Every Adventure Requires a First Step.

WAIT ONE SECOND. what do you mean he isn't with us?? What happened was there an update i missed?

Unfortunately yes, she passed away. I can't remember exactly where I read it but it was basically a Mom reporting that they went back to see Popcorn but when they asked a CM they were told she had died.
things never go the way i plan them



I honest to goodness wanted this little pre trip to the November trip with peanut to be done so i can tell you...

We leave TOMORROW for the boys trip.

Yes so much has happened and i was rocking out those updates. So i can plan WITH YOU the boys trip!
But as you just read-- We leave tomorrow morning.
another quick trip but more Disney is happening
It wasn't fair to the boys that peanut and I got to stay at AKL and get a lot of Disney. So i did some stuff.

We will be staying at out friends house for 2 nights then staying at CBR for two nights.
This resort is so intimidating!! It's SO BIG!
I have no idea what building to request. it's just the boys and I -- probably Haley..
I want to ride the skyliner over and over again. we will be going to HS and i am out of my mind stressed out over getting a boarding pass for Rise of the resistance.. LIKE NIGHTMARES people! NIGHTMARES! everything i am watching reading- PLAN AHEAD---Listen here.. ---why do you think i am watching and ready your stuff.. I am trying to plan ahead and i am no where closed to my target then i was before i read/ watched your stuff.
I had the boys download the Disney app to see if they could log on with me. Apparently i cannot link the account since they are not 18- this is not acceptable.
I have pizza form our local pizza place and some Riccobene's steak sandwiches to bring to our hosts for two nights,

I am not ready last week Thursday i somehow got a sty in my eye so i had to be diligent to stop the spread explain to me how i got that? We are in a era where you are washing your hands more then you are not constantly using hand sanitizer and i got a stupid sty?? hot compresses and some sty goopy meds and it went away in two days-ish.
Sunday was a total bust.
We went to Amy's for their daughter's Birthday - they were able to rent a theater for her! it was really cool watched the lego movie went back to their house and proceeded to drink while cooking Disney dinner out of the unofficial Disney cookbook-

Bryan said he needs to video our nights - said they are gold
i say he missed the opportunity!.
but i can bet there will be more. We will swing back to this later.
then the allergies hit HARD and i was out of commission dead on my back-

So today im running and packing! I will be checking to see if you all have any tips!

All we do is EAT!

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but- i also never went with teenagers either which will be our first in November. I am sure they are going to want to to teenager things without us embarrassing adults. they really have no idea how lucky they are to have us.. HA HA HA
When are you going in November? We are going back for Savannah's first trip! Nov 13-20!
Unfortunately yes, she passed away. I can't remember exactly where I read it but it was basically a Mom reporting that they went back to see Popcorn but when they asked a CM they were told she had died.

This is the worst news!!! about to re-watch the show to remember the animals names.. something to do as i pack and wash clothes. Thank god im working from home..

When are you going in November? We are going back for Savannah's first trip! Nov 13-20!
We miss you by ONE DAY November 21- 27 the week of Thanksgiving. not so happy about it. But Amy voted me out.
How exciting for you and the boys!! I have zero advice, as I have yet to successfully obtain a boarding group for Rise of the Resistance, but I sure hope you have good luck! I can't wait to hear all about the shenanigans that I have no doubt will happen on this trip :) Have the best time ever!
This resort is so intimidating!! It's SO BIG!

IF the Skyliner and HS is your priority, I would go with Barbados 33 (preferred) or Jamaica 41 (regular room). Those are the two closest to the CB Skyliner station. If you want to go in between the Skyliner and the food court/pool I would pick Barbados 32 (preferred) or Jamaica 43 or 44 (regular room).

I had the boys download the Disney app to see if they could log on with me.

