Something About Nothing............ #14

Good afternoon all.
A busy Friday but included a walk in our local forest where we “bumped into” my son and DIL! It was so busy with others having the same idea on this beautiful day but quiet once we got on the walk.



Drove over to my brother to hand deliver bankers draft sadly had to stay on doorstep with my mask on due to new lockdown rules but glad to see them no matter briefly.

Happy end of school week and shortly we are going for pre ordered fish and chip takeout.

Feeling very blessed today to have been with family, to be sharing this extra time with the grandchildren and to have each other - it might be dark early but it’s cosy and warm in here and L and I have Polar Express on which is a good start for the weekend.

Hope everyone is heading to a peaceful weekend x
That is a lovely picture Julie
Very peaceful...

charade, did you by chance take a picture of the lady’s car?
Hope you did

You can’t change what already happened with the cars.
Don’t feel bad for being honest
You did the right thing.

If it were me, I would have done what you did and seek out the owner of the car.
Yeah, Charade, four online books were more expensive then I thought. I feel for ya. I think little one will still be an online student this Spring semester. The City keeps posting increasing positives, so I can’t see her housing on campus with all the kids. What a year for all of us. And yes, both zoos decorate for the holidays. I enjoy seeing all the lights in both.

And so, a wonderful Friday indeed. Brisket with sides.Yum! Though thought the included bbq sauce was tasting of vinegar and way too thin for our liking. But no complaints, nothing left. Now it’s a what for dinner. And ooh, got the new Starbucks drink, yum. Like it got almost as much as iced.
A very Good Friday to all :)

A belated Happy Birthday to Lynne’s DS! Hope he works in some celebratory times this weekend.

Carole’s sunny disposition is surely missed here.

It has been a bit stressful here for past couple of weeks. Our grandson suffered a concussion during a football practice. He has been seeing a doctor weekly and is doing better.

Then I had to take hubby to ER a week ago. He is doing better too.
Oh no, it’s raining in your house. Glad to hear both seem to be on the right track. I’m Doing fine, thank you.

I almost pulled the plug on our Halloween Party, but felt we just needed to get the family together and celebrate and laugh a little.
My thoughts exactly. Need to follow the easy to follow social distancing protocols but no need to hide in the root cellar either. Not sure the youngins or those from the south will know that term haha
That was a hoot pumpkin 😆
Seriously, i forwarded it to my rough audience of DS, all were dyin lol
However, I felt a little better finding out apparently Beetlejuice would be making an appearance next year. According to what I read, Universal didn't want to show off the house at all, but due to their contract with Warner Bros they needed to at least two days of an appearance in order to be able to use next year. I watched it YouTube and it looks cool and I'm sure once certain things are removed in relation to covid, as well as other enhancements if they want, it'd be even better.
Oooh, thanks for sharing that. I was upset thinking they ‘wasted’ it for just a few days.
Oh and the big news, after hubby and I cancelled our Sept trip due to Southwest and work, I have 33 day until I leave on our girls trip.
UGH!! Hopefully asymptomatic and able to stop quickly
Nope, found out yesterday afternoon it had spread. Now in my Mom’s unit, same care staff member was foolish in her off hours. As of today, rapid testing shows in the unit, positives for two additional staff members & one resident (they are non symptomatic). The other type of testing should be back this weekend.

Scarier than any haunt could ever be for me.

is warm apple cider season! This weekend will have an added flavor of caramel vodka to it...
Oh, sounds divine. Was out to grocery store today. Starbucks line was so long for the new drinks, I passed.
I missed that you were in hospital. Hope all is ok.
Wow, just wow. I find it despicable that staff working in a nursing home would attend a rally then go to work infecting elderly in their care. I won’t get going on how reckless it is even to hold these things. Don’t want to get thrown off board lol I hope there are no deaths from this. Hope your mom is safe.
Thank you, yes, it’s absolutely mind-boggling that so many people just don’t or won’t ‘get it’ until it directly slaps them upside the head.:sad2:

“Remember, when you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It is only painful for others. The same applies when you are stupid.”
Ricky Gervais, 1961-, British comedian & screenwriter

Picked up a cute Simpsons Christmas tee for Universal at Old Navy. Also got some filters for my mask for flight, and decided on getting a face shield too for flight. It’s a 6 hr flight.
No old navy’s left here but that sounds so cute. The shield is to protect you, absoutely bring it. Especially, a good idea to wear on the plane IMO when it comes to those who inevitably wander up & down the aisle with nervous bladders. I wore face shield a few times during last trip and will bring it along on the next.

