Thanks for sharing the Beach Club & Yacht Club Christmas decorations, We didn't make it there on our trip. I love the Peter Pan theming.

Loved the decorations at the Grand. We went at night so it was very lit up and crowded. The Contemporary is much smaller by comparison. Did you make it to the Poly on your trip?
Once we got inside, the girls loved see the caroseul! They spent a decent amount of time checking out all of the details and finding the hidden mickeys.
I loved the carousel so much!! The Peter Pan theming was so detailed and amazing. :)
This was def the least impressive one. I totally get what they were going for but after just seeing the Grand's version, this was meh. I think if we had seen it before we might have liked it more.
I felt the same way. Did you get to Wilderness Lodge to see their gingerbread house?
I felt the same way. Did you get to Wilderness Lodge to see their gingerbread house?
We did later in the trip! We had a reservation for dinner at WIderness Lodge. So, I knew we would get over there later in the trip. (and the poly for the same reason)

Good! Not much there but you have to hit them all.
Exactly... And we got over to Wilderness Lodge as well. So, all we missed was the Boardwalk and I wasn't sure what was even there...
Finally trying to get back into the DIS after my covid hiatus. Loving your report so far! The surprise was great and the resort decorations are beautiful. I really hope we get to see them in person someday, but your pictures were a wonderful overview.
Following! I love all the Gingerbread houses!
Glad to see you here!

Finally trying to get back into the DIS after my covid hiatus. Loving your report so far!
Welcome back! I know what you mean, I just couldn't be on the boards for a long while. It was just too depressing.

I really hope we get to see them in person someday, but your pictures were a wonderful overview.
I do hope one day our paths will cross in Disney!
Happy Sunday Everyone!!!!

Is everyone ready for Christmas? I am down to waiting for a few random gifts to show up and wrap everything. Which wrapping is always the hard part for me, I say I am going to wrap tonight and then night comes and I am loose all motivation. Oops! If you celebrated Hannukah. Happy Belated Hannukah!

Day One: A relaxing Dinner

I left us off leaving the Contemporary. We had grabbed an uber. And I don't remember much about it other than that as we were leaving Gwen really liked the Christmas tree outside of the hotel. We had the uber drop us off at the front, as we needed to get our carry on bags, and garden grocer order. (I had ordered groceries for us and the L’s.)

There was a hand full of people waiting for magical express to leave, so it was a little busy in the area, but we didn't wait too long. A very nice bell services guy was nice enough to give us a ride over to our room. He said he already had suitcases to deliver as well. So, he loaded us into a van with all of our stuff and drove us around to the other side!

Which I will say this, everyone working at Caribbean Beach was great! Everyone had great customer service and chearful. They did not make it seem like you were at a moderate. Yes, the resort is large but with the skyliner now, you may be far form the main area, but close to the skyliner or the other way around. We will def stay here again one day.

We were Room 5144, 2nd Floor, Aruba, Building 51. Our suitcases were already in the room when we got there. We thanked the guy, as I forgot that there are no elevators at Caribbean Beach! Which is a good tip to know! If you don't want to carry your bags down the steps, request a ground floor room or you can call for Bell Services each way.

We rested for a bit, as we had a dessert party and fast passes to still use tonight. I unpacked us a bit while Andy and the girls watched tv. Morgan was also complaining of a headache. Probably a combination of tired and hunger. I offered to give her some advil, but she didn’t want it.

Around 4:00, I dragged everyone out of the room to get some dinner. We needed a real meal.

I wanted to eat at the pool bar, since we weren't able to for lunch.

It wasn't busy but they weren't quiet fast enough. But I think we were just hungry.

We started at a high top table, but then a family got up and left a low couch area. So, we moved over there.

This bar area is great. Not as big as 3 Bridges at Corranado, or even the bar at Wilderness Lodge. But it is themed well.


We started with some drinks.

Morgan and Gwen ordered a non-alcholic drink:
Tropical Storm - Frozen Colada with Pineapple, Coconut and Mango
They both liked it but I think Gwen enjoyed it more than Morgan.

I went with my go-to pool bar drink:
Bourbon Breeze - Bulleit Bourbon with Cranberry, Pomegranate and Lime Juices topped with Fever Tree Ginger Beer
This was good as always. I have found if the drink menu is the standard nothing special list, this is the best nag for my buck. I think I didn't want any of the frozen drink for fear of filling up on just that.

And Andy went with his fav, the Schoffenhauffer Beer.
It came in a can but good as always!

We were able to just lounge while we waited for our food.

Andy took the opportunity to take a few pics while we waited.

Doesn't Gwen look comfy?

