I'm Totally Off My Game, a Bonus Trip to WDW - All Wrapped Up! Bonus DL Features, An Extended weekend with friends 2/23

I think this trip will be very food and relaxing focused with just a few of our favorite rides. We get to ride RotR this weekend so we don't have hurry for that one.

Lucky you!!

Me too, but it would it would definitely make her sick.

And NO ride is worth that!

Mine goes back to a certain sleepover in HS.....

Oh dear.... very relatable.

I saw you were on your way to Tucson, staying with friends?

I did/was!! I had an incredible time and can't wait to see my photos!!

I think they might be good in something savory. I may look for an interesting recipe to test my comfort zone.

I think so too, but don't know of very many recipes using them that way.

In the ones we had they needed more cheese. Too much smoky pepper flavor.

Yeah, yuck. A little smoky pepper flavor goes a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG way.

Actually I just assumed it would take photos, but it seems that it still does. I've just gotten so used to using the phone. I'll be bringing the big camera on the next trip. I better get my lens looked at soon.

Which reminds me, before my cruise next Sept. I need to either A) get my sensor cleaned or B) buy a new body altogether.

I think Fran hasn't gotten them memo yet! LOL!

It worked out to be a good snack but at 9:50 we realized that we needed to hit it if we were going to find a spot for the 10:15 fireworks. Fran loaded up what was left of the nachos with some toppings and took it with a fork togo.

Good execution of a good plan!

It turns out that we must have gremlins in our band who eat their parts and music disappears without explanation on a regular basis.

This is true for EVERY band on the planet.

But my question is, when we told you (the conductor) last Tuesday that we wouldn't be at band, why are you waiting until an hour before rehearsal to address this situation? Perhaps you should have asked us that evening or even during the extra Thursday rehearsal that we went out of our way to attend, (even though we didn't have the time in our schedule.) We ended the call assuring him that all the parts were in the box of music in the storage room at the rehearsal site.

"Your lack of planning doesn't make this my emergency. " comes to mind.

This castle is so freakin' gargantuan that the fireworks are so high up, someone would have to be a giant to block your view.

And there always IS one. At least for me.

Rather than stay for the second parade like we had planned, she decided that it would be better in her interests to go back to the room and take care of his disaster.

"Not my problem" comes to mind.

so hopefully he didn't lose his temper and cause more members to quit like 10 days before.

This is just so... bizarre.

It's a good thing she didn't have a special affinity for that knife! She was like Elsa and let it go, but it was an odd occurrence. Which made me chuckle when I saw this sign.


What a joke. Same ridiculous lack of common sense that's so pervasive these days.

In the end all I bought was a potholder set.

Impressive restraint!

We got one of each food item they had. I couldn't eat the Crab Cake, it tasted fishy to me.

Yeah, it wasn't my cup of tea.
The Baked Shrimp and Scallop Scampi Dip was delicious! I loved that on

After the Mac n Cheese, my favey!

The Mac and cheese was pretty good.

As always!!

The corned beef thing was just waaaaay too much. It was good and I liked it, but just too much food for us to finish, especially after what we had already eaten.

I had that a few years back and adored it! But yes, big!