Waiting now with baited breath for solicitor call that Dad’s home sale completed. Anytime between 9 and 3.
Everything go well?
Lockdown is started now so again we are blessed to all be together and to have the little local shops open. We will walk to the paint store later as he has bags of logs that we need and a few bits from the little supermarket.
Great attitude :)
I’m thinking we may have had the same room or a floor lower?

Quick good morning while I am taking a break from house cleaning. Later today I will be running errands.
I gave the house a quick once over today & washed many of the windows. Not my favorite chore. Sun has been shining for days (a rarity here in the fall & winter), shamed me into it.

Had snow on Monday am, hit 55 degrees on Election Day - tuesday & has been flirting with 70 since. Such a gift. Tomorrow will supervise the xmas lights going up outside. Need to do my holiday tree, not sure if the big tree will make it up...the mr looked at me as though I was crazy when i suggested it
A busy Friday but included a walk in our local forest where we “bumped into” my son and DIL! It was so busy with others having the same idea on this beautiful day but quiet once we got on the walk.
Imagine that! Very pretty, nice you got to see them.[/QUOTE]
Hi all,

Coming down with some sort of cold, it feels like. Ugh! Our cases have gone up significantly here, so there's some worry. My mom is also having the same symptoms.
Will monitor over night and call the doctor tomorrow if needed. I did have my flu shot last month. I have my big rheumatology appointment next week so fingers crossed that it's just allergies or a cold! But I'm on immunuosuppressants so there's some caution.

This is what I get for being honest.
You did the right thing. Regardless of how the person responded, you can have a clear conscience. People are something else these days! A similar thing happened to my middle dd two years ago, and she was not in the wrong, but when the other people found out the cost of their insurance going up, they tried to blame her.

Now in my Mom’s unit, same care staff member was foolish in her off hours.
Hindsight is 20/20 and with how widespread and how contagious this is, I'm sure the person who contracted it feels bad. But we can't focus on blame....that's what I believe and tell myself now, as I'm not feeling well and having several members of my family in the health care field. (it seems we're always exposed!) My family member who works at at a nursing home currently has about 30 cases. They know the employee who passed it to the residents, but thankfully no one "outed" her, vilified her or politicized her off-hour lifestyle choices. Certainly not publicly to the rest of the staff or families; it's unfortunate that the facility decided to spread the word about your mom's employee. This employee here visited family in NY and didn't wear her mask. The nursing home was under strict lockdown since March, where even laundry and vending machine workers couldn't go in. There was no other way for the residents to get it but from the employees. This is not the first, sadly. They had a smaller outbreak two months ago from another employee. It seems just a sad fact of life now, where we're all potential carriers/spreaders. Ugh! I would feel terrible if my parents, or anyone, got it from me.

My eldest dd (also in health care) is now in quarantine (again) due to office staff not wearing masks properly. (not the same situation as the nursing home, as she doesn't work with elderly patients) It's EVERYWHERE here again now, but thankfully seems to be more mild. I hope and pray that doesn't change! Hubby has several people out now, both with covid and those exposed. We were the first wave in the US and are now experiencing the second wave. Be prepared.....We're experiencing mask and glove shortages again. Nothing with food yet.

I haven't gone within 10 feet of people, except for voting, and my family member who is in the nursing home has been tested regularly and is negative. So far no notices on contact tracing so I'm just playing it cool and hoping it's nothing. Ugh! What a world we live in now!

Everyone be safe and be diligent. I feel like a lot of people let their guard down, everywhere, and haven't been wearing masks, having parties (especially Halloween) and family get togethers, birthdays, etc. People let their guard down. I really hate this! I'm sure you all do too! I don't know what we're doing for Thanksgiving yet, but it might be like Easter and birthdays where we skype.

Stay safe!
Hang in there and hope you feel better Mrose!
Sending you mummy dust you bounce back quickly.

I guess doctors have different view points.
I have an autoimmunity issue and have never been allowed to have a flu shot.

