February 2021 W.I.S.H. - Being your own Fabulous Self

Stay safe & warm y'all! Not a snow person here... just couldn't.

I went back to the tried and true green smoothie for lunch to curtail snackies. Didn't get a workout in but today was weird anyways with appts. Tomorrow I have a long volunteer shift so it will be tricky then too. Moving forward! Small steps!
DH just bought a snowblower and battery-operated snow shovel. The days of shoveling snow the old-fashioned way are over. Too much to handle.

My husband and I are dying to know...what does the battery powered snow shovel do?!?
I'm Linda from the Pacific Northwest. Used to be an empty-nester but we took in our niece's just turned 9 twins so she could go back to school. She finishes in June and we cannot wait to be an empty nest again!

Today I am highly unmotivated. I have stopped getting up at o'dark thirty for yoga class since she has become a tad too restorative for that time of the morning! Usually on Mondays I get up about the time class is ending and then watch/do the video of it. Not today--and I was awake--just enjoying a lazy morning before working from home! I will force myself to do it after I post here. I will also force myself to do my little weight lifting routine. Truly do not want to! :badpc: But I will!

It's Groundhog's Day (at least here in the US)... also one of my favorite movies. I love BIll Murray, but I think hanging out with him would be a bit intimidating. In the quote below he says "... and nothing that you did mattered.", but in the movie everything he did mattered, he had the opportunity to keep doing things over until he figured it (life) out.

If you could go back to a previous day in your life, what would your do-overs be? What if today is the day you are stuck in, what would you change? Can you change that thing, without being stuck and getting the benefit of a bunch of do-overs? How would that help you to be fabulous?


If I had to redo yesterday, I think the thing I would change would be play some games with the family. I was focusing on me and getting caught up on my stuff since I had the extra time. As luck may have it, I basically have that do-over today. Another snow day here, no school. So I’ll get out some board games and see what everyone would like to play today 😊
I would like to redo my trip to Hawaii when I went with the marching band my junior year of HS. We marched in the Hula Bowl. My boy friend, of over a year, and I broke up. I spent most of that week upset and crying and swore off that start. I was never going back. I missed some opportunities to see stuff while there. If we had free time I did nothing unless my roommates forced me too. I did do everything that was planned for the while band. I look back at this and think how stupid I was. It could very well be my only time getting to Hawaii. I would love to go back and thankfully DH is on board. Maybe we will take the kids about the time they both graduate. DS will graduate in 3.5 years and DD in 4.5. I don't foresee many vacations between now and then so we should be able to save up the money. Flights alone will pretty expensive.

Today is going to be a rough day. I had a rough night and morning so far. I had celery and peanut butter as a snack before bed and I think this did not agree with my stomach. I am thinking it is the celery. I know bagged salad makes me sick so I don't eat those anymore and won't eat salads at restaurants just incase. The celery we bought is the precut prewashed kind to make it easier to just grab some. I am guessing they use the chemicals as the bag salads so they don't go bad. Thankfully I have some cucumbers I can cut up for a snack this week.

On the plus side I am still down the 3 pounds I lost while sick last month. I figured I put that back on. It is still a pound heavier then on December 11th but going in the right direction. I did get my 60 minutes on the treadmill at lunch. I was going to get on again in the afternoon to get the rest of my 10,000 steps but I didn't. We left right after work to drop off our taxes, pick up more yarn for DH's blanket that she is crocheting and then to drop off the book DS took out of the library. DH got on the treadmill when we got home and by the time I would have been able to get on it would have been about 7-8 last night. I was just done at the point. I also logged all of my food and stayed under my allotted amount with my exercise. My goal is to stay at 1200 or below most days not counting in the extra for working out.
I've been trying to think of a specific day or event that I'd like to do over and nothing pops into my mind. It is more of a lot of little choices, that if I had a do-over I want to know it was going to be OK, that it was OK, and that I could have been bolder, surer, bigger.

If today is my do-over day, the lesson I'd learn would be to eat better... I had ice cream yesterday which was totally unnecessary. And yes, I don't need the magic of a do-over day to know that and do it differently!

Last night I made my pie, have to admit it wasn't fabulous but it is editable. The crust came out OK, being the first time I've done one from scratch in 10 or so years I'm happy with it, but it is a little bland so I think I'll experiment with a different recipe next time. The big magic was the candle ceremony... I turned off the lights so the candles were the only things going and wow, it was like being in a totally different place. And I slept very soundly last night, I was still out cold at 7am this morning when something spooked the cats and they scrambled off the bed. I've been thinking of doing a meditation at night before crawling into bed and I think that's a good choice, making the wishes at each candle was basically a meditation, and it re-set something for me.
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Excellent topic. (Had a great hour-long lesson on Groundhog Day today by the way...)

This is very thought-provoking. Just picking one day to do over is impossible. There are many days that I would like to repeat and get "right."

I would love to go back to high school and navigate a day there as a savvy and confident adult.

I would love another day with my mother. She died of cancer during my first semester of college...way too young. To redo a day with her...to be able to hug her again and laugh with her...that would be amazing. I probably wouldn't change a thing, just soak it up and imprint the memory on my mind.

I would love to do over my wedding day. It was wonderful, but I didn't eat a decent breakfast and barely ate at my own reception, so I would start the day with a healthy breakfast. I would have found a better hair stylist since mine was on vacation. The stylist that she got to do my hair did a terrible job, and my neighbor lady had to fix it while I had a meltdown. I would insist that my friend get a sitter for her baby so that her husband wouldn't have gotten up during our vows and blocked the view of everyone, especially the videographer as he carried his screaming baby down the middle aisle. I would dance more with my husband and savor every moment. It just flew by and was over before I knew it.

