Sad news.

It is isn`t it.

So many of us look forward to this year after year....and although obviously we wouldn`t be there, we still hoped it would go ahead as so many love it.

But, there`s always next year........have you ever gone to it WD.......I`m not sure....

Oh and :welcome: I`m not sure you`ve posted before......if you have another welcome is ok......:flower3:

Yes, so far this year has sucked pretty bad for travel. Good to see you here :wave2:
Well that was the nail in my trip coffin. We had pretty much decided not to go in October, this is the death knell. 💀 It was going to be our first HHN, but next year we will be even more excited ☺
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It is isn`t it.

So many of us look forward to this year after year....and although obviously we wouldn`t be there, we still hoped it would go ahead as so many love it.

But, there`s always next year........have you ever gone to it WD.......I`m not sure....

Oh and :welcome: I`m not sure you`ve posted before......if you have another welcome is ok......:flower3:

Yes, so far this year has sucked pretty bad for travel. Good to see you here :wave2:
I thought about you and my local friends who work as scare actors at HHN when I heard the news today. So sad and yet another disappointment. My kids have now started prefacing their activity requests with “ It‘s probably going to get cancelled but.....” 😭😭 We did venture to I-Drive last week & cashed in a Santa gift certificate to iFly & then a nice dinner at Ocean Prime. Close friends just spent 3 days at HRH and UO so us locals are doing our part to keep the tourist economy going but we sure miss all of you.
Well that was the nail in my trip coffin. We had pretty much decided not to go in October, this is the death knell. 💀 It was going to be our first HHN, but next year we will be even more excited ☺

I`m so sorry Maria :hug:

It`s never easy to make that final decision, but I see this would put that final nail in. It seems so unfair that so many people`s trips have been affected this year.

But, yes, looking forward to next year is a good idea....and they`ll make sure it is out of this world.......of that I am sure......::yes::

Hope all is good with you....:wave2:
I thought about you and my local friends who work as scare actors at HHN when I heard the news today. So sad and yet another disappointment. My kids have now started prefacing their activity requests with “ It‘s probably going to get cancelled but.....” 😭😭 We did venture to I-Drive last week & cashed in a Santa gift certificate to iFly & then a nice dinner at Ocean Prime. Close friends just spent 3 days at HRH and UO so us locals are doing our part to keep the tourist economy going but we sure miss all of you.


Glad to hear the locals are doing all they can to enjoy the resorts too.....that must be so hard for younger kids....and for thoughts of cancellation to be their mindset, well it`s so sad.

Glad you had a nice visit to Orlando, and Ocean of our favourite places!!! Hope it was good.

We only know a couple who are SA and we haven`t spoken (well email usually) since this was announced, but I know they`ll be gutted too.....they do it every year and love it so much!!

Us tourists are desperate to get back for sure, hopefully sooner rather than later.....

But, good to see you.....hope you and the family are all doing well...... :wave2:
I think you should do a 'greatest hits' in honor of HHN you have enough great photos that it would almost be like it's really happening's really sad what's happening in the USA. :sad:

What a fabulous idea!!!

Tom said weeks and weeks ago I should do a "virtual trip report" Almost as if we were actually there and write about what we "would" be doing ......then someone else suggested the same thing.......similar to what you just said.....hmmmm....something to think about!

Yes, I have thousands of HHN pictures......I could post for months and not run

It is incredible what has happened to the world. I think everyone is looking for positives again as some places seem to be going backwards. Florida whatever some may say, is not doing well in all of this. I said weeks ago if I had been in America I`d probably go, but I don`t think that way now. It`s just too risky, and as more corwds come it`ll get worse. So I hope the crowds stay low for those that do go in the coming weeks as it`ll be easier to control distancing. Hope so anyway.

I do plan a proper update with an eye on more food and fun options for the next trip......but this week we seem to have been busy....doing what I`m not quite sure, but our time has just frizzled away.....

