D.O.C.'s = Dis'ers of Color (Disney Fans of Color)

Would you like a dedicated/featured Forum for D.O.C.'s Dis'ers Of Color & Allies

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Being the shyest man in World (Walt Disney) I want to say a big thank you to all you Dis'ers. I have to say a very Big Thank you to Brother @Tonyz who inspired me to take the leap. I was a member here for several years, but just too shy to jump in and post.

Please be sure to visit our Poll and cast your vote to petition for D.O.C.s to become a featured Forum and share the link with other like-minded Dis'ers


Haha I’ve always been an inspiration to the black community!

I truly hope this idea takes off. It’s been up for a day and already started some great conversations.
Thank you for starting this thread. I've been listening and trying to learn as much as possible about what others experience and what I as a white woman will never experience. I also appreciate everyone sharing their experiences and helping to teach people like me even though you dont and shouldn't have to.

I have to admit that I have yet to have a talk with my kids (son is 6 and daughter is 3) about race. I was under the impression that not pointing out our differences or raising them "to not see color" as some say was the right approach but is actually not the way to go based on articles and posts I've read. I'm struggling with the right words to bring it up or the best way to explain it in a way they'll understand. My son has described different cartoon characters or people on tv as having brown skin and I just go about the rest of the conversation and don't stop to correct him. He's simply trying to tell me which character he's talking about and there's no malicious intent behind it, but afterward, I always feel like I missed my moment and that I'm part of the problem. I just want to raise kind, empathetic humans who see/judge people for the content of their character and not by their race, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
Oh my gosh, @Lindsey17,
Thank you so much for your kind words of support. You going to get the waterworks started here in just a moment. When I speak of my hopes and dreams (that in time people will eventually see the Walt Disney World Resort as a peaceful place for families and friends of all colors will enjoy, evoking the call of their inner child. Children are born innocent.) it is my Shaman (Medicine Man) roots shining through. :wizard:
Lindsey, your Kids have an awesome Mom. Please know all Dis'ers are welcome to contribute to this thread and hopefully, we will have our own dedicated Forum.

Please be sure to visit our new Poll at the top of this thread and cast your vote and share the link with other like-minded Dis'ers

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I am here following along. I think this thread was a great idea and I look forward to sharing, listening, and learning with others who love Disney!
First, let me say how much I LOVE the screen name :thumbsup2@gonedisneycrazy. This thread and hopefully our new dedicated Forum will be a place we can all share different aspects of Disney that we all can celebrate. You are most welcome.
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Hi everyone,
I think I made an error in the way I wrote the poll question in the Dis board technical support area. Instead of Yes and No response, I should I have written "Yes this is a good idea" and " I do not have anything positive to contribute to this Forum"
I would like your advice, should I re-write the post and create a new Poll?

I overlooked the scary truth there are people who would enjoy silencing voices that differ from theirs, potentially resulting in a large number of "No" votes.

:wave: UPDATE: I created a new Poll at the top of this thread.

Hello everyone, it did not take long for the negativity to start. I created a modified poll at the top of this thread making it easier for us all to share this thread with anyone who wishes to contribute in a positive, constructive, and loving manner. Mean spirited/ hate speech is not welcomed.
In Peace, Love & Light,
Tron Light Cycle Power Run: WDW
I am eagerly awaiting the completion of construction for the Tron Light Cycle Power Run at the Walt Disney World Resort Orlando, FL.
The Disneyland Shanghai version of Tron Light Cycle Power Run displays a very cool, intense video during the pre-launch queue, featuring "Cyber Sirens." The Cyber Sirens outfitted the hero "Sam" with his game grid uniform in the movie "Tron: Legacy"
The Sirens in the Shanghai version of Tron: Light cycle Power Run is represented by an Asian cast, which is appropriate for the Disneyland Shanghai park.


Do you think the Disney World Magic Kingdom version will feature a more diverse cast, as originally portrayed in the movie Tron: Legacy? Or do you think Disney World Magic Kingdom will receive an identical version to Shanghai, with the audio switch out to the English language?



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Countries still missing at Epcot Centre.

Most Dis'ers are aware Disney approached a number of African nation-states to come together to sponsor an "Equitorial Africa" Pavillion. Author of the amazing story "Roots" presented the plans for "Equatorial Africa" during a Walt Disney present Television special to promote the opening of Epcot Centre. After multiple delays and sponsor nations pulling their support, the Equitorial Africa Pavillion was canceled.
You may view that segment clicking the link below.

