Back to School during the pandemic ...a discussion thread

Is any of you allowing your kids to join team sports yet, like indoor soccer, hockey, or basketball? I am so undecided. Those program organizers say they cannot play tournament yet but they will allow team registration for skill practicing. I know if I don't sign up my kids for something this year, it will hard to make them join any team next year as they don't know any teamate and have lost the sport skills to be competitive... but I am worried about COVID at the same time. If they join, they will meet 10 other local kids from 10 different local schools (eg, public, private, catholic, French immersion, etc) so there is no "bubble or cohort" any more. So I just bring them home from school and they do their homework and watch TV...
Not a team thing but my son takes karate. Over the summer it was done by zoom but he asked to do the in-class sessions as it's so much better. They each get their square to stay in and wear masks until they get to that square. But he goes 2x a week and so the groups aren't necessarily the same group (which isn't good as 2 additional cohorts). My daughter does dance, but that one she is doing by zoom (but she's the one in school full time).
We live in Florida and have been out of school since March. We chose to have our 8th grader do virtual this year since she did so well in the spring. We truly were thinking there would be a rise in cases once school started. Our county gave us the option to keep them home for a quarter at a time and then we could send them back. We have been watching things closely and decided we would send her back in late October for the start of the second quarter.

Tonight we got a call from the school board saying due to flu season, low staff and them wanting to keep Covid numbers low we have to go online to register our students for the opportunity to come back and then they will invite students back based on the number of openings they have at school for the student teacher ratio. It’s basically a lottery.

I’m really upset because the possibility of this happening was never mentioned. My daughter wants to go back. I joined the lottery tonight and have my fingers crossed we get chosen.
We live in Florida and have been out of school since March. We chose to have our 8th grader do virtual this year since she did so well in the spring. We truly were thinking there would be a rise in cases once school started. Our county gave us the option to keep them home for a quarter at a time and then we could send them back. We have been watching things closely and decided we would send her back in late October for the start of the second quarter.

Tonight we got a call from the school board saying due to flu season, low staff and them wanting to keep Covid numbers low we have to go online to register our students for the opportunity to come back and then they will invite students back based on the number of openings they have at school for the student teacher ratio. It’s basically a lottery.

I’m really upset because the possibility of this happening was never mentioned. My daughter wants to go back. I joined the lottery tonight and have my fingers crossed we get chosen.
Sending pixie dust your way!
Not a team thing but my son takes karate. Over the summer it was done by zoom but he asked to do the in-class sessions as it's so much better. They each get their square to stay in and wear masks until they get to that square. But he goes 2x a week and so the groups aren't necessarily the same group (which isn't good as 2 additional cohorts). My daughter does dance, but that one she is doing by zoom (but she's the one in school full time).
My son's doing Taekwondo the same way. No sparring, but practicing patterns in their own square with a limited number of kids in the dojang at a time and wearing masks. When possible, they go out to the back area and have the class outside.

My other son is doing soccer skills training. He's played a couple of games, as well.

I think if a person is deciding on putting kids into a sport, check what type of precautions the club is doing. Some are doing more than others. If you are not comfortable with what is offered, try another club. There are plenty of sports and plenty of places to take lessons.
My son's doing Taekwondo the same way. No sparring, but practicing patterns in their own square with a limited number of kids in the dojang at a time and wearing masks. When possible, they go out to the back area and have the class outside.

My other son is doing soccer skills training. He's played a couple of games, as well.

I think if a person is deciding on putting kids into a sport, check what type of precautions the club is doing. Some are doing more than others. If you are not comfortable with what is offered, try another club. There are plenty of sports and plenty of places to take lessons.

Agreed look at specific clubs and their policies. Also governing bodies for things like hockey and soccer have their own strict rules they should be following.
My daughter is a high performance swimmer on a national team. She has not returned to training. While protocols are in place, parents, swimmers and coaches are breaking the rules left, right and centre. There is no regard for safety unless they are under the watchful eye of the city. When not under direct supervision of the city (while on deck), they do not wear masks, carpool, no social distancing. Given the people and their attitudes, we are sitting this season out.
My daughter is a high performance swimmer on a national team. She has not returned to training. While protocols are in place, parents, swimmers and coaches are breaking the rules left, right and centre. There is no regard for safety unless they are under the watchful eye of the city. When not under direct supervision of the city (while on deck), they do not wear masks, carpool, no social distancing. Given the people and their attitudes, we are sitting this season out.
That sucks. So far things for us have been good.
My son's doing Taekwondo the same way. No sparring, but practicing patterns in their own square with a limited number of kids in the dojang at a time and wearing masks. When possible, they go out to the back area and have the class outside.

