Every Wish That We Put Into Motion.... (comments welcome!)

I had the absolute honor of meeting and running with our journal host for both the half and full this weekend. I had no idea she had done this until someone mentioned following it at DATW today. I was excited to read through a bit and can't wait for the recap!
Not exaggerating when I say that the fact that we had already made a plan for Sunday is probably 60% of the reason I dragged myself out of bed on Sunday to run that race. I definitely could not have done it (or if I had, it would have been a terrible experience) without your amazing positive attitude and comradery on Saturday and Sunday. Not kidding.
Massive race weekend recap coming. I might come back to this post a couple of times today and add/edit things or organize my thoughts in a more coherent manner.

TLDR: I did it! I completed my goal of completing the Goofy Challenge, didn't get swept (obviously), got my mostly-dark sky picture despite stupidly stopping for a pic with the rabbit by the teacups on Saturday, AND found someone in a FB group with an extra spirit jersey after I was too late to get one from the expo on Wednesday. Check, check, and check.

Tuesday night: coached 4th grade basketball practice, drove home and DH had the car running for us to leave. Drove 4 hours down to Detroit, and crashed at the hotel for the night. We got there at around 10pm, and were sleeping by 11. Up and hauling alllllll of our luggage (3 carry ons, 3 backpacks, 2 checked bags, a carseat, and a stroller) to the lobby to get on our shuttle at 2:30 in the morning. Yay for 3 hours of sleep!

Wednesday: flight from Detroit to Orlando. Non-stop, which was a good call because getting all our crap THINGS, moved was a chore and a half. Picked up our Visitor Toll Pass, grabbed our luggage, and hauled all of the things out to the rental car garage. DH insisted we get a bigger vehicle because he was anticipating how much stuff we would have and he was correct. We needed ALL of the space. Stopped and grabbed lunch because we were starving at that point, and headed directly to the expo. DH was not prepared for what that was like. And DD was not excited to go from being in a carseat on a plane, to a carseat in a car, to being strapped to my back for 4 hours. So she screamed in my ear for 90min before falling asleep. And of course this was while we were shuffling our way through the expo queue. I missed out on getting pics with the giant distance numbers (because there was a screaming baby on my back) and we didn't have time to go back because we had a Sanaa reservation for 3pm.

Sanaa was delicious and did not disappoint. We blew through the bread service in record time. I don't know that we've ever finished it before, but that day we did. From there it was off to OKW to unload everything at the room and make a grocery run. We figured we would have time to do that and squeeze in a trip to DS to look at the animation drawings and order the ones we wanted for the weekend. But then I became navigationally challenged. In my planning I had found a nearby Walmart and Costco that were also very close to each other, which was going to make grocery pick up quick and easy. So when we got in the car, I found the walmart with the matching road name. And we started driving. And kept driving. And driving. And driving. And it was rush hour, so I used that as a justification for why it was taking so long. When we finally go there, DH went in to grab a couple of things we hadn't put in the pick-up order and I attempted to get them to bring our order out. The phone number to call for them to bring out your order went straight to voicemail, which was full. It was extremely disorganized and inefficient. And after 15 or 20min and them coming around to ALL OF THE CARS EXCEPT OURS to ask for an order name/number they came over to get our info. And that's when we found out we were at the wrong Walmart. Of course we were. So we drove to the nearest Costco, which was even FURTHER away from our resort and picked up the things we needed there and then found the CORRECT Walmart. The best part? I was only like 10min from our resort. So my dumdum move cost us well over an hour in driving/waiting. Did I mention we were running on 3 hours of sleep? Yeah. We were all in great moods. Trip to DS was out the window at that point because DH had to get up at 2am the next morning for the 5k. I help DH get everything for his race ready (bib pinned to his shirt, all of his other stuff together in one spot) so he doesn't have to find it in the dark in the morning. We are absolutely exhausted. Tried to maintain hydration with nuun and lots of water. Florida is a lot warmer than Michigan.

