make cat food cans that the cats can open?? We are blessed in that ours don't wake us up in the morning! They even let us sleep in on the weekends!! We do leave dry food out so their tummies are never that empty!! They do form a line outside of our bedroom door in the morning!

I see lasagna, i think Garfield. The old cartoon, not the awful 3-D thing i see on tube lately

Hello Homies!

Tax season is over and I go back to working only on Thursday next week! :mickeyjum:goofy::donald:

Charade...I love the snitches. I have an idea for Christmas and grandsons. What kind of gold paper? I have 4 grandsons and one princess but all love Harry Potter.


Everyone...I had a post procedure checkup today. I have 50% improvement. I may not need an ECV for my next visit. My problem is worse than I feared but I have chosen not to have spinal fusion surgery at this time. Working with my injections, pain killers and PT.

Halfway there is a good thing. Surgery can always be revisited, PT takes time and works in conjunction with your other therapies. Good wishes sent your way!
Keisha, I agree.....treehouse works for me

I have to do an earlier bedtime tonight.
BlueR has a pre lab appointment at 8:30 tomorrow morning
Have to get up at 6:30 and give her a pill so she will be "calm" and "cooperative for the scan and blood draw.

Her surgery is two weeks from now and pre op work has been set up in advance.

Another dental surgery...
I tell you, it's like making payments on college tuition......
Keisha, I agree.....treehouse works for me

I have to do an earlier bedtime tonight.
BlueR has a pre lab appointment at 8:30 tomorrow morning
Have to get up at 6:30 and give her a pill so she will be "calm" and "cooperative for the scan and blood draw.

Her surgery is two weeks from now and pre op work has been set up in advance.

Another dental surgery...
I tell you, it's like making payments on college tuition......

Poor baby’s been thru the winger. Good kitty indeed.
Agavegirl, hope you get relief from your back pain soon. Glad that you get some time off, well deserved.

Hope kitty Blue has quick surgery and her mouth not sore.

Instead of news, DH got hold of the remote and some old western he found is on, though he is watching with his eyes closed. Eh, may be bed for me. If he sees me turning off the light, he will follow. Think the kids need a lights out holler.

Sweet dreams homies! Bundle up, we get the lovely below freezing temp to greet my Friday morning commute.
Lynne, you are becoming a semi night owl.
Welcome to the club....

Second thought, she's probably out cold now and catching zzzz's..

Kitty BlueR has gum and teeth issues since she was 6 months old.
Her appointment tomorrow is the pre lab testing.
The cat surgeon we use requires BlueR to have the tests each time before surgery...just to make sure she will not have any issues with anesthetic.

The surgery is early May but pretests are done 14 days or less out

The cat has an appetite so no matter how bad the gum disease is, she still woofs down the food.

Thank you for the kind thoughts for my kitty.
I appreciate it.

Not that many peeps I know are cat people and its nice to have peeps here i can whine to when my kitties are going back for more surgery.

I know I am missing shout outs to others here
I need to make cliff notes in order to keep up with what is happening with whom
In case you wonder about my cats names, I'll tell you.
Just ignore me if this is wearing on you.....

Luna was named by one of my sons
I'll give you three guesses why he picked that name and your first two guesses don't count.

BlueR is half russian blue.
The mom got out of the house and had a "party" before the owners got her back in the house.
That mom cat was only gone for 30 minutes and the owners were fit to be tied when they found out she was pregnant.
She was mated before with another russian blue for her past liter.

Could not think of a fitting name so one of my kids said lets call her Russian B.
It didn't roll off my tongue very well so I suggested we reverse the name to Blue Russian.
After a month of having her, nickname of bluer started.....

Got to tell you it was a lot easier naming kids than it was for naming cats.
Hello Homies!

Tax season is over and I go back to working only on Thursday next week! :mickeyjum:goofy::donald:

Charade...I love the snitches. I have an idea for Christmas and grandsons. What kind of gold paper? I have 4 grandsons and one princess but all love Harry Potter.


Everyone...I had a post procedure checkup today. I have 50% improvement. I may not need an ECV for my next visit. My problem is worse than I feared but I have chosen not to have spinal fusion surgery at this time. Working with my injections, pain killers and PT.

Best wishes for your medical issues........and a big woohoo for a one day work week.......:)


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