(which is ok for for me as I dont handle shots very well)

Keep doing what you have been, wear your mask and stay safe!
I guess doctors have different view points.
I have an autoimmunity issue and have never been allowed to have a flu shot.
You know my autoimmune issues, and last year was the first time they really pushed me to get it. I never did before that. So far, so good. The first time I got some mild symptoms but did fine, this time zero symptoms. And I had my second Hepatitis A vaccine in August with no issues. I had to get them starting last year when Disney and Orlando had a big Hep A outbreak. My doctor recommended it and it's a series of shots spread out. I didn't get the second one in the spring due to covid.

My eldest dd called and her office manager is positive, but asymptomatic. DD is going for another test, as required.

The Office manager's husband is in law enforcement and symptomatic. He got a test and they tested the OM even though she has no symptoms. I see that everyone around here has let their guard down so much, getting together with family and friends, birthdays, holidays, cookouts, so what do they expect? It's going to spread and this is mostly the group it's spreading to now around here.... families. It's not really spreading through the businesses like it did in the spring. People let their guard down and stopped being diligent with masks, especially with people they know. Most everyone we know who got it has recovered and doing well. Youngest dd's school is still all online, and will be for next semester so far. Her college has only about 5 cases right now.
Coming down with some sort of cold, it feels like. Ugh! Our cases have gone up significantly here, so there's some worry. My mom is also having the same symptoms.
Hoping it is just a cold and you and your mom aren't too miserable.

I guess doctors have different view points.
I have an autoimmunity issue and have never been allowed to have a flu shot.

(which is ok for for me as I dont handle shots very well)
I got my first ever flu shot this year. My arm hurt for a week.

We had a busy afternoon. First was lunch then we went to the mall to a candy store there. Dh wanted to purchase a gift for someone at work. They are doing sort of a "secret santa" think in his department only they are getting each other small gifts each month leading up to Christmas. While there I picked up a small bag of jelly babies. They just started carrying them. The shop owner didn't understand why so may people were requesting them, so I tried to explain the Doctor Who connection. We also went to Home Depot and then met with an insurance agent to discuss life insurance options.

I don't know what we will be doing tonight. I have a book that I should start reading. It's due back at the library next week.
Charade since you never had a flu shot before, what made you decide to get one this year?
A busy Friday but included a walk in our local forest where we “bumped into” my son and DI

That looks so beautiful and peaceful.

One of her history classes has 6 required books.

I hated that when my son was on college. I cried when I saw how many unopened books he had paid for and then even unopened the bookstore wouldnt buy back.. Hope she has better luck.

Coming down with some sort of cold, it feels like.

Oh no. Lots of chicken noodle soup. Not sure it helps but it always tastes good.

It's suppose to be beautiful and warm tomorrow. Bringing the remainder of the Halloween decorations in and back upstairs. Its going to be so beautiful I really should put the Christmas lights out and just not turn them on, but I just cant do it.
McK - yikes hope you feel better soon! Seems as though the sky never really parted for your neck of the woods. Has to be very wearing upon you. Especially, when you have underlying conditions and family working in fields where they come into contact with many people.

Here, the virus was beaten down relatively early on, our numbers have thankfully Been quite low. Widespread compliance and adherence to protocols the norm from the get-go. An hour east of here, into rural counties, not quite so much. It’s safe to say we are all feeling the obvious fatigue of trying to deal with the virus. Their numbers now ramping up even more over the last few weeks.

Contract tracing is commonplace here when it comes to outbreaks in facilities and large employers. We are fortunate to have the ability in place due to being a large health & education hub as well as not being deluged with cases. I expect our county‘s infection rate will rise, sooner vs later

Outing? Hmmm, don’t look at it that way (as in ratting out a fellow employee). The individual, following hippa, was never identified to families by name but by general position/assignment area.

the tracing in place at the nursing home also includes all staff being counseled to try to avoid known risky behaviors. Are they doing this at advice of legal counsel? Probably, but it did make me feel a bit better they were doing something, anything. as a teachable moment for all employees...same as other safety trainings they routinely receive.

Switching gears to lighten up the mood. You can’t make this stuff up.
Charade since you never had a flu shot before, what made you decide to get one this year?
It was really just a reaction to COVID 19. I know that getting a flu vaccine won’t prevent me from getting COVID, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try to prevent getting the flu.