Thursday: DH's alarm for 2am doesn't go off and he sat up in bed swearing at 3am when he realized what time it was. :scared::scared: So now I'm awake. He drove himself to his race because our room at OKW is 0.75mi from the Hospitality House and I'd seen a lot of conflicting info about an internal shuttle bus and whether it was worth waiting around for. Once he got back and showered/changed we grabbed the first bus to MK for ETPE. DD had THE BEST TIME there. Meeting Mickey was her absolute highlight. We did spring for G+ because long lines and a 2yo do not mix. It made me miss FP+ because I feel like that system was a lot easier to work with. We left at around 11 to change our clothes, eat an early lunch, and made a quick trip over to DS to get those drawings ordered. I started to really notice the glaring lack of mugs and stuffed animals in all of the shops. Then it was back to MK to soak it all in. We had an early dinner reservation for Skipper Canteen. This was a very underwhelming meal. I'm not much of a complainer because I worked in a restaurant for 6 years, but I don't think I'd eat there again. Went to grab a fruit and nutella waffle from Sleepy Hallow AND THEY DON'T HAVE THEM?! :mad::sad2: Used mobile order to skip the massive line for a strawberry funnel cake (it was ready approximately 30sec after I ordered it) and went to find a place to watch fireworks. I love Disney fireworks. I don't think this is my favorite show, but I liked it. Then it was back to the room and back to bed because DH was running the 10k in the morning. Fun side note: while we were waiting for our food at Skipper Canteen, the coach that was covering DH's games for him during our trip texted him to see if there was anything he wanted to tell the team before their game. DH decided that he would "bet" them that if they won their game he would wear his race costume to practice when he got back. And his team ended up winning by like 26 points or something. Their first win this season. And now Vacation Genie will be making an appearance today. :rotfl2:

More hydration. Liquid IV and nuun today. More water.

Friday: Thankfully I slept through DH's alarm this morning because I was soooooo tired and I knew what was coming for the next 2 days with Goofy. Made it all the way to 6am. Yeah. That was sleeping in this trip. :crazy: DH stopped for more pics during this race after I reminded him that there was a REASON we got memory maker, and it was the race photos. So would he please use it?! We wandered around DS for the morning, and ate lunch at Terralina. Another underwhelming meal. Nothing wrong, just not impressed with the food. After that we hopped a bus to Art of Animation to do a skyliner tour and walk to the meetup at HH. So nice to meet other DIS'ers and put faces to screen names. All 3 of us were still pretty tired so we decided to make it an early night and headed back to OKW to eat dinner watch our oldest's basketball game (our school/conference has a streaming service) and get some sleep. Only had one adult drink (at the meet up) and more liquid IV and nuun. Must hydrate for Saturday/Sunday.

Saturday: Slightly more race nerves than usual. Woke up about 5x during the night SURE that I had slept through my alarm, forgotten to turn it on, or had shut it off the first time it went off. Little bit of coffee, bowl of oatmeal, and took a half a water bottle with a full packet of tailwind to drink in the start corral. Drove the car to the HH at the resort for DH to retrieve later that morning. I looked around in what ended being the place for the meetup when I got to the start, but I must have been early or something, so I kept wandering through and got into my corral early to get off my feet and try to calm my nerves. At some point I saw @The Expert walk past and I was SO HAPPY to see a person that I "knew" so I tracked her down in the crowd and we ended up running most of the race together. I said one of my goals was a dark-sky castle (aka still lit up) pic, but I wasn't sure if I could make it because of how far back we were in the start groups. She agreed to run with me and if we got to a point where one of us wanted to run a different pace from the other that we would just do our own thing. Somewhere around mile 3 or 4 we saw a Miss Piggy with a long blonde ponytail sticking out of the back of a hat and discovered that we had come up on @SheHulk! So we ran with her as well until somewhere around Main Street. It cracks me up to look at the mile splits because after we got clear of the masses (mile 1) we ran around 13:00mm and then at mile 6 (where we split up for character/castle pics) it's over 25:00 for that mile. :rolleyes1:rotfl2: WORTH IT! I caught back up to The Expert somewhere around Grand Floridian and we ran the rest of the course together. It seems that our paces matched up pretty well and we were both willing to be flexible in our intervals and just wanted to coast to the finish to save something for Sunday.

Real talk. After this race my feet were killing me. So so so sore. We headed to DS so I could finally do some shopping before the crowds started to peak. We had a lunch reservation for Chef Art Smith's that I was SO EXCITED FOR. But since I didn't eat my snack box IMMEDIATELY after the race, and waited until I got back to the room, I had almost no appetite. I wanted to eat, but I just couldn't. Dinner was pretty much the same. I made myself eat.

