Canadian Buffoon's DISmeet vacation - 09/14 - Bowled Over

Catching up after a few weeks. work getting busy!

Can you imagine sleeping with
a flippin' bomb by your head??

Can you imagine how many times they stubbed their toes on that thing?

Shots from the interior:
I found it amazing that men would live
for months in these claustrophobic conditions.

there is no way I would do this. I don't even like riding the nemo submarine at disneyland.

The first thing I saw was a mission-flown
Mercury space capsule.

if you thought the submarine was tiny -- imagine sitting in THAT thing for however long they had to.

The other thing that caught my eye
was that you can order from your car
and have it brought out to you
on a tray they hang on your window.

like this?

Poor Marvin's in a pickle, isn't he?

Did you see it in this chapter?

I'd say it'd be impossible to miss.
("I'm stealing your fish!" I yelled.
They promptly beat the carp out of me.)


I picked up my pace as the sound
of a banjo beginning to play
reverberated in the air.


Did you see it in this chapter?

graffiti from a Canadian? So unexpected.
I had no time to react.

Directly in front of me,
sitting dead center in my lane

those instances are so scary! And that situation you described is the one I try to avoid at all cost for that reason or the other one in which the 18 wheeler doesn't see you and runs you off the road. When I was younger, I got in a similar situation and ended up hitting a rather large tire remnant that had shredded off. Fortunately, it wasn't the entire tire, but it was large enough that I could feel it underneath the car (and I had a brand new mustang) :headache:

But... fair warning...
Do not be offended if you ask
and the answer is "No".
Some things I just can't do.

I'm not available for a meet and greet -- BUT -- it looks like you'll be driving close to or possibly through Midland, Michigan. I lived there for a couple years, and they have an amazing garden that I am positive you will really enjoy. Not sure if it'll be a good time/weather while you'll be driving through (it's best in the summer)...but you might want to at least do some quick research.



There's also a very nice minor league stadium near the downtown.
I'm not exactly sure, but definitely something a little more exotic? That one seemed a little too neat and tidy for a Japanese Garden.

And I found this one to be
a little less tidy and neat
than what I think of when
I think of a Japanese garden.


Beautiful shot! I enjoyed all of the flower photos in this update.

Thank you! :goodvibes

Now this one is more what I pictured for a Japanese Garden.

Ah! Now I know more
what your tastes are.

Definitely a must do!


Looks very good! But I am a little disappointed with the Pittsburgher. It's missing a key ingredient, the coleslaw..... Primanti Bros.

So the cole slaw and the fries
are inside the sandwich.
Not sure how I feel about
the fries part.

Only one way to find out!!!

Yikes! :crazy2: But I really am curious to know what the Exit Wound flavor is.

Apparently... it's even hotter!

:scared1: Wow! Scary.

It wasn't the best part
of my trip.

Oh thank goodness, that would have made a bad situation much worse.

Yes. There were a few
silver linings there.
I wasn't hurt.
No animal was hurt.
The care (mostly) wasn't hurt.

Grrr, I read through every word on the restaurant menu and the ice cream list and yet I still missed this the first time through. I'm just going to chalk it up to being enthralled by your writing and beautiful pictures.


I would absolutely love to do a DIS meet if you have time. Of course I totally understand if you don't have the time for it. Also, I'm headed back to Disney this fall so there's a chance I may not even be in town when you are here.

I'll PM you with some details. :)
Huh? What'dja say?

Dude. Listen.
I have to write this stuff.
Do you really expect me
to read it too??????


They are beautiful. I like the idea of seeing infinite variations on the theme.


Ok. If someone told me that, I'd buy it.

And I did!
For years!


This is like the way we decorate our house. Someone asked what our style was and we said, "Stuff we like."

Well, at the core of it,
don't we all?

Interesting. Now that I did not know.

I run an educational ship here, mister.

Frequently run it aground...
but I do run it.

The kids may or may not have enjoyed the big one we found at the Buddhist Temple in Hawaii we visited.

Love the big ones.

um... er...

Bells.... I'm talking about Bells,
not Belles!

Well, sure. I mean, how hard could that be?


Well, now you have to go.

The lure of good ice cream is strong.

Dude! :scared1: :faint:

Does the ice cream cure cancer?

I think... yes?

With a name like that, I'd probably add the extra 1,700 miles too.

And... it'd be worth it.

Looks like my kinda place.

I really did think of you
when I was there.

Not for long...
but I did.

Yeah, I try not to yak in front of somebody unless I know them really well. It can be embarrassing.

But I had to make room
for the burger!

High praise! Annie and Joe know their stuff, apparently.


Last I checked, Disney World is not in North Carolina. Aren't you closer to where Deliverance took place?

That was in the "Kett" chapter.

I'm not THAT cruel. Sheesh.

Are you sure???

We have one of those at an ice cream place around here, too. I don't know what would possess anyone to try it.

I want to enjoy my ice cream,
thank you very much.

That sounds really good!

And it really was!
They know what they're doing there.

You get your photo on the wall!

Along with a sign that says, "Do Not Serve This Man."


Wow! This can only mean that Annie and Joe must be pretty awesome.