I hated that when my son was on college. I cried when I saw how many unopened books he had paid for and then even unopened the bookstore wouldnt buy back.. Hope she has better luck.
I am going to try to rent as many as I can. She has 6 books in one history class, 4 in another, and 3 in another. I think there are 2 or 3 more books for her other 2 classes.

I got B’s magic band today and put the skins on it. She will now have a one of a kind band unless the Etsy person recreates this one for someone else.

@keishashadow so sorry to hear about your Mum’s home - it is a living hell for those cut off from their families - particularly when getting confusion or with ill health. It would have been Dad’s 94th birthday today so lots of picture memories have popped up as we would always be together these last years but I am grateful to see them.
When I say “bump” I admit it was an organised - oh fancy seeing you here! They are the only people we see apart from our household and we miss their company - always upbeat and such a loving couple.
@Charade67 I was asked to have a flu shot because of my temperamental intestines but have opted out - only had it once and (perhaps coincidentally) was so unwell for 3 weeks. Was very tempted but eventually a no.
@mckennarose really hoping you’re improved today. It is a worry when anyone shows a cough or sniffles until it passes over. Mum too of course. Look after yourselves.
@macraven have you had any contact from Carole? So unlike her to disappear.

Another beautiful day here and I managed to get up with Louie without waking Kev. Morning routine done and Louie and I are in the kitchen watching an old movie while the house is peaceful.

Hope everyone wakes to a peaceful Saturday x
Hi all, thanks for the kind words. So far, so good. I'm still the same, not worse and no fever. I'm hoping it's just from the weather change. The temps went from freezing to 30 degrees warmer in the span of 12 hours.

Seems as though the sky never really parted for your neck of the woods.
Our numbers went down in the summer, but we still had some cases here and there. Now they're going up, but in several counties this time. Last time we were a hotspot; this time we're not.

Hubby and I went to a nearby small tourist town last month to walk around and eat on the patio of one of our favorite restaurants and we never got out of the car! The entire town was swarming with people not wearing masks. Fall is a peak tourist time and these older towns/buildings are super compact and everything is very close together. There's no such thing as social distancing there. We gauged it to be too risky to be in crowds like that so we left. Patchtowns were not made for pandemics, that's for sure!
Especially, when you have underlying conditions and family working in fields where they come into contact with many people.
The way it's spreading now is very different than in the spring. It's being passed between families and friends who are getting together. Last time it was the businesses, large facilities, etc where people were in close contact. Now there's so much protocol in place with masks, distance, etc. that people are safer from spread that way. But the family parties, get togethers, holidays, birthdays, etc are where it's spreading. Last time the spread was more outside the home, now it's more inside the home.

We live in an area where many know each other personally so people will usually tell each other they have it, where they got it, etc. That's mostly how we find out.... straight from the horse's mouth, so to speak.
Outing? Hmmm, don’t look at it that way (as in ratting out a fellow employee). The individual, following hippa, was never identified to families by name but by general position/assignment area.
Glad to hear that. I know people can tell others about themselves, which is what people here are doing. But not an employer. Kinda freaked me out a little, especially since there's been a lot of blame in some areas here. There's a definite difference to how people approach the possibility of getting covid in regard to socioeconomic status.

the tracing in place at the nursing home also includes all staff being counseled to try to avoid known risky behaviors
I certainly get how rallies, protests, sports events, movie theaters would be risky behavior, however the "risky" behavior here now is just getting together with family. That's the frustrating part now, especially with the holidays coming. I had a printout someone gave me ranking risky behavior for covid, and now it seems everything is flipped. All except the grocery store or walmart... no one wears masks properly there!

I hated that when my son was on college. I cried when I saw how many unopened books he had paid for and then even unopened the bookstore wouldnt buy back.. Hope she has better luck.
I am going to try to rent as many as I can. She has 6 books in one history class, 4 in another, and 3 in another. I think there are 2 or 3 more books for her other 2 classes.
My dd rents them too. Since all the classes are still online, she has had to purchase the access code for some of them, which stinks.
Good morning homies!
Going to be a nice day here today, hope your weather is promising also!

mini warm way in my area... if you call upper 70’s good.


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