Don't We Need More Ice Cream? - A F&G Trip Report - The End. Period. Paragraph. 1/27

Not yet, we had to take him back yesterday and get him a cone. He was tearing up the wound even worse. He hates it but we are giving him extra treats, hand fed, and he's sleeping. A LOT.

Awww, poor thing.

I don't like solid yolks. Runny yolks are fine, so my eggs need to be scrambled or over easy. Otherwise I take the yolk out.

Or have Bennies. :)

Actually my Chiropractor doesn't crack bones at all. There are all kinds of techniques and schools of chiropractic and I've had three different philosophies, and this one seems to be the most efficient.


Actually I'm working with the Civil war reenactor's philosophy of shoes (which I'm assuming you wouldn't know about as Canada didn't have a Civil War, as far as I know, not a Canadian History buff.) Which is shoes are just shoes. You put one one each foot, and if you put the same one on the same foot each day it will eventually form to fit that foot. In camp soldiers would pile their shoes up at night and when dressing in the morning would grab some shoes and put them on, which is where the saying, " If the shoe fits, wear it." came from.

I did know that about shoes. About no particular left/right. (But not that the saying is from there.)
Not sure if it applies to your new shoes, though.
2 hours in the tub first thing sounds pretty spot on to me.

I don't think I actually got two hours in the tub, I can't last too much longer than half an hour before I start to get really overheated.

Love visiting Costco when we travel, we love checking out the booze line up- some the Kirkland Sig alcohols are great and a bargain!
We also love checking out the food court options- we had some awesome stuff in the costco in Hawaii

I've heard that the Honolulu Costco is definitely the place to check out! If we ever get to Aulani we will go there.

Generally cheap gas for rental cars too

Another thing we did that I didn't mention.....

Sounds like D- there is always a gaming/card store he wants to check out

What game(s) does he play?

nom nom! (minus the onion for me)

Love onions!

Sausage is my fav too, I'd like an egg white version too, sometimes I want the egg, sometimes I dont..

Same for me, and sometimes I just want the yogurt parfait.

Have you tried the Kirkland champagne? We did once, and I think it wasn't bad!

I haven't! I did see Prosecco when I was there the other day, but not champagne. I was looking for it since you mentioned it in this comment shortly before we went there.

I did know that about shoes. About no particular left/right. (But not that the saying is from there.)
Not sure if it applies to your new shoes, though.

OK. You have a trip coming up. I want to get to the next update, so I'm just gonna leave this whole discussion right here. :laughing:
While I was dropping off our rental car at the Dolphin, Fran had called for our bags to be delivered and soon we had all three sets of bags. The luggage that was transferred from OKW, our grocery delivery order, and the Owner’s Locker, which was delivered earlier that day.

She laid down on the couch and I began the fun of unpacking everything. But not before I took pictures of the room.









And here is my parent’s room.







And our fully stocked fridge.


Finally I had everything unpacked, groceries put away, and I sat down for a glass of wine. And that's when my parents (who had been texting since they boarded their DME bus) said they were at the Boardwalk. I had promised to meet them so I headed up to the bus drop off area, just as their bus pulled up.

We had to get their MBs scanned and synced and then it was back to the room. We still had a few minutes before our ADR, so we enjoyed a glass of the wine we had purchased at Costco out on our patio, and then headed over to the Trattoria al Forno.



They gave us some yummy bread.



We shared a Calamari appetizer and it wasn't nearly as good as I remembered.


Mom ordered the Chicken Parmesan.


Dad got the Pasta Carbonara.


and I got the Polpetti to split with Fran. The pasta they were served with looked like little worms. The meatballs were very dense. Not at all what I expected. Mine are better, I like a little bread and onions mixed in.


Everyone ended up taking home half their meal, and it wasn't nearly as good as I had remembered. Certainly a disappointment. But we were all full and tired so we went back home to get a good night's sleep. I pointed out the Ample Creamery where I had suggested we could get dessert, but even they were closing their doors for the night it was so late.

When we got back to the villa, Fran opened the freezer and said, “I thought you said there was ice cream?”

I told her that would have gone to Ample Creamery had we finished dinner sooner, but it was too late by the time we finished dinner. She was quite displeased.

Now I thought about the selection below long and hard, my first choice would have been Van Halen’s “Ice Cream Man”, but….er… board. I also liked Weird Al’s “I Love Rocky Road”, but in the end I went with this catchy ditty.

Very pretty room!
All the diet Dew made me giggle!
Sorry your dinner wasn't as good as you remembered.
OK. You have a trip coming up. I want to get to the next update, so I'm just gonna leave this whole discussion right here. :laughing:

Well, if the shoe fits...