Yes. Yes they are.

Well, as long as it was a nice, easy stretch.

Oh, Lord.
I haven't written that yet.

It was anything but.

Good idea! Then you can take a nap.

I always do.

Yikes! I'm glad it wasn't something more solid!

Me too.
Don't know if I could've
swerved even with knowing that.

This is not sounding pleasant.


::yes:: Not sure why that place would want to advertise that fact.

Because they know I bring in the chicks.

Yeah... that's it.... Right?

A decent chunk, but could be fun with interesting stops along the way.

Not sure if I'll have time
for too many sights.

:scared1: There must be a lot of ice cream down that way.

Well, Sunni Sky's is in that direction...

Wait...what??? Why would you want to do that? Do I need to remind you of our state motto?

Because I have a very good friend
who lives there.

I'll PM you some details. :)

No worries. You were already on the receiving end of that when I couldn't make Winnipeg work. And I was really hoping you weren't offended at that point. You can't do everything.

If you can't fit it in, I'll completely understand. If you can, we'll try and take good care of you.

Sounds good. PM coming soon. :)
Man! You have really been updating like a crazy man.

Yep. I needed to get that last one
out before much longer
so I can start planning
my next trip. :)

At least the previous one was short and sweet.

And the next one...
not so much.

Boy you drove a long long way that day.

It's what I do. :)

And yes I did see it.


How did you get the spray paint can cage opened for a guy like you? :confused3

Oh, that's easy.
I just asked a teen to get it for me.
I gave him a couple bucks
for his trouble.

I'll have to come back and read the latest one.

Standing by. :)
Thanks for the absolution.


I haven't learned that yet.

It ain't easy!

I've actually seen this one a few times.


I learned a lot. I have a feeling they added to the movie to make it more interesting to movie goers.

Oh, I'm sure.
But probably still not as
good as the book.

They never are.

I was thinking more about the big kids that can't keep their hands to themselves.

Them too.
Keep off my lawn!

But I really like the combination of hot and cold.

I much prefer my pie
without ice cream.
Which is weird.
You'd think two of my favourite
things I'd want together.

I guess you'll never make down here to meet us. :sad1:

Never say never.
And... we could meet someday
in a certain theme park
we both like. :goodvibes
Looking at your map, it looks like you *might* be going by Rockford, Illinois? I think I told you about the Japanese garden there - Definitely worth a visit if you can swing it.

I'm not really sure at this point
just what I'll have time to see.
But I've put it in my trip notes. :)

So sorry to hear about your DisDad friend.

Thanks, Irene.

And, yikes about the dog crate!

It was not a good feeling!

120 ice cream flavors...I'm guessing the line moves slowly because no one can make up their mind!

Actually... no!
We got our ice cream fairly quickly.
The hold up was our own
in deciding on what we wanted. :)
Catching up after a few weeks. work getting busy!

Time to get a less intrusive job.

I wonder if you can get work
as an official DIS TR reader???

Can you imagine how many times they stubbed their toes on that thing?

I thought the same thing!
Explosion? Who cares!
My toe!

there is no way I would do this. I don't even like riding the nemo submarine at disneyland.

Been on that.
Been on a real one too
(In Hawaii.)
Loved it.

if you thought the submarine was tiny -- imagine sitting in THAT thing for however long they had to.

I'd be on that in a heartbeat.
Just let me at it!

like this?

Shoot. I'm at work
(see above comment)
so I can't see it.
I'll check when I get home.

I'd say it'd be impossible to miss.

I even alluded to it!
those instances are so scary! And that situation you described is the one I try to avoid at all cost for that reason or the other one in which the 18 wheeler doesn't see you and runs you off the road. When I was younger, I got in a similar situation and ended up hitting a rather large tire remnant that had shredded off. Fortunately, it wasn't the entire tire, but it was large enough that I could feel it underneath the car (and I had a brand new mustang) :headache:

Never a good feeling, is it?
And... brand new car...

I'm not available for a meet and greet

Well, poop.

BUT -- it looks like you'll be driving close to or possibly through Midland, Michigan. I lived there for a couple years, and they have an amazing garden that I am positive you will really enjoy. Not sure if it'll be a good time/weather while you'll be driving through (it's best in the summer)...but you might want to at least do some quick research.

Thanks for that!
I'm not sure....
but I just might
be able to squeeze that in.
I've made a note.

There's also a very nice minor league stadium near the downtown.

Not really a baseball fan,
so will probably pass on this one.
But thanks for thinking of me. :)
Folks, I think I'm all caught up here.
If I've missed you, it's my fault.
I'm just in need of a little nudge
(or a kick in the pants)
and I'll get right to you.
Thanks for that!
I'm not sure....
but I just might
be able to squeeze that in.
I've made a note.

Not sure what your plans are for where you are staying...but, if you do decide to hit up the dow gardens and you need to sleep nearby, there is a very nice hotel in downtown midland called the "H" hotel. There's a pizza place right across the street that has the best cheesy bread (pizzas are also good).