All three of you should just log on to your MDE. That's what Jim and I did, we had three phones going (he had a personal and a work phone) all open with my account. We did not get a boarding group in the first drop but were able to snag one in the second drop. And go over and over that e-mail I sent you until you have the steps memorized. That way you can go quickly through the screens.
SO EXCITED for you and the boys!!!! :mickeyjum :mickeyjum :mickeyjum This is a little late, but did you consult with the CBR guru, Mickeystoontown???

Do tell what goodies you cooked from the Disney cookbook!! I never knew that book existed! I used a lot of the recipes from allears.com when the kids were small. I wouldn't get much use from the cookbook since I HATE cooking now. I loved cooking for so long, now I am just flat burnt out. Plus, with all three kids working now, I never even know if ANY of them will be at the dinner table. Sundays are sacred, though. All six of us (including future SIL) are at the family dinner table EVERY Sunday night. And Jillian and her future hubby PROMISE me that will still be a MUST DO after that get married.

So sorry about the sty and allergies. I used to get sties a LOT. So glad I haven't had one in years. They HURT!!! Get ye down to FL where you can escape the normal allergens!!!

HAVE A MAGICAL TRIP!!! :tink::earsgirl::earsboy::earsboy:
We miss you by ONE DAY November 21- 27 the week of Thanksgiving. not so happy about it. But Amy voted me out
Oh what a bummer! I went for Thanksgiving years ago, it wasn't too bad.....but I was 12 so what did I know?

Have so much fun on your trip with the boys! Can't wait to hear about it!
My husband and I are at the Yacht Club right now. We will be going home on Friday. Are you and the boys really at WDW now?

We were at Animal Kingdom today and saw the Simba popcorn bucket. It was adorable. Your entire trip looks like it was fun. The boys must have been jealous. :)
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OMG how exciting...we leave in 5 days and I cannot wait! I hope you are having a fabulous trip so far!
Finally caught up again. Cannot wait to hear how CBR, skyliner, and RotR goes for you. I have nightmares about RotR also. I don't want to disappoint 8 people if I don't get it. We planned 2 days at DHS, just in case. Although, with Flower and Garden, I would rather all my days be at Epcot.
Hi! We are back! i have so much to report it's going to be a blast to write about it!
unfortunately i have a LOT to catch up with here so i promise to try to finish up the meg and i trip and jump into the boys and i trip.

**edit-- i replied to everything then posted-- and see none of my replies are there!!! **
until then---

How exciting for you and the boys!! I have zero advice, as I have yet to successfully obtain a boarding group for Rise of the Resistance, but I sure hope you have good luck! I can't wait to hear all about the shenanigans that I have no doubt will happen on this trip :) Have the best time ever!

Hi i wish i had more time to ask questions and take everyone's advice in consideration..
Shenanigans were had and can't wait to tell you all about it!

IF the Skyliner and HS is your priority, I would go with Barbados 33 (preferred) or Jamaica 41 (regular room). Those are the two closest to the CB Skyliner station. If you want to go in between the Skyliner and the food court/pool I would pick Barbados 32 (preferred) or Jamaica 43 or 44 (regular room).

now you have to wait until i start the report!!! HA HA HA

All three of you should just log on to your MDE. That's what Jim and I did, we had three phones going (he had a personal and a work phone) all open with my account. We did not get a boarding group in the first drop but were able to snag one in the second drop. And go over and over that e-mail I sent you until you have the steps memorized. That way you can go quickly through the screens.


SO EXCITED for you and the boys!!!! :mickeyjum :mickeyjum :mickeyjum This is a little late, but did you consult with the CBR guru, Mickeystoontown???

Do tell what goodies you cooked from the Disney cookbook!! I never knew that book existed! I used a lot of the recipes from allears.com when the kids were small. I wouldn't get much use from the cookbook since I HATE cooking now. I loved cooking for so long, now I am just flat burnt out. Plus, with all three kids working now, I never even know if ANY of them will be at the dinner table. Sundays are sacred, though. All six of us (including future SIL) are at the family dinner table EVERY Sunday night. And Jillian and her future hubby PROMISE me that will still be a MUST DO after that get married.