Then I did the whites (mostly underwear).
I'm glad someone remembers theirs! ;)
Thanks! We thought about costumes, but it just seemed to hot to be a puppy, and it was yet another thing to deal with before we left so we just went with "seasonal" shirts.
I dress up, but... I also totally understand why you wouldn't... or even wouldn't want to.
Makes people want to go back.
Quite Dead-pan.
I see what you did there.
I probably eat them more often than that, but only because I'm sick of burgers, and all we have time to eat is drive through food.
Sure. That's why it's called fast food.
We don't mess around when it comes to nachos!
:laughing: I believe you!
But since our area was full of scooters there weren't any able bodied people to do that.
I wouldn't put it past someone to somehow figure out how.
They should have had busses waiting in the ready to pick up us weary travelers!
Seriously... yes they should. And I really don't understand why they don't. I guess there are reasons, but...
Yeah he can be a real jerk. There was a Saturday rehearsal a couple weeks before. Fran and I are the librarians and we were running late. Several people didn't have their music for the piece he wanted to rehearse, and he went off on a shouting rant. It was so bad that one French Horn player packed up her instrument and left. She said she would do the next concert and was done. However she was at the holiday party, so I think they were able to work it out. But yeah. Bad temper not good for volunteer organization.
No kidding... a boss that pays you, yelling at you isn't good... but you might put up with it if you need that paycheck or otherwise love the job... but...
"I don't have to put up with this... bye."
You seem to say that a lot about me. I guess it happens at home too.
That's okay. I say I'm exhausted alllll the time.
I don't know what time I actually woke up
First I checked the laundry and it still wasn't dry,
Was the dryer not working properly??
I finished packing up a second suitcase, remember there was one we didn't have to open for this portion of the trip?
Fran had toast with Sunny cheese,
I think I've asked this before... but forgot... what's Sunny cheese?
And honey Meade wine
I may have tried that a while back. Pretty sure I did and found it to be just "okay".
Then on to Canada
So remember a couple days ago we were rushing to get to Hollywood studios and we had missed two different busses and were almost too late to meet up with our tour friends?
Well being the environmentally conscious person that she is, Fran saves her cutlery between kiosks. We usually just wipe off the utensils, put them in our baskets and save them for the next booth. This is how we've done kiosks for many years.
Man... I feel dumb. I should be doing that too. Just didn't even occur to me! :sad2:
And we're the same age, so I can't say it's because of that.
So back to the next day when we are rushing to meet up with our tour group. We're going through security at DHS and the security guy takes a look in her basket. He sees the plastic knife and says, "Ma'am I'm going to have to confiscate this knife." This is the plastic knife that can't even cut a caramel apple!

"But this came from inside the park!" She says.

"I can't let you take it in there."

"You do realize I can go directly to a Quick Service restaurant as soon as I get inside and get another one."

"I do. But i can't let you take this into the park."

Wow. Good thing she was there to protect us from you terrorists!!!!
I can see it now... you, slowly scootering up to someone from behind and quickly stabbing them in the back with your plastic knife! Once! Twice! Three, four, five times! Finally, they notice and tell you to "stop that". But the damage is done. You've slightly annoyed them.

Dastardly plan.
I bet they didn't have that same sign on the knives!
Disney does not directly support terrorism.
I like that Cheese Soup so much it's going to be on the menu in January. Even if we will be eating it on our trip in February!
You're welcome.
Then we visited Australia
Sure... stick to the Commonwealth.
:laughing: I like how Fran's hat made it into the picture.
When I came out, there were a ton of people by the exit to the dump shop not wanting to go outside because you guessed it, rain. I was glad to have gone back to cover the scooter.
Good move, Alison.
While I was on the ride, Fran had sent me no less than 35 pictures via text.
The Baked Shrimp and Scallop Scampi Dip was delicious! I loved that one.
That was good!
Evidently the gal at the cash register heard salmon, not chenin blanc.
:laughing: Sorry about the mix up, but it's still funny.
The Mac and cheese was pretty good.
I really liked it. One of the better ones I've had there.
We got the burger. It was good but not super yummy good.
I really liked it. Then again, I think I'd been swimming for an hour or so beforehand. That'll build up an appetite.
The corned beef thing was just waaaaay too much.
I'm glad I didn't have that on the same day. It is big.
Next we went to the Epcot preview center. It was really cool. It was very similar to the Blue Sky Cellar in CA. It gives you hints of what was coming in a very cool projection combined with audio and sensory applications.
Huh. I didn't know about that.
While I was waiting, the rain started to come down like gangbusters. As I sat there a few feet away from the door, idiots kept walking up to the door or going in and out and kept the door open constantly. It never closed, so the cold air and rain kept creeping it's way into the shop.
Um... bit confused. People were shopping... Some coming in, some leaving... why were they idiots? Was it one person would walk up, causing the door to open, go out and come back, or turn around and then do it again? Multiplied by several people?
Someone's happy. And thank goodness that's a spoon she's holding and not a dangerous knife!
But we hadn't finished it when we got to the exit, so we kinda had to chug the last third of the drink before we could leave Epcot.
Been there, chugged that.
Been there, chugged that.
Gonna go on a rant here. I had a perfectly (new) wonderful Bloody Mary (#can'tabbreviatethat) and was about halfway done when I got to the IG and yep, "you can't go out with that".

