Something About Nothing............ #14

My maternal unit would fix either grits or oatmeal for breakfast when we were kids

Never could eat either
Not my thing

To this day, I only eat breakfast when on vacation

With airfare dropping to decent prices, will try to set up my fall flights this weekend

Hope all the homies have a great weekend!
Start planning for a future trip.
My maternal unit would fix either grits or oatmeal for breakfast when we were kids

Never could eat either
Not my thing

To this day, I only eat breakfast when on vacation

With airfare dropping to decent prices, will try to set up my fall flights this weekend

Hope all the homies have a great weekend!
Start planning for a future trip.

I will never see the fondness for the gloop that is grits.....I thought it was a joke when someone first described them to me......🤢

Hope you get your flights finally sorted out!!!

That looks cold!!! Too cold for March though...….hope it doesn't last too long.

Well, I was going to complain it`s freezing here......but after DLPN`s picture......maybe not ❄

It`s grey and cold and the wind is biting, and wind to get wilder later according the forecast.

But, no plans to go out tonight. We did get a thank you txt from the restaurant we went to the other day for going and supporting them when many are staying home. Nice of them.

Time for mid afternoon cuppa......think it`ll be hot chocolate today......:)
Well life is definitely altered for the next few weeks. All the cancellations and shut downs are probably a good thing. I saw an article today about Italy. Their numbers just keep going up and up.

On the other hand, if UOR wasn't shut down I would no doubt be working up a last minute trip since DS is home for at least 2 weeks. Oh well.

We were going to go by the convention center today to do a lap around the rv show but that is cancelled now. We still need to pick out bathroom flooring so we will do that instead and pick up a new battery for the lawn tractor. Maybe shop for veggie seeds for the garden as well.

It is a sunny day today. A bit chilly. In the 50s, I think. Not sure what will do for dinner. Maybe grill out. My DH reminded me it was Pi Day. I replied that I am going to make or buy one today and he said not that kind of pi, the ratio...3.14. I like Pie Day, the kind you can eat.

You are good for another ten years?

Yes, it sounded a little strange and I double checked with my DH since I was just coming around when the dr came by. He confirmed she said 10 years. She may have said that since I am 43. I am in no rush to get another but I will probably around age 50. My mother waited til she was 73 to have one. To say she was full of polyps is an understatement. She had to have 5 procedures in a 6 month span to get them all. No way am I doing that.

We decided to stay home. Dh didn't want to drive 3 hours and run the risk of there being nothing to do. We went to the movies tonight instead.

What a shame! That stinks but hopefully you guys can come up with some fun stuff around home or close by.

Today, not going far. We have plenty of supplies so no need to go out, we usually avoid going to any stores on Saturdays anyway.....too busy. We can go anytime during the week when it’s quieter.

My thoughts exactly. I hate going to the grocery store on the weekends during a normal time, no way am I going today. I spoke to my mother today and she said she had to go to the store. She is home all week, why she always waits til the weekend totally confounds me. 😞

Historic feeling time, where healthy people is a priority. Many emails and posts from businesses saying they are trying to protect, while other business are shutting down to do their part, others also doing their best, while canceling events. I pray that this virus ends it’s spread soon, and all those infected, and some who did not survive having it, more prayers and sympathy to them, and their families.

So true!!! I pray that it is over quickly.
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Well, since I am stuck at home I guess I can make a pie now.

Last night I dreamed that I went to the grocery store and there wasn't much left to buy. I did manage to find a package of toilet paper and held onto it like it was gold.

Well we got 2-4” of snow in the forecast overnight,
Yikes! We have managed to go the whole winter without any snow. i think that is the first time that has happened since we moved here 12 years ago.

Our hotels are fine with us cancelling, but still deciding. Haven’t seen my mum in a while and it’s her birthday on Monday too and we have our Mother‘s Day next Sunday, so it would be nice to celebrate that as well as the birthday we‘re going up to celebrate.
Good luck with your decision. I think if you aren't going to be a part of any large crowds then you should be fine.

I will never see the fondness for the gloop that is grits.....I thought it was a joke when someone first described them to me......
It's definitely an acquired taste And they have to be cooked properly or else they are disgusting.

My DH reminded me it was Pi Day. I replied that I am going to make or buy one today and he said not that kind of pi, the ratio...3.14. I like Pie Day, the kind you can eat.
I'm thinking apple pie today. Made in my pi pan.