So sorry about the sty and allergies. I used to get sties a LOT. So glad I haven't had one in years. They HURT!!! Get ye down to FL where you can escape the normal allergens!!!

HAVE A MAGICAL TRIP!!! :tink::earsgirl::earsboy::earsboy:

Of course i messaged the all knowing!!!
i have to be vague not to ruin the report..
i promise to post what we cooked it was too much fun. I do love to cook i just need to learn how to cook with the no carb recipes everything i cook is not healthy HA
I love that you all will keep your Sundays and i am still shocked our kids are as grown as they are.. we have known each other for so long your all family to me!
Being a nonsmoker now i was able to medicate the Allergies and sty OUT by the time we left.. It was awesome. i was scared to have bad sinus infection then jump on a plane!

Oh what a bummer! I went for Thanksgiving years ago, it wasn't too bad.....but I was 12 so what did I know?

Have so much fun on your trip with the boys! Can't wait to hear about it!

I am terrified in what thanksgiving is going to be like. I really need to sit and do the numbers!!
I really cannot wait to tell you all about it. It was one of the BEST!

My husband and I are at the Yacht Club right now. We will be going home on Friday. Are you and the boys really at WDW now?

We were at Animal Kingdom today and saw the Simba popcorn bucket. It was adorable. Your entire trip looks like it was fun. The boys must have been jealous. :)

STOP IT! we could have met!?!? I hope you are having a fantastic time!!! AK is amazing isn't it? so beautiful.
they were jealous.. Until this trip and now the table have turned!

OMG how exciting...we leave in 5 days and I cannot wait! I hope you are having a fabulous trip so far!

Oh my! do tell all your details! I hope you have the most magical time! we had one of the best times this is up there as a favorite!

Finally caught up again. Cannot wait to hear how CBR, skyliner, and RotR goes for you. I have nightmares about RotR also. I don't want to disappoint 8 people if I don't get it. We planned 2 days at DHS, just in case. Although, with Flower and Garden, I would rather all my days be at Epcot.

we have so much to discuss like room locations etc.. I can't wait to tell you all about it. We all were in knots about that dang ride!!!
Don't forget EPCOT is under construction. Well Future world is Showcase is still beautiful! Mouse gears is the size of my closet..

I Hope to be caught up here by tomorrow to finish u[ the meg and i trip and start on the boys and i trip which was one of the most MAGICAL trips!
I still have a house to get back to normal and my nemesis -- Laundry...

until then!
I am uploading all my photos and waiting for the boys to send me their pictures too. Thanks Ariana i have a new photo storage since i killed out two flickr accounts
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all we do is eat.

What am amazing AK day! to end at AKL is a once in a lifetime experience!!! Kathy went home for a much needed break Haley came back and she made reservation to somewhere we have never been!



Noo we have been to the Contemporary-- But we have never eaten--



The Wave!!! :wave:

we checked in but had a few minutes to go and shop at their store.. i don't remember what i bought but lets just say this trip was a shopping spree!! if i saw it i bought it.

it was out time and were seated quick. The restaurant was pretty dead. there were only about 6 tables!! our server was a riot so fun. Haley decided we needed a drink to share and ordered the
Seven Seas Lagoon Shared Cocktail - it came out and i was shocked how BIG it was


Woah! I asked if it came with fishing poles! Since Haley drove I found it necessary to drink more of it.. See what a responsible adult I am? oh the sacrifices I make for these kids!!!

and water-- lots of water!

we ordered - Sadly i cannot remember what the soup was.. I do know i licked the bowl,


seriously this stuff was incredible!!!

Haley ordered the Seared Gnocchi with chicken of course i tried it - another winner she took out the mushrooms meg who loves mushrooms also said they weren't the best.


Peanut had the Grilled Beef Tenderloin


Melt in your mouth fantastic!!!