My parents are "snow birds" who have a winter home a couple of hours from Orlando, and they drove over to see us the toddler for the afternoon. We hung out at the pool, which helped my feet and legs tremendously, and then it was an attempt at an "early" bedtime (8:30) so I could feel like a person and not a zombie on Sunday.

Massive fail on that. I went right to sleep. And then at 10:30 I woke up in the middle of some kind of anxiety attack. I maybe have ONE anxiety issue per year, and this one was a doozy. My brain was trying everything it could to convince me that there was absolutely no way I could run the full tomorrow. I was wasting my time. I wasn't really a runner and I wouldn't finish, soI should just turn my alarm off and sleep in. I should just vomit because THAT would mean I was *sick* and couldn't run in the morning. I was sweating, and then I was shivering. After about an hour I got myself calmed down, took another melatonin, and fell back asleep. And woke up 3 more times to check my clock. So I ended up with just under 4 hours of sleep and not the 6ish I was hoping for.

Sunday: More anxiety. Forced myself to eat some oatmeal, but couldn't even finish the single packet I made. I had intended to get to the meet-up but I was so tired that getting ready took me a lot longer than it should have, and I didn't get out the door until almost 3:00. Because we were changing resorts on this day (rented DVC points and limited availability basically tied our hands on this) the car was mostly loaded, and I didn't want to carry the stroller back up the stairs for DH/DD to use, so I decided to limp walk to the front to catch the race bus. Which was 0.75mi. The sidewalks are well-lit, so I didn't feel nervous or unsafe about the (long) walk on my own, but it was yet another mile on my feet going into what I knew would be a long day. Add another layer of anxiety. Moving can help calm me down, so DURING the walk was better, but once I was on the bus it all started back up. I had intended to do the meet up on this morning, but I felt like I just needed to get into my corral, breathe, k-tape my foot, drink my tailwind concentrate, and try to get my brain straightened out for the day. I stopped at medical and got tylenol for my feet on my way to the corral, and stopped and checked a bag with a sandwich, compression socks, and clean (dry) leggings for post race, should I need them. I also packed my half medal with intentions of going back to that golden mickey statue for a pic with all of my medals at the end, but I didn't have the additional half mile+ in me by the time I finished. The Expert came and met me in the corral a bit before the start and we went back over the plan for the day: attempt 14min/mi -ish pace through the castle, and then just stay in front of the sweep line. We figured we would have around a 30min start on the balloon ladies, and would have "earned" another 20min by the time we got through MK, so a full hour of cushion to make the day as enjoyable as possible, with time to slow down and do any must-have character stops. And then they expedited the start because of the forecasted high temperatures and that initial 30min cushion became more like 15min. We were tracking the pacers from the 7:00 and the updates were VERY delayed coming in, which made us both nervous, but we knew that 12:30pm was around the cutoff for finishing.

We ran 90/30 intervals through the castle (some extra walk breaks for aid stations or when we took fuel) and stayed mostly in the 14-15mm pace through mile 11, and then we experimented a little with inverting that and doing 30/90, which we decided was too long of a walk and did 30/60 for most of the remainder of the race. The Expert lived up to her screen name with all of the tips and tricks for getting through the long, hot miles. DON'T THROW YOUR SPONGES AWAY! I had never seen that specific bit of advice. Keep them for the next water stations and re-wet them. The ice bags felt SO good. And her unwavering enthusiasm and positivity were exactly what I needed. We saw SheHulk on the course again in her Gazelle costume (SO CUTE!) on the way to MK. And we did it! We both finished, and I know that she kept me going through some of those long highway stretches, and hopefully I did the same for her.

I ate about half of my sandwich before getting on the bus, and provided a good laugh for someone waiting for their mears/uber/taxi when I walked backwards off the bus and then limped back to DH and DD in the pool area. Finished my sandwich, the chips and cheese, and then had a bacon cheeseburger. TOTALLY different from how I felt about food on Saturday. Our room at Boulder Ridge ended up being ready early so I was able to shower there and pretty much tried to not move too much and keep my feet elevated for the rest of the night. Unlike my October marathon, after these 2 races I can report that I had ZERO blisters, and almost NO chafing. And no blisters under my toenails either!