Instead of a Pavillion, we got an entire park!
Disney's Animal Kingdom Park focused on continents Africa, and South Asia finally offering people of those cultures representation in a Disney theme park.
It is important for all children of all backgrounds to see representations of themselves in positive ways, thanks to Joe Rhode Disney's Animal kingdom Park is a perfect ten.

What about the rest of the world?
Spain, Israel, Russia, and Australia are just a few of the countries that have been rumored to eventually be represented at Epcot's World showcase. In this era of diversity and inclusion,

Which countries would you like to see represented at World Showcase? :smickey:

Have a great Thursday as I wish you all Peace, Love & Light, and social distance Hugs.
With social distance will be more important this July 4 holiday. Is anyone here interested in creating Virtual Viewing parties? We pick a platform, pick a movie, and coordinate start time. Who is in charge of Popcorn @Lindsey17, @Poohbear538 ?
@MikeTaylor , @Tonyz you dudes have Refreshments?
@kylenne well make sure everyone has a good seat. :rotfl2:

I know this will be an obvious choice, how does everyone feel about "Hamilton" streaming on Disney Plus?


With social distance will be more important this July 4 holiday. Is anyone here interested in creating Virtual Viewing parties? We pick a platform, pick a movie, and coordinate start time. Who is in charge of Popcorn @Lindsey17, @Poohbear538 ?
@MikeTaylor , @Tonyz you dudes have Refreshments?
@kylenne well make sure everyone has a good seat. :rotfl2:

I know this will be an obvious choice, how does everyone feel about "Hamilton" streaming on Disney Plus?

View attachment 505903

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I cannot wait to watch Hamilton on Disney +. Watching it July 3rd.
know this will be an obvious choice, how does everyone feel about "Hamilton" streaming on Disney Plus?

Hope this doesn't details things, but seeing this post about having a watching party I thought I might ask this question ...

What can I do to be more excited/prepared to watching Hamilton on Disney+?

I have seen clips of the show and they didn't really "wow" me. I have gotten the soundtrack and listening through and I like some of the songs but a lot just don't seem distinct to me and just not into it

I do really like In The Heights so I don't think I am just anti-Lin Manuel Miranda or anything.

I mean, it is art so obviously not everyone has to like it but I know it is such a phenomenon and so many people love it so I want to make sure I go in and prepared and in as receptive a kind as possible
With social distance will be more important this July 4 holiday. Is anyone here interested in creating Virtual Viewing parties? We pick a platform, pick a movie, and coordinate start time. Who is in charge of Popcorn @Lindsey17, @Poohbear538 ?
@MikeTaylor , @Tonyz you dudes have Refreshments?
@kylenne well make sure everyone has a good seat. :rotfl2:

I know this will be an obvious choice, how does everyone feel about "Hamilton" streaming on Disney Plus?

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I love the idea of a viewing party. I can't commit to a time on the 4th because we're having my mom and sister over and then a neighbor is doing a firework display that we're going to walk over to and watch (from a social distance).

I will add that I'm super excited to see Hamilton since I will probably never get to see it on Broadway. My husband isn't really into theater and we went to see the Rockette's the weekend we got engaged and he actually fell asleep! :oops: No way am I willing to waste Hamilton money on a ticket for him lol.

I would love a viewing party of Princess & the Frog at some point. It came out when I was at an age where Disney movies no longer appealed to me so I just watched it for the first time with my daughter a few weeks ago and thought it was really cute and really like that we saw a hard working Disney Princess an not the "Oh a Prince will save me" Princess we know too well.
Tron Light Cycle Power Run: WDW
I am eagerly awaiting the completion of construction for the Tron Light Cycle Power Run at the Walt Disney World Resort Orlando, FL.

I do not know about the IP ownership/rights, but this made me think that perhaps now would be a good time to really consider a Black Panther attraction. I believe they announced a sequel and, to me, this would tongue-and-groove a popular movie with an attraction.
I do not know about the IP ownership/rights, but this made me think that perhaps now would be a good time to really consider a Black Panther attraction. I believe they announced a sequel and, to me, this would tongue-and-groove a popular movie with an attraction.

Unfortunately the current agreement won't allow for the Character in WDW b/c he was officially in the Avengers in the comics (at least that is my understanding of how it works) - but potentially at Disneyland.