Our food finally came and we all dug in!
Gwen went with the Kids Mac and Cheese with Fries
Pretty standard, but she was happy. She did ask for ketchup and the waiter brought her a bowl of ketchup! Which of course tickled her pink!

Morgan wanted just French Fries. And the waiter had no problem getting her just that. She was happy.

Andy & I ordered 2 things to split:
Loaded Sweet Potato Fries - Cotija Cheese and fresh Pico de Gallo with choice of Jerk Chicken, Pulled Pork or Braised Beef Brisket
This was Andy's pick and it turned out to be really good! We choose brisket for on top and it was a good decision. The brisket nice a tender and flavorful. I used some of the Crema from the wings was good with this as well. Morgan ended up eating some of the brisket from these, which she really liked.

We also ordered the Jerk Chicken Wings:
Jerk Chicken Wings with Pickled Vegetable Ribbons and Cilantro-Lime Crema
The wings were good as well. The flavor was mostly in the sauce, which I don’t mind, but I know not everone likes them that way. They had a little kick and the chicken was moist. I would def get both items again!

Dinner was good and nice and relaxing. We were able to sit on couches and cushion-y chairs. It was a little akward to eat. But just want we needed for that evening.

I settled the bill while Andy ran to the front to grab the missing item from our Garden Grocer order. And we all headed back to the room. I gave Morgan some kids advil as she still said she had a headache. I should have made her take it earlier but that did the trick and finally kick the headache good by.

Up next some fun in Hollywood Studios!
Day One: Finally doing some Rides!

We went back to the room, put on some layers for the evening. It wasn't going to super cold but once the sun went down we knew it would be cooler.

Around 6, we headed to Hollywood Studios. We hopped on the Skyliner at the Riviera stop again. Butt we found out that we needed to take it back to the main Skyliner hub and switch. Which wasn’t a big deal. But our room was basically direclty in between both stations. So, we knew to just walk to one or the other depending on where we were going.


Ummmm... It was a bit busy when we got there!

But we had just enough time to use our fast passes, so it didn't really matter too much.

We headed straight back to use our Slinky Dog Dash Fast pass.

I snapped some photos as we walked back that way. I was trying to soak in the decorations but also naviagate the crowds.

I love these ladies!

And these guys!

We did make it to Toy Story Land
And got our first look at Woody in his "winter" outfit.

And Rex with his reindeer antlers!

I love this one! I mean who hasn't made some sort of macaroni art as a kid!

We were hopping on Slinky dog at 6:20 PM!

The girls asked to sit in the back row... I don't know if it really matters for this one, though.


After we went to try and ride Star Tours before checking into our Dessert party. They were trying to move out the stage that sits in front of the Chinese Theater. But it got stuck. And we go stuck right before we could get over to Star Tours. Eventually, they realzied they weren’t getting it moved anytime soon, and let people walk around it.

We were able to finally get on Star Tours around 6:50 PM
Andy and Gwen got there name on the board right before you go to the load area!

We were on the ride around 7:10. No one was the rebel spy... But it was still fun.

After our ride, we headed back over to the dessert party. Which they had thankfully moved the stage while we were at Star Tours.

I just love all of the retro decorations at this park!

Up next Jingle Bell Jingle BAM Dessert Party!
I hemmed and hawed so much about the dessert party before our trip last December. Ultimately I'm glad I canceled our reservation because it rained the whole night, not enough to cancel Happily Ever After but enough that I would have been very annoyed to have spent over $250 for the privilege of getting soaked on the lawn in front of the Plaza. Looks like you had beautiful weather for yours, though!
I love, love, love the decorations at Hollywood Studios for Christmas!!

This made me smile, especially because the other day Jimmy realized I hadn't hung his noodle wreath from first grade when I put up the decorations....we had to go in the basement and dig it out of the tub, so we could prominently display it in our living room, LOL.

PS THANK YOU for the amazing goodies!!! Rob & Jimmy ate most of the treats before I had a chance to dig in, but I claimed the mix with the M & M's and didn't share one piece with them!! :) It was so incredibly sweet of you!!
Those drinks looked great! And I love the idea of riding Slinky Dog at night. Because we tend to go in the summer when it gets dark so much later, we're not often in the parks after dark. And if we are, it's typically because we're there for nighttime entertainment, so we're not riding rides. I have a few nighttime ride experiences that I really want to do some day and this one is near the top of my list.
I agree the retro Hollywood Christmas decorations are perfect for that park.
And I love that almost all of the park is decorated. Granted it is easier since it is a smaller park but still.

Ultimately I'm glad I canceled our reservation because it rained the whole night, not enough to cancel Happily Ever After but enough that I would have been very annoyed to have spent over $250 for the privilege of getting soaked on the lawn in front of the Plaza. Looks like you had beautiful weather for yours, though!
Yeah, Rain will ruin the fun of a dessert party! I am going to do the dessert update next. But we loved this one. And are hoping it comes back next year, so we can do it again!

