Covid And The Rest of Us

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Not worried about gathering with our family for the holidays. We will spend Thanksgiving, Christmas and birthdays together.
My family does the same. Where the issue with family get togethers is that many will still go even if they aren't feeling well. My belief for the this to get better sooner rather than later is to stress to everyone that if you feel sick at all, even its just the sniffles, stay home.

Where I live the majority of new cases are coming from family gatherings.
My family does the same. Where the issue with family get togethers is that many will still go even if they aren't feeling well. My belief for the this to get better sooner rather than later is to stress to everyone that if you feel sick at all, even its just the sniffles, stay home.

Where I live the majority of new cases are coming from family gatherings.

I agree with you and I really think it’s a bigger issue then most people realize. People will tell themselves it’s nothing. It’s so easy to do. I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of doing this in the past. But even now, knowing the threat of Covid, you will second guess yourself and say, I’m sure it’s nothing or it’s just my imagination. I’m just so tired because I haven’t got enough sleep......

Even worse for the host if it happens to them and has to suddenly decide, no, you can’t come over today because I have a tickle in my throat or a slight fever. How many people will pop a couple of Tylenol’s and dismiss it?
Family gatherings, in my opinion, are and have been everyone's biggest blindspot.

I said this last month -

There is a tendency to believe that love and friendship somehow creates this magical immunity. A superpower against the virus somehow.

I personally don't get it. In the very beginning and throughout this virus there were numerous stories coming out of the States of multiple family members hospitalized and dying within days of each other.

We can not control who gets it and who doesn't of course, but I would be emotionally done if I felt I gave it to a loved one - or anyone - when it could have been avoided (masks, distancing as best one can, not hugging or simply not going if that is what is asked of us) and something horrid occurred.
D.O.N.E. done.
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I agree with you and I really think it’s a bigger issue then most people realize. People will tell themselves it’s nothing. It’s so easy to do. I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of doing this in the past. But even now, knowing the threat of Covid, you will second guess yourself and say, I’m sure it’s nothing or it’s just my imagination. I’m just so tired because I haven’t got enough sleep......

Even worse for the host if it happens to them and has to suddenly decide, no, you can’t come over today because I have a tickle in my throat or a slight fever. How many people will pop a couple of Tylenol’s and dismiss it?

This is really where much of the problem is. I am guilty of it myself. I have chronic headaches so some days I just feel tired and exhausted etc. Before it was nothing I just sucked it up and went to work but now I am always second guessing myself "what if". I wear a mask when I go out, keep my hands clean, clean my office surfaces, pens etc but I am still super paranoid what if.

Our numbers are creeping up in our area and people are becoming more fed up or complacent with the 6 ft rule etc I am trying to figure out the best way to keep from stressing out. Where is the middle ground for all this, we still need to have some sort of life and routine but need to ensure we are doing it safely.
The answer to feeling a bit for more free, and not paranoid, is temperature checking.

Despite us keep hearing about asymptomatic carriers a doctor here has said that most cases, even with no other symptoms, have a temperature over 99.
At times I think of all the sacrifices our ancestors made and feel we are so damn soft.

Myself included.

I had a depressing Thanksgiving. We were asked to stay in household here. And I did.

I hated it, going into it. Was very sad at first.

But I survived the horror (Intense sarcasm).
We just celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with only our immediate household. Really glad we did. My dad and step mom got their Covid positive test results back right before they were supposed to head out to my sister’s house for dinner.

So that was a sobering reminder for us not to mix and mingle. We’ll just have a quiet Christmas.

I am so very sorry to hear Disneylover99. I hope that they make a strong recovery now and going forward with their health.


And if they have any lasting effects - hopefully not, please have them get their b12 checked. I have pernicious anemia (b12 absorption issue) and it is insane how the long haulers' issues match up with symptoms I had before diagnosis. It is bizarre. Of course I don't know anything but it makes me believe the virus is affecting vitamin/mineral levels and possible absorption.
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I am worried yes. I think this will cause further spikes at a terrible time.
We no longer celebrate, so no worry for gatherings here, but we generally travel, and the sadness about it has me crying daily,

mommasita, I am so very sorry. The block around travelling, even here in Canada, is totally your husband not wanting to get on a plane? I guess I am asking where you are at with it all.

Were you able to drive somewhere for Thanksgiving?
Our king just left on a vacation to Greece... yes, it is one of the few places we can go to without quarantining, but it sends such a bad message to the country when the government is campaigning not to go abroad... :headache:

**Edit** 2 hours later, the message was send out that the king is returning from Greece. He suddenly realized after the backlash, this was a stupid idea.
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I am so very sorry to hear Disneylover99. I hope that they make a strong recovery now and going forward with their health.