I recall a discussion once if they could Wakanda without the character
Thank you for starting this thread. I've been listening and trying to learn as much as possible about what others experience and what I as a white woman will never experience. I also appreciate everyone sharing their experiences and helping to teach people like me even though you dont and shouldn't have to.

I have to admit that I have yet to have a talk with my kids (son is 6 and daughter is 3) about race. I was under the impression that not pointing out our differences or raising them "to not see color" as some say was the right approach, but is actually not the way to go based off articles and posts I've read. I'm struggling with the right words to bring it up or the best way to explain it in a way they'll understand. My son has described different cartoon characters or people on tv as having brown skin and I just go about the rest of the conversation and don't stop to correct him. He's simply trying to tell me which character he's talking about and there's no malicious intent behind it, but afterwards I always feel like I missed my moment and that I'm part of the problem. I just want to raise kind, empathetic humans who see/judge people for the content of their character and not by their race, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

A quick aside about seeing/not seeing color. One thing that always leaves me feeling extremely uncomfortable is when I’m with a group of white friends and one of them is trying to describe someone and the person in question is the only black person in a particular group. Usually when relating an incident or if we are discussing people presently around us (me? Gossip? Never!) I’ve been in conversations where a friend will painstakingly describe every single detail about this person down to the stitching of their clothing in an effort to avoid mentioning the color of their skin. Often, I’ve let it go because it seems for some reason some well-meaning white people are extremely uncomfortable saying the word “black” in relation to describing someone and some friends have told me that they are afraid of using the “wrong words” i.e. “African American” vs. “Black.”

Sometimes, I get frustrated and blurt out “you mean the black guy/girl?” I’m not sure exactly where I’m going with this but in regard to kids and describing people or characters by including skin color, I think it’s natural. They see the differences between people but it seems at such young ages ( provided they haven’t been taught to associate skin color with behavior or personality traits, which I have no idea how possible that is just by existing in this world) they are just using all the tools they have to express themselves.

I think it’s great to show kids all the ways we differ and to instill a curiosity about the world. I think it starts with parents actively exposing their kids to diversity, not just telling them that everyone is equal. I’m struggling with some friends of mine who have young kids (like 12 months-ish) and they live in predominately white cities/towns and go to predominately white daycares and when (before Covid) they were taken shopping, would most likely only encounter other white people as well. When kids are in that type of environment, I think it is the caregiver’s responsibility to make sure the child knows there’s more than their bubble and also that they experience it more than occasionally.
Hope this doesn't details things, but seeing this post about having a watching party I thought I might ask this question ...

What can I do to be more excited/prepared to watching Hamilton on Disney+?

I have seen clips of the show and they didn't really "wow" me. I have gotten the soundtrack and listening through and I like some of the songs but a lot just don't seem distinct to me and just not into it

I do really like In The Heights so I don't think I am just anti-Lin Manuel Miranda or anything.

I mean, it is art so obviously not everyone has to like it but I know it is such a phenomenon and so many people love it so I want to make sure I go in and prepared and in as receptive a kind as possible

Like you said, not everyone has to like Hamilton. I'm a huge fan, but I know it's not for everyone. Don't feel bad if it's not for you. There are a lot of popular shows I just can't get into (looking at you, CATS).

TBH, I wasn't crazy about it at first. The first time I heard Hamilton, I listened to just a couple of songs, out of order, out of context, so I didn't get a good feel for the storyline or the storytelling. And I'm a big fan of all the genres of music in Hamilton, so it wasn't a matter of not liking any specific style of music. I just didn't introduce myself to the show with the "right" songs.

Once I listened to the whole soundtrack through in order a time or two, I was hooked. Personally, I fell in love with the lyrics, and they still blow me away. I love wordy, clever lyrics. There's also a ton of nuance and sly references (both references within the show itself and references that break the 4th wall) that I adore. Would it be more interesting/enjoyable for you if you knew some of the easter eggs within the lyrics?

We were lucky enough to see the touring production when it came through town last summer, and I've seen the OBC bootleg on YouTube many, many times. The staging is incredible. Every time I watch the show, I'm discovering something new in the staging, the lighting, the costumes, the actions and facial expressions of the cast. The ensemble is AMAZING. There is (obviously) so much more to the show than just the soundtrack.