I really hope to visit around Christmas some day!
It is great! This was our first time doing so and it was so nice! More Christmas goodness to come!

This made me smile, especially because the other day Jimmy realized I hadn't hung his noodle wreath from first grade when I put up the decorations....we had to go in the basement and dig it out of the tub, so we could prominently display it in our living room, LOL.
See! I agree with Jimmy! :)

PS THANK YOU for the amazing goodies!!! Rob & Jimmy ate most of the treats before I had a chance to dig in, but I claimed the mix with the M & M's and didn't share one piece with them!! :) It was so incredibly sweet of you!!
You more than welcome! Morgan and Gwen argued over whether there should be Peanut Butter in the mix. Gwen won the battle since she was the one mixing it up.

And if we are, it's typically because we're there for nighttime entertainment, so we're not riding rides. I have a few nighttime ride experiences that I really want to do some day and this one is near the top of my list.
Def! We have contemplated going back to Animal Kingdom JUST to ride Everest at night. I would say plan on just getting to the park in time for 1 ride before you nighttime show. BUT your next trip to the parks is going to be a lot different, I would guess!
Good Morning Everyone!

I am up and awake this morning because the anticipation of Christmas is getting to Gwen. We have an advent calendar and an elf. And Gwen still loves coming down super early and seeing both! Morgan on the other hand... She is becoming a teen and well, not as excited to get up each morning but... At any rate I am up, so why not finish off this holiday day!

Day One: Jingle Bell Jingle BAM

I left us off, heading over to checked into the party. We found the check in desk. It was 7:12, and I think check in started at 7:00, so there were folks inside already and we only had to wait for one family to check in before our turn.

For this dessert party, you are assigned a table. All of the tables are smaller, so you are just with you party, no sharing. Which is nice. We were walked down to our table. We were table 28.

They give you a lanyard to show that we are to be in the party area. As it would be fairly easy to sneak in. The area is roped off but nothing permant. They also give you 3D glasses to use during the show. Well, maybe not 3D, the ones that make christmas lights into santas and snowmen...

It was extremely dark! All of the tables were set up along the lagoon. And this was our view!
Just sitting there was really putting us in the holiday mood!

We were on the far end closest to the Chinese Theater. Which turned out to be near where Chip and Dale was meeting. This actually worked out great as, we could see when they would go in for a break and how long the line was. They do give you a specific time to meet them, but you really could go when ever. There was no one checking times.

We wasted no time and got up and grabbed some goodies! There was a bar area with some pre-mixed drinks.

I tried the Gingerbread Martini first. It was really good! I was suprised that I liked it as I am not a big fan of milky based drinks. I also kept a theme and grabbed Gingerbread type desserts also. Sorry, not pictures, it was just way to dark to take any photos really.


Gwen went for the savory items, and went straight to the house made onion dip and potato chips. They did not disappoint her! They were right up here alley. The potato chips were def house made, and they were super crunchy and saltly. And the onion dip def had actual onion in it.

Morgan went with some sweet, cookies and some sort of roll cake but ended up liking the Cheese Fondue and pretzel rolls the best.

The variety at this party was great. Many choices of sweet and salty. I do feel that the dessert parties has so much sweets and you can only eat so many sweets! Def the best choices of all of the parties we have done!

We ended going up to meet Chip & Dale at 7:50. Our time was 7:40 but there was a few people there, so we just hung out at our table and waited a little more for it to clear up.

Morgan and Gwen had specifically remembered to bring there Chip and Dale plush from the reveal for this moment. And let me tell you IT WAS A HIT with them!

Gwen was super excitied to show Chip her plush!

Chip made a big deal about the plush. It was really cute. And Gwen loved every second of it.

I will say it was a little chaotic trying to see what both chipmunks were doing. But TOTALLY worth it.

Dale rocked Morgan's plush like a baby.

I think he is trying to say that the plush is asleep... I think...

After the girls got plenty of one on on attention, we got a family photo.
You can see both Chip and Dale were both still holding the plush. It was a great interaction!

If you are not sure about meeting characters, just bring a prop! It can really help break the ice with them!

We headed back to our table for round 2 (or 3) of treats! They also had someone walking around handing out the ornaments that you get with the party as well. This year, they seemed to have varied greatly. We ended up with a glass circle version with etched into it JIngle Bell Jingle BAM and the year. Not amazing, you wouldn't do this dessert party FOR the ornament. But still a nice momento. In fact, while decorating the tree this year, we ended up having a whole conversation about the party and how much we liked it.