And if they have any lasting effects - hopefully not, please have them get their b12 checked. I have pernicious anemia (b12 absorption issue) and it is insane how the long haulers' issues match up with symptoms I had before diagnosis. It is bizarre. Of course I don't know anything but it makes me believe the virus is affecting vitamin/mineral levels and possible absorption.
Thank you lisa. Good advice. I will mention it to them. :goodvibes
My family does the same. Where the issue with family get togethers is that many will still go even if they aren't feeling well. My belief for the this to get better sooner rather than later is to stress to everyone that if you feel sick at all, even its just the sniffles, stay home.

Where I live the majority of new cases are coming from family gatherings.
Staying home if you feel unwell and being forced to stay home regardless...we’ve done both. Reasonable precautions are more likely to be adhered too than mandates. Although a weaker virus, vaccine and/or good treatments are probably the most realistic hope for things to get better. JMO
Like BadPinkTink, I haven’t felt like posting a Melbourne update here for awhile. I don’t want to go into some of the judgments and (false) assumptions that some people are making about those who agree with lockdowns to curb the spread of this virus. I will say, for me personally, that I do have family both here and overseas (including in a third world country), who have had their livelihoods severely impacted, who are prevented from seeing family, who have been unable to access medical treatment. I have also faced significant hardships in my own life (both financial and otherwise), have dealt with making impossibly hard decisions about my health and continue to tackle mental health issues. My opinions do not come from a place of blissful ignorance and privilege.

That being said, here is a brief update on Me

- We went through a rough patch of being stuck in the 10-15 daily case range, which has pushed us over our target of <5 daily average by tomorrow. This was caused by a couple of clusters, the largest of which spread due to a few people not isolating when required, breaching restrictions and lying to contact tracers.

- A travel bubble has started with New Zealand and some states (Northern Territory, ACT and NSW). Kiwis can come here without needing to quarantine, although they will on the way back. The first flights arrived yesterday and for 17 New Zealanders, the first thing they did was board a flight to Melbourne (and nobody knows where they are!). As one comedian said, we don’t condone breaking the rules, but it’s nice to feel wanted!

- The inquiry into what went wrong with our hotel quarantine is still ongoing. So far the Health Minister and the top public servant have quit, but apparently still nobody knows who made the decision to employ private security guards! (Frankly, I care more about who didn’t decide to follow up when it was apparent there was a problem).

- The last few days our numbers have been significantly better with 7, 6, 2 and today...1 new case! Suffice to say, we were a pretty happy bunch with that number.

- Tomorrow the Premier is going to make an announcement about easing some restrictions further, although this won’t be as much as originally planned as we haven’t hit our targets for case numbers and mystery cases yet. It’s expected these will relate to being able to socialise more outdoors and hopefully lift the 5km radius (as that seems to be the biggest issue for most people). It is expected there will be more announcements relating to businesses within the week if our numbers keep looking good.

Oh, and on a personal note, I saw my doctor this week (the most excitement I’ve had in months!) and am officially 20 months with no signs of cancer!
- The last few days our numbers have been significantly better with 7, 6, 2 and today...1 new case! Suffice to say, we were a pretty happy bunch with that number.


Oh, and on a personal note, I saw my doctor this week (the most excitement I’ve had in months!) and am officially 20 months with no signs of cancer!
While the significantly lower numbers = good news, that last bit = GREAT news! Congratulations!
Because I do want this thread with news from outside the US going. I think it's improtant to keep getting a feel how things are handled across the world and how the figures are.

The Netherlands, not doing so great (ok, Belgium is doing worse, but still)
- New record, over 8.100 new cases today.
Slow increase in hospitalizations, ICU and deaths, but nothing compared to March/April.
- Streets are emptier since the new measures started Wednesday night.
- Tomorrow a church is going to disobey the order to have no more than 30 people in a public building.
I am on the fence about the 30 people rule, we have some churches here, or theaters, which are huge. If we have a limit for shops based on shop size, then why not for other buildings.
- There are talks about a curfew here as well, like Paris has.
- A border town reports German tourists coming over and not obeying the rules regarding distance or masks.
- The predictions are now that till December we will have some form of lockdown.
- Our king's little mishap is probably not going to go over quietly.

- 46.8 per 100.000 infected
- 126K people who are infectious
- R = 1,27

We have now a 4 tier system. No colors, but words 'Vigilant', 'Worrisome', 'Serious', 'Very Serious'
Everything in dark red in the West/Center are the most populated areas with cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague.
The dark red in the South only has 1 big city, but was our first hotspot.
Things are escalating in Ireland. Our health experts are recommending back to Level 5 restriction, basically what we had in March / April. There were meetings today with the Prime Minister and the health experts. The whole country is waiting for an announcement but it looks like that will be Monday at the earliest. Again today over 1200 new cases.

There are now 244 people in hospital with Covid 19. My local hospital, where I recently had gall bladder surgery now has 19 of them and they are again reducing elective surgeries.

Some rural hospitals outside Dublin do not have free ICU beds.
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