Is anyone else worried about opening up again

The PP asked what would be different between reopening now or 6 months. I answered.

Personally, I DO think things should be more restrictive than what many people want for the next 6 months. But that wasn't the point of the response. There are things that can be learned that would affect outcomes. That was the point.

The point was to not overwhelm the healthcare system. If there are areas where that has been reached then there is no reason to wait another 6 months to open things there.
It didn't come close to disappearing because many people did nothing and don't even bother to pay attention to the distancing.

I agree with you, I don't think a lot of people care and have bothered to even learn a lesson from this. Second wave, here we come.
There was always going to be an increase in infections once restrictions were lifted...a second wave.
The point was to not overwhelm the healthcare system. If there are areas where that has been reached then there is no reason to wait another 6 months to open things there.
Again...When I said "that was the point," that was me referencing, my response. Which was answering the PP's question of what would be different in 6 months.

It was not a declaration by me that things should be locked down for 6 months.

It was not me talking about the reason for the lock down.
You weren't joking?

"My friend could choose to view it strictly through what she's seeing, but she's smart enough to understand her viewpoint is only one perspective and it looks very different not very far away."

Insulting someone you don't know, was that your intention? I thought you were joking. Read the post above yours to educate yourself on what would happen if we remain shut down and hospitals are allowed to close down.

Where exactly did I suggest hospitals should shut down?

I made mention of hospitals in our area scrambling to find places to store bodies. Sadly true.

I mentioned Beaumont Hospital laying off staff not involved in patient care due to the effect postponement of elective surgeries on their revenue stream.

I mentioned a friend in nursing who has told me things are generally slower where she is, but also shared that she has friends and family in the medical field who are in places where they are struggling to meet the demand.

Which one of those would prompt someone to respond with a laughing emoticon? I'm asking because I don't understand how any one of those is remotely amusing. If someone wants to claim they're insulted because they're being asked why they find something funny, nothing I can do about that.
Not even worth asking this again, unfortunately. People either think it’s no big deal and we should open everything or they think keep it closed for a while longer till cases and deaths drop and testing is ramped up and we have a handle on it.

I am of the thinking that opening it up now is a recipe for more people to get sick and die and that we will right back where we started in short time. But I will never convince those who want to open that this is of any value. After all, it seems money is what they are more concerned about.

1. Those aren't the only two choices and no most people are not one or the other. Most people are reasonably in the middle.

2. If we do not open at some point, our economy is going to fail. People are going to suffer from that. Its not that money is all they are concerned about. But they have to be concerned about how they are going to live at some point. Obviously that isn't something that you have to be concerned about for some reason and that is great for you. Not great for others.

Look at the price per barrel of oil! That is partly because there is demand for it! Do you have any idea what they will do? Do you have any idea how many people that can put out of work at one time along with all the other's that are out of work right now?
Sure, I'm concerned. But also - what's the end game here? The point of staying home was to flatten the curve and not overwhelm hospitals. We certainly have. Hospitals are not at capacity. Whether we start to reopen now or in 6 months, the second wave will happen. What good does waiting do? It's not feasible for everyone to stay home for another year plus until we potentially have a vaccine.

I just don't know.
There was always going to be an increase in infections once restrictions were lifted...a second wave.
That's true, but why rush it? To open so soon in some areas would make shutting down at all pointless.

Sure there is going to be a second wave. Sooner or later.

I’ll vote for later, and don’t assume I mean six months.

I’ll say it again. Get the curve going down, for 14 days, and then open gradually and wisely. Bowling alleys, tattoo parlors, and gyms aren’t wise decisions. Build up resources and develop effective plans for testing and surveillance.
Sure there is going to be a second wave. Sooner or later.

I’ll vote for later, and don’t assume I mean six months.

I’ll say it again. Get the curve going down, for 14 days, and then open gradually and wisely. Bowling alleys, tattoo parlors, and gyms aren’t wise decisions. Build up resources and develop effective plans for testing and surveillance.

Agree completely!
Naturally, I'm concerned. Hopefully, states will do this gradually and intelligently, following directives from healthcare experts and not politicians. It's going to be many months before some businesses and areas are back up and running fully, unfortunately.
Look at the price per barrel of oil! That is partly because there is demand for it! Do you have any idea what they will do? Do you have any idea how many people that can put out of work at one time along with all the other's that are out of work right now?
I don't disagree with the rest of your post, but the primary reason that the price of oil has fallen off the table is greed. Oil producing nations knew that not only was the world using far less oil, but that there was limited storage. Instead of decreasing production, they decided to play power games with one another and increased production. The idiots did this to themselves.

There is no problem here. The oil is still there, and oil storage facilities around the globe are full. These greedy companies will suffer, and the smaller ones will go out of business, but anyone who feels sorry for them given everything else that was going on in the world when they decided to play these games is giving them a pass that no one deserves.
I don't disagree with the rest of your post, but the primary reason that the price of oil has fallen off the table is greed. Oil producing nations knew that not only was the world using far less oil, but that there was limited storage. Instead of decreasing production, they decided to play power games with one another and increased production. The idiots did this to themselves.

There is no problem here. The oil is still there, and oil storage facilities around the globe are full. These greedy companies will suffer, and the smaller ones will go out of business, but anyone who feels sorry for them given everything else that was going on in the world when they decided to play these games is giving them a pass that no one deserves.

There was a great write up in Bloomberg on oil by Matt Levine yesterday. I suggest checking it out.

With less people driving and flying, there really isn’t much demand for oil. And the way future contracts roll over makes this even more funny.
So a few years ago my wife and I signedup for a bike ride down a volcano in Hawaii. When they presented up with the waiver to sign clearing them of any claims up to and including death I realized I had not been on a bike in years and decided my wife should enjoy the ride and I would follow in the van with the spotter. Halfway down he got a call on the radio that we should hold up, there was a “Holley” ahead. I asked what that was and he said a Holley was a bird indigene pi’s to the region that flew he’d over heels. They used it as a euphemism for someone going over the edge. When we got to the end 2 guys that obviously had not really read the waiver asked why we stopped. When told they were dumbfounded that there was any real risk on the trip. The current situation strikes me as the same. Sign the waiver and take your chance or hang in the van because you arent comfortable. I don’t regret that my wife enjoyed the ride, I don’t regret that I sat it out. Make your choice, make it intelligently and do what you are comfortable with

Does your view change at all if in your analogy there are a group of police and nurses on the sidewalk doing their job that could be killed by an inexperienced rider taking a turn and pulling them over the edge too?

I’m normally a live by your risk person up until you risk others- I’m fine if you want to drink yourself to a blackout every night of the week, not okay if you want to drunk drive. Not that I don’t want to open up responsibly but I am co corned at those that look at this solely as an individual risk and not a societal risk.
There was a great write up in Bloomberg on oil by Matt Levine yesterday. I suggest checking it out.

With less people driving and flying, there really isn’t much demand for oil. And the way future contracts roll over makes this even more funny.
It is supply and demand - not just demand. Supply cannot go up when demand is dropping off a cliff. That is what they did. They deserve their fate.
Again...When I said "that was the point," that was me referencing, my response. Which was answering the PP's question of what would be different in 6 months.

It was not a declaration by me that things should be locked down for 6 months.

It was not me talking about the reason for the lock down.

Fair enough, but your pp does come across as you supporting staying closed down for another 6 months.


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