Disneyland Reopening Speculation Superthread

Disposables were okay at Disney Springs and Shanghai so I’m sure they’ll be fine? Most of the people I see are wearing those more than cloth masks.
I’m planning 10 a day, lol. That would be a LOT of face masks. Someone on Etsy would get very rich off me if cloth is required.
Masks are still required outdoors in public spaces if 6 feet distance cannot be maintained. I still hope this means Disney lowers the allowed attendance so that masks are not needed.
Literally not possible. You have to be within 6 feet of CMs for a variety of things, ticket checking, ride restraints, payments. Masks will be required in parks for some time.
Interesting, where have you seen that? I was hoping for disposable because the idea of wearing a mask on my face that was with me in bathrooms is kinda 🤢. I mean, I have a lot of cloth masks, but not enough to switch out after every potty break.
Exactly my thoughts...the mask needs to be changed after the bathroom break. Yuck!
Hey. I’m asthmatic too. FWIW, I’ve been off refined sugar for 30+ years and I believe that’s helped a lot. There are also some deep-breathing exercises you can do that might also help (they’ve helped me).

Incidentally, I believe that DL will require cloth masks. It doesn’t sound like disposables will be allowed.
Oh shoot. I didn't realize that re: disposable masks. Do you have a good resource for deep breathing techniques? I'll do some googling too. I am not a huge sweets person as it is, so I'll definitely try to see if cutting it out completely helps. I'm willing to do anything at this point!

ETA: Seems like there is some differing opinions about the allowing of disposables, didn't see the other comments before posting. I guess we'll all find out enough (well, hopefully soon).
It also helps if you try to train yourself to breathe through your nose (just keep that mask over the nose still lol!) and not your mouth when wearing a mask. I have asthma and have found this makes a huge difference for me.
Oh shoot. I didn't realize that re: disposable masks.
Disney’s chief medical officer Dr. Pamela Hymel says in the video linked below that cloth masks will be required (at about the 1:00 mark). It's possible that she refers only to CMs but from the context it sounds to me as if it's a park-wide policy.

Do you have a good resource for deep breathing techniques?
I don't have a link but the technique is simple. Someone taught it to me years ago. I wish I could remember who. As I recall, she said it was a yoga technique. You simply inhale (at your usual pace -- not fast) as deeply as possible and then exhale as fully as possible. You do this for ten breaths four or five times throughout your day. The way it was explained to me was that asthmatics were "lazy breathers" and this helped to stretch their lungs. Whatever the mechanism, I know that it helped me a lot. Try it for a few days. If it doesn't help, then nothing lost :-). Good luck!
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Don't blame them it seems pretty risky, if you ask me.
Certainly I don't blame them. As much as I love DL and want to return to it ASAP, it does make me uneasy that we still have approx 1,500+ new C-19 cases daily in LA County alone. This is not under control and likely won't be until we have a vaccine (sometime next year, by all accounts).
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Certainly I don't blame them. As much as I love DL and want to return to it ASAP, it does make me uneasy that we still have approx 1,500+ new C-19 cases daily in LA County alone. This is not under control and likely won't be until we have a vaccine (sometime next year, by all accounts).

If everyone would just get on board with masks/facial coverings and wearing them correctly we could go a long way to reducing the numbers. I wish a new "study" would come out and say "hey we were wrong, wearing a mask does in fact protect the wearer" even if it isn't true. ;) People are much more likely to do something if they think they will benefit vs doing something to protect strangers (or even co-workers & friends).
Hey guys, you know book helps? I’m currently reading “The People vs. Disneyland” by David Koenig and it pretty much 200+ pages of how many ways you can get hurt at Disneyland.

Was in stock at my local library and it helps take the “I miss DL edge” off a bit.:scared:
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Hey guys, you know book helps? I’m currently reading “The People vs. Disneyland” by David Koenig and it pretty much 200+ pages of how many ways you can get hurt at Disneyland.

Was in stock at my local library and it helps take the “I miss DL edge off a bit.”:scared:
Awesome! I like his other books. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks!
Well, I was hoping by October masks would be optional so my 2 year old wouldn't have to wear one, but I kind of don't think that will be the case anymore. There's just no way I could keep a mask on a brand new 2 year old for more than 10 seconds. I wish Disney would extend the expiration on multi-day passes already!
Has anyone called Undercover Tourist to see if they will refund parkhoppers? I keep wavering.. but I have 4 3 day PHs with MP that I had planned for our June trip. I have an AP for myself. With all the rumored restrictions, need for reservations, etc, I think I would honestly just rather have the money back at this point because I don't think I can reasonably expect to be able to go with my family any time in the foreseeable future.

I know the value of the PHs can be applied toward future park tickets, but.... it's not looking good right now.

I'll probably ask for a refund for the unused portion of my AP also. I am an out of state AP holder so it's paid in full.

This whole thing just makes me sad (as I am sure it does all of us).
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Disney is just using the term "cloth mask" to differentiate from costume masks or plastic masks.

Surgical, N95, KN95....all acceptable mask types for Disney parks.
Agree. Disney is trying to prevent guests from showing up in face shields only, Halloween costume masks, Lone Ranger masks, motorcycle helmets, homemade helmets, etc. (you'd be amazed at the creativity out there) -- all of which do not meet the Disney safety guidelines.
Well, I guess maybe I should clarify who the “they” was in my original post. I was thinking more at the state or even local county level saying that they want to have WDW/DL delay their openings. I don’t see Disney willingly backing down at this point because it is a lot of people/process/technology to not only begin spinning back up but to also wind down again but if the positive cases plus the increase in hospital capacity continues to skyrocket you have to start wondering if they would want to see large venues close.

Good question. The hospitalizations are key. Numbers may be up for general infections, but it depends on who is getting sick. If the California hospitals start to get overrun then yes, I think the GOVT will step in and prevent the openings. Using the same site you referenced, the 7-day moving trend of daily deaths is still on a downward trajectory despite the concerns over the Memorial Day weekend. So from that standpoint, it is promising. The hope is new infections are mainly those who can fight off the illness on their own. I know I'm closely following the numbers since we have reservations in early August.


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