The ABC's of Sauntering Through WDW- J is for: Just Like That, It's Judiciously Ended! (4/23)


Do young people today even have a clue what a microfiche is? I guess they still exist for old documents and such. But with more and more stuff being online, who needs them anymore?

I would think it pretty unlikely they did! Like how to use a rotary phone or know what a "tape deck" is.

But, as you say, most folks are relying on the web to access information these days.
Just checking in after my return from our Happy Place!

Welcome back! :)

Ditto...I enjoyed our trip, but it was a lot of running around trying to tick off all the "must do" items.

And with that many people there are always more of them. I'd love to read about what you DID tick off!

I would really like to do this someday, but slowing down would have to wait for a solo trip or at least one without kids in tow. Although I am far from a photographer, I did make a conscious effort to attempt a few creative photos this last trip. I don't think I pulled it off, but I tried.

Solo trips are the BEST! Believe it or not, in the "slowing down" you actually can do more.

Well, I for one, DO hope you can do a TR. I'd love to see your photos and hear about your experiences there.

What a great idea! I did have a spreadsheet, of course, on my trip, but it was just printed on paper. After day 3 or 4 it became a crumpled mess in the bottom of the bag and I didn't refer to it that often. I did keep some notes on my phone for a 'potential' trip report. You'll have to wait and see if that comes to pass...

Thanks! Maybe it'll help someone else be organized and be useful. I've done the paper ones in the past and it doesn't take too long for them to be trashed. Like I said... I do hope you start one. A link would be helpful here. :)
Catching up after a weeks vacation - sadly not Disney, but in Maine. I am loving the photo countdown of the day. Your photos are gorgeous.
Love your photos, except yesterdays that is not showing.

Try now! :) I uploaded to Smug and it's there now.

Catching up after a weeks vacation - sadly not Disney, but in Maine. I am loving the photo countdown of the day. Your photos are gorgeous.

Well, hey there!! Hey, vacation's vacation. No, not Disney, but I'm sure you had a good time... ?? Yes??

Thanks!! :) I sure have fun taking them!

I think your picture is broken

Try now, Tammie. I tried a different way. ;)
Three new pictures at once!!

Have a great day at the zoo! I have to catch up on work during the weekend. Not the most magical thing to do...
What is everyone else doing this weekend??

Boy you’re posting some nice pics! :worship:

Your weekend sounds great. It’s a long weekend here so most are going for one last weekend at the lake/cottage.

Me? I’ll be working every day. So not quite as fun as yours. :laughing:
I've been enjoying checking in and seeing your daily photos. :goodvibes

A symphony at the zoo sounds really fun; hope you have a great time!

Knocked out my last long run before my race this morning. Tomorrow going with friends to a wine festival at one of my favorite villages. :drinking1 And then Monday, Alex and I are celebrating our 7th Anniversary in Luxembourg. A pretty fun weekend before I send the oldest off to his first day of kindergarten on Tuesday. :goodvibes
I can't believe I haven't commented here yet. Maybe I have, and I just didn't remember it. But either way, I'm here, and I'm following along now!

And, because I'm going to spend the day at the Zoo and seeing the Oregon Symphony at the Zoo all day tomorrow, I'm going to post tomorrow's Countdown Photo of the Day as well.

Sounds wonderful!

What is everyone else doing this weekend??

Nathan and I worked at a comic convention in Toronto this weekend, so I'm just waiting to fly home since I start school on Tuesday, while he's driving home and meeting me back on the east coast in a couple of days. It was a crazy weekend, and a bit stressful, but nice to get one more work weekend in together before I get back into the school groove and we have to spend more long-distance time apart.
I like the brain sheets! I made something similar once minus the color coding and laminating. Sat in my suitcase the whole trip :sad2:

I will say nothing about your new fanny pack.......except that I constantly tease my sister about the fact that she once wore a fanny pack when we were teenagers :rolleyes1 :D
E is for: EPCOT-Style Gastric Stretching

Ahh, another weekend before a long week. But a long weekend, no?! WOOT! I hope each of you are finding yourselves enjoying the last official bit of summer! :D

Time for another Pre-Trip update and this one happens to be all about FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! Who doesn't love food?

I thought not.

This will be my fourth Food and Wine during the last 10 years and, my how it's changed in a decade! Sooooo many more booths and options and fun! This year, I'm going to hit it up twice to make sure I'm twice the little piggy. OinkySteppe, at your service. Last year, I packed it away pretty well and aim to do twice the damage this time. Sure, it may be to my waistline, but hey, it's EPCOT's Food and Wine. I'll walk it off, right?

I've had a few things that were disgusting enough that I will never waste another drop of pancreatic enzyme. The croissant with escargot in France should have been served in an emesis bag. On the other hand, I've been pretty wowed by a quite a few delectable items along the way. The Moroccan Hummus Fries, the Loaded Mac n Cheese, and the Irish Pudding thingy were pretty freaking delicious. I see that Scotland isn't there anymore, which makes me sad because I really enjoyed the Tipsy Laird Cake. It liked me too.

Anyway, suffice to say that the Disney Food Blog has been a saved tab for a while now and I've looked at this year's menu a fair amount. Sure, Disney stalled in putting it out, but I have drooled over the menus and chosen a goodly lot of top picks for this year. Some are repeats, some are brand new. Yes, it amounts to about a zillion bucks, but since I'm not Drinking Around the World, I should have plenty of money, right? :rolleyes2

So, without any further nonsense of uninteresting commentary, here is this year's research and top picks. (See the little check boxes?)

That's 12; 12 little beauties to snag. Can she do it? Is EPCOT Food and Wine Festival gastric stretching a real thing?

Stay tuned for the exciting adventures of Steppe Goes Berserk at EPCOT: 2018...
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