I recommend giving the show one solid (not distracted) watch once it hits Disney+ - seeing the way everything comes together into one overall story may hit differently with you than some clips will. Maybe the theatrical context is what you're needing, and that's something you just don't get from the soundtrack or even from clips, really. There are moments where the lights and music and lyrics all hit together just right to take your breath away. (At least, they take mine away, but I majored in theatre and my emphasis was lighting design, so I may be a little biased lol)... I can't wait to see it with the original cast in HD. I'm already planning to watch it at least twice Friday. :laughing:

Also, to keep this kind of on-topic, I read this great op-ed the other day about the release of Hamilton on D+ coinciding with where we are in history right now...
Thank you for starting this thread. I've been listening and trying to learn as much as possible about what others experience and what I as a white woman will never experience. I also appreciate everyone sharing their experiences and helping to teach people like me even though you dont and shouldn't have to.

I have to admit that I have yet to have a talk with my kids (son is 6 and daughter is 3) about race. I was under the impression that not pointing out our differences or raising them "to not see color" as some say was the right approach, but is actually not the way to go based off articles and posts I've read. I'm struggling with the right words to bring it up or the best way to explain it in a way they'll understand. My son has described different cartoon characters or people on tv as having brown skin and I just go about the rest of the conversation and don't stop to correct him. He's simply trying to tell me which character he's talking about and there's no malicious intent behind it, but afterwards I always feel like I missed my moment and that I'm part of the problem. I just want to raise kind, empathetic humans who see/judge people for the content of their character and not by their race, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
Disclaimer: I'm not a parent, so I can't relate in that sense. I'm thinking the conversation will evolve over time. Like @TummyGirl said, it may need to start by encouraging diversity. When they get older, they will start to understand that not everyone is treated equally in our society, and not everyone is afforded the same opportunities for a lot of reasons. Personally, what I hope to instill in my nephew is the idea that there are people that don't get to experience life the same way we do as white people. We need to recognize that and listen to when people need help, or when we need to speak up.

Hope this doesn't details things, but seeing this post about having a watching party I thought I might ask this question ...

What can I do to be more excited/prepared to watching Hamilton on Disney+?

I have seen clips of the show and they didn't really "wow" me. I have gotten the soundtrack and listening through and I like some of the songs but a lot just don't seem distinct to me and just not into it

I do really like In The Heights so I don't think I am just anti-Lin Manuel Miranda or anything.

I mean, it is art so obviously not everyone has to like it but I know it is such a phenomenon and so many people love it so I want to make sure I go in and prepared and in as receptive a kind as possible
My husband hasn't been wowed by it either. Me on the other hand, I've never heard anything like it. I was lucky enough to see it on tour in February before all the Covid madness took over.

I think the things I love the most are the recurring musical themes - each main character has a musical theme or phrase that carries through the entire show. Some that come to mind are the "Rise up", "Helpless," "History has its eyes on you," "Wait for it," etc. How those things change for each character. It might be something fun to look out for while watching.

Another fun one is I believe LMM has obviously been inspired by hip hop artists over the years, and I think each of the main male characters that have substantial rap numbers are modeled after artists like Biggie, Busta Rhymes, etc. That for me is really fun. There was a whole video on the breakdown, which I loved! I couldn't find it, I think Vox put it out, but this is a good article: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat..._the_rap_and_r_b_allusions_in_lin_manuel.html

I think what speaks to me most with Hamilton is how the show has evolved from its premiere. I think the meaning of "this is not a moment, it's the movement" has really changed over the last few years, even in the last couple months. I look at it through a different lens in 2020 than I did in 2015.

As you can tell, I'm STOKED to watch it tomorrow!
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Like you said, not everyone has to like Hamilton. I'm a huge fan, but I know it's not for everyone. Don't feel bad if it's not for you. There are a lot of popular shows I just can't get into (looking at you, CATS).

Once I listened to the whole soundtrack through in order a time or two, I was hooked. Personally, I fell in love with the lyrics, and they still blow me away. I love wordy, clever lyrics. There's also a ton of nuance and sly references (both references within the show itself and references that break the 4th wall) that I adore. Would it be more interesting/enjoyable for you if you knew some of the easter eggs within the lyrics?