She laid down on the couch and I began the fun of unpacking everything. But not before I took pictures of the room.

Big place!

And our fully stocked fridge.

I never knew you were that much into the Dew. I haven't had that in ages.

And that's when my parents (who had been texting since they boarded their DME bus) said they were at the Boardwalk. I had promised to meet them so I headed up to the bus drop off area, just as their bus pulled up.


We shared a Calamari appetizer and it wasn't nearly as good as I remembered.


Mom ordered the Chicken Parmesan.

Hmmm... A good go to, but I seldom order it. I like to be a bit more adventurous.

Dad got the Pasta Carbonara.

One dish I never order. Just doesn't appeal all that much. I have made it, however.

and I got the Polpetti to split with Fran. The pasta they were served with looked like little worms. The meatballs were very dense. Not at all what I expected. Mine are better, I like a little bread and onions mixed in.

And... did the worm noodles turn you off? Or no big deal?

Everyone ended up taking home half their meal, and it wasn't nearly as good as I had remembered. Certainly a disappointment.

Well... that's too bad.

I pointed out the Ample Creamery where I had suggested we could get dessert, but even they were closing their doors for the night it was so late.

I'm surprised after you said you were all full that you'd still want it.

I told her that would have gone to Ample Creamery had we finished dinner sooner, but it was too late by the time we finished dinner. She was quite displeased.

Never get between a woman and her ice cream.
Heck... don't get between me and my ice cream!

Now I thought about the selection below long and hard, my first choice would have been Van Halen’s “Ice Cream Man”, but….er… board.

Long and hard, huh?

Wow I'm late to this one. I've been on the run between working on my Dad's estate and our trips we had scheduled before he passed. I had one of your mornings on our last trip to the airport, I left my purse at home (45 minutes away) so I had DH and DS stay at the airport and check the bags while DGS and I ran home during morning rush hour. No fun, but we made it.

I love your pics from your Mom's yard, they're beautiful. I do the fuzzy Disney math all the time so I understand it perfectly. Looks like you had a pretty good time so far, minus the dinner disappointment.
Its always nice to drive around around Orlando to go to different stores and restaurants. Look like you had a nice day driving around. When I go back to Orlando and drive around, I will have to try out Freddy's.

Your room looks very nice. I don't think I have read from your TR's that you didn't have a good dinner. Maybe if you go back at Trattoria al Forno in the near future, it will be better.

That is the most Diet Dew I've ever seen in one place. Besides, you know, the grocery store.

Mom ordered the Chicken Parmesan.

Nice. That's my go-to.

Everyone ended up taking home half their meal, and it wasn't nearly as good as I had remembered. Certainly a disappointment.

Well...crud. Sorry to hear that.

When we got back to the villa, Fran opened the freezer and said, “I thought you said there was ice cream?”

It's behind the Diet Dew!


I can't top that response.

I told her that would have gone to Ample Creamery had we finished dinner sooner, but it was too late by the time we finished dinner. She was quite displeased.

I guess she takes her ice cream seriously.
Very pretty room!
All the diet Dew made me giggle!
Sorry your dinner wasn't as good as you remembered.

Thanks! The BCV rooms are very light and airy. Fran does like her Dew. Perhaps it was just off that night.

Well, if the shoe fits...



Big place!

The last one was actually larger.

I never knew you were that much into the Dew. I haven't had that in ages.

I'm not into Dew, can't stand the stuff. That's all Fran. That's why we have so much, she over buys everything.

Hmmm... A good go to, but I seldom order it. I like to be a bit more adventurous.

I usually only order it at Palo on the cruise ship. I'm thinking I should have gone with the Linguine and Clams even though I made it at home the week before.

One dish I never order. Just doesn't appeal all that much. I have made it, however.

I'm glad I didn't get it that night. I really like it cause of the bacon, but that one didn't look right.

And... did the worm noodles turn you off? Or no big deal?

Nah, they were just strange, I tried not to think about it too much.

Well... that's too bad.

Yes it was. :sad2:

I'm surprised after you said you were all full that you'd still want it.

Well I didn't, but I thought I would point it out to everyone, especially since we couldn't have it. :laughing:

Never get between a woman and her ice cream.
Heck... don't get between me and my ice cream!

Don't worry there is more to this story.

Long and hard, huh?


Deliberate or by chance....I'll let you be the judge.

Nice selfie!!!

Thanks! Although if I'd noticed that I was in the picture I would have retaken it without me!

Got any Diet Dew?

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl:

It's behind the Diet Dew!

OK, that's the BEST comment!