"But I can walk 200 yards and get a new one."

"We know, but you'll have to either finish it, or toss it."

"Do you know how ridiculous that is?"

"Yes, but those are the rules."

"The rules don't make sense and encourage inebriation."

<chugs drink>

"If I trip on the sidewalk because I had to chug my drink, I"ll sue."

Okay, no it'd never win in court, but IT'S A STUPIC POLICY THAT MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. What a crock.

Rant over.
Hey, that sounds pretty cool

It was!

That's fun. I think I like this pose more than the magic shot, actually.

Simplicity sometimes wins over spectacle.

Failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.

I soooooo wanted to say that.

Until somebody stands right in front of you with a kid on their shoulders...:sad2:

Luckily that doesn't happen much in the disabled section. I was going to say something but decided it was more insensitive than humorous.....

Failure to plan, etc, etc. Good thing they felt comfortable interrupting your vacation!

Yeah well given the next part of the trip, he didnt view it as a vacation.

Sigh...unfortunately, I do.


Huh. It sure looks good.

I didn't say it wasn't good. I just said that the Berry waffle had moved into the top spot over the past few years. Thus still didn't suck.

:rotfl2::rotfl2: What are you going to do, spread him to death?

I know! Right? :confused3

Wow. Gotta love bureaucracy.


Mmmm...love that stuff.

So yummy!

Who says you're off your game? That's a veteran move!

Well, thanks. It was starting to come back a little with some Disney RnR.

I see what you did there.


That does sound pretty cool.

It was a neat presentation that just kept looping. It was about 20 minutes and very well done!

Probably because you had to chug...oh, never mind.

We had some sausages, which were very tasty!

Mmm bangers..no mash though I'm thinking?

Molten chocolate cake was my favorite back when, but either my palate has changed or the recipe has. It's still really tasty, but that berry waffle edged past this as my favorite sweet treat in the past few years.

Yummm! what is the sauce?

Fran saves her cutlery between kiosks

I save cutlery often too

"Ma'am I'm going to have to confiscate this knife." This is the plastic knife that can't even cut a caramel apple!

"But this came from inside the park!" She says.

Honestly Disney :rolleyes:

And Ice Wine.

Mmm icewine! We do it well.

I really wanted the lamb chop. But sadly I was also getting full.

Maria's fav- she loves rack of lamb

Pavlova, but Fran ordered it and I was pleasantly surprised. Normally I'm not a big fan of it.

I'm not really a pavolva fan...gives me the goosebumps

Fran had sent me no less than 35 pictures via text.

She sure loves you!

In the end all I bought was a potholder set

Well now you know lots about that store's contents

I couldn't eat the Crab Cake, it tasted fishy to me.

I'm not a huge seafood fan as it often tastes fishy to me..give me actual fish anytime

The fish on the tostada was sort of dry, but Fran liked it a lot.

Now this looks right up my alley

I went back for the wine while Fran ate the salmon. We were lucky she likes salmon.

Or this!

kirt steak was good, but we forgot to ask for it without chimichurri or cilantro so I gave those pieces to Fran. The part I ate was good. Then again I love skirt steak.

Or this! Fran and I have similar tastes it seems!

Fran got the shimmering strawberry soft serve and enjoyed it.

Yum and a cute cone too!

I got the verve clicquot Brut Rose Champagne, and it was very nice.

And a big ol' glass of pink bubbles! Oh ya!!
Now originally we had planned to spend this afternoon at Epcot, but less than a week before this day I received a message from someone whom introductions had been made through a mutual friend. Fran and I were invited to join in on a VIP tour that was already planned. We were going to be starting with Galaxy's edge and then going to AK and MK. Well I'm certainly not going to turn down such a generous invitation!
Definitely worth changing plans for!
Next we went on TSMM. She was amused that the outlets in Andy’s room are not grounded.
As we approached the ride exit we saw a crowd gathered not wanting to go outside.

It was raining.

