Worst weather event you've ever experienced

Ice storm at Christmas of 98.
03’What was left of Hurricane Isabel (plus it rained so much the week prior) so trees took no effort of coming down.
2004 the year of the 4 hurricanes when we were in Central Florida. Just as things would start to get better, another storm would come. We actually stayed at Pop Century for two weeks as Disney seems to never lose power.

Our house survived Irma in 2017, but we were not there having evacuated. There was was a boat in our yard that had come from more than 50 miles away.
We were also at Pop for two weeks. :) DH was working 80+ hour weeks in Vero Beach and the kids thought it was just a long vacation. It got a little tiring after a while but at least we had power.
The snowpocalypse that shut down Texas in February of this year. Never seen anything like it.

Yes! Even when I lived in the northeast, it wasn’t that bad. At least the roads up there were passable after 2 days and that was after a 3ft blizzard (1996). We were housebound for almost a week in February in Texas. We got super lucky that we didn’t lose power or water. Work and schools were shut down for the week.
The May 3, 1999 F5 tornado in OKC. The wind was registered at 300 mph. That was the tornado that changed their attitudes telling people to take shelter under overpasses. 2 people were killed as they were sucked out of their hiding places. Just before or just after (memory failing on this), we had straightline winds of 200 mph. A toddler was killed blocks from us. The lights were all out, it was pouring like I'd never seen. A man was stuck on the road and ran to our house. We let him in to get him out of that rain. It was so dark, to this day I have no idea what he looked like as you couldn't see in our house and we had no flashlights or candles. (changed that after that storm)
I posted this earlier on another site... but why not again...

My worse weather event was on Valentines Day in 2007 if I remember correctly. At the time I was a field supervisor for city bus company in Vermont. The bus company had been in business for around 60 years and had never had to shut down. Just before dawn on that day, a huge nor'easter came rolling in. It was blizzard like condition all day long. We had busses slipping off the road, unable to climb hills and just sliding into snow banks all over the city. I was driving from spot to spot in a three year old Chevy Impala going from disaster to disaster. The plows couldn't get out because the drivers couldn't get to work so every minute it just got worse and worse. We had commuter buses that brought people in and out of the city everyday that couldn't get people back home because the roads were all closed. We had to find overnight accommodations for them and get them to those places. At one point during the day, I turned onto a street that looked passable only to ride up on a snow drift that I couldn't see because of the total white out that was going on. Thankfully there were a couple of guys with shovels trying to get to their cars and helped me get off the drift and back on to solid ground. Finally at around 6:30pm the decision was made to shut down operations so we could get out and free up the buses to get them back to the barn. None of us could leave so I shoveled out my car and found a spot in the bus garage to pull in and I slept in the back seat of it for a few hours. When morning came the storm had passed but we still couldn't move anybody until later in the afternoon when that state trucks had finally gotten out and at least plowed a path on the highway. For the next week and more the snow had covered hundreds of cars on the city streets and all they could clear was one lane on each street. We had to start down a street and if we met another car they had to back out of our way so we could get through. Fortunately, there were not many people out on the streets for a few days.
That I recall would be Hurricane Charlie, we were staying at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort in a studio. Wild night. That I can not recall was a tornado that hit Worcester, Massachusetts in 1953. I was only a bit over 1 year old, but apparently I was in the basement with my grandma when it took the roof off her house and moved the house across the street off it's foundation. I have the photos of the neighborhood. 94 people died.
The October 2011 snow storm. It wouldn't have been so bad, but all the trees still had leaves so all night we huddled downstairs listening to trees and branches crack and fall from the weight of the snow. We lost power for a week. I had been out near Boston to visit a friend the night before and didn't think anything of a little October snow when I left her place to drive home and it was a horrible drive. I was getting pelted with snow and blinded by the plows going the opposite way on the Mass Pike.
That I recall would be Hurricane Charlie, we were staying at Disney's Saratoga Springs Resort in a studio. Wild night. That I can not recall was a tornado that hit Worcester, Massachusetts in 1953. I was only a bit over 1 year old, but apparently I was in the basement with my grandma when it took the roof off her house and moved the house across the street off it's foundation. I have the photos of the neighborhood. 94 people died.

We were at OKW for Charley. Those buildings are SOLID, we could barely tell there was a storm until we opened the door.
The deep freeze of February 2021, when much of my state's power also went out for days, as did the water supply.
I was on Cozumel for Hurricane Gilbert (cat 5). Irma was only a cat 1 when she visited me in Disney World. Pro-tip: Beach Club is an awesome place to weather a hurricane.
The 2004 hurricane season in FL. I was on the west coast and didn't even get directly hit but knew after that year I had no intention of living in a hurricane area for long. I was out of FL before the end of 2005.
The 2004 hurricane season in FL. I was on the west coast and didn't even get directly hit but knew after that year I had no intention of living in a hurricane area for long. I was out of FL before the end of 2005.
Lucky you. lol. That was the year we moved to Florida from Michigan.
Was it a tornado? Hurricane? Earthquake? What's something that made you go "holy ****, I need to take cover".
Sailing back from the Bahamas last July, we just made it to Port Canaveral when a squall kicked up. Very much all of a sudden we were 20' seas and once I got the radar warmed up we put her right around and flat out ran for deep water. Our little boat has impressed us as being bulletproof but I was having some serious doubts.
Sailing back from the Bahamas last July, we just made it to Port Canaveral when a squall kicked up. Very much all of a sudden we were 20' seas and once I got the radar warmed up we put her right around and flat out ran for deep water. Our little boat has impressed us as being bulletproof but I was having some serious doubts.

That's when my dad would send us kids up in the bow and say 'hang on'.
Tornado in Texas. We lived in a house with no foundation, just sitting on brick pillars. The sky was black and you could see the telephone poles swaying back and forth. Very scary. A town just a few miles away was destroyed. We had ice storms that winter to add to this.


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