We were lucky enough to see the touring production when it came through town last summer, and I've seen the OBC bootleg on YouTube many, many times. The staging is incredible. Every time I watch the show, I'm discovering something new in the staging, the lighting, the costumes, the actions and facial expressions of the cast. The ensemble is AMAZING. There is (obviously) so much more to the show than just the soundtrack.
Haha, I hate CATS too.

Right on re: the staging. It's a very stripped down show, which isn't usually how Broadway productions look.

The ensemble members work. their. butts. off. They're ALWAYS moving. It's incredible.
A quick aside about seeing/not seeing color. One thing that always leaves me feeling extremely uncomfortable is when I’m with a group of white friends and one of them is trying to describe someone and the person in question is the only black person in a particular group. Usually when relating an incident or if we are discussing people presently around us (me? Gossip? Never!) I’ve been in conversations where a friend will painstakingly describe every single detail about this person down to the stitching of their clothing in an effort to avoid mentioning the color of their skin. Often, I’ve let it go because it seems for some reason some well-meaning white people are extremely uncomfortable saying the word “black” in relation to describing someone and some friends have told me that they are afraid of using the “wrong words” i.e. “African American” vs. “Black.”

Sometimes, I get frustrated and blurt out “you mean the black guy/girl?” I’m not sure exactly where I’m going with this but in regard to kids and describing people or characters by including skin color, I think it’s natural. They see the differences between people but it seems at such young ages ( provided they haven’t been taught to associate skin color with behavior or personality traits, which I have no idea how possible that is just by existing in this world) they are just using all the tools they have to express themselves.

I think it’s great to show kids all the ways we differ and to instill a curiosity about the world. I think it starts with parents actively exposing their kids to diversity, not just telling them that everyone is equal. I’m struggling with some friends of mine who have young kids (like 12 months-ish) and they live in predominately white cities/towns and go to predominately white daycares and when (before Covid) they were taken shopping, would most likely only encounter other white people as well. When kids are in that type of environment, I think it is the caregiver’s responsibility to make sure the child knows there’s more than their bubble and also that they experience it more than occasionally.

Thank you for your response. I agree that kids need to experience diversity and that's one of the reasons I love Disney so much. People from all over the world come to visit and so not only do kids get to experience the magic and wonder of Disney, but they get to see and hear people from all walks of life and that even though we look and sound different we all have something in common and that's our love of Disney. They're still young so currently their only interest at the parks is rides and popcorn, but I'm hopeful as they get older they'll be more interested in learning about the history and culture of the different countries in Epoct and lands in AK.
A quick aside about seeing/not seeing color. One thing that always leaves me feeling extremely uncomfortable is when I’m with a group of white friends and one of them is trying to describe someone and the person in question is the only black person in a particular group. Usually when relating an incident or if we are discussing people presently around us (me? Gossip? Never!) I’ve been in conversations where a friend will painstakingly describe every single detail about this person down to the stitching of their clothing in an effort to avoid mentioning the color of their skin. Often, I’ve let it go because it seems for some reason some well-meaning white people are extremely uncomfortable saying the word “black” in relation to describing someone and some friends have told me that they are afraid of using the “wrong words” i.e. “African American” vs. “Black.”

Sometimes, I get frustrated and blurt out “you mean the black guy/girl?” I’m not sure exactly where I’m going with this but in regard to kids and describing people or characters by including skin color, I think it’s natural. They see the differences between people but it seems at such young ages ( provided they haven’t been taught to associate skin color with behavior or personality traits, which I have no idea how possible that is just by existing in this world) they are just using all the tools they have to express themselves.

I think it’s great to show kids all the ways we differ and to instill a curiosity about the world. I think it starts with parents actively exposing their kids to diversity, not just telling them that everyone is equal. I’m struggling with some friends of mine who have young kids (like 12 months-ish) and they live in predominately white cities/towns and go to predominately white daycares and when (before Covid) they were taken shopping, would most likely only encounter other white people as well. When kids are in that type of environment, I think it is the caregiver’s responsibility to make sure the child knows there’s more than their bubble and also that they experience it more than occasionally.

Tummy, great post as always!

It’s funny you mention that because I always thought it said a lot about the people actively trying to avoid saying “black”... because you know it would be the first word to describe the person if there were no other black people around. I love doing what you described, just saying “oh the black guy?” and watch their eyes widen in fear that I dared to acknowledge skin color in the presence of another black person.

And *shockingly* I’ve never had a black person get upset during these situations.


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