I`m still feeling OK about not making it to Orlando in September. Well, as good as one can be, but everyone has been reassuring us it`s the right decision to not be travelling there right now or in the forseeable future.......well, not that we can anyway being in the UK.

More flights have been cancelled since last week and more trips cancelled. We know so many folks who have been affected in real life and seeing everyone on here have to change plans is sad.

With the cancellation of HHN I`m even more convinced we don`t want to be there.

Not altogether a surprise and we had been given a heads up last week it was "probably" going to be cancelled. Again, so much disappointment for so many people. We know a couple fo guys who are SA every year....I know they`ll be gutted as they love doing it every year. But, they will more than make up for it next year I`m sure!!!

I really HOPE these two guys make a comeback next year........



And who doesn`t love this area!!!


Day to day life is more or less the same for us.

Masks are finally mandatory in all stores, but not mandatory outside anywhere yet. We have been wearing ours as have a lot of people, but so many don`t wear them.......not sure it`s a genuine belief they don`t work, or they are just being belligerent.

We have met up with friends twice now for meals out and we`ve been very happy with the way the place we go have dealt with the challenges. So far we`ve had no desire to pop to the pub just for a drink, but their restaurant has been lovely since they reopened. Tables are limited to six people and are well spaced apart.

Our weather has been lovely most days, so we`ve been getting out and about for some nice walks either on the beach which is a 10 minute walk away from us, or up into the woods close to us.......




Kyle is still working from home and it`ll be at least September now before he will be back in the office, then it`ll be phased returns. It`s lovely having him here, but thankfully careful distanced socialising is returning. They are all so careful too, which is a good thing.

So far we have a just short of a week stay in Scotland booked for the end of August, the hotel we stay at opens back up next week so we were happy to book up there. We love that hotel too, right on the water.

And we finally decided on a cottage in a beautiful little village in the Cotswolds. It`s a gorgeous area in England that`s classed as AONB or An area of outstanding natural beauty and it really is stunning. Lots of little chocolate box villages with some gorgeous scenery and very quaint buildings with beautiful and individual pubs and restaurants. So, we are very much looking forward to that.

Will do a restaurant update in the next few days.......and.........I am seriously toying with doing that virtual trip report :scratchin......not sure how that`ll work yet......but it might just be better then nothing........::yes::

Hope everything is good for everyone here......still so many changes for us all in our different areas of the world.......but, we`ll get there......:wave2:
I`m still feeling OK about not making it to Orlando in September. Well, as good as one can be, but everyone has been reassuring us it`s the right decision to not be travelling there right now or in the forseeable future.......well, not that we can anyway being in the UK.

I'm so sorry about this but glad you are feeling ok about it. I totally get it. I can't see going anywhere anytime soon either, but I miss travel sooooo much!!! It's funny because normally where I live, there are so many planes as we are directly under a pretty busy flight path out of Toronto. But now, when I see one it's so noticeable, like, wow, a plane!!! There are so few flights right now compared to normal.

Masks are finally mandatory in all stores, but not mandatory outside anywhere yet. We have been wearing ours as have a lot of people, but so many don`t wear them.......not sure it`s a genuine belief they don`t work, or they are just being belligerent.

Same here. People are idiots. I have masks everywhere now, in the car, in every purse, scattered around the house so I am sure to have one whenever I go anywhere. But I still find it a strange sight when I see people in them outdoors, unless in a really crowded area that just seems odd to me, but I totally support anyone who wants to wear one outdoors in the open. I am super careful with slapping that puppy on when I get near anyone though!!!

And we finally decided on a cottage in a beautiful little village in the Cotswolds. It`s a gorgeous area in England that`s classed as AONB or An area of outstanding natural beauty and it really is stunning. Lots of little chocolate box villages with some gorgeous scenery and very quaint buildings with beautiful and individual pubs and restaurants. So, we are very much looking forward to that.