Sorry it was too late to get ice cream. I'm always down for a nice cool treat!

I know Fran would really have liked it. I think the rest of us were too stuffed. She didn't order and entree.

Wow I'm late to this one. I've been on the run between working on my Dad's estate and our trips we had scheduled before he passed. I had one of your mornings on our last trip to the airport, I left my purse at home (45 minutes away) so I had DH and DS stay at the airport and check the bags while DGS and I ran home during morning rush hour. No fun, but we made it.

Ugh, that sounds scary! I would be totally stressing.

I love your pics from your Mom's yard, they're beautiful. I do the fuzzy Disney math all the time so I understand it perfectly. Looks like you had a pretty good time so far, minus the dinner disappointment.

Yup, I'm doing funny Disney math to justify my Disney addiction and so far it's working!
Its always nice to drive around around Orlando to go to different stores and restaurants. Look like you had a nice day driving around. When I go back to Orlando and drive around, I will have to try out Freddy's.

They are evidently quite a few Freddy's around Florida. Good luck!

Your room looks very nice. I don't think I have read from your TR's that you didn't have a good dinner. Maybe if you go back at Trattoria al Forno in the near future, it will be better.

It has been rare that I have had a disappointing meal at WDW, but it has happened.

That is the most Diet Dew I've ever seen in one place. Besides, you know, the grocery store.

You would be astonished at our house. When we moved to the new house we brought the old fridge from our apartment. Since we completely remodeled it we put in a new fridge, but the old fridge still worked fine. Now we have it in the garage. We keep frozen entrees in the freezer and bottles of 500ml bottles of Mtn Dew in the fridge. A few years back I sent a picture to Pam with the entire fridge filled with six packs of bottles of Mtn. Dew. In the fridge in the house (walk in, about the size of a bathroom), we have between 10-20 cases of 12 packs of cans and perhaps

Nice. That's my go-to.

I normally only order it in Palo on the cruise ships, but there are times I will order it as well. It all depends on the italian level of the restaurant.

Well...crud. Sorry to hear that.

Yeah, I was sad that it wasn't as good as the last time.


I can't top that response.

He nailed that one!

I guess she takes her ice cream seriously.

Yes she does as you will see..

I finally stopped long enough to actually comment on a trip report. I've read your reports for quite some time but am just now commenting. I'm all caught up and ready for more!

I finally stopped long enough to actually comment on a trip report. I've read your reports for quite some time but am just now commenting. I'm all caught up and ready for more!


You're just in time! While all those other folks are enjoying the Epic girls trip, I've been able to get somewhat caught up on everyone else's TRs and now I can post another update!
Day 4

I first woke up at 5:30AM, but since it was close to midnight when I went to bed, I decided not to give in and get up to take a tub. Next thing I know its 7:30AM. At this point I decided to take a tub, I still wish it was a full on jacuzzi.

Around 8AM I started on breakfast. I decided that my parent’s first day would be a leisurely one when planning the schedule, and thus seemed a perfect day for one of the two hot breakfasts I like to make in the room. I cooked half the bacon, and made French toast for my dad and I.


My Mom preferred to have scrambled eggs instead of the toast, and she cheated and ate one of her pieces of bacon while I was still cooking.


Fran had her bacon in a sandwich in bed cause she was stiff and didn't want to join the rest of us for breakfast.

Eventually she got up and dressed and we were out the door by about 11AM, we didn't have huge ambitions for today, especially since my parents had just done the 3 hour time jump forward the day before. We planned to sample a few of the F&G food booths, use our FPs, chill in the room, have dinner, so not a lot of pressure.

We made our way from the Beach Club to the International Gateway. We stopped for a good 10 minutes while my mom watched this bird.


When we finally made it into Epcot, we stopped and admired the topiaries as we made our way to our first booth. Peter Pan and Captain Hook were up first.


Then we came upon Pooh & Friends.





I took this one of Piglet because the detail was so amazing. His tummy was made of tiny cacti.


Next up we found Bambi and gang.



By the time we had seen all these topiaries, my Dad was getting hungry (as well as the rest of us) and said, “Can we get some lunch?” So we headed to our first booth, Northern Bloom in Canada.



We got one of each of the food items.


We had Seared Scallops with French Green Beans, Butter Potatoes, Brown Butter Vinaigrette and Apple-wood Smoked Bacon (GF) – $7.00


Beef Tenderloin Tips, Mushroom Bordelaise Sauce, Whipped Potatoes with Garden Vegetables (KA) – $6.75,


Griddled Maple Pound Cake with Warm Peach Compote and Sweet Corn Gelato featuring Burton’s Maple Syrup (KA) – $4.50


All of them were awesome and we ate every last bite. My mom was happy because she was feeling a lack of veggies from travel day so she happily ate the rest of the green beans from the scallop dish.