Oh i had the Joyce Farms Chicken


Look at all those pretty colors! this was the best chicken i have ever had.. I have no idea how they can elevate chicken. but they did even the carrots were to die for!
We all were part of he clean plate club

since we were good we deserved dessert!!
A chocolate flight??





we thought it was ok. we only like the Brownie Creme Brulee I wouldn't order it again.. i would rather another plate of food!!! LOL this may have turned into my favorite restaurant ever we can get a dessert anywhere..

After very full bellies we headed back to AKL-
it was our last night and i would like to start packing up and clean up..

Next we check out and check into our favorite--

Checking out of the resort & Checking into-

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Yay, can't wait!!! Also, what's your new storage system!? I'm still on Flickr!

it has THE BEST Logo on the planet-- Smug mug.
you have to pay for the service.. with the way all my external devices are not working and i can start selling my pictures again this was the best one for me.

so i am being lazy and working from home on my couch instead of my office.. don't judge im comfy..

its not so easy to type! ha ha!
Checking Out the Resort
Checking in to

I remember konking out pretty quick. it was a long day for sure. Haley got up to go to work again while peanut and i got up started some more coffee took one of the best showers - whoop that shower is something!
Haley had called and asked for extra coffee towels and stuff --
well they delivered enough for an army!! coffee for days!
you know dang well we brought it home!
I sat in my favorite chair-


Enjoyed out last morning as Peanut got herself all dolled up -


Whos child is that?? It certainly is NOT my peanut


hohum...Moving on--

Remember i said this trip was a shopping spree?
Yeah well I had to buy another huge luggage to take it all home including all that coffee and soap!



Clean big bathroom-

We checked - double checked and triple checked -too make sure NOTHING was left behind.
I know me, I will.. coffee and soaps check - drawers check all is well let's go.

Went to the desk to check out and felt as if we were bothering the CM there- I was asked if we got the check out paperwork I told him no - he said well i guess you do need to check out with me. although it would just do it automatically- Whatever just do it. Oh you don't have a bill -- Ugh No-- well you're good see ya

felt as if he would have slap me on the back and told me to get out he would
turned around and saw this little beauty




I spoke with Kathy told her we were getting booted out and we will be hanging out at the look out until she was ready. No rush since this was our view-



As we sat and watched the animals I thought about our stay here -
May shock you--

It wasn't our favorite. Wouldn't do it again. It's just SO DARK!!! I loved the animals nothing can beat that Nothing..
the pool was ok the store was lacking
We did it once and I am grateful for the opportunity. i am SO glad we were able to stay here but it's not us.
I love BRIGHT and happy -

Before we knew it Kathy had called she was on her way!

we said our final goodbyes to AKL headed over to
Beach club!

these signs crack me up


Now THIS! this resort is Bright and Happy Lively and right up our alley the little store was so inviting!!! and only steps away from. We weren't staying here we just parked here for --


literally steps away! THIS is where i want to stay.. that pool! everything about this screams us!

before long we were walking under-


Wowza do those things MOVE! they are so fast!!!

then POOF we saw the beautiful sights of-


Next up our day at EPCOT!

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Um, your Peanut is a KNOCKOUT!!! princess: Yeah, she will only be single as long as SHE chooses to be! Oh, man, what I wouldn't give for a dose of Disney magic these days. BUT, I know you have waited longer for this than I did. So, since I cannot figure out how to post a ticker on here any more....

:boat:::MickeyMopirate::sail:359 days til we cruise with Mickey!!!! :sail:pirate:::MickeyMo:boat:
Eww, kinda yucky how they sort of tossed you from the resort. I've never stayed there, but often thought it looked too dark and serious for us, too. Of course being so close to the animals is the obvious perk though!!

Oh, when did Meghan go from the cutie with the unnecessary head tilt to this grown up girl!?! She's absolutely lovely!

We really loved the Skyliner!! SUCH a timesaver from Pop to Epcot and DHS. I honestly don't mind the buses, but we LOVED having this as an option!


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