If none of that interests you or you don't have time to stop very long, there are a decent amount of quick service/fast casual restaurants now on the north side of town just off the freeway (highway 10). So if you are in the area around lunch/dinner time -- it wouldn't be a bad place to stop. It will be nicer than any of the nearby towns (bay city/Saginaw).
I was looking forward to
a nice relaxing sashay
in a very zen environment.

Then you were doing it all wrong. ;)

Read up through page 52 tonight, but it's 11:20 and I have to be up for work in too few hours.

The Japanese Garden does look very inviting in all seriousness. I am curious how it compares to the one we have here in the Portland area. I hear it's a very good one.

LOL! Kett.


You may as well have been on another planet.
The Arboretum houses several
garden types, including...

A Japanese garden.

Figures. Looks like a nice garden and I lived the macro photos if the flowers.

I went from 1,600 miles
to 1,700 miles....
to 3,400 miles.

:eek: whoa! That's a lot of driving!

Annie ( @SoccerDogWithEars )
had suggested we meet at
Bad Daddy's Burger Bar.
With a name like that,
I wasn't going to say no!

That looks like a place I would love to try someday, but I don't see myself traveling through NC anytime in the near future.

I ordered a "create your own"
burger with a side of cole slaw.

After reading all of the descriptions, this is what I would have ended up with, but my side would have been either tots or onion rings.

Sunni Sky's is just a little place,
with only a small
handful of spots to sit inside
and eat amazingly good ice cream.

Sounds lovely! :goodvibes

I was warned about
(and slightly dared to try)
the "Cold Sweat" ice cream.

No thank you. I don't even do jalapenos.

I demurred and chose
a much more pedestrian
double scoop of
Apple Pie and Peach Cobbler.

That sounds....better!

I have to admit that in the split
second before I struck, I had
thought that the crate was empty.
Now I was fairly certain.

Whew! That would have really changed the tone of the entire trip.

Did you see it in this chapter?

Yes I did and now instead of spray paint you've taken to hacking digital billboards!

If you're interested in me popping by
and saying hello, let me know.

Well since you're going so far south to include Atlanta, perhaps you could just swing over to Cali! :rolleyes1
Not sure what your plans are for where you are staying...but, if you do decide to hit up the dow gardens and you need to sleep nearby, there is a very nice hotel in downtown midland called the "H" hotel. There's a pizza place right across the street that has the best cheesy bread (pizzas are also good).

Pretty sure that'll be in the
middle of the day,
so won't be staying.

If none of that interests you or you don't have time to stop very long, there are a decent amount of quick service/fast casual restaurants now on the north side of town just off the freeway (highway 10). So if you are in the area around lunch/dinner time -- it wouldn't be a bad place to stop. It will be nicer than any of the nearby towns (bay city/Saginaw).

Okay got it.
Thanks for the tip!
(made a note in my
planning doc.)
Then you were doing it all wrong. ;)


Read up through page 52 tonight, but it's 11:20 and I have to be up for work in too few hours.

Get cracking, sister!
I want this TR read from
beginning to end
by midnight tonight!

Okay, I'm kidding.
I totally get that life
gets in the way.
I'm just glad you
found some time at all
to drop in for a visit. :hug:

The Japanese Garden does look very inviting in all seriousness. I am curious how it compares to the one we have here in the Portland area. I hear it's a very good one.

I can quite easily state
that the Portland Japanese garden
is far superior, having just been. ;)

Didn't know that, didja!

LOL! Kett.


You may as well have been on another planet.

Yep. I grew a little concerned
when that banjo started up.
Figures. Looks like a nice garden and I lived the macro photos if the flowers.

Thanks, Alison! :goodvibes

:eek: whoa! That's a lot of driving!

This is what audiobooks were created for.

That looks like a place I would love to try someday, but I don't see myself traveling through NC anytime in the near future.

Well, you have been to Colorado.
They have them there, too.

After reading all of the descriptions, this is what I would have ended up with, but my side would have been either tots or onion rings.

I was tempted by the rings
(But not the tots. Not my thing.)
but wanted to try the slaw.
I love a good slaw.

Sounds lovely! :goodvibes

It is!
I wanna go back.
Probably will. :)

No thank you. I don't even do jalapenos.

Then definitely not for you.

That sounds....better!

It was really good!

Whew! That would have really changed the tone of the entire trip.

Yeah. Completely.
Would've spent the next while
feeling sad and guilty and worried.

Yes I did and now instead of spray paint you've taken to hacking digital billboards!

Everyone needs a hobby.

Well since you're going so far south to include Atlanta, perhaps you could just swing over to Cali! :rolleyes1

:laughing: You said I had until
the end of January!

(Seriously, though...
I'm kinda doubting
that will happen.
But... you never know.)
But as plans changed
and others chimed in,
it morphed to something like this:


And finally, to this:


But even that isn't a sure thing.

If you're interested in me popping by
and saying hello, let me know.

But please ask, if you wish.

To bad your not still coming through Ohio. Would love to say hello. Depending on when in fall you are doing this... I have a season Pass to Cedar Point and on the initial modified path, you were going right by there. Halloweekends can be pretty fun there. Would have loved to meet up on an evening to do a haunted path or two. =)


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