I also tried the hot chocolate martini, which was HOT. Which for some reason I did not think would be hot. I was thinking more of a cold slushi type drink.. (like what they are serving in France for the festival of holidays) It was good, I just didn’t want a hot drink at the moment. so, I ran back up and got one more drink and snack before we headed out to the viewing area. (Which they encouraged we do)

They had a CM walking around kind of giving everyone a 5 minute warning that they would start escorting people over.

Right at 8:30 PM we headed over with the escort. This is where I start to stress a little. I really wanted a good spot. I had read that the spots right up against the back wall were the best, but we were enjoying ourselves and did leave the area IMMEDIATLY. And they were all full. We tried to position ourselves close to the back and sat down.

Andy took Gwen to the bathroom before the shows started. We had no problem leaving the area and getting back in. As everyone filtered in, I was really hoping we would be able to stay seated. And it was a Christmas miracle! People stood up on both sides of us but the folks directly in front of us stayed sitting!


At 8:35 PM: The Movie projection show started. It was really good! It was kind of a bonus, I had forgotten all about it. Morgan and Gwen enjoyed that almost more than Jingle Bell Jingle Bam show.




Morgan really enjoyed this show!

And then right at 9:00 PM, Jingle Bell Jingle Bam show started.

The show isn't a huge fireworks show but it was a nice mix of projections and the fireworks.

You def want to be a little farther back, as the show goes across the whole area. If you are too close, you will prob miss some of the show.



It was also a lot of fun! I love it and so glad we got to see it.

At the end we waited a bit for some folks to thin out. They had snow at the ending of the show. And everyone who hung back was just in great moods. So, it was a nice atmosphere.

Overall we really enjoyed this dessert party. It was a huge plus to have a place to sit and relax. And to know that we didn't have to fight for a "good" table. Have adult beverages was also really nice. And you get the ornament, and even if it isn't super fancy. It just all adds up to a really nice expierence. My only complaint is that it is very dark. They could use a little bit of lighting to make it easier to see your food. But then it would ruin the ambiance a little. So, I get it.

But eventually we headed out.

And this is where the Skyliner can in big time!!! We left the park at 9:18 and were at the resort by 9:37! (and literally in bed by 9:57) I mean you can't beat that for a moderate resort.

Gwen decided she had to go to the bathroom again while we were in line to get on. So, when we got back to Caribbean Beach's main hub, Andy took her to the bathroom. Which I think is good to know, that there is a bathroom at the stop for anyone with kids because the station is NOT near the main building with common bathroom and quick service.

While they did that, I literally RAN ahead, as I had forgotten to lay out Tinker Bell items. I got to the room, laid out (aka threw) the items on the bench, then headed to the main pool to see what the pool hours were for tomorrow. (this is what I said I was really doing) The girls wanted to swim in the morning and I wanted to try and keep tomorrow morning fairly low key, as the rest of the trip was going to be go go go.


By 9:56 PM the girls were pj’d up and ready for bed!
They may have been a bit tired...

It was a long day but a GREAT first Day!!!! I know it wouldn't be a day I would plan if we didn't have annual passes on this trip but for us it worked out great. Not trying to do much in the parks helped keep the day fairly low key.

The dessert party was a great way to kick off the trip! And I was ready for more holiday stuff to come!
Which I will say this, everyone working at Caribbean Beach was great! Everyone had great customer service and chearful. They did not make it seem like you were at a moderate. Yes, the resort is large but with the skyliner now, you may be far form the main area, but close to the skyliner or the other way around. We will def stay here again one day.

This is good to hear. I just booked up a trip in May at CBR. This will be our first stay there.

We were Room 5144, 2nd Floor, Aruba, Building 51.

This is the area I won't for our trip too. I looks to be in the middle of the skyliner and not too far from food.

We started with some drinks.

They look very refreshing.

Loaded Sweet Potato Fries - Cotija Cheese and fresh Pico de Gallo with choice of Jerk Chicken, Pulled Pork or Braised Beef Brisket


We also ordered the Jerk Chicken Wings:

Another good choice.

I snapped some photos as we walked back that way. I was trying to soak in the decorations but also naviagate the crowds.

I love the decoration here and the music too. I love throw back.

And this was our view!


I will say it was a little chaotic trying to see what both chipmunks were doing. But TOTALLY worth it.

I love these two and you had some really great interaction.

It was also a lot of fun! I love it and so glad we got to see it.

We didn't get a chance to do this. Thanks so much for the review. Maybe someday in the future.

And this is where the Skyliner can in big time!!! We left the park at 9:18 and were at the resort by 9:37! (and literally in bed by 9:57) I mean you can't beat that for a moderate resort.

We stayed at POP for our Christmas trip and the skyliner was a lifesaver for getting us back to the resort fast.

Very cute!


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