Of course!
Then it was time for ToT. I was so glad that others on the tour wanted to ride this because Fran was very disappointed that we didn't have FP+ for this ride. Because all the best rides in DHS are now Tier 1 FP, I booked SDD and RnRC for the two days we had planned to be at DHS. She didn't tell me she wanted to ride ToT, so I didn't make it a priority Luckily we got to ride as part of this tour.
I'm glad it worked out and she got to ride it. She looks much happier than she looked on SDD.
Because Fran can't ride the ride, she had no idea what it was like, so the guide made arrangements for her to go through the preshow sharing a number with me. When we got to the actual ride room, she exited and her scooter was waiting for her while we went on the ride. As always it was exhilarating and so much fun!
That's nice that they were able to accommodate her like that.
I'm not sure that she found anything she wanted here, but my Disney dish towels have been looking rather tired,
I think you could use a few beach towels as wet as you kept getting.
When the check came the manager presented it to our table. She apologized for the commotion and then took 50% off our bill, alcohol and all! She really didn't need to do that as it really didn't interrupt our dinner much at all. Plus, we didn't need a reservation at all. The place was pretty empty most of the time we were there. I think I'd like to go back there in February and we could probably just do it as a walk up, but it's definitely on my "go back" list!
Wow! That was nice of her. I certainly wouldn't have expected them to do anything when it was a medical emergency that they had no control over.
This was my bucket list item for the Halloween party, so I was really happy to have achieved that one. But I wanted to get my fill of special shots that night.
I'm glad you got to see them. And before the party actually started so you didn't have to waste valuable party time.
As we were leaving the restaurant I got a call from the conductor of the band. He says, " You guys are on your way, right?"

I replied, "We're in bleeping Florida."
When we got back she dealt with his crisis. Luckily 11:44 here is only 8:44 back home and rehearsal ends at 9:30, so hopefully he didn't lose his temper and cause more members to quit like 10 days before.
Then on to Canada, but first I have to relate a story from earlier in the trip. So remember a couple days ago we were rushing to get to Hollywood studios and we had missed two different busses and were almost too late to meet up with our tour friends?
So back to the next day when we are rushing to meet up with our tour group. We're going through security at DHS and the security guy takes a look in her basket. He sees the plastic knife and says, "Ma'am I'm going to have to confiscate this knife." This is the plastic knife that can't even cut a caramel apple!

"But this came from inside the park!" She says.

"I can't let you take it in there."

"You do realize I can go directly to a Quick Service restaurant as soon as I get inside and get another one."

"I do. But i can't let you take this into the park."
:crazy2: Really? Come on. Could I take a pen or pencil into a park? Because I'm sure I could do more damage with that than a plastic fork. I get "no knives" but what happened to common sense?
I had no cell service inside the show building but as i came out my phone started exploding with text messages. While I was on the ride, Fran had sent me no less than 35 pictures via text. I think some were duplicates, but there were shirts, purses, jewelry, way too much to process on the phone. I just texted her that I would meet her in the store.
Good thing you made it out when you did. Otherwise, Fran probably would have helped streamline the process for them to close down Mouse Gear by cleaning the store out.
All caught up again. I remember that conversation about the damp undies. LOL

Jill in CO
Lucky you!!

I'm so glad that I don't have to go through the current craziness to get a look at the ride. Maybe in a month we will try to ride again. Oh and definitely in FL in a couple weeks.

And NO ride is worth that!

You are correct!

Oh dear.... very relatable.


I did/was!! I had an incredible time and can't wait to see my photos!!

Some of them are just stunning. I haven't had a lot of chance to be online lately, so I've only seen a few.

I think so too, but don't know of very many recipes using them that way.

Google is my friend....

Yeah, yuck. A little smoky pepper flavor goes a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG way.

Yeah, I'm not a big smoky flavor person.

I think Fran hasn't gotten them memo yet! LOL!

:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:

Good execution of a good plan!


This is true for EVERY band on the planet.

So sad... :sad2:

"Your lack of planning doesn't make this my emergency. " comes to mind.

Well that phrase did come to mind, but as librarians we are supposed to provide the parts. Why they were not there I can't explain.

And there always IS one. At least for me.

Well when everyone in front of you is in a scooter, not so much.

"Not my problem" comes to mind.

Well as one of the librarians who has integrity, it's kind of a "yes" and "no".

This is just so... bizarre.

Well he has some emotional/anger issues. The Board has had to "regulate" him a bit.