Yes, it sounded a little strange and I double checked with my DH since I was just coming around when the dr came by. He confirmed she said 10 years. She may have said that since I am 43. I am in no rush to get another but I will probably around age 50.
10 years is awesome. I've been on the 5 year plan since I starting getting them. I had to start early too. Gotta love family history.

I'm off to get lunch and then brave the grocery store. Wish me luck.
Was at 2 grocery stores. Not too bad Charade. Lucky 🍀 wishes to you on your grocery shopping.

Eh, I do make pie, but if I really wanted one, most likely would buy it. Was not one of the items bought. We are just relaxing at home. Little one is happy, as did not get to play video games at dorms. She does have to log into class on Monday, but hey, gaming is what the weekend is for.

We too have a 50 or so degree day, windy, but 😎 needed. Love seeing the sun out.

Oh, and not sure when I realized this, but yay! Spring has to be coming soon. From my little garden in front of lower windows. Why hello my daffodils 🌼.
Kroger was busy, but not too terribly insane. Some of the aisles looked like the day before a snowstorm. They were getting low on bread, pasta, canned and frozen vegetables, and other items. Still completely out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer.
Like the pictures of home life. It's beautiful. The snow and the flowers!

@Charade67 we've actually been not as good as others. We haven't "prepared". However, we have a decent amount of food in general and what not. Family hasn't really been that worried about preparing and at this point, it almost seems too late to prepare anyway since everyone is already raiding the stores.
How did I not get a pie when I was out today? Neighborhood walmart out of eggs and bacon, frozen pizza, boxed mac n cheese. Didn't go near the TP section although I didn't see any in carts around me. I have 20# of bacon in freezer and daily egg producers in back yard LOL.
DH and kids took off for farm in NE MO today for couple days. middle college visit to Minnesota cancelled, will see if AZ is still on in a few weeks.
And 2 of my rehab/LTC places are on lockdown so will be working mostly remotely next week. Not unusual this time of year with regular Influenza but usually us consultants are able to get in.
Just for perspective-there are 55K ACTIVE cases of Covid19, this time in 2009 equivalent 2 months in there had already been 18K deaths., vs the 5800 so far due to covid 19. Italy is bad-their median age is also higher than most of the other countries hit so probably contributing to that count. Just not sure of the panic and hysteria that is literally gripping the world, and whats to come here IF we ever get widescale testing as "new" cases show up. Calm doesn't mean complacent. We've had Flu A here in the household this year (the good ole H1N1 seasonal) and had the 2009 H1N1 in a kid back then. I am at higher risk due to asthma and didn't get sick either time-sensible precautions go a looooonnnnggg way.

This is also going to happen on a fairly regular basis and we as a species had better figure out how to handle it better (and media needs to be told to be responsible in their reporting instead of click bait panic inducing incomplete out of context stories/headlines)

DCP kids are now told they have to be out of the housing by Monday 11 am. VERY little notice, especially for the shorter term cultural exchange kids (conflicting reports they may get to stay until travel arranged). SOOOOO angry with Disney right now on doing that-at least give them a few days to gather up stuff and arrange travel home. Many received word while AT WORK!

I may take a longer than usual break right now. At this point I don't want the pass to disney anymore. If they gave option to refund vs adding the days I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Hope all stay healthy and well!
Yeah, we are all feeling this trying to be safe with daily routine. Our state has now said no eat in restaurants to be open in the effected counties, including mine. Malls are already closed, and I guess those food places that can do take out will be okay, but feel very sorry for wait staff, as they live on tips, and since most of take out is kitchen staff, I can see wait staff lay offs.

Oh MonyK, sorry to hear how awful Disney has been with the kids. Seems I think I have heard of other colleges doing the same thing, get out now. Thank goodness I was off on Friday, as we brought little one home that day, rather than wait until Saturday, when all must leave by dinner time. Shock to the whole family, that was for sure. And yeah, too many stories of those trying to get home or not having a place to go to. And even little one is worried about in person class for the Fall semester. And thank goodness she is not graduating this Spring. Her university already cancelled graduation. So many changes for so many. I hope all get understanding the need of trying to keep everyone healthy, and give comfort and support to family, friends, and those in the businesses effected. And a PSA for those in my state effected. The state controlled hard liquor places will close on Tuesday. I can imagine Monday will be busy in there. I have my gray goose, and some wine, so I am good as we stay more at home than usual.