Sounds so beautiful!! I would love to visit some more off the beaten path places in the UK one day. I'd go now if it wasn't for the plane ride....sitting with a mask for 6 plus hours doesn't sound that appealing....but if this goes on long enough I am sure I will end up doing it to travel again!!
I'm so sorry about this but glad you are feeling ok about it. I totally get it. I can't see going anywhere anytime soon either, but I miss travel sooooo much!!! It's funny because normally where I live, there are so many planes as we are directly under a pretty busy flight path out of Toronto. But now, when I see one it's so noticeable, like, wow, a plane!!! There are so few flights right now compared to normal.

Same here. People are idiots. I have masks everywhere now, in the car, in every purse, scattered around the house so I am sure to have one whenever I go anywhere. But I still find it a strange sight when I see people in them outdoors, unless in a really crowded area that just seems odd to me, but I totally support anyone who wants to wear one outdoors in the open. I am super careful with slapping that puppy on when I get near anyone though!!!

Sounds so beautiful!! I would love to visit some more off the beaten path places in the UK one day. I'd go now if it wasn't for the plane ride....sitting with a mask for 6 plus hours doesn't sound that appealing....but if this goes on long enough I am sure I will end up doing it to travel again!!

Yes, where we are we don`t get a lot of plane traffic, except the odd one heading out to see.....but it is strange not seeing anything, and if we do it`s usually a cargo plane. We only really have RAF planes around here now.......but you`ll notice a massive difference if you are in a flight path.....yes, we do that too......look...a miss travelling a lot. We have always loved flying and even the long flight is something we look forward to a lot. I know many folks hate the flight, but not us.

Absolutely. I have to admit, they aren`t pleasant. We do wear them though........but I struggle with the ones who blatantly disregard the rules wherever you go.

The UK does have some gorgeous places that so many folks don`t consider.....Scotland especially has some stunning scenery and places no one seems to know about. Lots of folks go for the obvious tourist places and I can understand why.......but off the beaten tracks can be quite the experience.

Yes, I`d do anything to be on a plane right now....mask and all!!! It would be worth it......:wave2:
Ooh, we stayed in a bed and breakfast in a little Cotswold village. Was so fun all rooms were different. Where I had found a little bakery making gingerbread. Bought some still warm, and was so tasty. Beautiful place along a lake, very photogenic. We enjoyed our time there.

Hope your trips in the UK are enjoyable and you finally get to see your mum and family. Yeah, we have news showing airport not busy at all. But even with no HHN, I still am coming, and will enjoy a get away from being home for so long. Mental break, in some ways.
I do plan a proper update with an eye on more food and fun options for the next trip......but this week we seem to have been busy....doing what I`m not quite sure, but our time has just frizzled away.....

I`m still feeling OK about not making it to Orlando in September. Well, as good as one can be, but everyone has been reassuring us it`s the right decision to not be travelling there right now or in the forseeable future.......well, not that we can anyway being in the UK.

More flights have been cancelled since last week and more trips cancelled. We know so many folks who have been affected in real life and seeing everyone on here have to change plans is sad.

With the cancellation of HHN I`m even more convinced we don`t want to be there.

Not altogether a surprise and we had been given a heads up last week it was "probably" going to be cancelled. Again, so much disappointment for so many people. We know a couple fo guys who are SA every year....I know they`ll be gutted as they love doing it every year. But, they will more than make up for it next year I`m sure!!!

I really HOPE these two guys make a comeback next year........



And who doesn`t love this area!!!


Day to day life is more or less the same for us.

Masks are finally mandatory in all stores, but not mandatory outside anywhere yet. We have been wearing ours as have a lot of people, but so many don`t wear them.......not sure it`s a genuine belief they don`t work, or they are just being belligerent.

We have met up with friends twice now for meals out and we`ve been very happy with the way the place we go have dealt with the challenges. So far we`ve had no desire to pop to the pub just for a drink, but their restaurant has been lovely since they reopened. Tables are limited to six people and are well spaced apart.

Our weather has been lovely most days, so we`ve been getting out and about for some nice walks either on the beach which is a 10 minute walk away from us, or up into the woods close to us.......