We got a text alert at 7pm that our flight for Monday morning was a little delayed and I did terrible, exhausted math and decided we still needed to get up at around 2am to get everything back to the car and drive to the airport.

Monday: got up an hour earlier than we "needed" to. We took our time getting around, drinking coffee, eating some breakfast, stopped to fill the car up with gas, and still got to MCO early enough to miss the bigger crowds at security. It took us about 20min to get through, and that includes having to get a bag re-scanned because we forgot to empty the toddler's sippy cup. My legs and feet felt surprisingly good, and I was able to put the toddler on my back in her carrier to get through security, the terminal, etc. However, 2 hours waiting for the flight, 3 hours on the plane, and then a 4 hour drive home stiffened a lot of things back up.
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Fueling/hydration thoughts.
After reading the articles linked by @DopeyBadger last week-ish about hydration, I picked up a pack of liquid IV and made sure to have one of those every day we were down there, and at least one nuun on top of a lot of water. On race mornings I used half a bottle of water (about 8oz) and a full packet of tailwind to make a concentrate to drink in the corral about 30-45min before we were going to start. And instead of using mostly gels, this time I used stroopwaffles, honey stinger gummies, and an almond butter packet ( this one was only during the full.) I took a cup of powerade and a cup of water at every single aid station we passed. I had a banana at 2 of the 3 stations they handed them out during the full, and of course, the chocolate when we got into HS (I think that's where it was?) It seems that more "food-like" options work better for me, and I can look at my pacing and see where the caffeine kicked in during the back half. :rotfl2:

I didn't get that super-sick/overly-sugared feeling I got back in October. I didn't have the water-sloshing feeling I had in October. I needed to make a bathroom stop exiting HS, so I know I wasn't getting dehydrated. All in all, with a goal of simply finishing the distances, I think this strategy is definitely the direction I need to stick with for longer distances.

Billy. @DopeyBadger. There is absolutely no way I could have pulled this off without your help and training plans. Being able to fit running in around the circus that is 4 kids, sports, coaching, and just living my life was an enormous gift that I can't thank you enough for. Your plan helped remove so many obstacles and excuses that I would have made for myself with plans that almost all seem to have the really high mileage that I would never have been able to reasonably fit into my days.

Will I run another marathon? On Sunday I would have told you NO *#$%&)@ WAY. But now? I don't know. I still have mixed feelings (that anxiety attack really messed with me.) Maybe in a couple of years. Maybe when I turn 40 I'll do something utterly stupid like sign up for Dopey. And maybe if I'm really lucky @The Expert will come and run (some? all?) with me.

DH is already making comments about "next year" and leaving the toddler home with grandma, and what resorts he likes staying at and which ones he doesn't really care for. And asking me if I still need to sign up for the princess virtuals still (which I did on the day registration opened.) I think he would really enjoy having someone he knows run with him for the shorter races. So who knows what next year will bring. Guess I'll have to lurk around that 2023 thread. :magnify:
The Expert lived up to her screen name with all of the tips and tricks for getting through the long, hot miles. DON'T THROW YOUR SPONGES AWAY! I had never seen that specific bit of advice. Keep them for the next water stations and re-wet them. The ice bags felt SO good. And her unwavering enthusiasm and positivity were exactly what I needed. We saw SheHulk on the course again in her Gazelle costume (SO CUTE!) on the way to MK. And we did it! We both finished, and I know that she kept me going through some of those long highway stretches, and hopefully I did the same for her.

One thousand percent, you did!! ❤

Maybe when I turn 40 I'll do something utterly stupid like sign up for Dopey. And maybe if I'm really lucky @The Expert will come and run (some? all?) with me.

I'm IN!
What a great recap! You conquered the marathon in less than ideal circumstances: had a HM the day before, limited sleep, still did theme park life, and the weather could have been better. Kudos!

I'm so glad you and @TheExpert found each other. Sounds like it was a critical component to your success.

Billy. @DopeyBadger. There is absolutely no way I could have pulled this off without your help and training plans. Being able to fit running in around the circus that is 4 kids, sports, coaching, and just living my life was an enormous gift that I can't thank you enough for. Your plan helped remove so many obstacles and excuses that I would have made for myself with plans that almost all seem to have the really high mileage that I would never have been able to reasonably fit into my days.