My other son is doing soccer skills training. He's played a couple of games, as well.

I think if a person is deciding on putting kids into a sport, check what type of precautions the club is doing. Some are doing more than others. If you are not comfortable with what is offered, try another club. There are plenty of sports and plenty of places to take lessons.

My kids do TKD as well. They are able to spar, but only with siblings (which means that a lot of days don't have any sparring at all, unless it's only sibling groups there - over the summer it was common for my kids to be the only ones, which meant they did spar then). They do temp checks and attendance every class, and they are limited to numbers (no more than 10). There is cleaning between groups. They do outside a lot, and if they are inside they sometimes wear masks (depends on what they are doing/how many are there). I'm happy with what they do.
That sucks. So far things for us have been good.
It really does. We close our own pool on Tuesday and dd is despondent. She lives to swim and not being able to is the hardest thing about this pandemic. Unfortunately, her club flouts all the public health measures, so we have to be the heavy ones in this situation as parents. She probably won’t get back to training until there is a vaccine.
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I don't have children in school but just reading all these reports I'm getting a scratchy throat and a headache.

Good luck to each and everyone of you during this unusual Fall school season.

We are once again getting quite a bit of smoke coming up from the US wildfires so I've been coughing so much this week! Luckily I don't have any other symptoms at all and our AQ is not great so I know what is causing it but it is still annoying!
We missed being able to go to the pool this summer as well, it was almost a blessing that kiddo broke his arm and couldn't swim. Not that he is in lessons or competitive or anything, he just likes to go and do the fun stuff they have, which is all closed. It's basically lane swimming and he's not interested (much as I'd like to take him). Hopefully they figure something out for this stuff sooner or later.

My office has said they are work from home until at least end of December (I suspect it will go much longer). They have set up some temporary desks on the first floor (so no elevators needed) that you can book for a half day. It's to allow those who need access to paper files, printing etc to be able to do that. I have no need for it thank goodness. But they are coordinating the timing so they know who is in the office when and where they sat etc. Honestly, I can see this being the case going forward, think how much it would save the employer to have people WFM and not have to maintain the office space.

As for the schools, so many single cases, classes closing, lack of subs... I am really happy about my decision to pull kiddo out of school even though he seems to spend a lot of time with his new over the door basketball hoop in his room, right above my head... he is good to stop when I have a conference all at least! And we've been reading the Harry Potter books (getting all set for someday going to Universal) as well as watching the movies and comparing them.
I watch three kids during the day .. it used to be five but Covid permanently removed one family because they are very high risk and mom had to leave her job.

Yesterday one of the kids woke from nap with a runny nose. Mom is taking him for a test and keeping him home until they have results. This morning I woke with a headache, which isn’t too unusual since I seem to get them often. I took some Tylenol and went on with my day. As the day has gone on I have been feeling worse and worse. Head hurts , aches, just generally unwell. So I had the other two picked up ( which I HATE to do.. if I can’t do my job, other people can’t either ). I’m waiting for a call back from public health to get a referral to go for a test. We will all be shut down until results are in.
It feels like a bad cold but there’s no way to know for sure without the test. I haven’t felt this sick in a very long time and I think it’s been at least three years since I took a sick day .

I don’t want a Covid swab. I’m weepy and I want my bed. Ds16 will need to isolate now until results are in for me so no school Luckily my house is fully stocked and we can wait this thing out.
I watch three kids during the day .. it used to be five but Covid permanently removed one family because they are very high risk and mom had to leave her job.

Yesterday one of the kids woke from nap with a runny nose. Mom is taking him for a test and keeping him home until they have results. This morning I woke with a headache, which isn’t too unusual since I seem to get them often. I took some Tylenol and went on with my day. As the day has gone on I have been feeling worse and worse. Head hurts , aches, just generally unwell. So I had the other two picked up ( which I HATE to do.. if I can’t do my job, other people can’t either ). I’m waiting for a call back from public health to get a referral to go for a test. We will all be shut down until results are in.
It feels like a bad cold but there’s no way to know for sure without the test. I haven’t felt this sick in a very long time and I think it’s been at least three years since I took a sick day .