Kyle is still working from home and it`ll be at least September now before he will be back in the office, then it`ll be phased returns. It`s lovely having him here, but thankfully careful distanced socialising is returning. They are all so careful too, which is a good thing.

So far we have a just short of a week stay in Scotland booked for the end of August, the hotel we stay at opens back up next week so we were happy to book up there. We love that hotel too, right on the water.

And we finally decided on a cottage in a beautiful little village in the Cotswolds. It`s a gorgeous area in England that`s classed as AONB or An area of outstanding natural beauty and it really is stunning. Lots of little chocolate box villages with some gorgeous scenery and very quaint buildings with beautiful and individual pubs and restaurants. So, we are very much looking forward to that.

Will do a restaurant update in the next few days.......and.........I am seriously toying with doing that virtual trip report :scratchin......not sure how that`ll work yet......but it might just be better then nothing........::yes::

Hope everything is good for everyone here......still so many changes for us all in our different areas of the world.......but, we`ll get there......:wave2:
Every time I see "the Cotswolds," I picture Agatha Raisin. I love cozy mysteries and M.C. Beaton is one of my favorite authors...I think you are going to have such a lovely week! I started re-reading your last December TR. I'm looking for things to get excited about for our trip this year, still hoping that one will actually happen, but not getting too attached at this point.

I saw some fabulous footage of the new JW coaster. It really looks like something! I'm going to have to ride it once, even if it's too much for me and only once. I think it's going to be a great treat to look forward to! I'm also eager to see your greatest hits as they continue to be revealed in this TR. Have you thought about doing "Top 3, 5, or 10" lists? I would love to hear and see your top 3 just about anything! :D
Ooh, we stayed in a bed and breakfast in a little Cotswold village. Was so fun all rooms were different. Where I had found a little bakery making gingerbread. Bought some still warm, and was so tasty. Beautiful place along a lake, very photogenic. We enjoyed our time there.

Hope your trips in the UK are enjoyable and you finally get to see your mum and family. Yeah, we have news showing airport not busy at all. But even with no HHN, I still am coming, and will enjoy a get away from being home for so long. Mental break, in some ways.

Yes, the Cotswolds is beautiful. It`s an area we know well and love it.

I agree, I think a lot of people need to get away from all of this in some way. And a change of scenery wherever will make a difference. Everyone deserves a vacation.
Every time I see "the Cotswolds," I picture Agatha Raisin. I love cozy mysteries and M.C. Beaton is one of my favorite authors...I think you are going to have such a lovely week! I started re-reading your last December TR. I'm looking for things to get excited about for our trip this year, still hoping that one will actually happen, but not getting too attached at this point.

I saw some fabulous footage of the new JW coaster. It really looks like something! I'm going to have to ride it once, even if it's too much for me and only once. I think it's going to be a great treat to look forward to! I'm also eager to see your greatest hits as they continue to be revealed in this TR. Have you thought about doing "Top 3, 5, or 10" lists? I would love to hear and see your top 3 just about anything! :D`s exactly like Agatha Raisin!!! You like M.C. Beaton???? I love her books....

Have you seen a tv show or the books she wrote about Hamish Macbeth?? The tv show was excellent with Robert Carlyle as Hamish.......tiny village way up in Scotland was the setting.....beautiful place. Stories are funny and poignant at the same time.

Apparently she was disappointed in the tv adaptation as she said she wrote about a six foot tall Highlander, and they used a short Glasgow show was good though.

We love the Cotswolds.....even in the middle of winter, it`s so pretty in some areas, so yes, we are looking forward to it.

I know what you mean about not getting too excited, but of course you should look forward, I think we all have to :thumbsup2

We are fully prepared to not be going at Christmas, the same time fervently hoping that we do!!!

Oh enjoy re reading the Dec 19 one.......we had so much fun!!!