Truly happy to help. The moment of what I assume to be pure joy when you crossed the finish line is why I do this. I know that feeling. I want others to be able to experience that as well. And finding ways to revolve running around someone's life rather than their life around running is what I strive to do. It's not always easy, but it's worth it.

Will I run another marathon? On Sunday I would have told you NO *#$%&)@ WAY. But now? I don't know. I still have mixed feelings (that anxiety attack really messed with me.) Maybe in a couple of years. Maybe when I turn 40 I'll do something utterly stupid like sign up for Dopey. And maybe if I'm really lucky @The Expert will come and run (some? all?) with me.

Sounds about right to me. I said the same thing in 2012 after crossing my first marathon finish line. I've run 15 more since. There's just something about the siren song of a marathon that keeps getting me to come back. Mostly probably because it takes a high level of dedication and will to pull it off, and yet you can still easily fail. Because of those failures, it makes the successes feel that much more satisfying. Not unlike I've heard about childbirth in that in the moment it is excruciatingly painful, but once you're out of that moment and holding the baby in your arms, you think, yea I could do that all over again, for this.
I am so impressed that you managed to train for Goofy with all of your family commitments. I have very much enjoyed reading your training journal because it makes a marathon seem doable for the mere mortals!
I'm glad you like it. It's a delicate balance to keep it real and walk the fine line between frank honesty and over-sharing. I have stopped a few pod-casts mid episode because the people doing them put the marathon distance up on this huge enormous pedestal. And I while I understand that there is definitely a level of training and commitment that a marathon takes, they fail to understand that there is a large section of runners who only want to *complete* the distance and aren't necessarily interested in *racing* the distance. Almost anything is doable if you have the time and dedication is takes to put in the work. :)
Awesome job! It seems like your husband may have caught the rundisney bug! I appreciate your insight on fueling and will have to consider trialing some real food once I move into marathon training. Gels work fine for the distance I am at now, but I can see how you might end up over sugared relying on them for such a long race.
Awesome job! It seems like your husband may have caught the rundisney bug! I appreciate your insight on fueling and will have to consider trialing some real food once I move into marathon training. Gels work fine for the distance I am at now, but I can see how you might end up over sugared relying on them for such a long race.

oh my husband just likes going to warm places in the winter. He did 0 training for his races, and I don’t see that changing unless his doc and cardiologist dangle the carrot of getting off some of his meds if he got really fit. (He definitely lost the genetic lottery for heart stuff because his diet/lifestyle are not the cause of his issues.) he knows if he goes along with my running these races that he gets a bonus vacation 😂
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This is the post where I ramble about what I'm signed up for this spring and what other races I might sign up for, and wonder how to fit it all on my plate while also adding in weight training and figuring out how to get my eating habits back on track, because YIKES on that last one. I think I'd like to have one half marathon "A race" to try to bring my time down from that almost-3-hours mark. And I'd like to get my 5k closer to 30min (and that distance is plentiful to find throughout the spring/summer) but I'm not sure if I'd be able to get the speed work in because of the stroller factor coupled with baseball season from April-June.

My legs feel shockingly normal today. I figured I would still be hobbling around at this point, but even stairs (and carrying the toddler up/down them) isn't giving me twinges. So that's good. I'll probably attempt some very light, very easy jogging next week.

SIL and I have agreed to start lifting "together" and I think I'm going to do Liift4 PLUS LO-booty one day per week, but I'm going to do the full workouts because I need the hiit component to lose some weight. Since it's 4 days/week (5 with the booty workout) and NOT hour+ workouts, that should leave me some time to run and hopefully not lose all of the fitness gains from 2021's training cycles. I should be able to complete the full program by the time we leave for spring break, which is when the SS weekend is. I also think I could reasonably do some of the lifting while DD is awake if I absolutely had to.

What I'm already signed up for:
-All of the princess races (virtual.) I don't necessarily feel like I *have* to do them in February, and I'm planning on simply completing the distances, and don't have any time goals aside from the 16:00mm pace.
-Springtime Surprise 10k (in person.) Running this with my SIL and again, this will be more about just having a fun experience than about time. She is way faster than me, but doesn't mind slowing down.