What a joke. Same ridiculous lack of common sense that's so pervasive these days.

I know, some of these policies are :sad2:

Yeah, it wasn't my cup of tea.

Mine either.

After the Mac n Cheese, my favey!

It was good, but I could have done without the bread crumbs.

I had that a few years back and adored it! But yes, big!

Mmmmm....now I want Corned Beef

I'm glad someone remembers theirs! ;)

Just wait, there is a Liesa inspired moment, but you'll need to wait until the bitter end.
I dress up, but... I also totally understand why you wouldn't... or even wouldn't want to.

I need to read your report from a bigger screen to figure out what your costume is, but I have an idea.

Sure. That's why it's called fast food.

That seems all we have time for nowadays.

Seriously... yes they should. And I really don't understand why they don't. I guess there are reasons, but...

I know, it shouldn't be that difficult with how many buses they have in operation.

No kidding... a boss that pays you, yelling at you isn't good... but you might put up with it if you need that paycheck or otherwise love the job... but...
"I don't have to put up with this... bye."

Pretty much. That's kinda what one gal did the week before we left.

That's okay. I say I'm exhausted alllll the time.

You need some rest!
Was the dryer not working properly??

I don't think the dryer in that unit ever works properly!

I think I've asked this before... but forgot... what's Sunny cheese?

Pastuerized Processed American Cheese Food. We call it Sunny cheese because we had a little disabled cat (although she herself did not know she had any sort of disability) who loved the stuff. Every time Fran got herself a slice to snack on Sunny would be right up in her face begging for bites. We quickly learned that she should only get a little bit otherwise the results were less than pleasant.

I may have tried that a while back. Pretty sure I did and found it to be just "okay".

Interesting, I would have though you would have liked it given your leanings towards sweeter wines.

Man... I feel dumb. I should be doing that too. Just didn't even occur to me! :sad2:
And we're the same age, so I can't say it's because of that.

Well, it wasn't me who thought of it. Fran is one who is constantly trying to reduce her carbon footprint in tiny ways while exploding in other ways!

Wow. Good thing she was there to protect us from you terrorists!!!!
I can see it now... you, slowly scootering up to someone from behind and quickly stabbing them in the back with your plastic knife! Once! Twice! Three, four, five times! Finally, they notice and tell you to "stop that". But the damage is done. You've slightly annoyed them.

Dastardly plan.

I know, what a threat we were!

Disney does not directly support terrorism.


You're welcome.


Sure... stick to the Commonwealth.

Never thought of it that way....

:laughing: I like how Fran's hat made it into the picture.

I thought that was funny too!

That was good!

::yes:: That seems to be the consensus!

:laughing: Sorry about the mix up, but it's still funny.

The funny part is that she knows I can't eat salmon. I guess she was thinking about her own tummy!

I really liked it. One of the better ones I've had there.

Most of the Mac n Cheese I've had at Disney has been pretty good. I wasn't so fond of the breadcrumbs on top.

I really liked it. Then again, I think I'd been swimming for an hour or so beforehand. That'll build up an appetite.

That would do it. We had been to two booths already so that might have affected it as well.

I'm glad I didn't have that on the same day. It is big.

Well, it ended up we only had the one day for F&W another reason it's good we're going back in two weeks!

Huh. I didn't know about that.

One of the CMs at the booths (either Active Eats or Coastal Eats) was really talking it up with us and telling us how neat it was.

Um... bit confused. People were shopping... Some coming in, some leaving... why were they idiots? Was it one person would walk up, causing the door to open, go out and come back, or turn around and then do it again? Multiplied by several people?

OK, so I have no fault with the people who were coming in and out of the store to actually, you know, shop. But there were a whole bunch more who were standing near the door to avoid going out in the rain. Every 30 seconds or so (just after the doors had closed from the last guest) one would walk up to the door, make it open, just to see, Oh, Yeah, it's STILL raining. People kept doing that to the point that the doors never stayed closed for more than 10 seconds. I mean if it was raining 30 seconds ago, do you really think there is going to be that much of a change?

Someone's happy. And thank goodness that's a spoon she's holding and not a dangerous knife!

Really, you wouldn't want her to poke someone to death.

Been there, chugged that.