You will HAVE to ride the new looks amazing!!!! And reading all the specualtion about it, yes, sounds like it`ll be a lot of fun. Yes, even if you do it once, it has to be experienced!

lol....never thought of doing a top 3 of anything!!! I think I`d struggle with top 3 as we love so many places and things there...... 5 cocktails???? Now that I`d struggle with........🍹:rotfl:`s exactly like Agatha Raisin!!! You like M.C. Beaton???? I love her books....

Have you seen a tv show or the books she wrote about Hamish Macbeth?? The tv show was excellent with Robert Carlyle as Hamish.......tiny village way up in Scotland was the setting.....beautiful place. Stories are funny and poignant at the same time.

Apparently she was disappointed in the tv adaptation as she said she wrote about a six foot tall Highlander, and they used a short Glasgow show was good though.

We love the Cotswolds.....even in the middle of winter, it`s so pretty in some areas, so yes, we are looking forward to it.

I know what you mean about not getting too excited, but of course you should look forward, I think we all have to :thumbsup2

We are fully prepared to not be going at Christmas, the same time fervently hoping that we do!!!

Oh enjoy re reading the Dec 19 one.......we had so much fun!!!

You will HAVE to ride the new looks amazing!!!! And reading all the specualtion about it, yes, sounds like it`ll be a lot of fun. Yes, even if you do it once, it has to be experienced!

lol....never thought of doing a top 3 of anything!!! I think I`d struggle with top 3 as we love so many places and things there...... 5 cocktails???? Now that I`d struggle with........🍹:rotfl:
I've read all the Hamish books, but I didn't know there's a tv show! I will have to see if I can find it on one of our streaming services. I like Robert Carlyle, but he is not what I picture for Hamish at the very least I would think Kevin McKidd, but younger really for the start of the series.

Top 5 cocktails?! One of mine would be the Blackberry Margarita at Margaritaville!
I've read all the Hamish books, but I didn't know there's a tv show! I will have to see if I can find it on one of our streaming services. I like Robert Carlyle, but he is not what I picture for Hamish at the very least I would think Kevin McKidd, but younger really for the start of the series.

Top 5 cocktails?! One of mine would be the Blackberry Margarita at Margaritaville!

lol......that cocktail is definitely 1st or 2nd for sure.....gorgeous drink!!!

I had to Google that actor as I couldn`t place him.....I did know him....he was in Trainspotting, one of Carlyle`s early movies......horrible movie, hard to watch. But, yes I could picture him playing that part.

I hadn`t read the books till after I saw the TV show, it came out around 1995, so I liked him in the part as he was quite funny.....but, if I`d read the books first I think I may have been disappointed.

It`s very rarely shown over here now, we have the DVD`s as we do like to rewatch them.......we like the Scottish slang humour!!!
lol......that cocktail is definitely 1st or 2nd for sure.....gorgeous drink!!!

I had to Google that actor as I couldn`t place him.....I did know him....he was in Trainspotting, one of Carlyle`s early movies......horrible movie, hard to watch. But, yes I could picture him playing that part.

I hadn`t read the books till after I saw the TV show, it came out around 1995, so I liked him in the part as he was quite funny.....but, if I`d read the books first I think I may have been disappointed.

It`s very rarely shown over here now, we have the DVD`s as we do like to rewatch them.......we like the Scottish slang humour!!!
I know him more from "Rome," and "Grey's Anatomy," better vehicles to showcase his talent.

The Scottish humor would probably go right over my head, but I do enjoy the books. Hmm, I may not be able to find it if it's that old, but no harm in looking :) I'm glad the show was enough to send you to the books! Usually for me the books are much better than the movies or tv show.
I know him more from "Rome," and "Grey's Anatomy," better vehicles to showcase his talent.

The Scottish humor would probably go right over my head, but I do enjoy the books. Hmm, I may not be able to find it if it's that old, but no harm in looking :) I'm glad the show was enough to send you to the books! Usually for me the books are much better than the movies or tv show.

Absolutely.....completely agree, the books are always so much better.

I think I`m the only person who has never watched Grey`s Anatomy :blush:


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