Red Tide at Disney's Vero Beach?

We spend a lot of our time in Sebastian, so we're prepared to kick back and relax in some of our favorite dining/sipping spots and hit some of our favorite shops. We had the pleasure of being at the VBR during an especially bad love bug season, so we learned how to make the best of not being outside. I hope for the sake of the marine life, businesses and residents that this passes quickly. As you have pointed out, for visitors it is inconvenient and a short-term health concern, but it's much more serious for those living and working in the area. Glad it is finally eased up on the Gulf Coast. My brother, who lives in St. Pete, said it was bad.
We spend a lot of our time in Sebastian, so we're prepared to kick back and relax in some of our favorite dining/sipping spots and hit some of our favorite shops. We had the pleasure of being at the VBR during an especially bad love bug season, so we learned how to make the best of not being outside. I hope for the sake of the marine life, businesses and residents that this passes quickly. As you have pointed out, for visitors it is inconvenient and a short-term health concern, but it's much more serious for those living and working in the area. Glad it is finally eased up on the Gulf Coast. My brother, who lives in St. Pete, said it was bad.
Love bugs are nothing at all like red tide. Nothing.
Deb & Bill , you seem to be taking my posts really personally. If I somehow offended you, I apologize. And if you are implying that I'm ignorant for not calling off our trip, so be it. We've arranged for the flights and the time off. My brother has already arranged his time off and his flights to travel to our state to be with my elderly parents while we are gone for a week. Changing our plans isn't happening, so we'll make the best of it, as we always do when things don't go as perfectly as we hoped. We've always managed to find meaning in our time off just being together. If the red tide is still there, we'll handle it, just as we have two hurricanes, cancelled flights and all the stuff that comes with travel. I was never trying to be an expert on Florida marine conditions. I gladly leave that in your capable hands. Peace.
Deb & Bill , you seem to be taking my posts really personally. If I somehow offended you, I apologize. And if you are implying that I'm ignorant for not calling off our trip, so be it. We've arranged for the flights and the time off. My brother has already arranged his time off and his flights to travel to our state to be with my elderly parents while we are gone for a week. Changing our plans isn't happening, so we'll make the best of it, as we always do when things don't go as perfectly as we hoped. We've always managed to find meaning in our time off just being together. If the red tide is still there, we'll handle it, just as we have two hurricanes, cancelled flights and all the stuff that comes with travel. I was never trying to be an expert on Florida marine conditions. I gladly leave that in your capable hands. Peace.
No, just trying to make sure people are aware that love bugs are just a nuisance and red tide can cause health problems and have caused serious economic problems in Florida. You are free to travel when and where you want. Hope your trip is all you expect it to be.
No, just trying to make sure people are aware that love bugs are just a nuisance and red tide can cause health problems and have caused serious economic problems in Florida. You are free to travel when and where you want. Hope your trip is all you expect it to be.

I'm going to take the high road here and act as if that was not a back-handed "hope your trip is miserable 'cause that's what you deserve" and instead say thank you. It's very stressful worrying about the health and safety of my parents, so it's a much-appreciated respite when my brother takes over for a bit and we can get away.
I'm going to take the high road here and act as if that was not a back-handed "hope your trip is miserable 'cause that's what you deserve" and instead say thank you. It's very stressful worrying about the health and safety of my parents, so it's a much-appreciated respite when my brother takes over for a bit and we can get away.
Really??? High road? Okay.
Really??? High road? Okay.

Yes. I first read it as a subtle slam, but tone can be misinterpreted on the Interwebs. So I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and take it that you were sincerely wishing that I am able to make the best of whatever situation we encounter and have the nice break we have been looking forward to.
Heading to Vero Beach on Nov 14th. I’m guessing things will be cleared up by then. Hopefully this post can stay on track to let us visiting know the most current conditions...
Heading to Vero Beach on Nov 14th. I’m guessing things will be cleared up by then. Hopefully this post can stay on track to let us visiting know the most current conditions...

I hope it is cleared by the time you go, Kathy K! It is such a wonderful resort and beautiful area! It holds a special place in my heart.
My parents live in Vero on the beach one minute from the Disney resort and my Dad said the red tide is terrible there. He said the smell is terrible and he coughs when he goes outside. There are dead fish on the beach. The extended family was planning on going there for Thanksgiving and we actually are not even going to risk it November and will go somewhere else.

I don’t think your family will have an enjoyable time if you are going for the beach. I think you’ll be really disappointed. I actually made an account just to respond to you because I came across this post after searching for articles about the red tide after talking to my parents about how bad it is.

Hope this helps!
Thanks for your reply!!! This is just really terrible. We love VB. Who would of thought a red tide invasion? Usually it’s the weather one worries about in October. Just so sad.....
Thanks for your reply!!! This is just really terrible. We love VB. Who would of thought a red tide invasion? Usually it’s the weather one worries about in October. Just so sad.....

I agree! On all points. :cutie: I love Vero Beach too! It's usually the gulf side of FL that has red tide issues. So unusual to have it as far north as it is on the east coast. Praying it goes away soon!
Yes. I first read it as a subtle slam, but tone can be misinterpreted on the Interwebs. So I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and take it that you were sincerely wishing that I am able to make the best of whatever situation we encounter and have the nice break we have been looking forward to.
Well, bless your little heart.
Just got a video link from Sebastian Daily. There have been dead fish washing up on the shores of the Indian River Lagoon, but the locals don't believe they are from the Lagoon itself, but from the previous fish kill off the Atlantic Shore. It has been business as usual with Lagoon activities -- boating, fishing, etc. Tourists are enjoying those types of outdoor activities and have not mentioned having any respiratory issues.

I realize this will not be of help to those who plan to spend all of their time at VBR, but ifanyone enjoys the Lagoon and Sebastian like we do, it is a welcome bit of news.


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