I remember. I think yours was a Grey Goose slushie....

And now I want one....good thing I will be back in Epcot in 17 days.....
I need to read your report from a bigger screen to figure out what your costume is, but I have an idea.
Standing by!
I know, it shouldn't be that difficult with how many buses they have in operation.
Especially now with the skyliner open... surely you can allocate some of those busses that you are removing to this???
I don't think the dryer in that unit ever works properly!
Pastuerized Processed American Cheese Food. We call it Sunny cheese because we had a little disabled cat (although she herself did not know she had any sort of disability) who loved the stuff. Every time Fran got herself a slice to snack on Sunny would be right up in her face begging for bites. We quickly learned that she should only get a little bit otherwise the results were less than pleasant.

So, you mean this, right?
Well, it wasn't me who thought of it. Fran is one who is constantly trying to reduce her carbon footprint in tiny ways while exploding in other ways!
The funny part is that she knows I can't eat salmon. I guess she was thinking about her own tummy!
When you're hungry, you're hungry!
Most of the Mac n Cheese I've had at Disney has been pretty good. I wasn't so fond of the breadcrumbs on top.
I almost always despise breadcrumbs on top. But in this instance... I liked it!
OK, so I have no fault with the people who were coming in and out of the store to actually, you know, shop. But there were a whole bunch more who were standing near the door to avoid going out in the rain. Every 30 seconds or so (just after the doors had closed from the last guest) one would walk up to the door, make it open, just to see, Oh, Yeah, it's STILL raining. People kept doing that to the point that the doors never stayed closed for more than 10 seconds. I mean if it was raining 30 seconds ago, do you really think there is going to be that much of a change?
Okay, that makes more sense. And... yes, annoying.
I remember. I think yours was a Grey Goose slushie....
And now I want one....good thing I will be back in Epcot in 17 days.....
What are your dates, again?
Gonna go on a rant here.

OK. Let me get a drink.


OK. Ready.

I had a perfectly (new) wonderful Bloody Mary (#can'tabbreviatethat) and was about halfway done when I got to the IG and yep, "you can't go out with that".

"But I can walk 200 yards and get a new one."

"We know, but you'll have to either finish it, or toss it."

"Do you know how ridiculous that is?"

"Yes, but those are the rules."

"The rules don't make sense and encourage inebriation."

<chugs drink>

Either that or they encourage you to get another one.

"If I trip on the sidewalk because I had to chug my drink, I"ll sue."

Okay, no it'd never win in court, but IT'S A STUPID POLICY THAT MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. What a crock.

Rant over.

I agree, but I've also been caught by the same one exiting DCA as well.
Mmm bangers..no mash though I'm thinking?

They called them Colcannon potatoes....but yes there was mash in there.

Yummm! what is the sauce?

Irish Cream Custard according to the sign.

I save cutlery often too

Good for you!

Honestly Disney :rolleyes:


Mmm icewine! We do it well.

We need to try the ones you brought!

Maria's fav- she loves rack of lamb

Me too!

I'm not really a pavolva fan...gives me the goosebumps

I'm usually not either, but this was pretty good.

She sure loves you!

Or just loves to spend money.

Well now you know lots about that store's contents

Oh, I know a lot about Mouse Gear's contents. We hit it on every trip. It's one of her favorite stores. I hear it has been relocated.

I'm not a huge seafood fan as it often tastes fishy to me..give me actual fish anytime

This doesn't make sense to me... :laughing:

Now this looks right up my alley

You can have mine. I didn't care for this one.

Definitely didn't care for that. I didn't even need to try it! :lmao:

Or this! Fran and I have similar tastes it seems!

Yes, I think we have determined that previously as well.

Yum and a cute cone too!


And a big ol' glass of pink bubbles! Oh ya!!

It was very yummy!
All caught up again. I remember that conversation about the damp undies. LOL

Jill in CO

An IBS-inspired story!

I'm so glad that I don't have to go through the current craziness to get a look at the ride. Maybe in a month we will try to ride again. Oh and definitely in FL in a couple weeks.

All the best of luck!

Some of them are just stunning. I haven't had a lot of chance to be online lately, so I've only seen a few.

Thanks! It was a really nice trip photos aside.

Yeah, I'm not a big smoky flavor person.