I don’t want a Covid swab. I’m weepy and I want my bed. Ds16 will need to isolate now until results are in for me so no school Luckily my house is fully stocked and we can wait this thing out.
Pigletto, I'm sorry you are feeling unwell. Please take care and get the rest you need. Positive thoughts for a negative test. :)
I watch three kids during the day .. it used to be five but Covid permanently removed one family because they are very high risk and mom had to leave her job.

Yesterday one of the kids woke from nap with a runny nose. Mom is taking him for a test and keeping him home until they have results. This morning I woke with a headache, which isn’t too unusual since I seem to get them often. I took some Tylenol and went on with my day. As the day has gone on I have been feeling worse and worse. Head hurts , aches, just generally unwell. So I had the other two picked up ( which I HATE to do.. if I can’t do my job, other people can’t either ). I’m waiting for a call back from public health to get a referral to go for a test. We will all be shut down until results are in.
It feels like a bad cold but there’s no way to know for sure without the test. I haven’t felt this sick in a very long time and I think it’s been at least three years since I took a sick day .

I don’t want a Covid swab. I’m weepy and I want my bed. Ds16 will need to isolate now until results are in for me so no school Luckily my house is fully stocked and we can wait this thing out.

Hopefully it’s just a cold. Crossing my fingers for you.
I watch three kids during the day .. it used to be five but Covid permanently removed one family because they are very high risk and mom had to leave her job.

Yesterday one of the kids woke from nap with a runny nose. Mom is taking him for a test and keeping him home until they have results. This morning I woke with a headache, which isn’t too unusual since I seem to get them often. I took some Tylenol and went on with my day. As the day has gone on I have been feeling worse and worse. Head hurts , aches, just generally unwell. So I had the other two picked up ( which I HATE to do.. if I can’t do my job, other people can’t either ). I’m waiting for a call back from public health to get a referral to go for a test. We will all be shut down until results are in.
It feels like a bad cold but there’s no way to know for sure without the test. I haven’t felt this sick in a very long time and I think it’s been at least three years since I took a sick day .

I don’t want a Covid swab. I’m weepy and I want my bed. Ds16 will need to isolate now until results are in for me so no school Luckily my house is fully stocked and we can wait this thing out.

Yuck, hope you feel better soon!

We have one staff member who has been off sick since Monday and is waiting to get a Covid test scheduled. Another one is home with her 2 kids who both have colds, her husband is going for a Covid test today because his work requires it and all 4 of them have been isolating since the weekend.
I watch three kids during the day .. it used to be five but Covid permanently removed one family because they are very high risk and mom had to leave her job.

Yesterday one of the kids woke from nap with a runny nose. Mom is taking him for a test and keeping him home until they have results. This morning I woke with a headache, which isn’t too unusual since I seem to get them often. I took some Tylenol and went on with my day. As the day has gone on I have been feeling worse and worse. Head hurts , aches, just generally unwell. So I had the other two picked up ( which I HATE to do.. if I can’t do my job, other people can’t either ). I’m waiting for a call back from public health to get a referral to go for a test. We will all be shut down until results are in.
It feels like a bad cold but there’s no way to know for sure without the test. I haven’t felt this sick in a very long time and I think it’s been at least three years since I took a sick day .

I don’t want a Covid swab. I’m weepy and I want my bed. Ds16 will need to isolate now until results are in for me so no school Luckily my house is fully stocked and we can wait this thing out.

:hug: I hope you feel better soon!
Just to give the Ottawa people some perspective, the unfilled jobs on the OCSB dashboard when I looked at 7:30 this morning numbered 159! (I’m normally an ECE, but based on my education and experience got added to both the EA and Emergency Unqualified Teacher list this week so now I can see all positions.)
Just to give the Ottawa people some perspective, the unfilled jobs on the OCSB dashboard when I looked at 7:30 this morning numbered 159! (I’m normally an ECE, but based on my education and experience got added to both the EA and Emergency Unqualified Teacher list this week so now I can see all positions.)
That’s a lot considering we are into October.

Best wishes to you, @pigletto!


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