I could go on and on...
This is such a great topic! A specific day is tough to recall-my first thought was years ago (college) I broke up with a boyfriend only to get back together for another year and break up again. But then I always think those decisions lead to the life I have now-meeting and marrying my husband of 40 years. Isn’t that called The Butterfly Effect? What I would redo as I look back now is to spend more time with my parents as they got older. I miss them every day. So I do make the effort to spend time with my daughter’s family (as much as they want to, anyway!). When my grandson wants to spend the night the answer is always yes!
I agree with the butterfly effect thought... while I'd love to try again and again to maybe learn- who knows what might be missing that I truly love now.

I do not want to do over today. It was great in some ways - I volunteered at a vaccine center so that I will be able to get mine after another shift later this week. It was good to help. It was good to see the process at work... but it's also a bit nerve wracking being out in a very public way amongst all that is still going on. Thankful for the opportunity and hoping all of my precautions were enough! That being said... no work out again--- but it was a productive day! Now to chill. Have a good night everyone :goodvibes
Woohoo - we had a fun snow day yesterday. No went out for a walk, saw a few neighbors, worked with neighbors in our circle to help each other shovel. It just felt good being outside.
Woohoo- I’ve been drinking more than 80oz of water each day. Yesterday was over 120!
I would love to do over my wedding day. It was wonderful, but I didn't eat a decent breakfast and barely ate at my own reception, so I would start the day with a healthy breakfast. I would have found a better hair stylist since mine was on vacation. The stylist that she got to do my hair did a terrible job, and my neighbor lady had to fix it while I had a meltdown. I would insist that my friend get a sitter for her baby so that her husband wouldn't have gotten up during our vows and blocked the view of everyone, especially the videographer as he carried his screaming baby down the middle aisle. I would dance more with my husband and savor every moment. It just flew by and was over before I knew it.

I did the whole not eating at my wedding. I ate or drink anything all day. At the reception, I almost passed out and everyone was worried about me. I turned white as a ghost. I didn't even really eat or drink (until I almost passed out) at the reception.

But then I always think those decisions lead to the life I have now-meeting and marrying my husband of 40 years. Isn’t that called The Butterfly Effect?

I agree with this. My first thought yesterday was to say I would redo the day that I started dating some of the guys that I did. There were some doozies. But I thought if I didn't I wouldn't be where I am today.
As for a redo of yesterday. The only thing I would change is the the tree guys (we had 2 trees taken down yesterday) knocking down our cable line. They took it down while they were cutting the tree sown and then put it back up while they were cleaning up and taking the big stump away. They were using a Bobcat and took out the line. They were able to get it back to so that it works but the wire is laying on the ground and now we need or internet provided to come out to fix it. On the plus side the 2 trees that were pretty dead and dropping some big limbs this year are gone. We have internet and they took $100 off the price of getting the taken out.

WooHoo -- I have worked out on the treadmill for 2 days and have tracked my food both days. I haven't weighed myself yet today but as of yesterday I was still down the 3 pounds I lost last month being sick.
Woohoo...This morning I did my beach drive and 1) the sun was up and 2) not only were the mountains peeking out from the clouds, but the sun was hitting the tops of some of them and it was so, so pretty.

Woohoo... I've started to do some of the things I've told myself I would do. Yesterday I listened to two episodes of the podcast the author of Wintering does, where she interviews other writers about wintering passages they've gone thru in their lives. One was with the author of a book I've ordered (and can pick up today - woohoo) so it was great to hear more about the backstory of the book, as it is about the wintering passage she went thru. And in a the-world-is-really-small kind of way, the other interview was with a gal I also follow on IG, who's name I didn't recognize at first but as she was talking I realized who it was... and during the interview she mentioned the support she got from a friend in Scotland, who I realized is also someone I follow.

Woohoo... I've started to train the kittens to not lay on my keyboard and they aren't totally traumatized by it, confused for sure but mostly getting it.
WOO HOO!!! I decided to take a mental health day!

I haven't used any sick time yet this year, and with 15 inches of snow melting, freezing, then snowing more last night, you would have thought we would have a delay or be permitted to teach remotely from home since it is a remote day for the kids. Nope, the teachers' safety and well-being is NOT a priority. That is abundantly clear... so I must look out for myself. The roads were treacherous, my knee was hurting a lot, and I took a sick day.:coffee:
Woohoo, we had snow but not as much as predicted-about 10 inches.
So a nice day to make soup, watch a movie (The Queen’s Gambit-excellent!) and enjoy the day. We got everything cleared and I’m going to get myself out for a walk.

DH and I just watched the series on Netflix a few weekends ago. We were glued and watched it all in one night. Now I have moved on and binge watched The Last Czar (more of a documentary about the last Kind of Russia) and now Reign. Reign is a series about Queen Mary of Scotland but after reading it it is only based very loosely on her life. What I have read today it looks like the only thing that is real is the names and what countries they are from. But it is still looks really good.

WOO HOO!!! I decided to take a mental health day!

I haven't used any sick time yet this year, and with 15 inches of snow melting, freezing, then snowing more last night, you would have thought we would have a delay or be permitted to teach remotely from home since it is a remote day for the kids. Nope, the teachers' safety and well-being is NOT a priority. That is abundantly clear... so I must look out for myself. The roads were treacherous, my knee was hurting a lot, and I took a sick day.:coffee:

A mental health day is always needed. I am shocked though that since no kids would be in that they didn't let you teach from home.


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