Me neither. I do like a bit in Florida Keys Fish Dip, BBQ to a small degree and maybe other foods?

Well that phrase did come to mind, but as librarians we are supposed to provide the parts. Why they were not there I can't explain.

Mistakes happen, but that's not a good reason to go off on someone or blame or get angry and yell. At all.

Well as one of the librarians who has integrity, it's kind of a "yes" and "no".

I get that. Both sides.

Well he has some emotional/anger issues. The Board has had to "regulate" him a bit.

Probably a good thing. Or soon you'd have no band at all.

Mmmmm....now I want Corned Beef

March is coming!!

Just wait, there is a Liesa inspired moment, but you'll need to wait until the bitter end.

Oh dear.... this sounds foreboding.

OK. Let me get a drink.

I hope it was a stiff one. In a re-usable cup.

Either that or they encourage you to get another one.

The discontinuity of their message is disturbing. "Get a new plastic, single-use utensil!" "We're killing the planet, save resources!" Idiotic.

I agree, but I've also been caught by the same one exiting DCA as well.

And now I know. I wonder if it's to keep minors from imbibing? It's my best guess.
Definitely worth changing plans for!


I'm glad it worked out and she got to ride it. She looks much happier than she looked on SDD.

Yeah definitely. I felt bad when I saw the look on her face at SDD.

That's nice that they were able to accommodate her like that.

At least she got to see what the ride is all about without getting sick on the motion part.

I think you could use a few beach towels as wet as you kept getting.


Wow! That was nice of her. I certainly wouldn't have expected them to do anything when it was a medical emergency that they had no control over.

We were actually blown away, it was totally unexpected.

I'm glad you got to see them. And before the party actually started so you didn't have to waste valuable party time.

Yeah, we got out just as they candy distribution was starting!

:crazy2: Really? Come on. Could I take a pen or pencil into a park? Because I'm sure I could do more damage with that than a plastic fork. I get "no knives" but what happened to common sense?

Totally. I bet you could hurt someone way more with a pen than one of those knives!

Good thing you made it out when you did. Otherwise, Fran probably would have helped streamline the process for them to close down Mouse Gear by cleaning the store out.

:laughing: Good one!
Standing by!

Your TR is next! Maybe this evening I will have some time to sit at the computer and read it! Showing the (2nd) apartment today.

Especially now with the skyliner open... surely you can allocate some of those busses that you are removing to this???

Good point!


So, you mean this, right?


I almost always despise breadcrumbs on top. But in this instance... I liked it!

I really don't remember now that I think about it! :laughing:

Okay, that makes more sense. And... yes, annoying.


What are your dates, again?

Feb 3-13
An IBS-inspired story!

Well actually no. The underwear was not actually ON my butt. It was in the dryer. Not drying.

All the best of luck!

Thanks can't be worse than DLs RotR situation.

Thanks! It was a really nice trip photos aside.

I saw you posted over 100 photos, but have barely had time to catch up here.

Me neither. I do like a bit in Florida Keys Fish Dip, BBQ to a small degree and maybe other foods?

BBQ would be one, but not so sure about many others.

Mistakes happen, but that's not a good reason to go off on someone or blame or get angry and yell. At all.

Well yeah. Rational people get that!

Probably a good thing. Or soon you'd have no band at all.

Yeah he has pissed off his share of people.

I hope it was a stiff one. In a re-usable cup.

Actually it was a virtual one. It was too early for a stiff one! When I have stuff to do....

The discontinuity of their message is disturbing. "Get a new plastic, single-use utensil!" "We're killing the planet, save resources!" Idiotic.

Hopefully they are recycling them all into newer single use utensils. :laughing:

And now I know. I wonder if it's to keep minors from imbibing? It's my best guess.

It could also have to do with liquor licensing. You can only have what you buy in that park in that park. Even if you can get the same thing at the bar in whatever place you're going next.
So I've been a little slow to catch up around here, mainly because I've been totally absorbed in the drama playing out at DL with the opening of RotR. If you haven't been following, its nuts. Boarding groups are filling up in less than a minute. The ride is down for an hour at a time and the whole thing is crazy.

People are elated, upset, confused, all sorts of emotions are going on. But anyways, on to the next update.


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