Next stop was The Citrus Blossom Kiosk.



We had Lobster Tail with Meyer Lemon Emulsion and Grilled Lemon (GF) — $8.00


Tuna Tataki with Spicy Yuzu Glaze, Mango, Avocado and Pappadam Crisp – $6.25,


Crispy Citrus Chicken with Orange Aïoli and Baby Greens (GF) (KA) – $5.75, This was a real favorite with Fran who doesn't eat raw fish so she passed on the Tuna, she happily at the extra piece of chicken. It was really crispy and had a slight kick.


Fran started with dessert, but the rest of us saved it for last. Citrus Shortcake: Orange Chiffon Cake, Lemon Curd, Mandarins, Whipped Cream, Citrus Crumble (V) – $4.25,

We also got a Orange Sunshine Wine Slushy – $6.50, as well as the non alcoholic version.


It was pretty hot by this time and my Mom was looking rather flushed, so I suggested we go to the festival center which had AC. My parents had indicated an interest in the offerings at this food place. I let my Mom ride the scooter and she was pretty hesitant, but we put it on Turtle and she did just fine with a little coaching.

On our way to the Festival center we saw these guys and gal.



They used the old Odyssey building for the Festival Center.


This is the kiosk we were headed to next, but first we found a table to sit at.


Fran appears to be annoyed. I think she is baking up her scheme for the next couple hours.



We got Fried Green Tomatoes with Blue Crab-fennel Salad, Remoulade and Smoked Paprika Oil – $6.00


This wasn't super high up on my list, but my Mom had given some of unripened tomatoes to a friend at home to make them, and was curious since the friend had given her a recipe. I had one bite and that was enough for me.

We had not been sure about how my father would be about splitting all the food selections, but it turned out that by the second booth he was helping to cut things into four pieces with mathematical precision and this cake was no exception. Mixed Berry Buttermilk Cake, served with Apple Cider Sorbet (V) (GF) (KA) – $5.00


We also split a flight of Cider. I liked the light one the best, my Dad liked the Widow Maker which was sort of bitter, but he compared it to Guiness.


At this point Fran said she was tired and needed to go back to the room. Really she was sick of all the camaraderie and wanted to do her own thing. She ended up going to Caramel Kuche and getting us some caramels for the room, and who knows where else she went. I didn’t turn on the GPS tracker in Trusted Contacts. Maybe I should have!


Next up: I wear my parents out on the rides!
My Mom preferred to have scrambled eggs instead of the toast, and she cheated and ate one of her pieces of bacon while I was still cooking.
Good bacon can't wait for pictures

It was pretty hot by this time and my Mom was looking rather flushed, so I suggested we go to the festival center which had AC. My parents had indicated an interest in the offerings at this food place. I let my Mom ride the scooter and she was pretty hesitant, but we put it on Turtle and she did just fine with a little coaching.
Oh... it can't be that bad. It's Disney World... no matter how ugly her driving gets, I've seen worse. :rotfl2:

We had not been sure about how my father would be about splitting all the food selections, but it turned out that by the second booth he was helping to cut things into four pieces with mathematical precision and this cake was no exception. Mixed Berry Buttermilk Cake, served with Apple Cider Sorbet (V) (GF) (KA) – $5.00
Just wait till you find something he really likes... Then reach for it at your own peril.

At this point Fran said she was tired and needed to go back to the room. Really she was sick of all the camaraderie and wanted to do her own thing. She ended up going to Caramel Kuche and getting us some caramels for the room, and who knows where else she went. I didn’t turn on the GPS tracker in Trusted Contacts. Maybe I should have!
I'm picturing one of those Family Circus comics tracing Billy's path all over the place. :rotfl2:
Loved all your pics of the topiaries and the food booths! I am sad to say that even as a local I have yet to get out to the Garden Festival :-(
Question-what hotel has the great Jacuzzi tub? The two things I look for in great hotels are a big tub and of course great room service!
Jumping in late, as usual. And yes, good job on updating while so many others are on the Epic Girls Trip! A lot of my usual lurking areas are pretty quiet right now!
Hi. I'm really enjoying your trip report. It's so nice your parents got to enjoy the trip with you and Fran. Looking forward to more!
The topiaries are so neat to look at during the Flower & Garden Festival. Very nice pics of the food porn. I rarely go inside the old Odyssey building and a nice place to be inside along with the merchandise stand.


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