Oh, I need some tea. Cool enough I have a blanket around me. Enjoying some screen time too. Kids are quiet, so they are online watching or playing with their friends.


And a perfect night, I must say.

Sending good thoughts to every homie. Find a reason to be thankful for today, as hoping an even better Sunday is in store for each of us.
Yeah, we are all feeling this trying to be safe with daily routine. Our state has now said no eat in restaurants to be open in the effected counties, including mine. Malls are already closed, and I guess those food places that can do take out will be okay, but feel very sorry for wait staff, as they live on tips, and since most of take out is kitchen staff, I can see wait staff lay offs.

Oh MonyK, sorry to hear how awful Disney has been with the kids. Seems I think I have heard of other colleges doing the same thing, get out now. Thank goodness I was off on Friday, as we brought little one home that day, rather than wait until Saturday, when all must leave by dinner time. Shock to the whole family, that was for sure. And yeah, too many stories of those trying to get home or not having a place to go to. And even little one is worried about in person class for the Fall semester. And thank goodness she is not graduating this Spring. Her university already cancelled graduation. So many changes for so many. I hope all get understanding the need of trying to keep everyone healthy, and give comfort and support to family, friends, and those in the businesses effected. And a PSA for those in my state effected. The state controlled hard liquor places will close on Tuesday. I can imagine Monday will be busy in there. I have my gray goose, and some wine, so I am good as we stay more at home than usual.

Oh, I need some tea. Cool enough I have a blanket around me. Enjoying some screen time too. Kids are quiet, so they are online watching or playing with their friends.

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And a perfect night, I must say.

Sending good thoughts to every homie. Find a reason to be thankful for today, as hoping an even better Sunday is in store for each of us.

I may have had “too much” grey goose today?!??!?!???!?!!!

Hope DisneyLife does not get a hangover. I like my grey goose in a cup of crushed ice. Was tired, so none for me last night.

Ah, yes, a sweet Sunday is upon us. Birds outside the window have been letting all know they are awake, since before the sunrise. Nice enough day, weather wise, for us. And so,

Oh yes I have those.

And my wish to all the homies:

Oooh, quiet house, tea in hand. Ack, beeep. Yeah, more early laundry. Later homies.

May all the homies have a super happy Sunday. And if your goals today are like mine, woot!
Hi homies,

Everything is still ok here. Thankfully, two people my daughter was in contact with have so far tested negative. I know it's still early and many will get it, but I'm grateful for more time to "be normal" as best we can. I feel we have enough food for a few weeks, if needed. Ironically, we had just cleaned our chest freezer out a few weeks ago to move it to the basement instead of our garage, so I had been refilling it slowly. I did get a few more things earlier in the week, before the mass hysteria went into over-drive.

Youngest DD works part time in the grocery store and she's been frazzled. People are lined up before they open. She's wearing gloves all the time there now. Her new online college classes start this week, so we'll see how that goes.

We decided to make the best of yesterday and did our corned beef Irish dinner last night. I wore my shamrock socks and Raglan Road tshirt and we played Irish pub music. It was fun and delicious!

Seeing the Disney CP kids and international kids let go from Disney doesn't give me much hope that they will reopen any time soon. They even let the Japan Pavilion drummers go. I certainly don't think they will in 2 weeks, like they originally said. I'm not sure yet what to do for our May trip and I guess it's still wait and see.

Have a great Sunday! I know its a really difficult time for everyone. Stay safe!
Monyk......I read how some kids were told they had to be out of their accommodation. Quite surprising.

DLPN........we’ve all been there.......::yes:: usually wine with us though.......hope you feel ok today.......

Little bit of grocery shopping this morning, we only needed some bread, milk an avocado and assorted birthday cards........

Complete bedlam!!! It was like Christmas Eve morning and then some.......usually a Sunday at 10am is fairly quiet, but car park was more than 3/4 full and there were no trolleys (carts) We only needed a hand basket.

Inside there were people wandering around complaining about everyone else panic buying......the irony was missed by most.

And worst of all, folks still wandering around coughing without even attempting to cover their mouths. Still!!!

Crazy. And it’s cold and very windy.

Rest of Sunday will be quiet........doing a roast pork joint for dinner......bought some apple sauce as we have no apples yet, and not overly fond of the cooking apples you can buy.

Mug of tea time.........


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