Things I'm contemplating signing up for (and I tend to overestimate the amount of time I'll have to train so this probably won't be realistic):
-North Mitten 5k/10k/half (just one of the distances, and probably not the half) May 29th. I ran the half for this last year and it was a lot more trail running than I was expecting. But the weather/temperature is usually pretty good. As this is a holiday weekend I can be sure that there wouldn't be any sports schedule conflicts.
-Glen Arbor Solstice 5k/half on June 18th. It'll probably be one or the other with North Mitten since they are only 3 weeks apart. I've looked at a few years of T+D for this date and its usually been around 130 during race hours. This is after school is out, so no sports schedule conflicts. I've mapped the course on garmin and it's pretty flat except for one bigger hill with about 260ft of gain over 0.80mi at mile 8 (followed by around 1.25mi of downhill.)
-Firecracker 5k I'm not sure if they would hold this on the 2nd (Saturday) or on the 4th (Monday) but it doesn't really matter. Local race. Stupid big hill at around 1.25mi, but since I ran this last year it would be fun to try to beat my time.
-Something in the fall but since DS1 and DS2 will be in hs XC next year, our weekends tend to be very booked up. It would probably have to be a Sunday race since they run at a LOT of big invitationals on Saturdays, which is going to cut down on the options. A lot of the local/smaller races haven't published their stuff on the usual signup pages yet, so I'm still waiting to see what's out there that isn't too far away. This would probably be the best choice for an A race from a weather/temperature perspective.
-MW 2023??? DH made some comments on the way home from Orlando this weekend, but sometimes it's just the Pixie Dust talking. Probably wouldn't do the full or goofy or dopey. Maybe the 5/10/half? No idea if this is even something on the table right now.
It's great that you are already feeling recovered after such a big race! I am doing the same as you right now and mapping out races and training for the coming year. I like the idea of doing at least one race that is the same to be able to compare times. Sometimes it gets hard to feel like you are progressing and having that head-to-head comparison can be so rewarding. Then, I love trying out new races and looking for a new favorite one. So many decisions!!
My legs feel shockingly normal today. I figured I would still be hobbling around at this point, but even stairs (and carrying the toddler up/down them) isn't giving me twinges. So that's good.

Me too, and I credit your push to continue doing walk/run intervals through the end of the full for a lot of that. I finished about 20 minutes faster (moving time on my Garmin) and with 1.5 more miles due to no course cut this year, yet I feel TONS better than in 2020. I also didn't fly home early Monday and walked around the parks quite a bit the day after the race.

I'm considering signing up for my local half in late April to see if I can jump from 2:42 to 2:30 for a POT. The course is a cumulative downhill and I have time to train. I'll also be at both the Princess and Spring 5K races in person. Planning for Dopey 2023. I have found that a fall 10K or Half is a good check-in race if you're training for marathon weekend, so that may happen as well.

If you can swing it, maybe look for one race a month and alternate distances so you can change up your training focus?
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I'm such an idiot some times. So I got all of my tabs open on my computer, pulled up a higdon base-program (because Billy has more important things to do than string together short EA runs for me for 3 months) and then matched up the rest days with liift4. I figured I could/should start at week 5 of 12 because hello i just ran a marathon and am not starting from scratch here and so that i would be back up to a 6mi LR before the 10k in April. And it looked totally reasonable. Right? 35-40min lifting. mostly 2-4mi runs.

And then I did the math on the workouts. 190min of "workouts" per week. Plus 110-235min of running per week. So like 6-7hours per week on average. Compared to my longest week of goofy training that was 6:40. :crazy: So. We will see. I'll give it a try and see how it goes.
Paging @michigandergirl with a question about the Millenium Meadows Marathon. There was a reference to the groundhog race and I wasn't sure if you had done any of the distances for the MMM race? Any info/details you could share? Trying to figure out a not-too-far away half that might fit in with my kids' running schedule this fall and this one looked like it had potential.
I have not run the Millenium Meadows races, but I have run the Groundhog for several years. Don Kern is the race director for the Groundhog, Millenium Meadows, & the Grand Rapids Marathon, and his races are very well organized with good swag and great post-race parties. There's plenty of parking at the start/finish and also a large pavilion and real bathrooms. I think the course is a little different than the Groundhog, but still very nice park scenery. Also if you are bringing your family, across the street from the start/finish, there is swimming and a splash pad at Millenium Park Beach (they also have kayak & paddleboard rentals).

I'll have to see how marathon training aligns, but I might actually do the 10K or half this year.


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